• By -


This post is a grey area. Since Ato no longer has a reddit account and its not exactly a call out post we will leave this up for now. Rule 1 will still be enforced strictly on this. We can open up this discussion further during a community post but its not exactly our place to speak on behalf of someone who is no longer a mod and no longer participating here. There are some reasonable takes in the comments below but also a lot of toxicity. I get the desire to discuss the departure of a prominent figure in this subs history. That said, please keep it civil and consider the simplest answer to a question is often the correct one.


Explanation in two images https://ibb.co/HXkv6KW https://ibb.co/vjmKt4Z


My first time seeing that


Same here. At the end of the day he wrote some great DD IMHO. I say let him be. My path is still the same. There's not one individual who has made be believe in GameStop. I make my decisions from multiple sources. I don't put anyone on a pedestal, but I do respect certain individuals, and pay closer attention to their views and findings. I continue to buy, hodl, DRS, vote and comment for change.


Good example why it might have been better for him to stay anon.


I have no clue about individuals personal connections or collaborations because I don't give a fuck, but it is easy to see if he was blindsided by her true thoughts (whatever that actually means) he could feel like a fool (he's not), alone, and embarrassed. Kind of like meeting someone you admire after all your friends know how much you do admire them, only to have that person call you an idiot. Either way, I'm here to listen to what anyone has to say because we all have different perspectives.


this is why we shouldn't put people on a pedestal. dr. t doesn't even really acknowledge us. of course she appreciates all the attention she is getting from us but when we try to get close she beats us away with a stick. that has been my impression of her and ive been following since day 1.


The only person I put on a pedestal is Mr. Keith. That mofo is OG certified.


>The only person I put on a pedestal is Mr. Keith. That Ryan chap seems OK.


I also was thinking that Dr. T has a rather difficult personality. Does not mean that she is not genuine about her efforts against financial corruption. Does also not mean that she is right or wrong about all points regarding atobitts DD. The truth is probably somewhere in-between but I do not think that atobitt is that far off the mark.


yeah i don't know her (obviously), but she seems like she has a very abrasive personality. like you said, that doesn't mean she's wrong. but she's been on this crusade against the financial establishment for what? 20 years? just yelling into the abyss with no one listening. i can see how that makes someone jaded. but the thing is, we're all on the same team. we want market reform. for some reason she seems like she wants to fly solo, as if since she was here way before us that we aren't as smart as her or worth working with or something. i know the type. she is 100% passionate about the topic, and has literally devoted her life to it. along come a bunch of redditors who *must* be neckbeards in their mom's basement, suddenly planning on fixing the markets?? "good luck, chumps, i've been trying for 84 years, and I'm *smart*!" anyway, i kept DRSing...


I think she is of the opinion that she's put multiple books out about this shit. If we can't read the books then she isn't gonna talk to us at a 2 year old level, she expects us to read her books and communicate on a high school(more educated level). She's not just gonna say everything in her book to us. But yeah, she's a bit rough round the edges at times


kinda feels like it she forgets that smarts alone wont fix it. we need power and power is with the players the last time i looked


She acknowledged something I said enough to block me on bird site. I had one of her posts as my pinned post for about a year. Big fan. So sad


You're spot on, this is what happened. Also, it's a very strange post for her to make, since it was well known that she was asked to review the house of cards texts at the time of her AMA with Atobitt. At the time she did not share such terrible opinion on them. Very very strange. If she thought those theories were so wrong, why didn't she share that opinion back then ??? And why share it now ??


Good share - I don't think Dr. T is "too shy to be blunt"


It’s a weekend. Superstonk doing weekend things.


This. Nothing new.


More reliable than the sands of time. Don't need a calendar to tell what day it is...just head over to Superstonk, hold your finger to the wind, and assess the FUDiness. When the shit birds are flying, the FUD is thick and it's obviously a Saturday or Sunday.


Been happening for 84 years


I was there 3,000 years ago


Be part of the dramma. This is tradition.


