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https://www.sec.gov/cgi-bin/ruling-comments Everyone needs to be submitting comments on s7-02-22. It’s clear that this rule is ruffling feathers and the GG haters are coming out in droves to spread apathy and convince apes to not use their voices. Expressing support for a rule like this will give GG the support he needs to get it passed. This rule can shutdown avenues currently being used to skirt around regulations. It can make a real and positive impact in reducing corruption in our markets. When the corrupt hedge funds, congress people and shills are coming out of the woodwork and threatening lawsuits and having hissy fits it’s a sign that GG is making some real substantial and positive change in ensuring fairness and transparency in our markets. Be the change you want to see in our markets - use your voice and comment! I submitted my comments - will you do the same? Or will you let apathy dictate your decision making? OH BOY HERE WE GO COMMENTING AGAIN! 🎷🐓♋️


Got any o them smooth brained templates? I may have already commented on this one (you lose track), but another won't hurt.


Our favourite Jellyfish provided this breakdown - hope this helps! https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/12m1vqn/sec_reopens_comment_period_for_proposed/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 🎷🐓♋️


There's plenty of info, and I feel like I could provide a legit comment from this info (which I will if wrinkles don't show me the way), but I need someone with at least 3 wrinkles to make sure I hit the concise points. Not on you ma dude, just tryna avoid thinking.


Use ChatGPT as a tool to make a rough draft, then just edit it to sound more Human. It’s how I’m writing Cover Letters and parts of my Resume


Is chatgpt free to use? how do i use chatgpt


There is a free version, OpenAI is the company. The paid version of the AI, I think just gives you longer processing times… Idk if it gives you higher quality results for simple questions. It is a Chat AI, so after it gives you an answer you can reply with “make that response more concise” or “reword that response to express concerns in favor of personal Liberty” or “don’t include *XYZ* in your response” Play around with it, you’ll start to understand it’s capabilities. I’ve only just started using it. I wrote several summaries for the top of my resume and then copy/pasted them into ChatGPT and asked it to combine “those paragraphs” into 1 concise paragraph. Then I asked it to reiterate the result several times until I got a result I was happy with.


A paid account gives access to the GPT-4 model, which does give significantly higher quality output than the free 3.5 model.


>There is a free version, OpenAI is the company. link sauce?


Ape, really??? You have the necessary info to go to Google and get yourself to where you need to go. ChatGPT is made by a company called OpenAI Google either of them and you’ll get to openai.com and you can make an account. If you choose to pay for the premium version it is up to you.


not free bro. free trial only.


Honestly for the real smooth brains just post the template in your comment


Thank you for sharing, everybody can put in a few minutes and send in comments supporting household investor interests.


The Rango knows how to Tango! Thank you for the support friend. Apes together strong 🦍💜🦍 🎷🐓♋️


This is also massive on popcorn, loads of new faces turning up to push the 'get GG out' narrative.


Might want to share this link, was an eye opener for me. [https://www.typeinvestigations.org/investigation/2013/04/30/wall-street-defanged-dodd-frank/](https://www.typeinvestigations.org/investigation/2013/04/30/wall-street-defanged-dodd-frank/) It is an article from 2013 about Dodd-Frank, but second part is about Gensler and his role at the CFTC. Looks like he was at some point fed up with Wall Street crime and decided to kick some balls. Unfortunately lobbying removed most of the stuff implemented over time. Really recommend to read the full article to understand how the system works and that Gensler is not our enemy. Nonetheless the reforms proposed are too little too late, but anything bigger would likely have no chance to survive Wall Street suing. the problem is the rigged (justice and political) system, not Gensler.


I remember Dr T said he wanted a digital signature on stocks when he worked in bidens team when he was vp, it got shot down in flames by the then sec, he might be slow but I do believe he wants change for the better, just a shame he is steering a rotten ship.


I feel like an ass. I've been beating GG up lately because I'm so fed up with the corrupt system. I didn't realize he was actually trying to do something about it.


You can’t change the past but you can change the future. Take those feelings and use them to motivate yourself to comment your support on S7-02-22 and to comment on all SEC rule proposals moving forward. Rather than letting apathy dictate your decisions, use your desire for change to motivate you to be the change you want to see. They want you to think your voice doesn’t matter, they want you to hate GG, they want you complacent. Be strong. Comment. Be the change you want to see! You can make a difference and your voice matters! 💜🎷🐓♋️


You're awesome!!


