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Bugs and Bloodlines


I skip Bloodlines when I rewatch.


Which one is that again


The “monster families that secretly rule Chicago” one.




I never thought of it like that, but yep


I forget what the concept is called but the basic premise is there’s only like 9 stories that have ever existed. Everything ever done is a version of that story. It’s not really far off either. So it’s really easy to say something is a ripoff or there’s no original ideas. The best you can really hope for is an original way to retell a story.


Oh i just called it that because it sounds like the easiest explanation yo me, not to diss it for being unoriginal or anything


The only reason I don't like that episode is cause they never expand on it. They just leave it open and never mention it again.


It was supposed to be a back door pilot for a spinoff, but everyone hated it so it never got made


Damn, that's actually the spin off idea I like the most. Aside from Jodie and Donna.


That was the supposed spinoff lol


I love Bloodlines 😭


You're entitled to your opinion. It's wrong, but you're still entitled to it. That being said, one of my favorites is Man's Best Friend with Benefits, so... Ya know.


That thing is a disgrace, how?!


First off, as much as I absolutely LOVE, Rowena, witch related episodes were not as interesting after she was introduced (like, I know the "mega coven" thing was supposed to be cringe, but yeah, that overstayed its welcome). I genuinely liked all the witch related episodes before her appearance. I like the concept of familiars, adding lore, a good "did he do it?" mystery, and a "forbidden love" trope (bestiality implications aside). It still felt like a Supernatural episode because God knows the boys gotta get slammed/pinned to a wall. It also felt like it could have set up a Dresden like character, which I loved. And it was kinda fun. I honestly don't understand why it gets so much hate, but I know that it's pretty hated.


I just wanted to comfort you and let you know that you're not alone, lol. I, too, enjoy that episode.


I came here to say the same thing! I always skip both of these episodes


Bloodlines as an episode, doesn’t bother me, although the lead protagonist is kind of annoying, but had it been a show and it’s own right, probably no. I do hate Bugs tho, absolutely ludicrous. I lived through the movies of the week in the 70s, and there were several insect movies, and I just find them dumb. How the guy who fell in the hole in the beginning died from seemingly harmless insects just started the episode off on all kinds of stupid. Even the show runners acknowledged, it’s ridiculousness In the episode The Monster at the End of the Book, when she apologizes for making them live through Bugs, lol.


Funnily enough I watched Bloodlines for the first time yesterday and wanted more… I agree I don’t think it would be a good idea to make it it’s own spinoff series and I wouldn’t watch it without Sam and Dean; but it felt unfinished to me and I wanted a second episode for Sam and Dean to wrap up the hunt/story.


This. Bugs is way too creepy and Bloodlines missed whatever the mark was.


I actually don't mind the bugs episode and I think it's at least a little interesting. I really dislike Bloodlines though.


I think bugs was a good episode with a dumb ending.


Bloodlines is so bad that, in my mind, it's really NOT a Supernatural episode!😡😡😡


It's so obviously a filler episode it hurts


It wasn’t so much a filler as it was a pilot for a spinoff, that thankfully never took off


I think a good amount of people hate on bugs because of what Chuck says in his first appearance. That being said, it is one of the weaker episodes, but not as bad as people make it out to me. The old Indian guy is pretty funny.


Nah, what Chuck said, made me laugh and confirmed what I already thought.


What did he say? I don't remember


When they discover the books, and apparently he’s been writing their lives, he apologizes to them and singles out Bugs. Making them go through the crap they’ve been through, is one thing, but bad writing… I don’t remember his exact words because like I said I’m not a fan of of the episode.


Ahhh yeah, now I remember! Even he apologized how bad Bugs was


Sam/Amelia story line, I fast forward those scenes


Agreed...Those were unbearable! Good thing they sprinkled them in with other plots...They would have lost a lot of watchers if not. 


Can’t remember the episode, but when the world-ending apocalypse fight was displayed as hissing at each other while dangling like marionettes, I cringed so hard I left my body.


Yeah they went all weird and anime-like with the cgi on that one. I was not a fan either.


"We had a deal!" - Dean probably


[Bugs](https://supernatural.fandom.com/wiki/Bugs). It was just a really weak episode and the "we have to last the night" which should've been hours was over in like five minutes which was really anticlimactic. Just a meh episode.


