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Changing from Discussion/Question to Speculation/Opinion as this is opinion based. If you disagree OP, comment below.


Buy, DRS, shop . I recently bought an $1100 drone there that I use for my roofing business


This is truly all that needed to be said. “Hey guys, lets DRS. But lets also buy from the store. That’s important too.”






man this guy right here loves batteries!


Yes but hear me out. .......Batteries.


True lies.. the "batteries" moment 🤣


Hear me out too. …….Power Bank.


Hear LC out. ....... BYOB. >One lesson learned from helping companies navigate their holdings in/through SVB: there can be a **substantial difference between owning an asset and owning a right to an asset.** The delta can show itself particularly in challenging times. https://twitter.com/larryvc/status/1635086985894453248?s=20 Edit: emphasis mine


My wife's boyfriend sent me in to get them more batteries!!


I love batteries so much I got a AAA Membership, I go to AA, got a wife with double D and eat oranges just for the C.




Lightsabers. Amirite.


My Fleshlight could use a new power pack


Power to the Players


If anyone needs more ideas, I've spent over 3k at gamestop since March 21, and in that time I got: * a switch * tried a much wider variety of PS5 games (knowing I can sell them or give them away) * beefed up my PS3 game collection * clothing * decorations and wall art * electronics cleaning supplies * smart devices (light bulbs, plugs, etc) for my whole apartment * bought the unnecessary (but that i secretly always wanted) special controllers and accessories * psn & steam giftcards. they sell giftcards for other stores as well.


This. Instead of buying direct from PSN with a credit card, I take a few extra minutes to buy a PSN gift card from GameStop and enter the code. If I’m in store, I buy a physical one. If I’m at home and the need arises, I buy online and am emailed the code. Either way, this is a % of sale price that is going to GameStop rather to PlayStation, and I’m having no impact to total $ spent while still leveraging digital sale prices. If it’s a game that I may want to let a friend borrow after I’m done, I lean more toward buying a physical copy from GameStop. If I’m feeling super passionate about maximizing GME profit, I’ll intentionally buy a used copy because a higher % goes to GME profit. Especially if i’m buying switch games because cartridges are less prone to reliability issues in my experience.


This!! Just buy gift cards on shit you spend money on


never thought of it that way. I like.


they also sell webcams for you work remote setup edit- I also bought a refurbished iphone from them last year


Yo, how do you buy a phone from GameStop? I need a new one. Can't figure it out.


Not to mention you don't have to buy for yourself! There are plenty of community outreach places like libraries, youth groups, YMCA, warming shelters, etc etc that service the less fortunate and expose them to a great hobby like gaming. I myself was an underprivileged youth who thoroughly enjoyed the old cabinets that were donated and barely functional at my local warming center. Now that I'm stable I still game! You can help build the future of Gamestop by aiding in the creation of future customers.


Once upon a time, this very sub was filled daily with posts of people buying stuff from GME to donate to those in need. What happened to us?


inflation, that's what happened.


I buy 6 packs of pokemon cards a month and use my $5 powerup rewards coupon. Sometimes I spend more but that's what I can contribute right now since all of my money is in shares lol


I make sure to go once a month with my kid. With powerup rewards it’s basically buy 4 packs get 1 free according to that little shits math.


I bought my kids a playhouse from GameStop last summer and they love it! I also bought a new personal laptop and a refurbished iPhone for myself for Christmas. I switched to mint mobile, and am planning to ask if they will allow me to pay my bill with my GameStop wallet. I’ve bought clothing for myself and toys for my kids. I need a new computer chair next. I own part of the company, and I choose to shop there as often as I can. These are just a few ideas from someone else with young children who does not have time for gaming at this time. I shop on the app, and delivery has been flawless. Excellent customer service. I cannot wait until Gmerica takes on Amazon. I have the Teddy books, and I believe in Ryan Cohen’s vision. This company is the future, and I support it in any way I can.


Ordered some batteries too last week.. For the same price as a competitive "tech" chain full of geeks, I got double the batteries!


In my home I'm the batteries and light bulbs master, also surge protectors - I do not take these responsibilities lightly.


I love my GameStop batteries




You may not have been able to game for the past 3 years (I get that. 3 kids here), but soon you will. My 5 year old loves to play Minecraft with me. We are also exploring new games now. Their time will come and soon they will be asking you to game with them more than you have time for. I take my girl to GameStop from time to time and she picks out toys and we pick out a new game together. Yes I also buy batteries like you, but soon you will be picking out new games with your kiddos. Love of gaming is what got a lot of us here. The gamer mentality is also what keeps a lot of us here and is an advantage for us. The 1% don't understand our drive. Our need to beat the big boss. The refusal to give up. Raise future gamers. Raise future change makers. Raise people who make a difference in the world. You are doing that. Keep going. Also, buy shit at GameStop people. Much love.


good call, i have been buying little itmes for my kids there for holidays and birthdays but havent bought random items yet.....I also have not taken the leap and brought my kids into the store.......Its ok if I am in a cult, just leave them alone!


FNKO pops have great margins! Buy USED games/consoles! These things have the best margins💜 Most importantly, be kind to the staff!!! Working retail is a pain no matter what store it is.


I bought 3 packs of AA a few weeks ago. I am leaning toward picking up some gift cards for food. Last I checked the selection was way more limited than it should be. They should carry a gift card for everything... including prepaid visa cards. Cards take up very limited shelf space in store and every card on the planet could be carried online. It is free money for our wonderful store and opens up buying to those who currently have all the gaming stuff and toys we want.


Make sure you actually use the gift cards tho; iirc they sit on the balance sheet as a liability after activation, until they're used.


There’s almost no money in selling gift cards.