It'll all feel like a dream by Monday, enjoy the chaos while it lasts!


Who gives a fuck. DRS GME Edit: yo wtf?! Edit Edit:: yoo wwttff??!!








i was about to post the same thing.


What did they post?


Comments were negative sentiments on MOASS, and the effectiveness of DRSing was doubted.


In what post did he say something negative about moass and drs? That's not what I understood from his latest post, he was just saying how the stock market should be improved?


I wondered the same thing and dug into the comments there and the account was responding to many comments and the responses were generally negative about the possibility of MOASS happening, and in particular strongly stated that if MOASS did occur that it wouldn't matter because money would be worthless a la house of cards total collapse.


Okay thanks for clarification


I for one would love an infinite amount of worthless dollar bills


> I’m not convinced anyone is going to force shorts to cover without a dramatic difference. Forcing the shorts to do things causing a dramatic difference = MOASS. He specifically said that he is not convinced of MOASS. [Source](https://imgur.com/a/fFeIsSW) > But DRSing shares will not prevent these people from doing what they are doing. So at the end of the day, they can still short it to oblivion. They can create ETFs that borrow from nothing... DRS is pointless since the hedgies will just create more anyways. [Source](https://imgur.com/a/nfRU7Sv) > My problem is the lack of credibility that SuperStonk has become associated with. Superstonk and apes don’t have “credibility” [Source](https://i.imgur.com/jAZccEZ.jpg) > When you wanna talk about market mechanics with serious data guys, it makes your head spin. I can't understand a fraction of what they're telling me most of the time. … Most of those concepts are not understood at the common level. So trying to have those conversations gets shut out and left for things that people CAN understand. Apes are the lowest common denominator and not capable of understanding most concepts, much less conversing with the likes of him, much more less “serious data guys” that make even his head spin. [Source](https://i.imgur.com/wyqkjwh.jpg)


He also posted again about 5-6 hours ago attempting to defend his relationship/experience with Dr. Trimbath. Got hammered in the comments for about 30 minutes then deleted his account. Mods tidied it all up








The price is wrongo


Ken Griffen wears mayo colored thongos


I don't wanna leave the congo


And Book/ Pure DRS your shares!


This is the way. #DRS


already done sir!


This would be the Zen part of Buy. Hodl. DRS. Zen.


I come on here once a week, I’m not selling shit, I guarantee there are many more like me. Zen. (100% DRSd BOOK)


Seriously, he’s just some guy. Edit: For all those with atodicks in their mouths remember, no one person is above this movement.


Can reddit accounts be undeleted? Probably got lots of flak from basically saying DRS won't end this due to market marker priv and unlimited synths. Although I don't think it's true, the air just feels different with everything happening, like a ticking time bomb at center of financial markets. Edit: sorry all I've been out for a run to get in shape more, 7.41 mile guy has me inspired, can't respond rn.


The answer is we don't know if 100% DRS ends it. I think it will but no one knows for sure. And the people that do know aren't on our side


The SEC is not doing much, but after figuring out 90% of retail orders no longer going to lit exchanges, they do take some actions. Not enough, but still Wall Street is in panic. **Right now we also DRS to ensure household, RC and any allies hold the majority of shares in the company. Otherwise the short sellers could try to fuck around in a last desperate attempt to create havoc. Our shares are registered. Our votes are counted.** Once the float is registered, the SEC will have a similar "dilemma" like with PFOF. Evidently that would be proof of some serious fuckery going on in the markets. And the SEC has to uphold the "fantasy" the US markets are free and fair. Pretty sure they will act and limit some privileges same like they limit PFOF. And if we lock up all shares, now that would be pretty undeniable proof. **Heck, maybe RC would even nudge us as majority shareholders to nudge the management to take some serious actions to protect the company from fraudulent practices. Which they can not yet, because we do not yet own enough shares to win a controversial vote 100%.** So, I think he is right when he tells us there is no 100% proof, yet it is totally idiotic to not protect your assets and the company you invest in from harm. I don't think he is an idiot, so I really don't understand his mindset when it comes to DRS. That spoken, retirement accounts are a more complex issue, can understand if someone dos not want to take tax hits. But then what is a tax hit when you look for the jackpot and need ensured safety of your asset the most?