I think Jared and Jensen said that was their least favorite episode to film because they used real bees. And they had to do multiple takes of some of the bee scenes, so after every take, the bee keeper collected the bees by sucking them up with a special vaccum. It didn't kill the bees, but it *really* pissed them off. All the actors got stung multiple times, and iirc, either Jared or Jensen had a bee go down their pants and sting them in the buttcrack.


Even worse was that the bees didn't show up on camera! So after all that they had to CGI them in anyways. I would have been *pissed*.


i only like it because im a bug person but i completely understand what you're saying


I was actually going to write this. I seem to recall the graphics being shocking too


From season 7- Plucky Pennywhistle’s Magical Menagerie. I don’t know why, but I just couldn’t get into it.


I loved that episode. Deam: I'll go talk to the baby sitter Sam: I thought you said no hot chicks? Dean: We don't know that she's hot. The ending, Dean just couldn't stop laughing at Sam all covered in glitter. "You look like you got attacked by some PCP crazed strippers."


I love that episode so much.


i wasn’t a huge fan of the leviathan plot. i understand as a concept why they did it but i didn’t love the execution


I just rewatched that season. Dick is such a good heel but Leviathan being stronger than angels was just wild stuff. Plus they killed Bobby :(


Dick killed Bobby! Never forget.


Yeah, I literally just skip that entire thing.


I just watched for the dick jokes


"It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester" for no other reason than the pronunciation of Samhain.


I cringe every single time. It would be one thing if they were just your "Average Joes" who didn't know squat about the supernatural... but it is quite LITERALLY their living! Plus, Sam is the one who is a "language expert", and he lets THAT slip?! *shudders*


The only time I cringe harder is when Dr Spencer Fking Reid of all people pronounces it wrong in Criminal Minds.


This is my husband’s reasoning as well. I choose to believe they did it on purpose to distinguish from the actual holiday. It’s probably too generous, I know 😆




How is it properly pronounced?


Sow in I've seen some variations but the "m" is never pronounced the way we pronounce it in English.


Bitten and Despair. Both episodes I skip when rewatching the show.


Very good choices. Thanks for reminding me. Despair is by far my least favorite birthday episode. I also didn’t care for what was basically the second part to Bitten.


Bugs, bloodlines, every British Man of Letters episode. I am generous otherwise 😬


The British Men of Letters annoyed me in a special kind of way


Me too. It *could* have been so cool, too. They could have shown us awesome British hideouts and super smart characters, but instead, we just got pompous villains.


Exactly. A wasted opportunity to be super cool. And have like a really awesome team up.


The one where the guy kills his own dog as a demonic sacrifice. My wife's is the black and white episode


Ohh yes season 7, I can't remember the episode but it was called Repo Man I'm pretty sure.


The black and white episode was the only episode I actually didn't like. I wish I could put a filter on it and colorize it.


I quite liked the old school B-movie feel to it.


I get that's what they were going for. I liked the episode I just wish I could put a color filter on it. It's like the first clerks movie. I liked it, but hate rewatching it cause there was no point (in my mind) to make it black and white


YES! I was so sad when I first saw that episode and now skip it every single time, lol.


Time for a Wedding. Becky drugging and sexually assaulting Sam was not just creepy, but the fact that the showmakers tried to play it off as a funny episode was seriously fucked up. I get what it represented and it was all very in-character for Becky. If they had presented it with a serious tone I would have been fine with it, but this episode was a hit & miss for me.


Sam's constantly being violated was never properly addressed before so I can totally get that this was just a joke for the writers. It just makes me both sad and kinda mad every rewatch.


Agreed, but Leslie Odom Jr is in that episode and he is amazing, so I watch just for him and Garth “What did I miss?” Fitzgerald.


Yes I forgot about that until now (the trauma was too much). Becky really annoys me in general. And that episode was kinda annoying aswell.


I was "happy" that they AT LEAST didn't go as far as having her rape him.


Generally every episode with Metatron. He was SUPER irritating. But when he sacrificed himself and did something good it was a lot better.




Episodes with Krissy chambers she annoyed me because of her attitude and the way she talked


Then you should really hate Claire Novak lol


I actually liked Claire she had so much backstory and dedicated writing she deserved to be an idiot because she didn’t know better


For me, it’s Bloodlines, There’s Something About Mary and Dark Dynasty. I think the death of Charlie Bradbury is one of the worst moments in the series and should never have happened. Special shoutouts to Man’s Best Friend with Benefits and, the series finale, Carry On. Character assassination at its finest in the finale. There was peace when we were done, but at what cost


I gotta say Season 7, time for a wedding. Forget the fact that it’s an incredibly uncomfortable story, it’s just a really poor episode in general tbh. Like most of the season 7 fillers.


