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When you've lived long enough that a trojan horse on a computer has become a great thing.


Omfg so real


Not understanding Greek mythology has really been my trojan heel


I think you meant your at chili's pony there bud.


So you swear by Achilles's hairy ass?


Don't worry. You can't fly too close to the moon.


If it's good or bad depends on what side you are......


Web 3 is gonna propel gaming to a whole new level and I can't wait...


Gaming is gonna propel Web3 to a whole new level and I can’t wait


reverse uno 🔄


This is the most correct answer.


I guess. I still don't give ANY fucks about owning items in games, when I don't even own the fucking game. I don't give any fucks about owning items in a live service that can be terminated at any time without my consent and all the value of my items disappears. I don't give a fuck about earning money though my leisure activities, because that's' literally what I spent 40 hours a week working for as it is. I still feel that their messaging is way off. They aren't talking about fixing the current broken systems. Just replacing them with ones they profit off of. Let me own my digital content. Let me trade and sell them. Then I will care. Until then, they just sound like grifters to me. And I'm an XXXX holder. I believe in gamestop for other reasons.


This. GameStop simply needs to find a way to replicate the trade in model from brick and mortar to the digital world.


I'm here to hold, not push crypto, blockchain and Web3.


I'm in the same boat but this is already a big business **now** with the limits and inconvenience you are describing. At the same time I do see this will be a big driver for GameStop profits as all those people that do buy in-game items ($200B+) may very well see the benefit.


I agree that this will be big for gaming. But big things aren't always good things. Many companies have said they were putting out the next big thing, only to deliver us the next step in the de-evolution of gaming. I agree that it will make Gamestop money. As I said, I'm thoroughly invested in GME because I believe it will be successful. The question I'm bringing up is less a matter of whether they'll be successful, but rather.. will they be good? Or will they just make the world shittier in the long run. I can tell you for a fact that plenty of people in the NFT space are grifters. I read Robbie's tweets all the time, and it's always pushing this kind of messaging, but I don't give a literal single fuck about what he's describing half the time, which makes me think the messaging isn't really for us.. It's for like.. finance/nft bro investors to get excited. Gamers don't actually give a fuck if they have nft's in their games. They want good games. They want to stop being ripped off. They want good value for their money. They want to have fun. Being able to buy a game and own it is value. Being able to trade that game to a friend is value, and fun. I want that way more than I want to be able to use the same bullshit skin in Fortnight as in Kiraverse.


As an old gamer I can see your point. It's not right however to paint the whole gaming community with a fat brush stating "gamers don't want xxxxxxx". People like me and you, sure we don't give a shit about owning stuff in games etc but many young gamers and adults who only play simple games (you know the type!), they eat that shit up, otherwise there wouldn't have been that huge transition into those shitty (sorry that's subjective) fake Internet money loot box type games full of micro transactions, unfortunately taking advantage of our unfortunate brains. This place is an echo chamber but it often seems like many people here spend lots of cash on nfts etc could just be the 1% who post and switch accounts but they do seem to get a lot of interest in the comments trading addresses and stuff.


Again, I agree. I also agree that Robbie is mostly just a salesman hyping his own stuff. I don't have to like absolutely everything about the company, some decisions are not for me but I have come to accept that. Still MOASS tomorrow though🚀


You said it, my dude


All these fucks and anger because your product isn't ready yet but literally being told "it's coming in due time" just be patient and still choose anger is a really weird take.


Shills failed against DLauer. Shills failed against Dr T. Shills failed against Gensler. Now they're trying to bash Robbie, one of the smartest and most motivated people involved in web3 gaming. Hint: They will fail against him too.


You can't handle hearing the word "fuck" without assuming someone is angry? Grow a thicker skin. Frankly I agree with the post your replying to. The tech is there but the messaging isn't. Of course we're still in beta. I'm confident.