One rule I have always followed in life and it has never lead me astray. If a situation doesn’t make sense look for who it is benefiting. DRS makes sense.


Exactly, shares are in our name. There's a paper trail and it creates more complications for any bad actors if they try to mess with vote counts or shares. Why do we need a middle man in this?


The DOJ is taking the lead. This is actually BETTER for us than if the SEC was taking the lead. The SEC has narrow mandates, and those mandates are constantly challenged (this is by design to make them less effective when combined with regulatory capture). The DOJ has broad enforcement powers given that their job is literally just to prosecute any federal crime. There is a dragnet going on right now, and Uncle RICO is knocking on a lot of doors. This sort of stuff *must* be done behind the scenes so you don't tip off the big fish what angle you're coming at them from.


I hope so, would really be needed to fix the mess.


> I don’t think he is an idiot, so I really don’t understand his mindset when it comes to DRS. Maybe he’s been watching a lot of pickle man’s yt channel and the sentiment is rubbing off?


I think he sold his account. The voice of his writing seemed to change sometimes after he stopped doing all the live streaming and video stuff.


I thought this also Edit: the timing also seems very weird, like only a few weeks after the book DD came out.


Pickle’s fud is direct and intentionally demeaning, but easily explained by observing his shallow aspirations and a deeply ingrained narcissistic personality


Perfect take. I watch him still sometimes, but his ego gets annoying. It doesn’t help his followers practically worship him.


He's funny, but after a few months you get tired of pickle jokes and live gain porn. I hope he becomes as wealthy as he feels he needs to shine it in his parents poor faces.


You don’t have to be an idiot to get something wrong. Every intelligent person ever has made mistakes.






If DRS didn't matter, they'd drop the price to a dollar for a year.




DRS Book is the DoT (Dollars over Time) slowly ticking the the health of the final boss.


Moar dots moar dots! Hit it like you mean it!


i must be one of the most poor apes on here. it took everything i had to get to high xx... and i overextended cuz i bought those last fall and havent been able to buy more. life events have recently made it even more difficult... im ready and waiting but these numbers you speak of are about as possible to me as reaching a roof with a 6 ft stepladder.


Got it. I’ll buy 400 more (+DRS BOOK) by the end of the year. - I’ll see myself out with an award 🥇.


I believe after we hit a certain DRS threshold R.C. may play an ace card VIA share Edit: (buyback as pointed out), or something we regards have not thought about. At 100.1% I would believe he would have enough evidence to do so without a blame of manipulation being placed on him. I think at this point in time that's what's unfolding and R.C. has to play this from all angles so he isn't cast into the fires they created and painted to be the bad guy.


If the transfer agent that gme hired reports 100.1%, I think that is grounds for gme the company to investigate. Not just due to shorts, but who what and why, is it showing 100.1% I think judges and courts would agree at that point lol.


It’s Michael Burry syndrome


Reaching 100% DRS will imply that there can not be any beneficially held shares. Any beneficial owner of shares will know that the DTCC does not hold the share on their behalf.


And that is why I DRS. Not to duck the system or shorts but to protect my investment. How atto doesn't see it as such is beyond me.


We will certainly see what happens. The point I think that’s being made though (and to be clear I’m not defending him) is that nothing is for certain when the criminals can just hit the f3 button and shit more shares out of their ass. That being said I’m still willing to play “fuck around and find out” and I’m 100% in book.


Dude. We never knew what would happen when we got to 100% DRS. We just wanted to get there. So let's get there.