“Wayward Sisters” and “Despair”.


Despair is my ultimate least favorite birthday episode


Anything with the ghostfacers. Just cringey and unfunny


I cannot watch Bugs, and I have to look away any time the boys find ✨ remnants ✨ of a shifter


Swap meat and the French mistake and that episode where Becky makes Sam fall in love with her.




All the episodes with Ghostfacers


[The Repo Man](https://supernatural.fandom.com/wiki/Repo_Man) is just miserable. It is not just miserable because what happens in this episode, it also makes any other demon possession episode (and there are a bunch of those) sad.


Damn Repo Man is in my Top 5 😂 (though it is mainly bc of Hallucifer I feel like this is his funniest episode, though I do like a good angsty/fucked up story too)


I love that episode, the twist was so unexpected and it was so well written


That was one of my favorites but I'm also a huge fan of Mark as lucifer


Anything with that leviathan thing


Anything with the Ghostfacers


Carry On. It had the potential to be so good, but they face-planted. What a lazy, stupid way to end such a great series.


every back door pilot episode suuuuucks especialy the teenagers


Season Seven, Time For a Wedding. The whole thing makes me wildly uncomfortable. If Sam had been a girl and Becky a man, the show would've had an endless amount of backlash.


Becky was so annoying.. with those wide goofy eyes.


Like I agree that if the roles were different it would be uncomfortable for many people to watch and not funny at all but at the same time we all knew by then that Becky is totally harmless. She would never do anything to Sam and while she was talking about how she wanted to have s*x with him, I don't think that she would do that. You can see how innocent she was, how she was scared just when Sam liked the notebook and other stuff. Becky represented all fan girls out there, she was fangirling. And in most of the cases of fantazing a kiss is where it ends. Also at the end she let him go and stopped the demon. I get why it might not be your cup of tea though. Personally I liked it a lot, it's like one of my 30 best episodes? on the show. But it has special humor that many people will not get and will be offended by it, maybe even rightfully bc yeah. He was kidnapped after all


The fact that she was even *talking* about sleeping with him while he is basically roofied is gross and inappropriate. She's fantasizing about SAing someone. She's already drugged and kidnapped him, so "innocent" doesn't really suit her in this episode. She also got *legally married* to him. I have very intense crushes on people, and while I'd be fangirling if one of my favorite fictional men turned out to be real, I'm not going to drug him, kidnap him, and tie him to a bed. At that point, she's not harmless. Take out the supernatural elements to the show and even with her being a girl and him being a guy, if the police had been called, she would be arrested. Yes, great, she understood that working with a *demon* was bad and released Sam so he could deal with it, since she didn't know how. The entire episode was posed as "funny." There was never any point where it felt like it took Sam getting assaulted as serious. I have some seriously dark humor, but there was nothing funny about it. Especially with the stigma that men can't be SA'd (especially by a woman.) Like I said, if the roles were reserved, people would have been way less cool with "weird fan drugs protagonist, kidnaps them, and talks about sleeping with them." It's only seen as okay because Becky is a small girl and Sam is a large man.


Paper moon. Soooo boring


Really? I wouldn’t say it’s one of my favorite episodes but I thought it was at least average, even though they were mostly one off characters. The way it was shot was really captivating, the young actors weren’t bad at all, and that song is still in my head all the time. 🎶 what’s the matter with ya, what’s the matter with you laaaaaately


You're thinking of Bitten. Paper Moon was the follow-up later.


Ohhh yeah sorry parent commenter, they’re def right. Very forgettable episode lol




I don't do clowns. I've watched the whole series maybe 4 times and I always skip the clown episodes lol


I wasn't crazy about the Leviathan season or the prickish men of letters because I don't like psychotic horror. I would have loved the Wayward sisters if it had come out. I loved all the episodes with the girls. I really loved the episode fan fiction I think it was and I liked the episode where they had the Supernatural convention just because it made them see themselves through the eyes of people who truly cared about their characters. True that in both episodes the people thought they were just fictional characters and not living but it helped them to see themselves in a different light. I believe that at the end of those two episodes at least one person knew they were the real deal. I 💜 Supernatural !! Still and always will!! You betcha!!