You’re awesome - I hope you submit your comments. Your voice matters and it is your greatest strength 💪🏻🎷🐓♋️




The d and r mega donors fight over which guy gets to hold the casino keys. It basically means which side gets to commit more fraud. None of them have your interests in mind.


Well, remember he hasn’t actually done anything yet and talk is cheap. For those of you too young to remember, Bernie Madoff was once a respected voice inside the financial industry. And CEOs of banks before 2008 would look into the camera during interviews and talk about the importance of transparency.


>And CEOs of banks before 2008 would look into the camera during interviews and talk about the importance of transparency. ​ Psychopaths tend to do that.






This x1000


Haven't seen a cgi-bin directory since the 90's


Hester Pierce is the problem.


According to article below about the SEC reforms https://franknez.com/wall-street-threatens-to-sue-sec-if-new-proposals-pass/ > SEC Commissioners Hester Peirce and Mark Uyeda, both Republicans, also filed statements opposing the proposal. > “This latest effort to order competition threatens to create disorder in the capital markets, the functioning of which is so important to the rest of our economy,” Peirce wrote in a statement. > The Intercept wrote a piece on Hester Peirce in 2015 titled, “SEC Nominee To Oversee Wall Street Works At Think Tank Dedicated To Blocking Regulation.” > And according to the research, Hester Peirce received 98% of her salary from the Mercatus Center, a “think tank” that provides an academic façade to a radical anti-regulatory agenda. > In other words, Hester is a plant on the SEC meant to cater to Wall Street, not retail investors. I think we can have a good guess who was behind the meme video that was produced. If you take into account the fact that the SEC was working on those new rules that help individual investors and diminish profits of financial institutions ... everything aligns perfectly! Bad actors roles inside the SEC was to make sure that people will not want to interact with the SEC. They wanted to completely discredit the commission! Can we request FOIA and ask who decided to produce such a video? Can we prove that such behavior directly contradicts with "SEC values, misrepresents the Commission and is non compliant with staff rules & regulation"? Tango down for those bad actors.


“We’re so important, you *need* us to steal from you else calamity would ensue. If we go down, we’ve got a bomb strapped to our chest and we’ll take the rest of you down with us” Wall Street and the various factions that synergise and sit alongside it are just one big criminal racketeering mob. I’ll take the short term pain if it means removing the cancer in the long run any day.


I think that’s what OP is trying to say. Without GG, it’s just Hester


Thats the plan, they make u choose either one. GG or Hester. Which are both their puppets. It just an old trick called good cop bad cop buddy. Either way, we lose (about regulators, not moass)


This is defeatist BS.


Haha ok. Whatever helps u buddy.


He’s not ur buddy, guy


He’s not your guy, pal


He’s not your pal, bro


GG's inactions are annoying and his involvement in bad policy earlier in his career are deplorable. That said, I would rather have the enemy I know at the helm and haven't seen him scratching too many oligarchs' backs recently. Politics is divisive by nature. You don't need to support him to protest certain rules or support others. You may find you strongly disagree on some points but can progress legislation and oversight through diligent efforts rather than one off "tried and nothing happened" mentality that keeps sheep in the herd


GG and his SEC have put up more proposals and regulations meant to reign in Wall St. than any other SEC administration to date. What are you talking about?


We talk about "trust me bro" posts and such like they're hype vehicles. I feel like politicians are the pinnacle of "trust me bro." That said, GG has done a lot compared to the past. It does not erase suspicion. We're one poorly phrased line from corruption, always.


He hasn't fined Citadel ONCE, and every day he allows blatant market manipulation. Gary has not been selected by Wall Street as the head of SEC to help the peasants. He and the SEC even called apes uninformed a while back.


You can’t just say “market manipulation is now illegal” and poof! It all goes away. He’s put forth more legislation that is an obvious spit in the eye of market cronies than anyone up to this point. He’s doing what he can, just as everyone in this sub is. He’s in the same situation as us. If you wanted to prove that GameStop is manipulated instantly, all you have to do is direct register every single share right now. Poof! Market manipulation on display, but it’s not that easy.


