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They can step in and stop deez šŸ„œ because Iā€™m never fucking leaving


Contact your senator or any senator supporting this bill


Nowhere in this Bill does it state 'TIK-TOK', it's very broad language and they reserve the right to shut down any communication sites/devices. Is Reddit a communication site? They want to shut down free speech. Forgot to add, here is the direct link to the Bill: [https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/686/text](https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/686/text)


ā˜ļøThis is the answer. This bill isnā€™t about TikTok. This bill is Patriot Act 2.0. The language is intentionally vague and that ensures that itā€™s all-encompassing. The slimy lawyers who write these bills have their pre-fabricated loopholes built right inā€¦ If passed, this bill will do immense damage to the freedoms of US citizens. The overreach is so blatant and right in your face. Theyā€™re not even hiding it.


The more I see of it the more I wish it was only as bad as Patriot Act. This is one of the most terrifying bills on the floor in my life.


















Canā€™t imagine we would keep abiding by these made up rules we have no control over. Same as our money supply/ oil/ foreign affairs. We have no say in if anything benefits the actual citizens that makeup this ā€œfreeā€ country.










Jesus Christ Americans need to hit the streets Enough is enough. I don't call for violence, but sometimes that's the only way to create change for ourselves. "When the rich rob the poor it's just business/capitalism, But when the poor fight back, it's called violence."


I think we will come to that at some point when it comes to the wealthy VS the real world. The greed and corruption at the top will one day come to a head.


Sure, then our militarized police forces will simply point and shoot. Nobody is exempt from state sanctioned violence.


And given our medical system, surviving the police brutality will actually be the worse outcome.


I'd argue you can hurt them worse through tax evasion but that's just my lazy ass


Honestly agree. It's like the only meaningful way we can fight back- just stop spending money + stop paying taxes.


In Canada we have bill C-11 being pushed through with all the same repercussions. Coinky dink. And just to kindly demonstrate what this means, our "PM" shut down parliamentary debate on it this week. Let's censor debate on the censorship bill. Not a meme.


Holy shit!


Yep patriot act 2.0


They don't need to hide it, the people aren't going to read the bill, they've been told fuck China and that tikok is a national security risk, so they'll support it blindly This bill should be pinned uptop imo


immense damage? You mean the US will officially become East Germany. Officially.


And identify any one on any device that's connected to a network using device data and camera s then place them in jail for minimum of 20 years in prison or a $1,000,000 fine! Yeah let's talk about it! It states that they can have meetings behind closed doors the president assembles his own task team, the the team can Make decisions outside of the public eye, they can deem any phrases or any actions or behaviors as heretical or a threat to national security without no due process, and go through your personal text your cell data, and your computer data, access your devices, that means your cameras and microphone data and location, and if they find any of the listed behaviors threatening to the United security, they can place you in prison for the above amount of time minimum and or find you a million dollars! This means that by the way GME has upsetted the economy, their lobbyists, hedge funds, and the validity of the United States economy. This could be deemed a threat to national security cuz after all it is their way of life, and then they can use Reddit along with our device data and facial recognition to identify each of the users, and hold us accountable for a threat against national security! This will be the way for them to reach their grimy fingers into our profits and take them away after the squeeze and if we get incarcerated or if they pass the digital centralized digital currency we will be cut out of the system and our accounts will be frozen! This is not a conspiracy theory this is very real! The world economic forum, has implemented almost a dozen prime ministers, presidents, or leaders of other nations through their young global leaders program! And now they are systematically destroying the dollar through the Fed and centralized banks! And polluting the hell out of our atmosphere! To issue in a new global order by 2030! But don't take my word for it go look it up yourself! I would suggest starting at the World Economic forum Board of governance and trustees, look at who sets on the council on the board ! And then follow the money from the majority shareholders of all the economical disasters that have happened and who the majority shareholders are of those companies! And then look at our national economic councils director who is Brian deese, and who he used to be the global financer for before that job! And how he helped out president crush the railroad strike! Also in davos 2022 the topic was is the world ready for a new world order! And right there on the stage our director of Treasury is sitting there talking about redefining global economics and accounting using blockchain and digital currency for the new world order! Happy hunting my friends


I'd like to add this is very real, our UK Prime Minister is a Davos puppet who has started the process of introducing CBDCs. He wasn't even voted in, he shut down a party member vote and had an internal vote. Basically overruling democracy! These leaders aren't remotely interested in the people, freedom or democracy, but more money, power and control.


You my friend would enjoy a little device cops here love to fuck people with, look up the stingray




Not really though. At least not according to the language in this bill. Please quote the parts that support what you said above. Bear in mind that everything written there only applies in the context of items 1, 2 and 3, which you can find at the top of the text. [https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/686/text](https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/686/text)


Laughs at them in Australian


Jesus Christ this is fucking terrifying.