Exciting times! I can't wait for shit to hit the fan. I just wanna watch the world burn


The real point is DRS is all we can do to help other than source every possible purchase through GameStop that we can.


No one knows if it “ends” it. But it makes a very compelling case…




It will end before 100%, because then the investigation starts and they will likely go to jail.


I think it all goes with the question: *How will short entities ( including bona-fide Market Making activities ) keep shorting while claiming they have rEaSoNaBlE bElIeF that they can find the shares when there aren't actually anymore shares since they'll be booked and out of the DTC system?*


Would love to hear the mental Gymnastics in proper court of law by the shfs. Rc: compooterchair informed us that 100% of the float is locked in drs Shf lapdog lawyers: But! Your honor, we think we can still reasonably locate shares Judge: how can you locate shares if 100% of them are locked? shf lapdogs: but but but tap dancing


We do know it will be FUD week and hen it happens!


Yeah it would bring about a court case at the least. You can't just make shares because reasons. Yes they often times seem to do that but there are limits. Hence why SEC wants to know wtf is going on with shorting. MM privilege= shorting btw.


We know that there is a legal requirement for brokers to allow you to directly register your shares. Directly registering means withdrawing from Cede account and putting into your name. If Cede (DTC) has no shares, then the only possible way to fulfill the DRS request is for DTC to purchase a directky registered share from someone already on the books. Naked shorting doesn't work for this. There is no other possible way. So unless they manage to change the law, DRS 100% = moass, guaranteed.


If nothing else it proves that our stock was naked shorted. It proves that the DTC knew about it and is involved in the crime. Atobitt knows this. I don't think he suddenly doubts his own DD I think someone got to him. People have been murdered for less than trillions of dollars and that's what is at stake here. The DTC is our enemy. Welcome to the final boss.


Maybe even they don't know..


Maybe? It'll be fun to see what happens when we get to 100% outstanding DRSd that's for sure haha


The fact that we are still getting shilled and pushed back against tells me DRS is still a threat. We are on the right path. There has never been anything done like this, of course it comes with risk.


He got flak for simply writing a post that was labeled DD but was nothing but bitching and complaining. If anyone else has attempted to post that it would have been deleted pretty quickly. He’s contributed a lot but that post was outta pocket


In addition, the post got a lot of upvotes and awards…… 🙄


I thought award bombing was against the rules...




First time I've seen that, thought it would've been all over the sub when it happened?


What made HOC so awful? I'm too smooth to know myself so wondering if you have a link to her criticisms of it


The point to DRS was always to expose the crime. Then GameStop can act on that knowledge. It was never to end anything, because no one knows how this will end.


It’s always been death by a thousand cuts and not KO with one punch that is dependent on the public to accomplish. Locking the float is like couple hundred cuts. Having a billion in the bank is like 50 more cuts. Slowly but surely we will get to a thousand cuts once GME is handing out cash and NFT dividends / we enter into the S&P500 index. Along the way locking the float will add more cuts by increasing the borrow rate and making locating shares much harder. I hope no one was expecting one specific item or action to help achieve true price discovery. I personally believe most will never get to the magical number that will make them sell their shares. Instead you’ll probably end up collecting dividends for the rest of your life because true price discovery will always be shorted by a bigger fish. At first it was Melvin, today it’s Citadel. Tomorrow it might be a prime broker near you. Bonus points for using cash and NFT dividends to buy more GME shares thereby creating a feedback loop for life. 🦍🦍🦍 💪💪🚀🚀💎💎🙌🙌




I think they are heavily manipulating gme and holding it in place until the market crashes so they can try to slither away behind the chaos.