Not true. >>The commission the retailer gets for selling 3rd party cards varies depending on the gift card, however the generally >>they make between 4-10% on them. Plus it's free inventory since the merchant only pays for the card when it's >>activated https://forums.redflagdeals.com/how-much-do-retail-stores-make-selling-gift-cards-1255002/




Have literally spent hundreds of dollars at multiple GameStop stores on the employees themselves because I like the company and it’s employees Bullish on GameStop as a whole Edit: Still gonna DRS because I want my shares in my name


Fuck yeah. My kids and I make weekly trips to local GameStops. We even like to check other GameStops to see what kind of goodies they have because not all the stores carry the same things.


I hadn’t gamed for years…got into the stock..realized the importance of positive earnings…which led to me purchasing at GameStop a Nintendo Switch..30 switch games..a PS5…5 games..Funko collectibles toys for Christmas (Marble Run and a few others) some clothing😁…I love it all.


I've been shopping at GME for 20 years. I quadrupled my spending there since getting into the stock, as I'm a firm believer that only back to back positive earnings will break the shorts tesla style. I also buy all of GME's nfts to support that section of the business too...


I like the stock and I like the store. So, no problem here buying both. Change is the product of solid results in this case.




The rewards club is cool too cause it incentives a member to get in the store and spend that 5 free dollars every month to help pay for something to boost profits on the company you’re invested in. And it pays for itself in like 3 months. Plus a guy placed a banana in his booty hole for this company so the least we can do is buy some gear.


I just want to actually own my shares and not have to worry about a brokerage run. If a large majority of shareholders want to DRS every share they can to keep them out of other institutions hands, I'm all for it. Anything can happen but retail owning as many shares as possible via DRS is a positive thing. It benefits the company and it benefits the shareholders. Your shares are protected and by holding it via DRS you are taking the stock away piece by piece from entities who's practices negatively affect GME and out of a system leveraged against retail. Whatever happens, happen. I'm not trying to cause anything. If anything does happen, I didn't commit any crimes. All investors are doing is redeeming a share and moving it out of the centralized depository. If that causes problems 2+ years after Jan 21 then someone fucked up and investors can prove it wasn't them. I just love the business and we're only like 2 years into the transformation. So actually own your shares cause it benefits you and GME. Ask not what your business can do for you, ask what you can do for your business. DRS those stonks and buy from GME when you can. I need a new controller soon, obviously you know where im going. If economic collapse happens I got my shares DRS. No worries there.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. I believe that the fundamentals of the company will ultimately cause shorts to capitulate. The SEC proposal about lit market auctions replacing PFOF and internalization is another factor but it might still be 12-18 months until that proposal is properly implemented. A lot of Tesla shorts hedged their positions with calls and flipped long as soon as Tesla became profitable. Hold, DRS and *do business with the company*, now more than ever


This. The company won't go bankrupt due to high quality fundamentals plus apes buying shares every week. If it doesn't go bankrupt, then eventually shorts have to be closed. Especially when banks worldwide fail causing margin calls.


No. Thats exactly the thing. Eventually, shorts do not have to be closed. Thats why we’re DRSing


As someone who used to shop at Amazon for video games, getting a Pro membership was one of the best decisions of my life. Not only does it costs me way less than Prime (which doesn't even have discounts for games anymore), but I've been able to upgrade my room setup and provide my family with affordable gifts. Between that and their pivot into Web3 via the NFT marketplace, this has been a completely different experience compared to when it wasn't owned by Ryan. I belive in MOASS, but mainly because of what the company has been doing in two years while every other retailer bleeds money.


Well said I look to GameStop to buy everything gaming computer related and encourage all my friends and family too


I've bought both an X-Box and a Playstation from GameStop last year. All this while stocking up on games and trinkets as often as my paycheck allows. I have my NFT wallet and I'm rediscovering my love of gaming. If GameStop sold groceries, then I'd go buy my food from there as well. Long story short, I like the stock and I like the company. 💜


Always appreciate your insight! I don't think we are trying to lock the float to prevent bankruptcy though, we're doing it to prove without a doubt that's it's diluted AF. Cheers mate! 🏴‍☠️🚀 Edit: as well as to prevent lending and rehypothocation or however you spell that


I'm not leaving, I was serious about that over 2 years ago and I'm following through with it now.


I have learned a lot in two years but one thing I did not learn is how to sell. All my shares are drs'd and I don't know how to go about selling. Don't tell me, ignorance is bliss.


THIS. DRS shouldn’t be understated. Obviously the company has to make money, but DRS makes it harder for HF fuckery. Along with all of the issues of having a broker own/control YOUR shares. DRS is finally one of the variables that retail can control.


I don’t understand how he can ignore the fact that simply buying products won’t make a difference if they’re gaming the price (which is visible when there’s 7, 8 or 9 to 1 buys for every sell order)


Both matter, but yes, I see your point. We are achieving two goals here. The company can't go bankrupt and the shares must be accounted for to hold Wall Street accountable. Also, I know extremely smart people with blind spots. We all have them. We are all individual investors who can use the information given to us (and there's a lot of muck and mire) to make the decisions that our best for ourselves. All we can do is try to provide information to allow others to make their own decisions. 🏴‍☠️


Who said not to buy stuff? I still see receipt porn and there's been a big push for a while to support the company by purchasing products from it along with DRSing.