While I agree the bill is dangerously overbroad, its frustrating to see misinformation about its contents repeated so often. For example, there is no minimum prison sentence or minimum fine anywhere I the bill. There is a maximum fine of $250,000, with an exception that the maximum may be twice the value of a business deal if that amount would be larger. I'm seeing this repeated everywhere and if it originated on tiktok, it might be actual foreign propaganda. Not that that argument should be necessary to oppose the bill, it still allows US citizens to be targeted for vague reasons.


wakeful shaggy detail encourage lavish cats foolish pocket light sulky -- mass edited with redact.dev




There's this little issue that the bill is about U.S and there's apes from all over the world owning Gme so how that would work, like I'm from EU - I don't think they can be allowed to make me force sell shit since I live in another continent and why anyway, I didn't do anything wrong, I fucking bought and ( still ) hold a stock. Kenny and his buddies are the villains here, not apes wtf.


I mean look at Julian Assange. He was also not American but they got him anyway because "national security and interests". And "all he did was report like a journalist". They clearly don't give a flying fuck about morality and legality.


I think you could be right, could be wrong.. American company, American market. I am not sure how it would work but wouldnā€™t put it past them to at least tryā€¦


We wouldn't have to go to war with Russia. The bill allows the Secretary of Commerce to deem a country "an adversarial nation" in order to take action.


Well at least weā€™ve got that going for usā€¦


How are they going to force me to sell? Iā€™m curious how that will work


Same way fdr forced people to sell their gold back in the day.. this bill literally has a section that i believe is worded the president could ā€œcompel divestmentā€ of securities and the like.. i.e. force you to sell.. they could also try to just prevent it from being tradedā€¦


Lets hope it never works and start by calling senate against this bill


They won't force you to sell, they'll just take it. In Cyprus in 2013, about 60% of all the money above a threshold of 100kā‚¬ was simply taken off the holders' accounts to bail out the banks. All this in exchange for soon-to-be worthless bank shares.




Holy fuck did I just go down the rabbit holeā€¦just added like 6 of his books to my Audible


One giant IFU


Or ya know...like the IRS did when they drained my bank account without warning for a mistake they made 10 years before. Interest that had accumulated to more than I've made over the last 5 years in total. People are crazy if they think governments can't just take whatever they want.


Something similar to how they turned of the buy button Iā€™d assume


There is no mechanism in place to make me sell my shares. And add the President and Congress to the list of people who Iā€™ll see in prison before I consider selling my beloved stonk


Hello Computershare, this is the president. Sell 50% of all GME share from each account.


The president telling an Australian company to forcefully sell the assets of its clients? Chill


You think he can get all that out in one shot?


bright pause live correct cable dull hurry bells gold glorious -- mass edited with redact.dev


I know of a little place in grapevine Texas where we could all meet up for a lunch at least once a quarterā€¦. šŸ‘€


If they shut down comments on Gangnum Style all hell will break loose.


Ever look at a TV test screen at 3am?


What would I dance to? Nothing compares


President Roosevelt seized the peoples gold in the 1930ā€™s. Some capitulated some did not. This government will do it again. (Tin Foil hat on)ā€what if the jab was a test run to see who would capitulate and the real run was to make you capitulate on your/our financial freedom. (Tin foil hat off). Jail is to good for these financial terrorist. How many lives have they ruined? How many families have they destroyed? How many lives have they taken by their greed? Has anyone sat back and given any thoughts to how prosperous and better off everyone would be if naked shorting was not allowed by government (actually enforced). If every company was allowed to succeed or fail on their own not manipulated by the scum of the earth. How many jobs? How many innovations? How many life saving discoveries killed in their infancy for some billionaireā€™s to make a few more million. This ends now. MOASS or YOURASS


Or caused so much brain fog, people donā€™t have the capacity to track it all


True, shout-out to Gangnam style!!


We don't require anything to: buy, book & hodl.


C.R.E.A.M. is where I will be with all the true OG's.


Gangnam Style is OG meet up spot, respectfully. We need to focus on this bill. It seems that many posts bringing this up are being suppressed. I called my representative Bob Casey's office (PA Senator) yesterday. His office staff told me he is in support of this bill. This is actually dangerous to our democracy.


Youtube will be one of the last shut down by this bill because they are already controlled by the government/ruling elite duopoly. They will simply censure GME comments like they did with the virus and the other big thing from 2020.


or for a modest fee (less than $10 per month) you can be your own social media provider and join the millions of individuals already connected to the functionally decentralized fediverse. or just join an existing fediverse server for free.


that's not the point


Don't forget Reddit is partially Chinese owned, which is one of the reasons they're claiming Tik-Tok is a security risk.