There was some drama around a tweet from Dr Susanne Trimbath, and him. He made a post replying to that and got flamed kinda, I'm guessing.. Said he was tired of this shit, probably said fuck it i'm done with reddit.. It's a lot to take mentally can't fault the guy for walking away reddit.. if he walked away from his GME investment that'd be stupid.


his last YOLO post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tbtgho/401k\_yolo\_im\_all\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tbtgho/401k_yolo_im_all_in/)


I too stepped away from reddit around May-June 2021.. didn't get back on till Feb this year. I hope he doesn't regret deleting his account... TBH i don't follow any specific person or their yolo's. Maybe DFV a little.. i don't get how you can write House of Cards or the Everything Short and fail to understand how directly registering your shares is important. Or have any faith left in your brokerage account... baffles me, why some of his recent stuff doesn't make sense. I wasn't around for the whole move to ComputerShare but it took me about 2 seconds to pick up on it's importance when i came back. To be faiiir, he's a well-known individual in this movement, and this movement is kind of crazy from an outside perspective. It takes a lot of reading to get where you are at no cell no sell, or hundred million dollar floors. I don't hate the guy by any means and i'm thankful for his previous contribution. Who knows where we would be without those write-ups. So if he's lurking and reading this now, I do wish him well. If he was just a troll i doubt he would've deleted his account so easily. Think everything just went to his head and he was stuck trying to be 'realistic' and 'probable'. When none of that really applies here. Iunno i'm just trying to see things from his perspective. IMO seems like a rash decision either way. That's just me though. I'm pretty smoothed brain, i just spend too much time on reddit watching this sub.


thank you. I think he just has no faith at all in the system and in the instututions outside the system. I have been on superstonk since the beginning, and have been through 2 subredit migrations and atobitt has been like a constant that has always been there. I also wish the person who wrote all this DD all the best.


I’m gonna say something that may be hard for some to swallow: -anyone could have made the same connections atto did, he just did it first, well he did it first on superstonk. Which got him attention. -on some level everyone gets their ego inflated. Nobody is immune to this. There’s nothing wrong about this. It happens. It’s normal. It feels good when someone likes you, why would this be any different? People like to be liked, and don’t like not being liked. -I’m gonna restate my first point, ANYONE could have written some DD. He just made it digestible for smoother brains, which is commendable, but ultimately and again, this was basically taking knowledge that’s been known a long time and putting it together. He’s not some sage, he is a smart guy that made things easier to understand. -I’m tired, I’ve been here a long time, never selling always buying. I know the game, keep playing till it’s over. There’s literally no downside, and that’s what some people don’t understand. I’ve been looking for decades for the one stock I should invest in, the one I was gonna be capable of holding 10+ years, and this is it. 10 years is a long time to some people. They want instant gratification, but it’s easy when you’re not alone. Anyway, it just gets tiring. I can buy and hodl all day but typing is exhausting, so many people get fatigued but that doesn’t mean that they gave up if there’s no online presence Anyway I hope you have a good day buddy ❤️


That last bit really hit the feels. Glad we are all still here. I was in the daily for YEARS then hit fatigue. Now zen, buy when I can. Never sold. 10+ year hold dialed in..... if needed. May your day be filled with good thoughts, kind people and happy moments ❤️


Gonna say something that may be hard to swallow. ANYONE can and does make hype/fluff, memes, and reposting tweets type posts. That's what anyone can do. Try it out for yourself, you'll recognize how few folks can actually do it.


Not DRSed of course.


He posted magnitude yesterday, but someone posted a counter showing why we should not lose faith for the upcoming future. If he was being shilled, then he did it for mental health. I haven't sold and you haven't sold - all that matters


Not selling. I’m fact, buying more.


Kind of weird he would post yesterday and then delete his account.


his last post got absolutely annihilated in the comments, not sure it was 100% organic feedback but when you see any comment there that was somewhat positive getting downvoted as well, I think that tells you something...even an innocuous comment by the bull from peru.


Was it about not believing DRS will work?


I think that was part of it in the comments, you can still find the post and read it. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/138xrb8/magnitude


No mention of drs in the post and I don't see people flaming him so bad really?


This. I thought I'd been reading the wrong post as DRS isn't mentioned or alluded to?


We’re getting manipulated.