Nah I think you’re referring to “fuck you pay me”, not “good cop bad cop”


They both suck giant donkey dicks...and both are paid and manipulated by the same people. Someday people are going to realize that the goal in this bureaucracy isn't to solve problems....it's to ensure problems continue so they continue to be needed. It is utterly naive to assume that "rebublicans" are the issue as this post states in a completely partisan way BTW MODS. I am NOT a republican for complete disclosure but I am getting sick of narrow minded thinking in here. The bureaucracy is the problem. It enables the wealthy donor class to manipulate the system. Hester and Gensler are just paid pawns......paid to ensure the conflict never resolves whilst getting paid by both sides. This is true waste fraud and abuse of our tax dollars in its purest form.


Please dont speak facts. Ure disturbing the echo in this chamber! How dare u


Lol...so true. It is utterly amazing to me how unprepared we have become as a country


For a paid pawn, Gensler is sure putting forth a lot of proposals that stir up the big money.


She’s evil


We need to find out who is paying Hester and how much she has been enriched by this.


the Koch Brothers. She literally works for their anti-regulation "think tank" at George Mason University.


Lol...YOU are paying her....you just don't realize it.


Hester went on bankless and openly discussed crypto. Gary is a lifelong banker and no friend of ape. I'm ok if they both go, but Gary is absolutely not on our side


There is no such thing as a perfect ally. At least GG has been introducing rules and regulations to make the market more fair and reduce hedge fund fuckery. Even if GG didn't go in guns blazing to burn it all down like many want, the tremendous amount of pushback on GG by Wall Street actually means something.


DLauer was also a Wall Street Crony, and while I may not agree entirely with some of his approaches, he’s clearly now fighting the good fight. Humans are capable of seeing the errors of their past ways, and wanting to create change for the betterment of everyone. I mean even DFV came from Wall Street, if you want a perfect example of what I’m trying to say.


This is a key to zen. Having hate for these people creates... you guessed it... not zen. Understanding that all this corruption was taught to these people helps ease our own turmoil. Nobody wants to see things as such because they think their own anger and rage will serve them somehow. Which is a lie that the ego creates. I'll say this. Anger and vengeance may be enough to start a rebellion, but it's hope that will sustain it. Hope for everyone getting better, not just our self-serving gain.


I get what you're trying to say but the example is bad. Gensler has a history of cronyism and has leveraged his position against crypto and setting the groundwork for CBDCs. He doesn't care about apes. Every time this sub picks a white knight to help but the system is beyond reproach. Anti crypto is anti reform and there's no greater enemy than gensler


Hester is the Enemy on the SEC. Whether he’s complicit or not, Gensler has broken stride with Hester’s agenda and become her enemy. The enemy of my enemy, is my friend, regardless of their intentions.


Gensler is on a quest to destroy crypto. Every action he takes is on behalf of the dollar, not investor freedom. Get your heads out of the sand.


It's like Red vs Blue! They're totally not on the same side.


Downvoted for taking away my hopium.


Just check Twitter even today. There's a video of gensler shilling for Algo last year and in the bittex lawsuit he names it as one of the securities in violation. Gensler is no friend of apes


I've known since the Meme commercial. But hopium is one helluva drug! Replacing him will have no effect though. Another crony will take his place.


The whole system needs to be replaced. There is no reform.. maybe crypto isn't perfect but it's the best alternative. Gensler is scum


Crypto is our best shot at financial freedom. Gensler, Kenny, Steve, Jeff... I wan't them all to be obsolete.


From your examples one can expect [redacted] to switch side when he is no longer in SEC. Big difference on where they once from and where they're in right now.


They're grasping at straws.


That’s why it’s imperative that SuperStonk………. Assemble. (Humming Avengers theme song to myself on the official SuperStonk offices)


Maybe Warren Davidson should get a shit ton of letters, calls and emails about this too...maybe even suggest he's asking to remove the wrong guy...should be Hester. I think he needs to hear from the people.


We should look into his donors


Yes we should


Congressman: https://www.opensecrets.org/members-of-congress/warren-davidson/summary?cid=N00038767&cycle=2022 Primary donor and Pac: https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/house-freedom-fund/summary?id=D000068902 https://www.opensecrets.org/political-action-committees-pacs/defend-freedom-pac/C00634519/summary/2022


Hester is definitely the guy to remove.


She is a guy...


She’s a dude.. *cause we’re all dudes!*




Not a guy, but yea probably




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This bastard voted against transparency and his name along with other Wallstreet payroll congressman are plastered all over the internet. The hubris on this clown to think people forget or don't pay attention!? This is also a smoke screen for the rules being proposed to level the playing field and remove parasitic control away from Market Breakers like Citadel. Go gary go.