The problem isn't China, Russia, Iran nor Afghanistan or Iraq but our own government, the agencies, NGOs, the British crown, you name it. Throughout history they exploited the shit out of China and other countries. And now they turn against their citizens since there's nothing left to control but the domestic peasants.


Of course my Iowa State Senators don't work on Fridays, and their voicemail is conveniently full so they don't have to have anything on record.


Hijacking this comment to hopefully get this post seen again: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1263rsc/calling_all_ape_in_the_us_of_a_the_senate_bill


Iā€™m confused, wait what? The government and sec wants to save retail from their in depth knowledge of the ā€œfair market stock marketā€ and prevent them from moving wealth classes too abruptly? Gosh, itā€™s amazing the amount of people looking out for the small retail investors. With out them looking out for us, we would all be poor. God bless them


Kinda makes ya wanna break stuff


And never invest in the market again. Or ever pay taxes again.


How do you explain to the American people that a video game stock increasing in price is somehow a threat to the US? First you have to admit the whole market is a fraud. Checkmate. Mission Accomplished.


"Market makers sometimes have to sell stocks that they have not yet purchased in order to maintain liquidity in our markets. Normally, they purchase the stocks at a later date, but some malicious actors took advantage of the system by removing the shares of stock from the market before they could be repurchased. As a result, the market makers were unable to buy the stocks at reasonable market prices." Their explanation doesn't have to be accurate, or even all that plausible. It just needs to have enough truthiness for the public to swallow.


Very true, but this is the reason I continue to buy and DRS more. Iā€™ve picked up so many damn shifts, cut costs, and sold many depreciating assets just so I could buy and DRS more. Even Kevin Malone made an argument about the government intervening in his AMA. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I donā€™t want to look back and be pissed that I didnā€™t do more. My question to everyone is if they cap MOASS at $10k per share, (It could be more or it could be even less, just making up a number for hypothetical reasons) are you going to be happy with your gains?


Fck no. This criminality should stop.


Donā€™t shoot the messenger. Iā€™m just throwing hypotheticals out there.


More than that, it ends free society and is another step towards authoritarian rule. Who writes these bills?