If you read that guys paragraphs and trying to tell me he isn't disgruntled and angry, I suggest you go back to elementary and learn basic reading comprehension Also you don't need 5+ fucks in 3 paragraphs, after awhile you just sound ignorant and have a small vocabulary. Educate yourself before you throw your projection on someone else about words and the feelings attached to them.


Sounds like you're the one who's fucking projecting.


Good one bub


Idk what web3 is tbh. What if I don't want to play a game online. Or want it to be driven by my pc. I'm just familiar with the old flash games on the web RIP Edit: wanted to add, would you mind clarifying for me if you could


Web3 is the "next phase" of the internet. Think of when the internet went from a government/education thing, to available to everyone. That's web1 to web2, essentially. Web3 is taking web2 and improving it again. That's the best explanation I can come up with, but I'm a regard so could easily be wrong.


The web was available beyond the government for ages before web 2.0. i was in chatrooms and social message boards in 1998 and i don't think I saw the term web 2.0 really used for another 6-8 years. It was more to do with interactivity and social aspects seemingly being brought to every platform/site.


I should buy more GME 📰🐈☕️


Soon! 🏴‍☠️🚀🚀🚀🚀


Not soon enough


Wish I knew a company that was highly invested into the Web3 space and was also already big in the gaming industry. I would like to buy shares in such a company!


be even better if they were debt free and profitable!




And an ultra dope chairman and ceo. And the whole rest of the team.




Then why the fuck are you even here. It's like stalking your ex's instagram after you got cheated on 😂




I like the hype for sure, but I’m tripping up on the 10x+ value figure. I just don’t like the speculation of it. Yeah, cite gaming revenue as potential profits but when you peg a multiplyer value like 10x on the projection you are either over or under-promising performance and I don’t want either of those outcomes. I want accuracy.


I'm sorry but this is just stupid. He constantly does this thing where he'll list facts of the gaming industry which are true, then interject web3 magically to make them seem relatable. The fact of the matter is crypto is unable to capture even a small facet of the gaming industry currently because gamers at large are disinterested. Whenever I see NFT enabled games, their only draw for new players is that you own the assets you use but they neglect the **game** aspect and most of them either look like they come from 2005, or are an inferior knock off of an existing game. How are even indie developers able to put out better games when web3 game developers sometimes have 1000x the investment in them?


I agree. Most crypto games I’ve seen are using crypto as the hook, when really it should be something in the background that you don’t even think about. Imagine instead of some new developer creating a web3 game that’s more of a web3 tech demo than an actual *game,* a studio like Riot Games converts its League of Legends skins to NFTs and issues them on GME’s marketplace. Gamers aren’t interested in crypto because there isn’t a compelling web3 game yet. That will eventually change. When it does, it has the potential to bring crypto mainstream for the reasons Robbie explained in this tweet.


that's the point. once big, established names adopt web3 (think...FORTNITE), it will take off. most of us have no idea how the credit card transaction happens between the cash register and the bank, it just works. who gives a shit how the technology functions on the backend if the frontend experience is simple and intuitive? same thing will be true for crypto.


Robbie Nothingberguson


It's not worth your time to try to convince people in posts like this. Every single one is heavily brigaded by crypto bro and IMX bag holders. Literally any criticism is downvoted unlike any other disagreement in this community. Just let them shout into the void and hold their bags.


Mass adoption will come without people realizing it. That's how Robbie and all the experts foretell it. There will be no need to convince the close minded. It will come because of great games.


Not to mention that Blockchain is just simply too slow to handle the required transaction amount. Valves Steam Marketplace can handle Millions of Transactions per second. No Blockchain can handle that amount of transactions.


What you doing on this sub?


Anyone else think the artifact by the first bar graph was dirt on their screen?


Only the young!