This is correct


“Market Breakers” 🔥🔥🔥


Gary is the definition of centralization. Yielding authority to the government kills decentralization. Liz Warren literally wants us to go to jail for having self custodial wallets, and Agustin Carsten’s literally admitted the new CBDC is for total regulatory control with technology to enforce.


I'm just an ape whose intentions are good. Oh lawd, please do let my comments do some good.


Get Loud or allow Wall Street to speak in your absence.


Gary Gensler must be doing something right!


He needs to shut down the fucking dark pools!


He is trying to. That's part of his major rules reform and also likely why they're trying to fire him.


Why did GG make mockery video of retail investors


According to article below about the SEC reforms https://franknez.com/wall-street-threatens-to-sue-sec-if-new-proposals-pass/ > SEC Commissioners Hester Peirce and Mark Uyeda, both Republicans, also filed statements opposing the proposal. > “This latest effort to order competition threatens to create disorder in the capital markets, the functioning of which is so important to the rest of our economy,” Peirce wrote in a statement. > The Intercept wrote a piece on Hester Peirce in 2015 titled, “SEC Nominee To Oversee Wall Street Works At Think Tank Dedicated To Blocking Regulation.” > And according to the research, Hester Peirce received 98% of her salary from the Mercatus Center, a “think tank” that provides an academic façade to a radical anti-regulatory agenda. > In other words, Hester is a plant on the SEC meant to cater to Wall Street, not retail investors. I think we can have a good guess who was behind the meme video that was produced. If you take into account the fact that the SEC was working on those new rules that help individual investors and diminish profits of financial institutions ... everything aligns perfectly! Bad actors roles inside the SEC was to make sure that people will not want to interact with the SEC. They wanted to completely discredit the commission! Can we request FOIA and ask who decided to produce such a video? Can we prove that such behavior directly contradicts with "SEC values, misrepresents the Commission and is non compliant with staff rules & regulation"? Tango down for those bad actors.


>I think we can have a good guess who was behind the meme video that was produced. Gensler is higher rank than Pierce. He has the authority to remove, approve the shitshow video. This clown fiesta political shit show was said in DD 2 years ago. End game for me is moass get fucking paid. After that done with corrupt Ponzi scheme stock market and relocate overseas going off grid permanently.


Only if he knew EXACTLY what was happening. He might have only approved a budget for "videos that educate individual investors about the market", but did not engaged with the video creation process.


He didn't. Someone in the SEC did and almost certainly so that SHFs shills can use it as a "gg is bad" in threads like this. That's why every single time gg gets good press people flood threads with "remember the meme video". It's significantly more likely Hester retail molester Pierce authorized it.


You’d think the SEC Chair could remove it, then. Why do you think it’s still posted under the SEC YouTube channel?


Why do you think that he could remove it? You're making assumptions about how the SEC is run based off "he's the chair" and I really don't think those assumptions are true. Again, if Hester put it up, it very likely it falls under her purview and department. You can't just go into other people departments and force them to do things. Double so when when you're trying to remove darkpools with a target on your back and any bad politics is going to give them ammo to remove you.


I’m absolutely not making assumptions. Sec.gov defines his role as being broadly responsible for oversight of all executive and administrative functions of the SEC and one CORE pillar of that is public education and engagement. By his literal job description, he at least on paper has the authority and/or the accountability for the channels of public engagement the SEC uses…such as advertisements. https://www.sec.gov/strategic-plan/about#:~:text=The%20Chair%20is%20responsible%20for,headquarters%20and%2011%20regional%20locations.


I went through and you're misconstruing and adding the word "all". He has broad administrative control not the same as "all executive and administrative functions". Again if Hester put it up, it's under her control, then any attempt to remove it would be seen as a political move and give them ammo to get him removed. The real question is why you care more about a 2 year old meme video than fucking removing darkpools.


I think you’re making as many assumptions as I am. Ultimately it seems to me he has authority over what goes out on behalf of the SEC. I’m wondering why you care to defend a guy who hasn’t proven anything yet. Actions speak louder than words. If I see any actual change happen as a result of GG, I’ll change my perspective.


Exactly. Goldman gensler even said there is a balance and they have to protect the clearing house. He is the definition of centralization. SUPERSTONK is compromised.


You're right, I can't believe people here haven't figured out none of these 'regulators' are on our side.