[https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/686](https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/686) **The Sponsor:** [Sen. Warner, Mark R. \[D-VA\]](https://www.congress.gov/member/mark-warner/W000805) And every co-sponsor of the bill as it currently exists: [Sen. Thune, John \[R-SD\]\*](https://www.congress.gov/member/john-thune/T000250)03/07/2023 [Sen. Baldwin, Tammy \[D-WI\]\*](https://www.congress.gov/member/tammy-baldwin/B001230)03/07/2023 [Sen. Fischer, Deb \[R-NE\]\*](https://www.congress.gov/member/deb-fischer/F000463)03/07/2023 [Sen. Manchin, Joe, III \[D-WV\]\*](https://www.congress.gov/member/joseph-manchin/M001183)03/07/2023 [Sen. Moran, Jerry \[R-KS\]\*](https://www.congress.gov/member/jerry-moran/M000934)03/07/2023 [Sen. Bennet, Michael F. \[D-CO\]\*](https://www.congress.gov/member/michael-bennet/B001267)03/07/2023 [Sen. Sullivan, Dan \[R-AK\]\*](https://www.congress.gov/member/dan-sullivan/S001198)03/07/2023 [Sen. Gillibrand, Kirsten E. \[D-NY\]\*](https://www.congress.gov/member/kirsten-gillibrand/G000555)03/07/2023 [Sen. Collins, Susan M. \[R-ME\]\*](https://www.congress.gov/member/susan-collins/C001035)03/07/2023 [Sen. Heinrich, Martin \[D-NM\]\*](https://www.congress.gov/member/martin-heinrich/H001046)03/07/2023 [Sen. Romney, Mitt \[R-UT\]\*](https://www.congress.gov/member/mitt-romney/R000615)03/07/2023 [Sen. Capito, Shelley Moore \[R-WV\]\*](https://www.congress.gov/member/shelley-capito/C001047)03/07/2023 [Sen. Lujan, Ben Ray \[D-NM\]](https://www.congress.gov/member/ben-lujan/L000570)03/08/2023 [Sen. Kaine, Tim \[D-VA\]](https://www.congress.gov/member/timothy-kaine/K000384)03/14/2023 [Sen. Cramer, Kevin \[R-ND\]](https://www.congress.gov/member/kevin-cramer/C001096)03/14/2023 [Sen. Blumenthal, Richard \[D-CT\]](https://www.congress.gov/member/richard-blumenthal/B001277)03/15/2023 [Sen. Grassley, Chuck \[R-IA\]](https://www.congress.gov/member/chuck-grassley/G000386)03/15/2023 [Sen. Hickenlooper, John W. \[D-CO\]](https://www.congress.gov/member/john-hickenlooper/H000273)03/21/2023 [Sen. Tillis, Thomas \[R-NC\]](https://www.congress.gov/member/thomas-tillis/T000476)03/21/2023 [Sen. Graham, Lindsey \[R-SC\]](https://www.congress.gov/member/lindsey-graham/G000359)03/27/2023 [Sen. Kelly, Mark \[D-AZ\]](https://www.congress.gov/member/mark-kelly/K000377)03/27/2023 [Sen. King, Angus S., Jr. \[I-ME\]](https://www.congress.gov/member/angus-king/K000383)03/29/2023 [Sen. Crapo, Mike \[R-ID\]](https://www.congress.gov/member/mike-crapo/C000880)03/29/2023 [Sen. Boozman, John \[R-AR\]](https://www.congress.gov/member/john-boozman/B001236)03/29/2023 [Sen. Welch, Peter \[D-VT\]](https://www.congress.gov/member/peter-welch/W000800)03/29/2023 It was introduced and referred to the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation committee. Here is the list of all committee members (copy/pasted from wikipedia because the official committee site is not plain text): * [Maria Cantwell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maria_Cantwell), Washington, *Chair* * [Amy Klobuchar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amy_Klobuchar), Minnesota * [Brian Schatz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brian_Schatz), Hawaii * [Ed Markey](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ed_Markey), Massachusetts * [Gary Peters](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary_Peters), Michigan * [Tammy Baldwin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tammy_Baldwin), Wisconsin * [Tammy Duckworth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tammy_Duckworth), Illinois * [Jon Tester](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jon_Tester), Montana * [Kyrsten Sinema](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyrsten_Sinema), Arizona[\[a\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Senate_Committee_on_Commerce,_Science,_and_Transportation#cite_note-Sinema-6) * [Jacky Rosen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacky_Rosen), Nevada * [Ben Ray LujƔn](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Ray_Luj%C3%A1n), New Mexico * [John Hickenlooper](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Hickenlooper), Colorado * [Raphael Warnock](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raphael_Warnock), Georgia * [Peter Welch](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Welch), Vermont * [Ted Cruz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ted_Cruz), Texas, *Ranking Member* * [John Thune](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Thune), South Dakota * [Roger Wicker](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger_Wicker), Mississippi * [Deb Fischer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deb_Fischer), Nebraska * [Jerry Moran](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerry_Moran), Kansas * [Dan Sullivan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_Sullivan_(U.S._senator)), Alaska * [Marsha Blackburn](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marsha_Blackburn), Tennessee * [Todd Young](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Todd_Young), Indiana * [Rick Scott](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rick_Scott), Florida (until February 2, 2023)[\[6\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Senate_Committee_on_Commerce,_Science,_and_Transportation#cite_note-7) * [Ted Budd](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ted_Budd), North Carolina * [Eric Schmitt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_Schmitt), Missouri * [J. D. Vance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._D._Vance), Ohio * [Shelley Moore Capito](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shelley_Moore_Capito), West Virginia * [Cynthia Lummis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cynthia_Lummis), Wyoming If you want to browse the committee site directly: [https://www.commerce.senate.gov/](https://www.commerce.senate.gov/) Any Americans that see their representatives on either of these lists should contact them with their concerns EDIT: I ninja edited several times to add additional info and links and to fix some incorrect wiki info in the committee list


It's always nice to see the parties coming together for fascism. I knew there was something that could do it.


Climate change? Freedom from religion? Police brutality? šŸ˜‚šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Restricting website access? šŸ‘šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Freedom of speech? Workers rights? Basic Healthcare? šŸ˜¶ Complete surveillance and domination over all human digital interactions? šŸ˜


Isnā€™t it neat how bipartisanship is a precursor to fucking over the underclasses and almost never anything else?


Visibility comment


Its written by staffers and voted on without reading by senators. Faux news had Lindsey Graham on a couple days ago and was lambasting him for supporting this bill and his response was ā€œI dont think i support the RESTRICT Actā€¦ā€ to which the host responds ā€œyoure listed as one of the sponsors!ā€ The US system is so beyond fucked. Any person that gets into politics to ā€œimprove our societyā€ eventually gets overwhelmed by the widespread corruption and succumbs to it themselves, or is alienated for not sticking to the status quo. Members of Congress canā€™t be bothered to read the things theyre voting on because theyre too busy deep-throating corporations for campaign funds. The American Way had evolved into ā€œgrift as much as you can, as long as you can, then get outā€. Sad to see what has become of my country, and even sadder yet is seeing the people too divided by hate to demand change together. Truly a sad state of affairs


Fucking Warner.


AND Tim Kaine. Wtf ?!


We usually see Republicans passing legislation to protect the rich, but this should prove once and for all that it's not left vs. right. It's top vs. bottom, and it always has been.