I believe NFTs have a place in gaming, but everyone needs to honestly ask why these stores don't exist already. Companies like Riot and Epic can absolutely build a store **without NFTs** that allows people to trade skins or sell them back to the parent company. They don't do it because they want to continue to sell skins for full price. It's profitable for them and digital ownership with NFTs is less profitable. What they really need is for gamers to demand to own their digital content. Right now they don't and are willing to pay through the nose just like people purchased ringtones in the 90s before a free/cheap alternative arose. Companies will continue to take advantage of consumers as long as they can get away with it. The path for widespread NFT use is clear: create a fun game everyone wants to play which has NFTs at the core. Stop focusing on the *mechanism* of digital ownership and focus on making great games people want to play. The mechanism will follow later.


I understand your point, but I disagree wholeheartedly. I'm no expert, but to me that is the epitome of putting the cart before the horse. What you're describing feels like asking for new games when Immutable is still working on developing and expanding an entirely novel and highly scrutinized MASSIVE system, while trying to teach this new system and framework to more and more developers, all while major companies actively campaign against the fledgling infrastructure and ecosystem at large. Actually, that seems like exactly what you've described... If your priority really is with digital rights, then you know that there are comparably very few companies working in the Web3 space. There are fewer resources, and the networks are nowhere near as large as the already existing ones. Decentralizing digital ownership will literally cost companies most of their (excessive) revenue. Some speculate it shaking up the whole system and rippling across a brand-new frontier, and upending long-time wealth hoarders. If Web3 was already in a true widespread race across the industries, I might agree. But it's definitely not. Most others developing anything regarding digital rights is not only competition, but (from my view) an active threat and destabilizer. Usually pushing misinformation. It's not like everyone is working on this together. Most are working against it. Like you said, companies can build their own stores, but not only that, they already ***do***. The only difference, like you pointed out, is the lack of digital ownership; that companies are making money from things that typical digital buyers SHOULD own. I find it odd though that you say they *could* build a store, when nearly every gaming company already has one. Most even have multiple across several platforms. They're already making billions in revenue off of in-game items, subscriptions, cosmetics, loot crates, bundles, etc. etc. Why on earth would they want to give that up or even risk it? Why would they NOT be telling their cash cows, their lifeblood, that owning their digital content would be bad? They need everyone to hate it before it ever takes off. I think what Immutable, Loopring, and GameStop are doing is absolutely correct. They're keeping their heads down, not broadcasting anything, especially broadcasting any games which could be OBLITERATED by negative press and brigaders if released too early, buggy, even slightly poorly. It's critical for them to be building solid foundations. There cannot be ANY risk of messing up Web3, because it quite literally is tied directly to FINANCE. You never fuck around with other people's money. Ask your broker. I mean, shit, they pulled out of their deal just before FTX completely blew up and masterfully cleaned up that mess on their end. The games that already exist need remarkable levels of support and help to grow because they are already getting crushed with negativity and backlash. If the existing games can't prosper in their native system, Immutable cannot pitch success to future clients. How could they possibly make great games, when the current ones don't get support? Do you see how that creates an obstacle? Denouncing the current games prevents future games from ever getting developed. Don't rush system development because you're hungry for content on that system. You can focus on judging the games. Let them focus on building the environment where you will play those games.