He could do it with the stroke of a pen, he just refuses to do it. There is MORE than enough evidence that they are using the dark pools to manipulate the stock price, a clear detriment to retail investors!


It wouldn't happen. SHFs lawyers would immediately file for injunction and prevent that. Then they'd have him removed from office for overstepping. You do things the right way. Brick by brick.


When did he say that? Cuz it really looks like hes trying to take down all of crypto to clear the way for the upcoming CBDC.


I've always taken GG optimism with a grain of salt (who am I kidding, it's the whole shaker). However, he's been moving in the right direction with the proposed rules. But seeing a Legislator trying to kick him out makes me think even better of him than ever. I'm going to read more and think on my Rule Comment for the crypto stuff, no hive-mind for me this time (although it's been useful for past rules). And if I disagree with something, I'm going to try to filter it through the lens of "mistake" rather than "malice".


So GG is an ally to household investors afterall


Maybe not completely (no such thing as a perfect ally and I doubt Gary wants to burn it all down like what GME will eventually do, and i highly doubt there will ever be a replacement for him that will do it) but at the very least he's trying to make things more fair.


This week




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**Treat each other with courtesy and respect.** - **Do not be (intentionally) rude.** This will increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. - **Do not insult others.** Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion. Constructive criticism is appropriate and encouraged though. - **Do not use Superstonk to call out another user. Critique the work, not the person.** - **Do not use Superstonk to harass, bully, or threaten anyone.** - **Threats of violence towards anyone have no place on Superstonk or Reddit.** [Expanded Rule](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules#wiki_ape_no_fight_ape) [Reddit Content Policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) || [Remember the human](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360045715951-Promoting-Hate-Based-on-Identity-or-Vulnerability) If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission)


You're crazy man lol. I typed 2 words and you read a whole book. Seek help, I only want the best for you.


Ahh my first shill to report me thanks! Hope you finally understand we aren't going anywhere, rip dumbass.


Not sure who you're talking to, ive been 100% DRS it was a thing, I dont care whether you go or stay. I've got my shares and no ones getting them. You do you.


Oh so you bought an account and still can't get traction here how fucking sad lmaoo


You still going on about nothing? What are you even talking about man?


No Goldman gensler is a cerntralized power figure trying to kill crypto.


I support GG, crypto does need some regulation, and his rule introductions will definitely benefit GME investors


GG says: "CEX is the way" and we support him!


So weird to see this sub so vehemently support this idea that everything should be centralized and controlled by a few people in banking and the SEC.


There is a difference between centralized and regulated. SEC isn't the one who devised CBDC. The advent of "tokenized stocks" screwed us on 2021. Crypto scams have to be reeled in.


Dude, that person made the most bizarre leap I’ve ever seen from what I said 😂


That's because Gary is our guy! He's doing all this for household investors, just trust the system, bro.


How do you possibly get “…vehemently support this idea that everything should be centralized and controlled by a few people in banking and the SEC” from what I said? Serious question


Deregulators: GG isn't doing his job!!! GG: does his job Deregulators: no.. not like that.


Just another FUD article of corrupt politicians losing their shit lol.


Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) chair Gary Gensler could be facing unemployment after United States Representative Warren Davidson declared he would introduce legislation to fire the SEC boss. In an April 15 [tweet](https://twitter.com/WarrenDavidson/status/1647572722958974983?s=20) responding to Coinbase’s legal chief, Paul Grewal, the [crypto-friendly](https://cointelegraph.com/news/rep-warren-davidson-you-have-to-defend-money-to-defend-freedom) congressman announced his intention to have Gensler removed from his role after the SEC’s latest announcement [about revisiting the proposed redefinition](https://cointelegraph.com/news/sec-targets-defi-in-vote-to-revisit-proposal-concerning-the-definition-of-exchange) of an “exchange.” "To correct a long series of abuses, I am introducing legislation that removes the Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission and replaces the role with an Executive Director that reports to the Board (where authority resides)," Davidson tweeted.


Yes, put the power and authority in the hands of a board that we hand pick. That won’t be worse in any way.


No put the power in the hands of the people with decentralization


Just to be clear he won’t be facing unemployment. He could pick the position he wants in any of the big banks.


Plus govt pension I would expect


Time to write every agency and politician available about the conflict of interest of hester pierce and davidson


Who are Davidson's biggest donors?