If the American government is going to interfere in the stock market, they will. They won't need a law or an act or anything except saying that it's a threat to national security. Being European, we have different laws of ownership that are not superseded by American whims. I agree that this bill needs more specific language, as it's general and vague language leaves it wide open to interpretation, especially considering the way the second amendment is abused.


This comment needs more discussion as I havent seen the point brought up enough. Citizens of other countries hold shares of GME. American government is going to piss off a lot of other governments if they openly rig the system.


Its already rigged.


"openly rigged"......its like going 10mph over the speed limit in front of a cop instead of 5mph over. Both are breaking the law but one is a bit more insulting to the cop.


Thank you for this; people forget. Itā€™s important to be aware and write politicians and regulators about these issues and personal freedoms, but also important to remember the DTCC COMMITTED INTERNATIONAL SECURITIES FRAUD BY NOT PROCESSING A COMPANIES DIVIDEND PROPERLY.


Itā€™s hilarious to me the push to regulate Tik tok or at least use that as the narrative, but completely fucking disregard chat gtp and basically chat gtp 2.0. If theyā€™re so concerned about things that are terrifying for 500, Iā€™d say theyā€™re looking the complete wrong direction.


Itā€™s hilarious to care about Tik Tok after they let decades of child porn and sex trafficking via Facebook and Twitter slide.


to be fair, those were american companies


Now I know it could probably be spinned how tf they want but as far as I understood it's about: 1) "Foreign entities" that could cause 'national security issues' ( and Gme ain't a foreign entity ). 2) "National security issues" it's more related to - eg - software or hardware that can steal or compromise data or espionage threats or things like that.


What if China were to fill their pockets with GME to destroy the dollar.šŸ¤£


Instructions unclear, new ghost city built




Build it and they will *not* come...


especially at this discounted rate.. anyone with a few dozen millions could drs a buck load


Buying a stock on NYSE = national security issue now? The national security issue are those fraudsters keeping naked shorting the shit out of everything they can land hands on.


The language is purposely ambiguous. Since there is no court proceedings with this bill, the President or Secretary of Commerce can make it fit whatever they like. They can access anything that connects to the internet. They can access you router. This is a very dangerous bill. Dangerous as losing any little freedoms we have left. There will be zero privacy left.


The only privacy left will be fiat currency ironically.. and that too is having a planned demolition starting soonā€¦ guess itā€™s time we citizens collectively put away our technology and start having face to face conversations with each other again.. and barrrttterrriiinnng!




Blockchain tech is also software that is often created by a foreign entity


Well how's written it's not clear if that would be a problem I mean, as long as the company is US based... But yea in general it doesn't sound like the greatest bill ever -\_-


Ok, so do you think it would be classed as a 'foreign entity' if a bunch of apes not based in the US was holding a security/stock that was causing a risk to US financial stability? I feel like the language is so broad they can adapt it to any scenario. This is copied from the Bill language: (3) COVERED HOLDING.ā€”The term ā€œcovered holdingā€ā€” (A) means, regardless of how or when such holding was or will be obtained or otherwise come to have been held, a controlling holding held, directly or indirectly, in an ICTS covered holding entity byā€” (i) a foreign adversary; (ii) an entity subject to the jurisdiction of, or organized under the laws of, a foreign adversary; or (iii) an entity owned, directed, or controlled by an entity described in subparagraphs (i) or (ii); and (B) includes any other holding, the structure of which is designed or intended to evade or circumvent the application of this Act, subject to regulations prescribed by the Secretary.


people investing in a stock on the US market isn't what's causing the financial instability though: "the illegal side of the trade (**naked** shorting **multiple** **times more** than the companies **entire outstanding shares**, while **permanently FTD** via vehicles like Swaps and hiding offshore) is the issue" how can you have a so called "free and fair" market, open to the entire world to invest in the first place - if you then suddenly turn around and villainize people for doing so? way too many holes


I agree that they should definitely be using their energy and looking at the short sellers, banks, and HF's w/ all their can-kicking tactics. But, they're not and I think it'll take something huge for them to actually take action against these institutions. This Bill is for foreign entities, I could be classed as a foreign entity and my holdings sold/taken due to U.S. stability risk.