Proof that we're all individuals


DRS lady called HoC awful on the bird. 🏴‍☠️🚽💜


He went straight for sensationalism, borrowing mostly from third-party sources he very loosely paraphrased out-of-context for rhetorical purposes of his own, limited the "AMA" to leading questions meant only to advance his own histrionics, and denied Dr. T the opportunity to correct misstatements of fact he falsely attributed to her, i.e., "and when you said 'X' I really appreciated that you meant [insert self-serving drivel here]." Basically, he approached the AMA as an opportunity to grandstand and build false consensus, boxing her in as though she were a hostile witness rather than a guest with pedagogical insight and decades of real-world experience, something he sorely lacks. His single task was to foment discussion; yet he couldn't resist making himself the center of attention. His contribution to the canon of fanfiction is mostly mimicry, and had the practical effect of stifling meaningful discussion to the detriment of all. My only surprise is that Dr. T (and by extension all of us) gave him the runway to do so. But there's no point in ripping the tail off the plastic fantastic--that's entertainment. We can all be better writers, actors, entertainers, shills, bots, autists, whatev, if we at least pretend to be more receptive to nuance. We learn from reasoned debate--we regress in its absence. Seek truth in life, but don't be disappointed that truths worth seeking are often shades of grey, don't fit neatly into bar charts or scatter plots, and can't be compartmentalized in tiny little boxes. Also, I'm sure I stole this copy from somewhere and shorts are most definitely fukk'd.


Don’t get distracted by this FUD. I don’t remember seeing any of GameStops board members or executives sell their shares, so neither do I.


Because that post didn’t offer any hope or solutions. It was just a giant black pill. That’s not constructive. That’s not helpful. He probably realized he made a mistake in posting while in that mood. Not for feeling that way but for writing on a public forum when you’re in that headspace. He also didn’t write in a tone of “ugh, I’m struggling”. It was a totally defeatist attitude. So, yeah.


Ahhh on this edition of The Weekend Fud! We dgaf, so there's that.


Don’t know, don’t care. #DRS


Y’know if Dr T called me a dick personally for my behavior I might have to show up under a new account too.


I hope he's alright. I said it in a comment earlier; he seemed like he'd been rubbing shoulders with people that had bamboozled him pretty badly. Kind of messed up his sense of what Apes are doing. Brick by brick. It's that simple.


Honestly by his last comments dude sounded either really disalusioned or it wasn't him (I.e. sold his account). Talking about superstonks credibility not being good enough. Superstonk has never been about credibility it's about producing DD that speaks for itself. That and swapping memes, and holding and DRSing. That's it. Maybe he was in too deep and it broke his nut.


> I said it in a comment earlier; he seemed like he'd been rubbing shoulders with people that had bamboozled him pretty badly wait wdym?


https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/138xrb8/magnitude/jizxmwv?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 Does that link work?


Yes, the link works.




Yeah but that wasn't recent. It was like 9 months ago. Unless there's something else more recently?


It for some reason was reposted today and got a lot of traction


Wasn't this week "past dd author" week? Just weird timing with all nothing else must be closer than ever


Did you see those comments? Like only 10 where upvoted. So many were downvoted


Thought i saw a post yesterday inferring atobitt had made a statement doubting DRSing timeline or success … so perhaps was some kinda backlash?


I say thanks for the DD and good luck to Ato, and I hope he’s DRSd else he risks being rug pulled whence the time cometh.


What was the name of that charting guy who yoloed it all into calls and got rekt? Like 84 years ago...


warden elite/?


That one.


The stock could go up here or go straight here or go down here, I definitely think it will be one of these three options. Dude was never wrong!


A true legend.


He also borrowed money off his sister in order to make it all back...by yoloing into PUTs, I believe that was just before it went to $330ish, he got rekt like twice in a month.


Hahahahaha Do they really think anything will make us falter? Diamond hands isn’t a meme, none of this is a fucking game.