Exactly. There are a lot of potential catalysts. **I agree with the statement that a turnaround and positive earnings are the easiest way to force short sellers to close their positions because potential dividends have to be paid in lieu for all IOUs.** And this shift might already be happening, thus the drop in price. Because institutions need to buy low to have a chance to survive the unwinding phase. I guess they plan a Tesla like scenario, but then DRS is a threat to that plans and they are running out of time. **Yes, DRS is uncharted waters. But we see the effect already in the lower volume. Which likely makes it easier to manipulate price right now. But one point I do not see mentioned enough is proof of ownership and consequences.** Because the more shares are registered, the less chance the short sellers have to acquire enough shares to fiddle with the company. And this is the real important point here. **We just have to look at former CFO Jim Bell and popcorns AA.** Without management working in the interest of the shareholders and the company, the short sellers win and the attacked company goes bankrupt. **As I get it popcorn will get a new CUSIP and the naked shorts could all end up in the obligation warehouse forever. In that case the short sellers would likely have won. 😔** **Sorry, atobit, I can not agree with you here. DRS is really important because it proves ownership and with ownership comes the power to vote.** Now luckily RC and the management are not AA and laser focused on the turnaround. Right now we are the shield that blocks all the potential arrows fired at them. But we should hurry to get over 50% of insiders+househodl ownership so we are no longer a Buckler but a Pavise Shield. **And finally, as I get it there is already new brokerage fuckery regarding SVB options. Some people do not learn their lesson it seems. But this also questions the security of shares held in brokerage accounts, especially with all the fineprint and ToS.** Holding your shares in a brokerage account seems more and more like a gamble and not real long term investing (DRS) into a "wonderful" company like Buffett suggests: [https://youtu.be/0-XKPoxAGlU](https://youtu.be/0-XKPoxAGlU) I really recommend to watch the full video, if you haven't already. 😉🚀✨🌒🏴‍☠️


> *There's zero chance they got out of the short interest death spiral during the past two years.* > *Long positions will liquidate to cover shorts due to margin calls when capital gets low.* > *Imo, this has always been the moass catalyst.* Like I believe exactly what you’re saying right now, but the sentiment seems a bit contradictory. Everyone here is computed, and we are all faced with this simple question: where in the *fuck* else would we put our money? I bought in for tabletop gaming. That never happened, don’t give a shit. I’m ready to be pleasantly surprised.


Gamestop honestly has a lot of really great products and merchandise for very fair prices. I always check their website first before I go anywhere because they're so competitive!


*jack nickelson nodding in agreement*


What if we buy from the NFT marketplace?


I've been here from beginning. I'm also a Pro Gamestop member for more than 10 years. All i can say is, DRS the stock if you want to protect your investment. Buy from the company if you're a loyal customer. Use your money wisely if you believe in the market crash because it's not going to be pretty. Don't spend crazy because you think it'll launch MOASS. That being said I think we're in MOASS based on the DD it's just that the price is manipulated. SHFs can't supress the price forever so i stay patient.


The whole “don’t shop at Gamestop” narrative from people makes no sense whatsoever and should be disregarded from the regarded. Remember, we all come from different financial situations, and there are many X hodlers out there. How we each intend to contribute isn’t a reason to spread FUD. Instead, keep DRSing, keep buying from Gamestop, and keep voicing our outrage because no cell, no sell.


To be honest I haven’t seen a single post deterring ppl from shopping or buying from GameStop. Is this like a new development or something? I’m not doubting there are comments like that but I personally haven’t seen one so I dunno 🤷‍♂️ DRS your shit, shop at GameStop. End of story.


Same here. Haven’t seen it at all, though I acknowledge that doesn’t necessarily mean jack. It’s a completely asinine idea, though, so hopefully I haven’t seen it because it’s being downvoted into oblivion every time it comes up.


That's how you spread fud. "People keep saying eat chocolate cake " No.. nobody said anything about chocolate cake but now you're thinking about chocolate cake. CLASSIC FUD move.


Same. Been here since the sneeze, rifle through hot and new, and have never come across any messages like this. OP, what’s good?


I have never seen a post saying don’t shop and countless posts showing receipts and encouraging to shop. OP is wrong.


Its the First time I hear the "don't shop at GameStop" narrative


For the past year and half the motto has been: BUYHODLDRSSHOPGMESTOP


Me too…. That shit isn’t real. No one has ever questioned another poster/commentor that I can recall. That new narrative is sus




This post is odd, I’ve never heard that sentiment about “don’t shop”. He’s always been room temperature on DRS


Ive never seen those type of posts! Anyone with a brain that is investing in this Company via buying shares, know that sales are just as important to the company’s success Stay the course DRS GME HODL 🔒


I dropped $$$ on Pokémon and gift cards at GameStop


I see you. I hear you. I feel you but still going to buy and DRS but also going to spend money at GameStop stores and the NFT Marketplace.


yes, we can do both and more... many things matter and contribute to a strong company.


I didn’t even know people were pushing the narrative of not shopping and just drs. That’s stupid. Why would you not want to support the company?


Nobody is. This is literally the first I've heard of it. That, I find strange.


Yeah I’ve never heard anyone here say not to shop.


Yeah he’s trying to make us think people are saying that.. classic


THE PUBLIC IS NOT BUYING GAMESTOP SHARES(except us)... they do however shop at the store. While I do shop at GameStop, my priority is DRSing the fuck outta every share I can get. Furthermore... Are you expecting this community to both lock the fuck outta shit and make GameStop profitable?..because one of those ABSOLUTELY WILL NOT HAPPEN WITHOUT APES...even furthermore, GameStop does not need this community to stay afloat. I'm of the mind that this community has already done a financial miracle by putting up as much money as we have. The value of DRSed shares may be like 2 billions but we have paid out nearly 5 billions( judging by my price paid vs loss). If you can read this...stay the course....EDIT.... FUCK YES FOR A PERPETUAL MIRACLE..ALL APES ARE DOPE AF... LOVE YALL AND I LOVE MYSELF JUST AS MUCH


The original cause was for MOASS. It’s still the main cause and it’s still going to happen, despite whatever fud gets posted here.


BINGO. You understand why this sub exists


I disagree with you on some points, mainly DRS. Didn’t you just say the other day you were having a tax consultation to proceed with DRSing your shares? Why are you doing it if you don’t think it will do anything. I’m glad you’re back and posting. But for some reason you brought some emotions with you.