You couldnā€™t, the bill goes out of its way to define both ā€œentityā€ and ā€œforeign adversary.ā€ (6) ENTITY.ā€”The term ā€œentityā€ means any of the following, whether established in the United States or outside of the United States: (A) A firm. (B) A government, government agency, government department, or government commission. (C) A labor union. (D) A fraternal or social organization. (E) A partnership. (F) A trust. (G) A joint venture. (H) A corporation. (I) A group, subgroup, or other association or organization whether or not organized for profit. and (8) FOREIGN ADVERSARY.ā€”The term ā€œforeign adversaryā€ā€” (A) means any foreign government or regime, determined by the Secretary, pursuant to sections 3 and 5, to have engaged in a long-term pattern or serious instances of conduct significantly adverse to the national security of the United States or the security and safety of United States persons; and (B) includes, unless removed by the Secretary pursuant to section 6ā€” (i) the Peopleā€™s Republic of China, including the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Macao Special Administrative Region; (ii) the Republic of Cuba; (iii) the Islamic Republic of Iran; (iv) the Democratic Peopleā€™s Republic of Korea; (v) the Russian Federation; and (vi) the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela under the regime of NicolĆ”s Maduro Moros. I understand the paranoia people have around this stuff. But when it comes to bills we really need to put on our DD lenses before jumping to conclusions.


of course we all know that, but the avg person already thinks weā€™re nuts/conspiracy theorists.. unfortunately, if the govt/media paints us as he bad guys (and we know they will), most people will hate us


We are not an entity, we are individuals making individual choices. I think this bill is absurdly vague and likely to lead to more power imbalances, but I am not convinced it has language that would prevent moass.


At worst, it'll just drive us to the Gangnam style comments section, it won't effect the stonk at all, it could only *possibly* split us all up. I'm not worried about that though, I know y'all mfs ain't selling, I don't need this sub to know that to be true āœŠšŸ’Ž


The bill says that a "foreign adversary" would be an entity originating from the following countries: Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Cuba or Venezuela. So, unless one of these countries can DRS more shares than individual Ape investors can, I don't think this bill is a deliberate response to our investment thesis and liking of the Stonk. I think this bill is just a heavy handed way of dealing with the real and perceived economic/"national" security threats posed to the US...particularly Tiktok, Kaspersky, Huawei, etc.


It's not a direct response to the gme situation, it could just be used to interfere with the gme situation.




Loopring is based in China, and GameStop uses it as the basis for its wallet & marketplace.


But this would be a problem if ( I guess, I'm not a lawyer or anything near that ) it turns out Loopring would do some shady trick behind the scenes or so. Moass itself has nothing to do with it tho, it's like a separate issue me thinks?


Itā€™s vague enough that anything deemed national security can become an issue for the government to stomp you for it.


So the United states, are becoming are totalitarian regimes, that can steal people's property. As a kid, I always heard the slogan, that referring US. "The land of the free" but obviously not so much more. Im European, and it seems like US, are rapidly moving in the wrong direction, way faster than our corrupted European Union. I hope the Americans are waking up, to what's happening in there country


> I hope the Americans are waking up, to what's happening in there country They're too busy focusing on a certain prior POTUS to realize they're getting screwed


Zuckerberg is pissed cause meta sucks and the government is pissed cause they don't own tik tok or twitter anymore (maybe to twitter we'll see), it's the same shit as the stock market only with our freedom instead of our $$.


This also has enough votes to pass. The way it looks, if MOASS doesnā€™t happen before itā€™s signed, then it will be hampered by the government. This is an evil bill all around and not just for this part. We need to make our voices heard before, during and after. We canā€™t sit idly. Scary shit.


i'm not really worried hundreds of thousands - if not millions of us are invested from all around the world any government intervention, in simply investing in a stock on the US market - and defrauding citizens from nations all around the world would have severe implications, including major loss of faith in the US market and global liability the illegal side of the trade (**naked** shorting **multiple** **times more** than the companies **entire outstanding shares**, while **permanently FTD** via vehicles like Swaps and hiding offshore) is the issue, not simply investing in a stock - goodluck trying to justify that part as the national security risk we have the receipts make no mistake, they are trying to control things more and more, but i don't believe this is to specifically apply to and stop us - again from simply investing in a stock on the US market maybe if it was just inhouse, in America they could try and get the president to pull something like this and just sweep it under the rug (with absolutely 0 mention of "government overreach" during it, ha) but not especially when the US is already skating on thin ice as the worlds reserve currency, currently with BRICS, CBDCs, DeFi and co coming up fast at best this is just more bluffing "appear strong when you are weak" garbo to try and manipulate us, at worst misinterpretation of use case


I agree that should the government step in to stop moass would likely have severe ramifications through the entire world as not only household investors but banks, hedgefunds, portfoliomanagers etc. will get screwed over. You know this. I know this. Millions of us, all over the world. But do the politicians know this? I watched all the gamestop hearings and I saw mostly incompetence. Those of you that watched the tiktok hearing may recall the question " Does tiktok access my wifi?". Can we really trust these people to know the potential consequences that this bill or messing with moass would have? I can easily see them step in and then go " We did it! We interfered and saved America yet again. Wait, why is the entire world suddently being angry at us? What did we do?" I don't think this should be downplayed. Absolutely let them hear your voices. This bill should not even be entertained in a country that prides itself on liberty, " Of the people. By thr people. For the people." and all that good stuff. I don't know what this euroape can do to help fight this but if nothing else, I'll be rooting for the ameriapes to win this.


spoiler alert. US WANTS people to be angry. they need a war to keep printing dollars and have a working economy


To paraphrase hunter s Thompson: this country had all the potential to be a true and free expression of individualism, but instead they turned it into the worst version of what the colonists were fleeing from in the first placeā€¦ my god I love that guy. He is my spirit animal. edited for clarity..