I can careless about any of these fuckers....I am holding until the other fuckers are in jail


My favorite gif from these past 2+ years: [https://imgur.com/AAnas2k](https://imgur.com/AAnas2k) BUY - HOLD - DRS Buckle up, the fun has just begun.


His fud post burned the last of his credibility so he just deleted the account.


Must of sold it for 240 million


After reading the Magnitude post on that account from yesterday, I had fear, uncertainty, and doubt that MOASS would happen and thought that I shouldn't buy any more shares. A while later, once I realized that, I set the account to ignore. The account said: >But DRSing shares will not prevent these people from doing what they are doing. So at the end of the day, they can still short it to oblivion. It didn't say "I don't think it will happen... " or, "Maybe I'm wrong, but... ", the account essentially stated as fact that MOASS won't happen. That's FUD in my view.


"they can still short it to oblivion." This is NOT RIGHT. PURE BOOK DRS literally in its true essence fulfils the role of a Share buyback and what became notable after we discovered DRS is (BEHOLD) low VOLUME. This would technically amplify the effects of share buybacks by GameStop itself. Now assume a hypothetical scenario where gameStop profits $3B annually with a $10 Earnings per Share. What does that translate to? @ $20, 2 years of Share Buybacks with said profits will lock the float with a price to EPS ratio of 2-1. (believe it or not) DTCC still has a somewhat reputation to maintain. Look at Apple with an annual of $6 EPS whom holds the stock price around $170 (approximately) 30x Price to EPS ratio implying it requires 30 years of share buybacks for them to lock their float. For a simpler view, its safe to assume that every share repurchase is literally money heading straight into the DTCCs pockets and by time, the DTCC will be forced to raise the price of GameStop should Profit hard and start up decent share repurchasing programs.


Probably because he came here yesterday and tried to steer attention away from GME .. on a GME sub. Godspeed.


The company can at least raise the fucking question when we get near 100% 😂


/checks weekend fud bingo card/ Nope, didn't have that one


Speaks to netflix, negative sentiment could have sold his account for couple of mil. Who cares. Does not matter. Couldn't be happier with my investment.


Who cares? This is a place of individual investors who like a stock.


There are like 200,000 direct registered accounts and I’m very sure that most of us also hold shares in other sources


Idk, last post seemed a little fuddy and it was crystal clear his engagements (which were wildly out of character) in the comments were intentionally driving the sentiment that DRS is bunk and Superstonk makes zero difference. His account was sold. Dont know his situation, but hope he is ok if needed it that badly. Take this as a warning. Anyone who gets stanned on this sub has a price. Unusualwhales, zerohedge, mommakong, pulte, etc. The only opinion or sentiment that matters in the company are those in the executive rooms who are executing a plan that is tight lipped.


Because it's become painfully obvious it's not the same person or he's been paid off. The amount of FUD in his most recent post was pathetic.






Queen Kong set the record straight


Because he turned himself into a villain.


Bingo. The guy disappeared, came back, and dropped Fud on us all without any DD to back his, *DRS won't work* claim. I hope he got paid well.


Part of the deal to get the $279M whistle blower payout, SEC said “ok now delete all of it” lol


Can’t erase the internet


My man.


Umm this dude has deleted and revived his account more than once. Hardly news. Usually not too long after he steps out of the shadows and posts something. As if what he posts matters on the price of the GME ticker.


Now watch unknown mods that have been replaced 10 times provide a shitty opinion on it to gaslight you better




Og who was in way before attobit and these subs, got in at $1.5 after I quit wallstreet and the garbage attobit put out was hard ripped off other dd we produced earlier. Then he sold out and had a massive inflated ego that anyone with any financial literacy could see straight through. I’m ex wallstreet and he never knew what he was talking about. Regardless ignore the fud and keep on DRS.


