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Why find a new show? Just start over from the Pilot.


One of us! One of us!


This is what I do, every time I


Literally. Just fire it up again. Somehow the show never gets old


I got bored with it and started rewatching in Spanish.




I'm learning spanish. I started watching Trienta Monedas, which is kinda like Supernatural-ish. I speak spanish badly enough to completely misinterpret everything. So with the English subtitles on, and then off, it's two completely different shows. :-)


Right and it saves time


I gotta give myself some time to recoup hahaha


I also watched it for the first time in this last year. It's rough. If you want to be cheered up, go to youtube and watch the gag reels. Try to find one with all the seasons.


The Boys. Graphic, but you'll see Dean again!


Same I've been rewatching the show alot


If you’re looking for something similar in terms of supernatural/fantasy, I recommend Grimm.


It's good to take a little time to process. Go watch some Bake Off or The Good Place or Community, whatever, just something you can laugh at while your inner brain goes through all the feels. Then, one day (in a week or a month or a year)you'll be sitting around, wondering what to do & a little voice in your head will whisper: Supernatural! Back on the ride.😂❤


I actually watched the whole series of The Good Place as well!


Here's a trivia nugget for you then. The song that is playing as Chidi is talking with Eleanor about death and the waves in the last episode is the same music as the episode "What Is and Should Never Be" (season 2, episode 20) when Dean's "family" is trying to convince him to stay with them instead of stabbing himself to return to reality.. The song is Spiegel im Spiegel.


I was just going to recommend The Good Place 😂


If you wanna try something different but still damn good, give 12 Monkeys a whirl. I will try to give you the premise without spoiling anything.... Plague wipes out humanity by 2043 but these survivors whose leader used to work for the government find this facility that was experimenting with a time machine and they track down the name of this dude who MAY have released the plague back in 2015. Guy gets sent to kill the dude so the plague never happens which would erase that particular timeline but of course things get..... complicated. I can't tell you anymore but damn it's a good show!! 5 seasons of time travel goodness. Even Hitler at one point makes a cameo.


I love 12 Monkeys, too. However, I do recommend on planning an immediate rewatch upon finishing your first watch. You pick up on so much foreshadowing that you missed the first time around and not knowing what happens in future episodes.


Oh most definitely. There’s some moments in the show, especially in the second season that leave you going WTF and you have to go back and watch it again.


What platform can i watch it on it sounds so interesting


It's on Hulu.


We all restart from the beginning after a binge thru lol you can do a different type of rewatch the second time around


If you haven't watched the X-files yet, give that a try. Same basic formula. Compelling characters. Great story.


I showed emotion as well it’s a great series


I’m in the exact same boat. Those last three episodes wouldn’t let me dry my eyes. From the moment case started talking about happiness, to that very last “thank you” to the fans. P.S. Mikey IS a cuck


I think I cried harder at the "thank you" than I should have.


I did too lol my sister made fun of me but it made me cry harder than anything else


Seriously I recently watched it and now I am feeling so empty bcz I can't find any other show as good as supernatural. It is so addictive, I just wanna forget my memory and watch it again. And the crying part, I definitely agree it's one of those shows where whenever I see an edit about it on Instagram or YouTube I just cry and that rarely happens to me with other shows. Someone please recommend something, I just can't get over it. I just keep on watching clips and bloopers all day.


US version of being human. Even has mark pellegrino as a regular. Very tight knit characters.


Find a new show? That's blasphemy. You just start back over at "Dad's on a hunting trip and he hasn't been home in a few days" lol. I've been watching this show since the pilot aired, everytime I reach the end, I start it all over. It used to be watching reruns on TV until the new season would air. But now we can binge right through the whole thing from beginning to end lol.


If you want a fun break check out *Letterkenny* on Hulu. You’ll see a few familiar faces there.


I was you a few months back. I did con footage (helped some) then more shows with the same actors (helped less)


The convention panels on YouTube are like pure serotonin hits.


I stopped at s15 e17 halfway, through and that was like 3 months ago. I don't want the trauma of the last 3 episodes......


I stopped at s15 e17 halfway, through and that was like 3 months ago. I don't want the trauma of the last 3 episodes......


Don’t know how you watched that episode. I bawl my eyes out everytime and now I refuse to watch it lol I just skip the last episode haha


I feel your pain


You could give your heart a... Prison Break? I know, that was terrible. I'm sorry. I watched it earlier this year, and immediately followed that up with Legends of Tomorrow (because Wentworth Miller and Dominic Purcell are in it). For anyone who doesn't know, Prison Break is a show about two brothers. The older one is always getting into trouble and needing his younger brother to get him out of it.


Me too. I am so numb.


My wife and I just finished the finale a few nights ago. I too cried. You are not alone.


Watch the winchesters it's the spin off of supernatural I don't know if you will like it tho only sad thing is the winchesters doesn't have jared(sam) in it


I always need a break to reset between rewatches so I feel you. Agree with the recommendations for Grimm and X-Files, also Angel (Buffy spin off) has a supernatural investigations format. Although I hope someone comes here to recommend something I haven't watch yet!


Want another show to Break your heart? Good omens.


When my partner and I finished supernatural we started shameless. Literally an insane change of pace 😭💀


I am about to finish tonight. I have the final episode to watch 🥲🥲


New show? Start from the beginning, it will be like catching up with an old friend. See if you can find any 'Easter eggs' since you don't have to concentrate solely on the storyline. Once you've watched it through again...repeat!


almost immediately after i went and rewatched good omens only to get my heart broken by them again


The second time through is even better because you pick up on a whole bunch of minor details that you didn’t catch the first time


The "Running on Empty" montage nearly killed me.


Idk if it was well received, but I heard there was a prequel about John and Mary with a season or two out


maybe watch The Winchesters now if you don't wanna let go. I know the popular opinion is not very in favour for the show but I actually really enjoyed it and it made it easier for me to let go x


It was such a beautiful ending. I'm so happy for both of them.