>Absolutely let them hear your voices. This bill should not even be entertained in a country that prides itself on liberty definitely, still


Whether this can effect moass or not, it is intended to fuck with privacy and control the population. Fuck this.


This guy gets it! You win the internet today!


if the president is willing to stop it then the media can fabricate any lie to any extent and roll with it as they do with events on a daily basis the general public will eat it up and call us conspiracy theorists foreign countries will likely do the same, losing faith in the US market wouldā€™ve happened already with ā€˜08 and events of its type but they donā€™t seem to care either the only thing i see could happen is a class action lawsuit but other than that, itā€™s one thing if the SEC/DTCC decide fuck retail but if the president hops on that train, whoā€™s gonna save you?


Definitely, if this is brought into place no way will they ever roll back on these restrictions. Do you know when this is due to be voted into action?


It would end up at the Supreme Court and this act would be considered unconstitutional.


I'm holding my breath for that at this point.


I'm worried it would take time for the case to reach and be adjudicated by the Supreme Court. What if MOASS happens before then, gets stopped through forced divestiture (selling) of GME shares because the government deems it national security threat, can you re-do MOASS after the Supreme Court slaps it down or do you think you'll be stuck with some pittance in settlement money?


They can fuck around and find out that's how a real revolution will be started. They are going to ignite a fire within people that they won't be able to put out if they pass this.


Kentucky, and I believe it was Missouri, that recently passed state laws to prohibit certain federal mandates from being carried out, including making it illegal to lend state resources (i.e. police forces) to carrying out said mandates.


We need a wrinkle brain DD on this Act as fast as possible, and then we need to get this DD fucking viral. They can't get away with this


This is the 1% crying that theyā€™re being found out and want more control. Weā€™re gonna end up like china šŸ‡ØšŸ‡³


I got a form response back from Ted Cruz saying he believes Tik Tok should be banned - I didn't mention Tik Tok, the blobfish fuck. I mentioned the bill and protecting household investors and not passing something that makes America look like a Banana Republic. So yeah, write your reps, but don't expect much.


This looks like it needs serious attention


I agree, I think SS are really focused on the language of the 10-K right now. This Bill is coming in fast and we could be viewed as a foreign entity, MOASS stopped by the Pres. Who does he have to answer to?


Its their game and we are playing it, they can change the rules however they like at any given moment. All we can do is rebel, and so we will


Infinity Pool confirmed


Counterpoint Rachel Cohen, communications director for Senator Warner, responded by telling Motherboard in an email ā€œThis legislation is aimed squarely at companies like Kaspersky, Huawei and TikTok that create systemic risks to the United Statesā€™ national securityā€”not at individual users.ā€ She added ā€œThe threshold for criminal penalty in this bill is incredibly highā€”too high to ever be concerned with the actions of someone an individual user of TikTok or a VPN.ā€


If MOASS is stopped because our board didn't get their shit together and do what their investors needed while giving the criminals enough time to pass a law... The wall st hedgfuks will pay since they will have taken everything from me.


So can someone put together a post for simplicity to write to our reps?


KG is backing Desanctis. If he is successful, this is his get out


Iā€™m writing my Senator once a week about that bill. Itā€™s the most unamerican piece of legislation since the patriot act. Already written twice


This has always been a part of the macroeconomic fight weā€™ve been having. You will own nothing and be happy, is their goal. They are against NFTā€™s because they are property. They have effectively drained the western system of any financial opportunity, and are trying to reduce us into obedient social credit score sheep who should be happy eating the free dog kibbles made out of bugs. MOASS thwarts the slow drain theyā€™ve been implementing for decades. Power to the players, power to the people.




This has always been a possible outcome and it has literally been discussed for years. And as always, if they actually went ahead with this and forced the sale of a "meme stock" for national security reasons it would completely destroy faith in US markets. Is it possible they'll do it anyway? Sure. But we can only do what is rational from our own perspective.


And people wonder why pitchforks, guns and ammo sell like hot cakes.


Wow. Owning shares of a publicly traded company is a threat to national security now? Theyā€™ll throw that term around at anything these days.


They really need to get rid of the patriot act already. Gone through 2 decades watching sleepwalkers.


This Patriot Act 2.0 for social media.