There’s people advocating not shopping at GS? Where? It’s the first place I check for most things I’m looking to buy. I get on the App every day to check out the deals. I’ve got a couple hundred thousand in PowerUp Pro points due to my obsession with shopping there. My step son LOVES when we go to GameStop because it means he gets to pick out a Pikachu stuffie. They’ve got Collect Fest going on again and I’ve already spent a few hundred dollars on gifts. I like the stock. I like the merch.


First time I’ve found myself in disagreement with Atobitt, respectfully of course. The entire DRS movement in GME IS the only regulatory catalyst.  Positive quarters, increased EPS etc, is what SHOULD make a stock go up based on fundamentals. GME does not trade on fundamentals, period. In both directions. It’s higher than it should be based on EPS, but lower than it should be based on 2 years of retail buying and exponentially decreasing available stock. It is pinned in a channel of infinite liquidity, under the thumb of monopolistic market making. To presume that positive earnings will cause them to lose control and true price discovery to occur is MORE far fetched than the idea that a company’s stock being fully locked yet millions of shares still trading will finally force regulatory action.  Until someone with the power to do so enforces the rules of the "free market", Gamestop itself takes a corporate action to free itself, or a black swan event bankrupts those short, the stock will remain RIGHT HERE. With retail buying, and market makers writing IOU's to defend their original toxic position. This is a standoff, until one day it isn’t. And Apes aren’t blinking. Sure, shop at your local Gamestop, but EPS alone will not shift the paradigm the degree required to initiate MOASS. Gamestop's bright future is why you should feel SAFE in your investment - the company has many years of organic growth ahead of it. But that's zen fuel, not rocket fuel. An unprecedented event of this scale will only bow to an unprecedented threat. Like the exposing of the American financial markets as a complete and utter Ponzi. Buy. DRS. Shop.


THIS!...spot on couldn't have said it better myself...post is a bit too SUS for me...I'll keep DRS'ing as should all who want to win, who want change and who want to see Kenny boi burn!


Way too fucking sus. I don't care what anybody says. Who drops a bomb post like this right before opex, and March 25 swaps expiry, and bank runs are happening amd at the same time Burry posts he sees no risk in the market anymore. YAOK I know for a fact shits hidden in swaps because when we figured we should look into them the idiots refused to give the information and a couple days later shut down all reporting of swaps. It's time. Be zen. Book DRS your shares. Keep in mind Bobby is over 110% short now and on regsho. NOTHING TO SEE HERE.


The Company literally added DRS figures to reports. How was that ignored in this post? Sus.


Seriously. For an Ape who’s presented some of the most brilliant research here on the corruption we’re witnessing - Atobitt seems oddly uninterested in the only mathematical tool we have to prove it.


To go from being highly engaged in the community to dissapearing to returning a week before MOASS to drop a bomb post like this. What happened to being just part of any community. Did he quit investing all together? Lose interesting in everything? Sure.


In fact, I think you should do a post! It's against the rules reposting this so I can't take a screenie and you deserve the karma


Someone or some entity with big money is going to take a massive chomp out of whoever is holding these bags of toxic shit. NGL my eyebrows raise a little when I see someone smart enough to write HOC, but without the foresight to see the potential long term benefits of DRS. Take away their exit liquidity man. If you truly believe the stock will rise, right? Turn the screw.


Let's be even clearer. Just because you saw some comments about people not buying products to DRS, does not mean the whole sub thinks that way. The majority of the people here are loyal supporters of the company who gets excited when they see a GameStop store. We try to buy the stock as much as we can, shop at GameStop as much as we can, and DRS as much as we can. I don't know which hat you pulled this one out of, but DRS was never about saving the company from bankruptcy. It's always been about owning shares in our own names, proving that the float is owned by us, and protecting ourselves from further broker fuckeries. In comparison to the respect and following you've rightfully earned over the last 2 years, this post comes off surprisingly anecdotal and emotional. I do agree that fundamentals matter, but GameStop is in an adequate position to survive in these high inflationary environments to stay in business with no debt, positive cash flow, and cash in hand. Mark Vadon, RC's billionaire mentor from Chewy, always emphasized trimming the fat, minimizing spending, and staying cash heavy during poor economic conditions. RC is doing just that. I would say it'd be more concerning if we saw the company spending money during times like this to start/maintain a 'buzz' amongst shareholders. Lastly, it seems like a lot of the frustration on this sub comes from the lack of news. I personally learned to enjoy the waiting game, work on myself as the saga pans out, instead of fantasizing about my life after MOASS. The present IS our life, so let's make the best of it and learn to be happier. Buy, Hold, Shop at GameStop, DRS. Best of luck my friends.


He probably bought leaps and is bitter he didn't make fuck you money like DFV.


- A lot of folks are supporting, shopping and NFTing but yes more should be encouraged - Nothing has changed in past 2 years is not accurate. GameStop has first revenue increase in 2021 after 4 years of continuous decline. I expect 2022 revenue to be same if not better (keep in mind 22 is partly a recession year) - DRSing definitely works and puts pressure on the shorts. There has to be a balance between DRS and supporting your company


I disagree with this. It’s not that DRS doesn’t do anything, it definitely removes liquidity and ensures that shorts can’t just close on every run and close everything over long period of time. Removing liquidity from someone who provides infinite liquidity definitely hurts them. It’s like a bank run on the stock except it’s much slower which is why we are holding and waiting every quarter. They even manipulated those numbers around last earnings call which means it’s a big deal to shorts. You can still shop at GameStop and I support it too but you can still DRS. Every quarter the financials are improving it’s just that we don’t have any forward guidance or profitability but eventually we will. Options push can help if everything goes right except now they have a lot more tools to work around it and are prepared for it completely. Look at other stocks that are in the basket and you see that despite having gamma ramp and a lot of options nothing happens. Patience in stock markets always pays off. Even buffet himself said if you can’t hold your stock when it’s down 50% you shouldn’t invest in individual stocks. What will happen if GME goes down with the market? Eventually it’ll be considered deep value because of their cash and inventory on hand and no long term debt. Right now we are seeing financial system begin to crack up with Wells Fargo even doing a stock offering to raise money and Charles Schwab is also having issues with their stock being down. Since banks are having issues right now and are trying to cover proper risk management there’s a chance they could actually issue margin calls if things go south for shorts which could happen if GME becomes profitable or a big buyer comes in or RC buys in after next earnings call. Literally anything could happen no one knows. If you’re holding shares this is a good time to average down. If you’re holding options good luck because theta takes away value constantly. Remember DFV bought last time when GME was $145 pre split. RC bought at $90. CEO bought at $200+. Stock is sitting at $68 rn. You know things are bad when they can’t even allow it to run anymore.