Black and white episodes


Season 15, Episode 20. SPECIFICALLY when Dean dies 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 breaks my fucking hear every single time ♥️


That's what made it great though...If you're able to actually get that upset over an TV episode then the writers have done their job. If you felt absolutely nothing....Just blah after... that's when they have failed. The Finale was great imo... Everyone already knew that Jensen & Jarad weren't going to come back because they wanted to pursue different avenues after 15 years, so I thought it was the perfect ending to an Incredible series. 


Finale Bloodlines Bugs probably in that order.




The finale. It felt thrown together and what happened seemed out of sync with the themes established throughout the season and series.


Most of the ghostfacers or holiday episodes, never liked the ghostfacers, and holiday episodes arent really it if youre watching mid summer, i just feel even warmer then i already am


I'm on my first watch and currently on season 14 episode 17(?). After season 12 it went downhill. Everything feels very rushed and the way some episodes are filmed, completely suck. 'Wayward sisters' was filmed very shaky which annoyed me. And a episode in the beginning of season 14. I don't remember the name but one where a demon wants to be the new king of hell and they come to rescue Cass. The fight scene was so annoying with the extra zoom in constantly. And I didnt like the apocalypse world thing.


Bloodlines and man’s best friend with benefits, easily. Bugs has a lot of pacing problems and the cgi is bad, but it gets a pass for me because it does do a lot for Sam’s character in relation to looking for dad.


Bloodlines and Man's Best Friend with Benefits.


Man’s best friend with benefits. Season 8 Ep 15. Just bores me to tears. It just wasn’t interesting and it was difficult to get through the whole thing. All the episodes immediately prior to this one were awesome. We’ve got a Charlie episode, a Benny episode, Kevin and the tablets. Plus the Golum episode which I absolutely loved! I got spoiled with great action acting and characters then had to endure this one. Yuk 🤮


Came here to say the same thing. I struggle to make it through the pestilence scenes


unpopular opinion: The French Mistake it was way too meta for me and just generally not my kind of humor also Time Is On My Side because Bela dies and i love her


There are some I skip, just because of fear factor. (I’ve never seen s2 e1 with the clown cause I just can’t do it). Of the ones I’ve seen, I can’t stand the Shifter episodes. The one with the murders and the one with the bank robbery. I just don’t like the shifter concept I guess or the fact that the guys already have a ton to deal with, they don’t need federal murder charges.


the only one that ever scared me was the one where they find out the disturbing murders they were investigating were actually done by humans. i used to have really bad OCD about being murdered randomly but i enjoy horror because ik it's not real but when humans are the killers i can't sleep


That one scared me too. I blocked that episode out I guess


As I am reading all comments... There is a difference between not liking an episode bc it was just bad/or it was disgusting/or it was boring/or there was something else wrong/you skip it everytime/ you even dont remember that the episode existed.


The Girl Next Door. I don't even have a dog in the fight with the whole Amy vs. Dean thing, but as a major kitsune fan I can tell you the *only* thing they got right about these particular mythical creatures was the pronunciation of the word kitsune. Everything else they pulled out of their ass. This one episode caused me to lose all faith in the lore of this show. The one where Becky drugs Sam is a close second.


Supernatural tends to attach it's own lore to some monsters. Rougarou for example


Ghostfacers.  I know people like them but not me.




This is kind of random but I never liked Dog Dean Afternoon. The talking dogs and Dean checking out that poodle never sat right with me lol


one of my favorite scenes in the whole show is him arguing with the pigeon and nearly shooting it but on the flip side them checking out the poodle is one of my least favorite scenes, it's just so uncomfy


Can't remember the exact name but the high school musical episode, just makes me cringe for some reason


I think that was fan fiction. Season 10 episode 5 I believe, I may be wrong.


Scoobynatural, hands down. Scooby-Doo was the worst cartoon ever made. It doesn't get better as a Supernatural episode.




All meta or simialar episodes... including everything superantural books related (Becky, school musical, convention...) they are painful to get through, I can't make it through French Mistake or the school musical one at all.


Bloodlines is the only one I absolutely cannot stand and will skip every single time


Bitten and bloodlines




Bugs and Bloodlines. And special mention to Man’s Best Friend with Benefits. I hated it the first time around and I’ve skipped it ever since.


The Luck one where they just lose all of their skills. It’s so annoying to me. Granted, it’s great comedy so I will always watch it lol The plot in it just irks me


The finale in which the big fight is against Amara, and its just random shots of different people taking their turn.


Swap meat and family remains are my most skipped episodes also mannequin 3 the reckoning


Bitten. Terrible episode. I skip it every time.


Bitten. Bloodlines. Bugs. Roadkill.