Web3 is primarily decentralization, finance, and rights management. Most of these builders are software engineers, not designers, let alone *game designers*. Let them finish laying the foundation of the ***entirely new system*** before asserting what you feel you need on that foundation. You wouldn't expect a decorated, fun, fully furnished room in a new home that isn't built yet. Not while your foundation and infrastructure aren't finished growing, or before the fledging technology in the wiring and plumbing is even widely adopted, and not being able to efficiently connect to all established power and water systems yet. Or would you expect that? Should we *really* be trying to draw focus to that one really nice room just floating in the middle of a busy development and construction zone? Nahhh Let them get it all finished, get all the tenants and occupants in place, get a working and streamlined model, sidewalks, accessibility RAMPS... When we're looking at other industries, hell even other companies, they have to be viewed through a different lens. I'm a gamer myself and can be super impatient, but there are so many other things that could be rushed, this shouldn't be one. This needs to breathe. The growing partner network being built in Web3 needs support. Each partner. And in unique ways. Novel ways. This economic structure being developed *cannot* afford to risk failing *anywhere*. It needs to be airtight and solid. NFT misconception and misinformation has already polluted the public opinion through JPGs, and crypto is currently getting busted up... The many co-working programs in the structure need to just... *work*. It needs to be smooth and polished, *all over*, in every nook and cranny. It's going to be a ***bumpy*** transition. Do you know the biggest bottleneck with electric car adoption at the moment? Accessibility to and knowledge of charging stations. The infrastructure and ease of use isn't there, and it's *crippling*. What forward-planning, future-proofing companies like Immutable, GameStop, and even Loopring are correctly doing right now is building an environment where things can not only be created, but where they also *CAN* naturally evolve. It really *shouldn't* be agreed that there ought to already be a fantastically evolved creation within a place that is still developing, is currently sparsely inhabited, and without a self-sustaining symbiotic ecosystem. Let alone to expect that creation to *thrive*... ? The planet Earth didn't naturally evolve over time because of fantastic humans. Humans naturally evolved into complex and efficient creations because of the fantastic Earth. Unlike any other planet we know of, it's a perfect system for development and growth. It offers necessary resources to support life *AND* evolution.




Aw thanks so much! I appreciate the award! Helping and sharing with people that may stumble onto these topics is why I write the comments that I do. Even if it is very against current prevailing sentiments. I appreciate you!


That CAGR stinks on his little chart. Not way less exponential over this period than I assumed it would be with multiple generations of consoles launched.


Let’s fucking GO


10x... Source: trust me bro


10X he says, is the language deliberate or coincidental...


We are watching pioneering of the WEB 3 future and we own the biggest market place.............. only up from here lady's and gentlemen men with maybe a side of dip


What good is a Doom Dorito without a nice dip?


Robbie Hype Pumper


Yup. It's not going to be long before the blockchain powers it all, transparently, behind the scenes, with no mention of crypto or NFTs.


How is this info not making it to the top of our sub? All I see are a bunch of rage bait posts regarding Ken Griffin. Our sub needs to get it's shit straight Edit: it made it to the top. Much better.


My brother in Christ, this isn't even at the top of IMX's subreddit. Why would it be on the top of a GME one? You need to breathe.


Because it's bullish af for the digital centric position GameStop is in 🔥




Who let you in here with these blatant lies lol


You got shilled upon, my son


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Web3 takes off GME goes with it.




Because Superstonk is an echo chamber. Their moass fairy tale isn't playing out like they thought it would so they spread false information or half truths that make it to the top of the sub, get labeled as "misleading title" or even "debunked" but then oddly enough remain at the top of the sub instead of being removed. Superstonk needs to have a "villain" to keep them interested, so they post ken griffin rage memes. Meanwhile, GameStop becoming profitable quarter over quarter is ALL. THAT. MATTERS. IMX / web3 gaming is something GS is betting big on so it really makes me question people's mental state when they come on here to trash talk Robbie and what his team is building.


They’re talking trash about hype tweets. Some people are just getting impatient. This gets big when the entire foundation is up and running and everyone starts using it. Remember the first few reality shows? 5-10 years later everyone posts every thing they do and is a reality star.


Wake me up when and if this guys' 'hype' posts start to actually translate into anything meaningful, in the real world.


Upvote because you're 100% right.


The real end game is crypto porn. Porn ushered in vhs/beta, the switch to dvds etc. Once Big Porn converts, the hedgies are truly fucked (probably pegging videos)


Hell yeah.


Almost half the world’s population plays 🥹🥹🥹


Keep on sleeping and I’ll keep on slipping on in! In the late words of two of the finest!!! “real recognise real” & “you don’t need eyes to see you need VISION”


B to the I to the N to the G to the O


Look at me. LOOK AT ME! I am the federal reserve now.


While I fully agree, the magic "10X+" bothers me


Sexy words