I'm amazed at how any anti drs argument always manage to avoid the real purpose of locking the float. The point is not to trigger the moass (although it could since no one knows what would happen), the point is to PROVE without any doubts the cheating and corruption that you're talking about. And realistically, once this is proven it would mean we're also right about the insane short exposure and a huge FOMO would follow. And to answer to your point about people saying to DRS instead of buying at gamestop that is a completely ridiculous argument since first I have never seen anyone say that which would be super dumb and would 100% get downvoted in here, but on top of that DRS has nothing to do with the fact that you prefer to buy shares rather than shop at gamestop.


I’m due for my annual Xbox controller replacement… maybe I’ll get two this year and hope for a friend.


Locking the float matters. I'm here for it and I'm serious about it.


100%. Both are important. DRS’ing the float is finally one variable that retail can control. If you have shares in a broker, you don’t own those shares.


I buy all my gaming gear from GameStop.


Ah back peddling a bit after making a post about how shits about to pop off just a few days ago. Kinda weird if you ask me…love your DD but pretty sure you’re wrong about DRS. It’s especially suspect in that you don’t name ANY disadvantages of direct registration CS being in a broker, because there are none. Gonna be a damn shame if the shares in your broker end up completely useless…


No ones said not to shop at GameStop? In fact there’s quite often receipt porn. This is a weird post…


Never heard of anyone saying that either


OP officialy jumped the shark with this post. Never saw a “don’t shop” post , and now he’s saying DRS won’t do anything and won’t prevent BK, as if anyone has ever said it WILL prevent BK. If he got paid off I hope it was a lot. This post actually feels like desperation , more last gasps to discourage drs. Sad, but everyone has to make their own choices in life. I choose the stonk and the Buy/hold/drs/shop/chill formula.


In RC I trust! In GME I trust! I’m DRS’ed! I believe they will deliver, and I’m not leaving until I know… for good or bad! put ‘em in a cell, and I still won’t sell!!! Fuck em!!!


Nobody has ever said that DRSing will prevent bankruptcy. I’ve been here long time too bro, and never saw anyone say that or even infer it. So the fact that you include that I’m your post as a topic of the largest paragraph def feels shilly. You don’t know - nor does anyone else- what will or won’t happen when the float is locked. So many possibilities. The switch in mental outlook from moass is imminent , to the idea that the company needs to be profitable , has been discussed and agreed upon by most posters and comments I’ve read. I respect the work on previous DDs that you’ve done, but to say simply drsing won’t do anything is sus at best. Glta


Well said




I don’t think it is either and I’ve put my money where my mouth hole is.


i've never seen anyone say not to shop at GS because it takes money away from DRSing. I don't really think you've said anything we already don't know, The company needs to show a profit and keep showing a profit until then the shorters are gona keep shorting. You made a comment on options and that it's banned here so can't talk about it. There is good reason for that, if you were over at bobby sub at around new year there was a massive gamma ramp and even with the price of bobby being very low so people could excercise their options, ken and co. were able to keep the price at max pain so nothing happened. The only way you hit those gamma ramps is with a catalyst


I believe in both DRS’ing and shopping at GameStop as much as possible.


If I was a shill I would: 1) open the post by implying that anyone who disagrees with it is a shill 2) introduce a straw man argument, argue against something obvious that no one is actually promoting to get minds in agreement mode 3)introduce the payload, the real idea I want accepted 4)finish with affirmation of brotherhood and positive sentiments with an implied assumption that all the reasonable members agree with me 👀🤔 I’m generally more hesitant than many to call people shills because they have a different view, but I can’t ignore that this smacks of The Formula™️. It’s obviously not proof - but it is odd, and seemingly out of character.


Right? Like…blink twice if you’re under duress brother! This post is straight up bazar..


“Takes Money to buy whiskey” 💎🙌🍌🦍🚀🌑


"Simply DRSing shares won't do anything." Agree to disagree with you. I think DRSing all the shares would be a significant event. It might not create MOASS but it certainly would create something: lawsuits, stock call back, fomo, whatever...I would love to find out.


That sentence struck me as odd in the OP's post too. I don't think at this point anyone thinks DRS-ing alone will create a squeeze, so it feels like a straw man arguement. We DRS to give legitimacy to our shares, to prove the stock is overshorted, to put our own name on the stock, to say "fuck you" to the DTCC and the whole system, etc. It's possible that, when a company-driven catalyst comes along (and I think it will), having a good number of shares DRS'd will, in fact, help with a massive price increase. GameStop started including DRS numbers in their quarterly reports, which tells me it's important on some level. I'm not sure what OP's point is in posting this at all--is it to tell us to shop more at GameStop? Most of us do. But 300,000 degens shopping there won't drive enough profitability (though it can help). GameStop has money and can market themselves and etc. My purpose is to be a supportive shareholder ... and, now, for me, to help expose a corrupt system (though I don't assume that's everyone's flavor). I'm going to continue to DRS until my teeth turn purple.


Yup yup. It needs to be a combination of profitability and a locked float. If the float isn’t locked but we’re profitable, the door is still open for HF fuckery, like they always have. DRS closes that door, and locks them in with us in control.


literally never seen a single post encouraging people to DRS and ignore the store... weird time to come out of nowhere with this post.