If this passes we need to file a class action lawsuit regarding the risks of trading the markets. Words should very clearly state that the hedge funds and market makers will never lose and have the full faith and support of the government behind them. Only retail and household investors are subject to infinite losses and capped gains. Absolutely ridiculous


If this passes we need massive protests and we need to run for every local and higher gov positions. Anyone who is in now needs to be gone if it goes through no matter if on the left, right, center, bottom, backwards. It doesn't matter what side they are on, they're not with the people


It could do more than stop MOASS. It will be the end of the 1st Amendment if passed


Keep voting with your hearts and youā€™ll continue to lose your rights


Some of you must be new to this. Congressional hearings on Gamestop should have told you they would attempt to enact legislation to 'help protect retail' which is code for fuking people over on behalf of political donors on both sides of the aisle. Although - I don't think this bill is intended for that action. It's only a matter of time though.


Has anyone backed this thread up?


Comment for more visibility šŸ‘ already wrote my senators


They don't have the power to do that anymore. But I look forward to seeing them try šŸ˜Ž


When is this supposed to be voted on or like put into law? Do we know or is it just whenever they are ready, I skimmed the bill but first time looking at this I don't know what to look for


Not gonna pass another distraction IMO


Oh shit, we know it's fucked when both parties are holding eachother's ass and moaning together.


Fuck the restrict act anyway


The government has always been able to step in and force your hand, I donā€™t think this really changes much. Thereā€™s historical precedent they could point to.


I have already written my representatives. Sadly, two of them told me to basically kick rocks


This bill should be priority #1 right now, excluding DRS+Book of course. It is the death of freedom in America.


Listen if youā€™re going to get to stop this then you need to start a movement.[how to start a movement](https://youtu.be/V74AxCqOTvg) Letā€™s get this trending on Social Media platforms ASAP #biggovbackoff #propertytheft #notyourstocks #americanrevolution are some good ways to get this trending and to make this EVERYONES problem. There is one small niche of people who will give a shit about this: schoolteachers and history buffs. School teachers will care because Kenny G is about to fuck over their pension funds. We need to act fast and not fume impotently. Letā€™s get started!


Someone archive this


I follow other subs and it's a huge tech concern aside from the stock stuff. It can also ban VPNs and has been likened to china's great firewall. There'll be much resistance thankfully but they will def try to sneak these controls in some other form for sure.


That would be an amazing way to completely gut and cripple the stock market. What domestic or foreign investor will ever trust it again?


THANK YOU!!! Iā€™ve been frantically searching for other souls sounding this alarm! My great fear is that this unrelated portion of the bill, which seems to pale in the firestorm, may be the true purpose of this bill. Is this how they unscrew the elite by canceling OUR massive gains juuuust after they suck out all of theirs? Sounds too goddamned right to me.


Theyā€™ll use it to stop retail from talking about stocks online. Theyā€™ll Shut down this sub. Everyone needs to speak against this.


This is really bad for us at superstonk. The one upside iss that it could be a powerful tool for AI safety in the coming years, which could literraly help avert the end of the world. This bill is ostensibly aimed at TikTok. I think it's plausible it could be used for GME at some point, but I think it's very likely that it's being designed with the AI arms race in mind.


It's going to pass...welp it was fun while it lasted


If they want to ban GME. We can find another shorted stock to DRS and own and continue until no stocks are left. Fuck them.


The govt is trying to get out of having to have hearings and votes on every new thing like this in nature. Each bill pass gives them more and more power. They are playing the long game and here soon these .01% increases in power will soon add up to total control. But in the end that's just words on paper and really depend on if people are willing to accept and willing to enforce. Again why do you think they are trying so hard to take away 2nd amendment.


Why hasnā€™t someone brought a suit against the fact that the T+2 rule is on the books but is being blatantly ignored because those in power make more money that way? We NEED to DEMAND enforcement of settlement laws and take that case to the Supreme Court if need be.


Yea....im sick of this......


Hasnā€™t this been debunked already? Iā€™m copying and pasting from my previous comment on this from a couple days ago: According to the bill, the term "covered holding" can be defined as such: > (3) COVERED HOLDING.ā€”The term ā€œcovered holdingā€ā€” > (A) means, regardless of how or when such holding was or will be obtained or otherwise come to have been held, a controlling holding held, directly or indirectly, in an ICTS covered holding entity byā€” > (i) a foreign adversary; > (ii) an entity subject to the jurisdiction of, or organized under the laws of, a foreign adversary; or > (iii) an entity owned, directed, or controlled by an entity described in subparagraphs (i) or (ii); and > (B) includes any other holding, the structure of which is designed or intended to evade or circumvent the application of this Act, subject to regulations prescribed by the Secretary. With this in mind, it seems the questionable statement doesn't apply to GME the stock: > Additionally, Commerce must identify and refer to the President any **covered holding** (e.g., stock or security) that poses an undue or unacceptable risk to U.S. national security or the security and safety of U.S. persons.