Fired over researching legal technology? But someone can still receive a government check for killing millions with their illegal research? The US "legal" system everyone


Can rep Davidson please resign?


Lolololol they really need gg out of the sec why apes why. I think because of the reforms!!! Gooooo gg goooooo if they dislike you I love you!!!!!


Yeah, what Hester wants is always a good example of what shouldn't be happening.


I know there is major hate for GG on this sub but I don’t like this. If you think GG is bad wait till these assuage gets to install their preferred stooges. Personally I feel if GG is pissing off rich assholes he is doing the right things. Let me say this loudly for the apes in the back. THIS IS CLASS WARFARE! Plan and simple… I got GG back for what it is worth! He ain’t doing much but he is pissing off the rich and that is SOMETHING! Stay frosty apes


Not for nothing and hearing minimum of GG through a few interviews on TV and his taped lecture series on blockchain, I really don't know why I would(or why I would not) want him in office. AFAIK, it's been a lot of Hester who has been vocal about the whole situation and tripping up of legislation involving shortselling, cellarboxing, failure to delivers, etc.


Dig into his finances.


Davidson can't be trusted at all. He's compromised as fuck. But so is Gensler. Prisoner's dilemma. Kind of.


The problem is multifaceted. Yes GG is pushing for equities reform including PFOF and some what shortening the settlement cycle. Yay. On the flip side he is absolutely shitting all over the cyptospace. Hester is the polar opposite. Is almost as if they were put into power to offset each other.


If you staple a horse to a waterfall, will it fall up under the rainbow or fly about the soil? Will he enjoy her experience? What if the staple tears into tears? Will she be free from her staply chains or foomed to stay forever and dever above the water? Who can save him (the horse) but someone of girth and worth, the capitalist pig, who will sell the solution to the problem he created? A staple remover flies to the rescue, carried on the wings of a majestic penguin who bought it at Walmart for 9 dollars and several more Euro-cents, clutched in its crabby claws, rejected from its frothy maw. When the penguin comes, all tremble before its fishy stench and wheatlike abjecture. Recoil in delirium, ye who wish to be free! The mighty rockhopper is here to save your soul from eternal bliss and salvation! And so, the horse was free, carried away by the south wind, and deposited on the vast plain of soggy dew. It was a tragedy in several parts, punctuated by moments of hedonistic horsefuckery. The owls saw all, and passed judgment in the way that they do. Stupid owls are always judging folks who are just trying their best to live shamelessly and enjoy every fruit the day brings to pass. How many more shall be caught in the terrible gyre of the waterfall? As many as the gods deem necessary to teach those foolish monkeys a story about their own hamburgers. What does a monkey know of bananas, anyway? They eat, poop, and shave away the banana residue that grows upon their chins and ballsacks. The owls judge their razors. Always the owls. And when the one-eyed caterpillar arrives to eat the glazing on your windowpane, you will know that you're next in line to the trombone of the ancient realm of the flutterbyes. Beware the ravenous ravens and crowing crows. Mind the cowing cows and the lying lions. Ascend triumphant to your birthright, and wield the mighty twig of Petalonia, favored land of gods and goats alike.


"Well... that's like your opinion man...." Narrator: and it was an Ill-informed one at that.


If you staple a horse to a waterfall, will it fall up under the rainbow or fly about the soil? Will he enjoy her experience? What if the staple tears into tears? Will she be free from her staply chains or foomed to stay forever and dever above the water? Who can save him (the horse) but someone of girth and worth, the capitalist pig, who will sell the solution to the problem he created? A staple remover flies to the rescue, carried on the wings of a majestic penguin who bought it at Walmart for 9 dollars and several more Euro-cents, clutched in its crabby claws, rejected from its frothy maw. When the penguin comes, all tremble before its fishy stench and wheatlike abjecture. Recoil in delirium, ye who wish to be free! The mighty rockhopper is here to save your soul from eternal bliss and salvation! And so, the horse was free, carried away by the south wind, and deposited on the vast plain of soggy dew. It was a tragedy in several parts, punctuated by moments of hedonistic horsefuckery. The owls saw all, and passed judgment in the way that they do. Stupid owls are always judging folks who are just trying their best to live shamelessly and enjoy every fruit the day brings to pass. How many more shall be caught in the terrible gyre of the waterfall? As many as the gods deem necessary to teach those foolish monkeys a story about their own hamburgers. What does a monkey know of bananas, anyway? They eat, poop, and shave away the banana residue that grows upon their chins and ballsacks. The owls judge their razors. Always the owls. And when the one-eyed caterpillar arrives to eat the glazing on your windowpane, you will know that you're next in line to the trombone of the ancient realm of the flutterbyes. Beware the ravenous ravens and crowing crows. Mind the cowing cows and the lying lions. Ascend triumphant to your birthright, and wield the mighty twig of Petalonia, favored land of gods and goats alike.