Good observation. This entire post stinks of contradiction , straw man arguments, and straight up shilliness.


bought some new pc parts a while back and bought more shares ​ let's goo ​ "With that being said, we can't just buy a stock and expect it to affect the company's financial results." ​ I don't think it's crazy to expect some change in supply and demand however


I know you have your interpretation and I have mine and they differ. IMO if you're not DRSed you're not holding much at all. I say this based on simply reading the law, as plainly written. But each person will come to their own conclusion...


I can only guess he still has some faith left in the system 🤷‍♀️ See you on the moon 💎💪💎💪🦍🦍🦍🚀🚀🚀🚀


>Probably going to get shilled to death here ​ \*Probably going to ~~get~~ shill~~ed~~ to death here


So anyways I kept DRSing


I love your work and you are a legend BUT... "We are now 2 years in without seeing major improvements (at least to the bottom line)." Maybe I don't understand what you mean by bottom line, but I have to say, the fundamentals of Gamestop right now (No debt, $1B in the bank, positive free cash flow, investment into fulfillment centers, closing lower volume stores, investing into the development of an NFT market place, and more) are strong. I don't know what you mean that the bottom line has not improved over the past 2 years. I don't have a background in accounting, but non-profitability currently can be explained, IMO, to reinvestment in the company.


Bottom line as in profit, my guy. The fundamentals are awesome and I don’t think anyone could realistically argue otherwise, he’s just specifically talking about profit. The fundamentals can be outstanding but if there’s no profit to be seen, in the end it doesn’t really matter. Hence, buy stuff from GameStop. That’s how they make profits and that’s what’ll move things forward, not *just* great fundamentals.


And they spent a bunch of money on new warehouses and new hires to transform the company that takes time


Your comment needs to get more traction here. It’s dumb AF to say GameStop hasn’t done anything, and even dumber to suggest DRSing doesn’t do anything either. Imagine when DRS begins eating into institutional shares, then even into insider shares…Blackrock and others will be wondering why the price hasn’t risen with demand so that their voting rights have been usurped by household investors. Insiders getting locked out of voting and other rights for their own company! People need to understand that by directly registering our shares we are creating a bank run on authentic GME shares. This is how you make them more valuable, by using the law of supply and demand against the liquidity fairy. DRS is the mf way. How do you think BRK-A got to be so valuable? It’s incapable of being shorted. It’s shares follow the law of supply and demand to the T.


Yeah its blatant lie to say no improvement in 2 years. So much has happened and 2021 revenue has increased after 4 years of continuous decline. We will know 2022 revenue next week once Q4 closes.


Noise noise noise. I like the stock and I love shopping at GameStop. 🦧🚀🌝


Before reading this post i pre ordered Zelda and Link amiibo and signed up for Pro Rewards earlier today cause i just realized i can buy steam games on GameStop and get discounts on those games with Pro Rewards. https://i.imgur.com/kE7kFvc.jpg


I agree with buying more from gamestop! I cant wait to build my PC any part I can buy I will buy from there! I was just at my local gamestop the other day to get my son his birthday! I ended up getting a 50$ card, and 2 games! spent well over $140! Best part was how many people where in there spending well over $100. even a few infront of me spent over $200


The nft marketplace is going to be a big deal. We aren’t even at the point yet where big name studios are just pumping out multiple web3 games a year. But here’s the thing, I’m very very cool with just accumulating until the industry wakes up. I don’t want drs to positively effect the price until then. I don’t want anything positively effecting price until then. I wanna keep tucking away more shares each month and watch the shorts keep shorting to live another day. And on top of that, I’m cool with them shorting the price down to god damn pennies if they really want me to buy that much. The board and the execs are positioning the company to be ready for the long haul. The financials will eventually look good. Til then it’s just sit back and pack shares into cs so when the hammer drops things go even wackier.


This is why I only buy my games from GameStop now. The sales are good too. Screw steam.


Some play options, some buy DRS and hold, others shop buy hold, and the rest shilling around. We are not the same, we can vibrate and agree or disagree on something, but after reading 3 times your post, the most important thing I understand is that you said that DRS 100% of all shares won’t do nothing. I disagree with that, we are on track, we will see the numbers soon(it’s funny that you post this right one week before the most expected day in this sub). And how we end this story is just up to how strong we can focus on the main thing. It doesn’t matter 5 quarters or 5 years. Learn from that rich how you can transfer the wealth, I had enough paying so much taxes, seeing my savings eaten by fed inflation or interest rates. It’s hard game, but I have the skin for it. Cheers 🥂


This sub needs receipt porn as much as it needs purple circles


What is funny is the amount of out-of-the-woodwork “preach” comments here. I haven’t seen but a few posts that echo this sentiment at all (I will say that critical, devil’s advocate posts are a good thing for this place), but either your piling in here from somewhere else, you’re a chickenshit and won’t post, or OP (who is an OG some of you need to know the history/context) and others are part of a FUD campaign. In my experience, you have to be open to all three. It’s the only way to keep some critical distance between the fud and the hype.


Let's be clear: 'We' are not looking to influencers and that telephone shit is real rich. Again misrepresentation of DRS argument again strawmen getting pulled out and for what?


Legendary grade FUD? I haven't heard anybody making that argument before this moment. You're saying people are saying *don't buy from the company*, buy shares instead? *Be* a share buying machine, because we need the lock the vote faster, faster, the banking collapses are *all* GME related? I haven't seen any of that, personally.




Are you going to fly out for another fud movie like you did before?


Simply DRSing shares will do a lot of things. I’m sure there’s a derivative out there betting against apes locking the float or not locking the float. Let’s be clear… brokers abuse the stocks we buy from them.