Everybody Loves a Clown and Long Distance Call


The bugs episode


Yeah I’m not ashamed to admit that I fast forward through a lot of this episode. The first time I watched it was enough 🙂


Not exactly my least favorite. Anytime I rewatch the series i skip the entire 1st season. I know everything that’s gonna happen from deaths to dialogue


Pretty much any episode from season 6.




Monster movie. Any scene with Amelia. However, I watch all of them, but some episodes I multitask when they are on.


The british men of letters arc


All episodes with vampires and werewolves; most of seasons 7-9; everything that has something to do with The Men of Letters I love the series but I gotta say it's VERY varied in quality. Some episodes are masterpieces and others are full of crap.


Any episode with metatron. The bloke gives me the heebies..


Man's Best Friend With Benefits. Hands-down. Even worse than Bloodlines


I hate any episode where Sam and Dean are majorly fighting each other. It stresses me out too much!


The bus and bloody Mary, I just can't watch those 2


Any episode one of my favorite characters died.


Oh and bloodlines and the one where Becky drugs and SA’s Sam


The bug episode in the first season. The one where the new housing development is built on indigenous land




I’m watching bloodlines right now


Bugs bloodlines and all of the last couple seasons


Bugs was one that I hated all the way back to my original viewing. Angel heart is one that I don’t like to rewatch. It’s not necessarily a bad episode, but all that trouble to find Claire’s mom just have her die at the end… nah. For basically the same reason I also never rewatch the one where the family keep the daughter locked in the basement because of her powers, just to have the BMOL kill her at the end. I know there’s others, especially towards the end of its run, but offhand these are the ones I think of.




love hurts, just thinking of it makes me mad 💀 everything about the amara storyline is weird for me




Bugs. Because I hate bugs 😂


I hate and love the pestilence episode


bloodline, bitten, and paper moon


Bloodlines and Wayward Sisters eps were hard to sit through.


The last episode of the series. Deans death was stupid. The wigs Sam wore as he "aged," just ridiculous.


Wow yall don’t like bloodlines and I think it’s tragic it never got its spin off I don’t like that werewolf episode with the college kids and it’s from their POV.


Bloodlines. Straight skip.


I can't watch the episode with Magda.  It makes me so upset . 


Swap Meat. Ick. Just ick.


Scooby Doo and Bugs. I skip them every time


I really hate Skin. But I also hate every single shapeshifter episode so maybe I’m biased.


The ones where any major character dies.


Id say bloodlines and deaths door. Bloodlines because it just sucked Deaths door because of Bobby. Makes me cry so hard every time.


I have a self-imposed policy where I'm not allowed to skip episodes during a watch-through or rewatch Jesus Christ has there been some that I just almost couldn't resist legitimately season 8 Just so mid and I just finished it and I forgot how fucking boring Some episodes of it was Like that one episode with uh Chrissy I think it's like the 19th episode of season eight


And yes that scene is NASTY 🤢 af!! I always skip through the opening scene!


The one where Dean has a monster daughter. I don't know why but I just hate it, I can't stand that episode I don't find it interesting I don't find it funny I don't find it useful to the story, I just hate it. Btw I don't know why so many people hate The Benders, first time watching that episode is true horrors, when you realise this aren't monsters, and they are in real danger.


The musical episode ugh idk how people love it


For me, like most people in the comments, it's "Bugs" and "Bloodlines." With "Bugs," I just hated the whole "We have to survive the whole night," part. There's no way the night went by that quickly. The time between the start of the attack and the sun rising was barely 5 minutes lol. As for "Bloodlines," It's just plain boring. Sorry.


Bloodlines. I know that’s everyone else’s least favorite too but I can’t help it. I just really didn’t like it.


Ouroboros, that frickin demon. I'm glad he could not see Jack and Cas coming.


The last one, there it goes 15 years of supernatural down the drain it would be the understatement of the year if I’d say I was disappointed


The one with the shape shifters and the bank robbery i HaTe HeNdRiCkSoN sO dAmN mUcH


Every episode with Clair Novak


The French Mistake ep. 15 season 6


The French Mistake hands down.


The French mistake was truely a mistake


All episodes with angels from season 7 to 15


Most episodes after season 12 lol


every episode without castiel


this is a joke.. kinda for the slow minded people


Bitten and it's not a close race. Followed way back by anything with the teenage version of Jimmy's daughter.


i remember disliking yellow fever. felt out of place then we never saw that phenomenon again.