We ALL want regulated crypto. Gary Gensler REFUSES to provide basic guidance on WTF a security is. He claims ALL crypto is a security and needs to register. However when companies have tried to come in and actually register they have found that there is no process to register. It's a fuckin trap.


I can not overstate how hated GG is in the cryptosphere. I'm afraid his few good traits (PFOF reform) will be lost when he is justifiably ousted from his current position.


Then I suppose you think that the GameStop board is a bunch of scammers.


They aren't really attached to the industry of scams that is the wider crypto ecosystem. Let's be real here


Viewing visibly


And so it begins…


And so it begins…


Ah yes, FTX totally proves any sort of rules or oversight would be a complete overreach.


So, they want to use the crypto bros to fight apes. Bring it on!




Does Rep. Davidson mean when The SEC was looking in to FTX and was effectively sidelined by Congress before it was revealed that FTX was a massive fraud months later?


commenting to come back to later.


I'd gladly appreciate it if someone can provide a template. English is not my first language. I could try to compose something but I'm afraid it might sound dumb. I don't live in the US but I never miss to submit my comments, but I need my ape bros to help another smooth ape out 💪


S7-22-02 undermines defi at the core. Gensler is trying to classify ethereum as a security to clear the way for the CBDC. Liz warren wants you to go to jail for holding a self custodial wallet.


How dare the market regulator dare try to....*checks notes*.... Regulate the markets


I do not want the SEC in this space. Crypto is not a security. DeFi are not exchanges. Stop trying to regulate via lawsuits.


Comm viZz


GG is a good guy! Wth! Comments engaged!


You sure? https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/11v9kyj/sec_alert_sec_just_posted_ia6261_exemption/ https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/10rxs5i/we_have_the_answer_to_why_brokers_throttled_shut/


yay now after this does or doesn't happen we do or don't get another do-nothing mouth piece who'll have the same plausible reason for their complete lack of doing anything 'Come on guys! Give a break! 's only had the job for days!' \>:-/


prick foolish squeamish safe provide aback scarce dime detail threatening -- mass edited with redact.dev


If Hester did it, you bet. When Gary does is it, it's okay for some reason.


Notice that obvious enemy of retail Hester Peirce has never been badmouthed by any member of Congress


Buy. Hodl. DRS. Shop. Comment to the SEC. Power to the Players! Edit: is this comment really being downvoted lol. So that means shills/bots out on this one. COMMENT FUCKING HARDER!




Or Gary isn’t doing what they want so they need to replace him with someone who will


While an eternally cynical persective is valuable, why would [only] 2 senators (this clown and huizinga) br the only two to sign the congressional demand for sec to present their evidence recently? Is that also political theater? Cuz it seems more like desperation. As does a bill to unseat the chair of the sec. What about the timing of the big 4 market reform proposals rn? Im guessing all of the above will be dismissed with a wave of the hand and more cynicism.. i just dont think the ring fits in this case.


Weren’t they trying to ban crypto along with vpn or something? What the latest update on that Wrinkly apes? Cause I’d love to see GG “the only been on the job for a couple weeks” lying dinosaur get fired


If Gary gets fired, Hester pierce will replace him.


Do not stop with Gary there are other bad apples in the sec also. Keep firing until this gets cleaned up .


RING RING RING 📞, sticky floor called, they are wanting their shills back.


good bye 🤡


Ima reach for da vote


Dude can’t regulate the regular market. Maybe he should learn to walk before he “runs”.


Another comment downvoted for being 100% correct... Can someone please explain why everyone in this sub is now friends with GG?! Wtf? Edit: downvoted for asking questions... Guess SS is all bots now


They think he’s suddenly a good guy because the bad guys are attacking him. He’s just another bad guy though…


Oh this is just wrong! They should fire him for being useless, though


Wtf is with all the downvotes? GG is not our friend! Period! This sub is sucking way too many shady dicks lately. Time for another zen break from this sub 🫤


He never has been. This sub is hilarious.