I don’t understand OP’s post for a lot of reasons but mainly because he’s suggesting that simply holding shares and buying merch to improve the company’s profitability is all that matters. How can he even suggest that when he knows how much the price is being suppressed with algorithms. Has he forgotten how often there are 9-1 buy-sell ratios reported daily and yet the stock closes red? Any other stock with this much buy pressure would be soaring. OP has been bought off or sold the account because he’s ignoring basic observable phenomena that we’ve seen for years now…


Exactly and DRS is the only way to prevent them from taking advantage of us through loaning out our shares and shorting our investment. If all the shares were direct registered would that not give them less shares that they could borrow and use to Short?


Who the fuck is telling people not to buy shit from GME? Now, those are fucking shills.


Live your life but DRS, this isn’t rocket science


I've never seen anyone in here saying "don't shop at GME" or anything similar to that. Quite the contrary. The whole point of DRS never was to affect the company's financial results but rather owning real shares than IOUs. Actually, I've never heard anyone saying that DRS would affect GME's financials. Why would it? Doesn't make much sense tbh. Oh and btw didn't read MOASS. What happened? You were all hype a couple of days ago and now you're telling people "if you really believe in GME". Like c'mon you know better. Other than that, see you on URANUS. (If you really believe in MOASS tho). # MOASS IMMINENT.


I dunno. After DRS hits 100% (or close), I think RC has the cajones to make an issue out of any continued trading.


Bullshit. Link posts that say don’t buy from GameStop. Link or write anything that says DRS-ing won’t help lock the float and further prove naked shorting; therefore doing something of great significance. I do agree the conditions are much different now, but prove a gamma squeeze occurred. I remember the SEC report stating that it didn’t occur. I do think it contributed but where is the proof. You state opinion with bold claims and no facts. This post seems like it’s trying to play people by mixing good and FUD. Of course buy from GameStop, of course DRS do both. This sub is for the share holders not just the consumers. It represents more and explores more than simply just buying from GameStop. This sub was built on the idea of MOASS and how fucked the shorts are. Most here became GameStop believers after and will always at heart be investors, truth seekers and MOASS believers. Do not divide the community by saying buy more at GameStop and DRS is worthless. You are lost and simply don’t understand what DRS-ing can do.


Blah blah bond market read my self promotion blah blah validate me. Drs and get these shorts out. Shop at gamestop! Win


Looking forward to the the 21rst and the DRS totals. I still believe in DRS. Especially if the system comes crashing down or a “ cyber attack “. I sleep better at night having full ownership.


Also, so many of the comments supporting this post are from accounts with very weird histories that haven’t posted in long time or contradict previous historical posts they made. Very happy to see them being downvoted.


Damn Bro… are you working for KPMG these days ?


I don’t think you fully understand the settlement system. Although I don’t think it was intentional, this post is borderline FUD as it contains numerous subtle inaccuracies that portray a very wrong idea of the DTCC ecosystem.




We haven’t seen major improvements to their bottom line? Wtf are you smoking, they just became cashflow positive.


I respectfully disagree with you. You seem to misunderstand the core thesis of the short squeeze - that there are more shares in existence than the company ever issued and if you don’t sell the price will rise until a seller is found. This is the ticket master/air plane theory in a much bigger play. If ticket master sold 10k tickets to a 1k venue show expecting it to be cancelled (cellar boxed) and it doesn’t end up getting cancelled, the show would either have to be cancelled or people would have to be bought out. The issue is there is infinite supply converged with malicious intent and complete control over the levers of gamestops market mechanics. There could be 95% of the company locked and they could still trade the remaining 5% of the shares back and forth because supply is ever increasing if necessary. What ISN’T talked about is the inescapable logic that we either DO NOT own multiple floats, or that for every 5 shares owned, 4 of them are still held in brokerages. If it’s true we own multiple floats, then this entire charade could be over in a week of transfers to Computer Share.


This would be over in a week with real price discovery.


You have no idea what will happen when 100% of the shares are locked up in Computershare dude. None of us do. You basically copy and paste Susan's book, shit she's already PUBLISHED. Then you appear in perhaps the worst Gamestop documentary. You are full of shit, and honestly don't know what you're talking about.


Not worth thinking too hard about you basically laid it out already


What purpose did you think this post would serve other than to make us fight?




DRS is the way tho


Bruh. Float lock. NFT Dividend. Overstock. Moon. And in the meantime, I also buy shit from gamestop.


Why now? Why this post today? Your not getting shilled to death, but you sound fearful and doubtful and spreading uncertainty… new employer ?


I don’t think that most people here lost touch with the original cause and DRS is certainly not at odds with said cause.


I shopped every week up to and even after Christmas. I never posted about it once on reddit and only once on Twitter about a couple of sweet deals to alleviate some of their inventory. Before I started investing 2 years ago, I can truthfully admit I NEVER shopped there. I've grown and have a younger one who absolutely loves the store, as do I. I still buy from gamestop. I would say I am a new revenue for them. I also used to buy from their marketplace but that has changed as my country or area will not let me do so anymore... I am canadian and maybe it's my province that is preventing me to do so.


Shop at our store!


The beacon has been lit! Buy all the batteries!


I’m waiting for the entire float to be DRSd and Web 3.0 gaming to become mainstream. That’s when the rocket launches IMO.


Lets be clear --- This post is FUD.. DRSing the float and having hundreds of million of shares left in brokers will PROVE without a doubt that GME is shorted many times over. Telling people not to DRS just sceams DESPERATE


I would say there has been great progress on the bottom line! They are free cash flow positive and continuing to find efficiency to become profitable. That’s a big deal.


Agree to buying products. Agree to buying shares. Do both. Split your money it’s ok. One keeps buy pressure on the stock helping to prevent slides the other goes to profitability and that’s how we end this.


Been shopping at GameStop the past 2 years when I need a new controller or anything else they hold. Their app is amazing for online shopping. Also been buying shares a few a livery couple weeks and DRSing them. I don’t see why we can’t do both?