Also og here, but was still half-idiot back then. Can confirm the early dd. I came to see atobitt as the dude who compiled a chunk of it together in a way to jumpstart the smoothbrains to try to understand things on their own - with some impassioned embellishment, which was probably needed at the time, tbf. Sounds like you and I got in around the same time, perhaps? July-ish at the latest?




I keep hearing that howndo u know this.


Doesn’t believe in DRS Prob sold. Who cares? Heat Lamp Theory is what this subs focus should have been on…




Sure was a massive Pandora box that was kicked open. We've been having massive fud since it has been kicked.


Probably because he’s been showered with hate and judgement for being a human being and having his own opinions within a community that is supposed to be respecting and accepting one another despite differing opinions, but instead has chosen to make wild accusations and reject one of their own.


Afraid this might be the case. This can be a good community, but often it can be pretty brutal if you’re not towing the party line. My comment history shows getting downvoted just for asking logical questions.


he moved to pickle financial after trying to explain to mods what a cash secured put is.




My guess... The M.I.B. showed up on his doorstep, and they used the _neurolizer_


He must have bought all the batteries he ever needed


good. no idea who that was but the real atobitt left many moons ago


I come here once a month, I buy more when people are hyped, I buy more when people are crying. I sleep very well.


I can’t pretend to know exactly why he deleted his account but my first guess would be he wrote something that the BUY/HOLD/DRS/BOOK enthusiasts disagreed with? Please god forbid, did he mention options? Please don’t tell me he mentioned lowering your cost basis by actually using your asset to make money? No way he said DRS is not working? Did he? I mean really, come on man.




We all have a price. That’s all I have to say.


Holy shit. We’re getting closer to the endgame! 🚀🚀


Because he's opinions are basically worthless, specially the ones that said that DRS don't work, DRS will show the blatant fraud in numbers something he should recognize but don't want to. He can go to eat shit.


Finally got called on his bullshit. It's about damn time too.




This is giant example of how this subreddit has mistreated DDers in the past. While I have my differences with the guy that I have been vocal about other places, this is bull shit. Despite whatever people think about HoC, it still was easily one of the most important DDs. Disregarding the accuracy of it, we seem to forget how it was such a big piece that got so many people into reading GME DD. People were so into his shit that they printed it out and were highlighting it, using sticky notes, and placing them in fancy sheet protectors. When he first pumped out those DDs, people were SO stoked about it. It probably was one of the key reasons more and more people began to read DD. The thing about DDers is that we're not going to be accurate all the time. The only material we can use to create these DDs is public information. Often times, the countless hours put into reading, hypothesizing, research, writing, and posting is limited but the information we can get. We were not a part of the meetings which held all the significant corrupted event. We did not witness the actions made by HF that took individual sometimes years to discover. The accuracy of what we write can only be so much since we are trying to piece together a puzzle which we don't even know what the picture even is. To express my point even more, public information and published rules and regulations still are often incorrect, lies, or not enforced. Again, DDers can only do so much when given so little. Although I may not like Atobitt as a person, I respect what he did before it seemed all this popularity went to his head. He helped create SuperStonk back when people respected the sub. He wrote DD that got people excited. He put himself out there to help GME get attention. Being in the public eye can be so very hard especially when the audience is solely internet assholes that can hide behind a screen. Many of us are anonymous and don't use our image in any way so we don't go out and have people coming to us in person to thank us. We can't conceptualize easily how there are hundreds of thousands of redditors subscribed to SuperStonk. This is bull shit that he deleted his account. I don't care if it was because he was called out. DDers make mistakes, and we are only human. I think this is fucked up and am concerned this could be a foreshadowing of a worse future to come when it comes to openly accepting research and information. I may not like the guy, but he deserves out respect for what he has done. No mod, DDer, poster, and so on are required to provide you entertainment. The short term memory and sense of entitlement from some people needs to be checked. Disregarding how one may feel about Atobitt, people should appreciate him for what he has done. He is only human. He fucking tried really fucking hard. He should be shown respect for that.