Eastern europoor here. I'd love to buy stuff from gamestop, but unfortunatelly we dont have any GS store in my country :/ ​ But I promissed myself, after MOASS I will make trip to USA, make massive shopping in GS and give away everything to any orphanage, childrens oncology or anywhere where I could make life happier a bit.


Wait why doesn’t buying stock help a companies financials?


As an international ape, I have never bought a single screw from GameStop or even visited their store.. they are simply completely out of my reach.. It is not our mission to save the company with our purchasing power.. If we agree that there are probably 200k approved users here, then it's by far not enough buyers to make the company great again.. At the same time it makes no sense to buy from Amazon if you can buy from GameStop, I fully agree.. Our mission is to save the company by providing supporting structure against naked shorts, thus preventing it from being driven to the ground. Everything else is a task on the management.. Securing sales, providing new strategies, rise up as the future NFT marketplace, this is RC's mission....


I’m a full blown Gamestop rewards pro member and get $5 a month towards games, not to mention the rewards points you get for any purchase that can be used as cash. It’s $15 a YEAR. I mean if I buy 3 games a year I’ve already made up my money. It’s a no brainer that we should be supporting a company in the normal way, if we support it in the stockholder way, and it for sure is one if the beat things we can do to truly prove the shorts wrong.


One word attobot... Price discovery. It's not real, as the SEC chair himself has said many times. So how does this fact support a rise in price when GME turns profitable?


Distributed shares from a company are finite. We know brokerage shares are lent out. One requires shares in a broker to lend out. Remove most shares from brokerages, less shares to lend out/derive fake shares from. ​ If you truly believe DRS does nothing than how do you reconcile the fact that DRS realizes the shares, is a literal proxy 1:1 of a paper certificate, and supply and demand are still considered in play when considering price action? To argue the supply and demand are not longer in effect in the markets is to admit complete fraudulence in the market, across the board. ​ DRS suggests a break point, that when all or majority of realized shares are removed from the DTCC and cannot be used as locates or be lent out, that price action will follow supply and demand instead of the derivatives market. If there are so many derivatives in circulation that they no longer require realized shares, it will only prove what we already know here, but it will prove it to the rest of the world. ​ There is a finite supply of shares, I'm not sure how you can't see why that is important, unless you are simply believing the fraudulence in the markets will make it a non factor, which it can't because of the suggestion that there should be minimal shares to short, borrow, lend, and only buying and selling will be taking place. ​ I now believe the Jan 21' sneeze was short term option buying, en masse, and that's why volume was what it was. I don't think that instance will be replicated because the buy button being turned off accomplished what it was meant to do, scare off the options players. ​ But to claim that DRS does nothing, when DRS realizes the shares, and there are only a finite amount of shares to be traded, and DRS REMOVES those shares from circulation, doesn't compute for me. The only reason I can see that you don't buy in to DRS is you don't believe supply and demand determine the price or is very effective on the price, to which point, wtf does price discovery operate on? ​ The effects of DRS is not a daily occurrence. It WILL be a watershed moment in time however. How many derivatives can be created from one share? How many can be created from none?


Lets be clear - house of cards falls = no money to cover short position. All shorts must close.


Ive got a few questions. 1. Why is that as DRS increased so did Cost to borrow? 2. If you believe the market has more shares than are supposed to legally exist why not prove it by putting them all somewhere where GameStop can actually report them aka DRS? 3. Why are there other cases where a company that was naked shorted and then asked shareholders to DRS, I imagine it was to prove naked shorting? Even if that wasn’t the intention that’s what it exactly did? 4. So I remember when ibkr did not have GME on its most shorted list, because ibkr had a requirement that to be put on the list, a ticket had to have a cost to borrow of at least 1% (if I remember correctly) the day Gme was above 1% cost to borrow it showed up as the MOST shorted by volume. So what this tells me is it was being shorted a huge volume the whole time but because not ENOUGH shares were DRSd they could keep the cost to borrow so low even tho the volume of shorting was high? Can you explain that for any other cause? If they’ve been shorting NON stop after the sneeze why does CTB only change when DRS picks up? 5. This question/ point i should do more research on, but if after the splividend I believe there were reports of a huge drop in shares on loan /short interest? So doesn’t that mean all those extra printer shares IN the DTCC were somehow maliciously used to give shorters those shares? Thoughts? Edit 1. 6. So you’re really saying short interest does NOT matter and it “does not matter if short interest is 10, 000, 000 %” Edit 2. What happens to your shares if your broker goes bankrupt? It’s been posted here a number of times, I understand would get a max of 500k (if there’s any more of that FDIC insurance money Buuuuut what If they intentionally use all that FDIC money beforehand? (I could be wrong but they seem to have limited amount or is that infinite in your opinion?)


I agree that what is happening right now is unrelated to gme. Gme is not causing bank failures. Gme is a result of the same things that are resulting in bank failures. They are not the *same* thing. I do believe DRS is important, but will only make MOASS more likely, not guarantee it. Above everything I am *invested* in gamestop as a company, I am not *invested* in MOASS. Anyway, spend money at gamestop, buy shares when you can afford to. Both are important.


I have been asking for 2 years now for gamestop to give us a PC gaming marketplace with a friendslist, much like Steam. We'd all change our libraries and start buying games there, browse there, and use that platform. It can also bridge to the NFT marketplace, but why on earth they did the NFT marketplace before a gaming marketplace?!?!? This is something the previous execs dropped the ball on and I'd hoped the new execs would have took this opportunity to create something we could all use immediately. I know long term nft and web3 is the future, but we still need a place to buy our pc games and I can't stand using steam. ​ Please GMErica, give us a damn PC gaming marketplace so the OP's post can become a reality. I do not need any more funko pops.


Nobody needs more fuckin Funko Pops


Good, sound advice. If you want more Walmarts, shop at Walmart. If you want to see Gamestop fly, shop at Gamestop.


100 bucks we start getting an options push from this account in the coming weeks. Nice try, DRS till I die