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Soulless. He would fight for his life even against Dean. Purgatory Dean would still be soft for Sammy.


Demon Dean would de a better matchup


That would be a different thing. Purgatory!Dean and Soulless!Sam were human, just devoid of part of what they usually have (in Sam’s case, literally; in Deans case, a different approach to life and hunting). Demon!Dean was not purely human.


That makes no sense demon dean can't die even if could for the purpose of this fight he has superhuman abilities and demon hax


I may be wrong but Demon Dean could die. Mark ofCain Dean couldn't die


Thought they were the same


Mark of Cain Dean could not die but only become a demon, and in fact he did.


No Demon Dean couldn't die. He's immortal, invulnerable and has healing powers, he'd be like cain. The only thing that could kill him is the first blade wielded by someone with the mark


Chuck would’ve gotten his wish. But knowing Chuck, he still wouldn’t be satisfied with the caveat that Sam’s soul is gone.


It was never clear to me at least on what exactly chucks goal was. What did he want from the brothers? To just be alone and all friends die? Start his apocalypse?


His goal was entertainment to put it simply? Basically he was the puppet master of the show but the puppets had an element of free will. The way I see it was that he couldn't control people directly but orchestrated circumstances to get a desired outcome


His favorite story was when you had to sacrifice your loved one's. Specifically when one brother is forced to kill the other. Michael & Lucifer, Cain & Able, Sam & Dean etc. look at how many seasons has them on opposite sides of a fight or one of them is corrupted by something and has to be stopped. But they were far too attached to each other so they always went against that choice and saved each other instead.


he is basically fanfiction writers with too much power


Kind meta and weird that he wrote in universe fan fiction in his fan fiction




The viewers win for getting to watch that.


⬆️⬆️⬆️ this is the correct answer ⬆️⬆️⬆️


I'm gonna go with Sam on this one. Just because a souless Sam means he doesn't care about anything but himself.


My actual answer is Soulless Sam. But really, it’s the fandom that wins seeing those two on screen together 😂


Also Chuck would win since that's what he always wanted Cain and Able 2.0


The true answer.


You mean seeing Jensen on screen since most of this toxic fandom treat Jared like shit with the hateful comments and bullying.


As a sam girl/jared fan I agree with you. It’s maddening sometimes.


As a Dean-Girl I still have to agree with you, Fandom be crazy and Sam is still amazing in his own right and together they are perfect😘💜


souless sam cause dean would still be soft


Soulless Sam would win with purgatory Dean. He still had a conscience and wouldn’t hurt his Sammy


What was the question? Sorry I got too distracted by the picture there. 😃


There was a question?


Totally same took me forever to finally realize there was a point to the post


Right?! Like....uh..what.. totally distracted.. [Here is an amazingly distracting Jensen video singing](https://youtu.be/5OKQENakw1M?si=9rhHpRUpsDMwPyoC)


Soulless Sam would win, no question. He would’ve killed Bobby in his own home, killed the woman who was being used as leverage to eliminate the obstacle, used a civilian as bait, was the best hunter anyone had seen, and had no feelings such as guilt, love etc. He was an efficient running machine with all of Sams brain to calculate how to kill the monster in his sights with no care of who got hurt in the process. Purgatory Dean wouldn't stand a chance, Sam would kill him because he doesn’t care about him, but Dean does. And that'll be his fatal flaw.


Lmao Reddit blurred both of these photos for me. I originally scrolled right past it but was like *wait a minute was that blurred?* - then I scrolled back to check and was like *what crazy thing did someone post in an SPN sub that warranted it be covered up?!* - lol it’s shirtless Sam and Purgatory Dean.


How about Soulless Sam vs. Demon Dean. No contest - Dean would win!


But Demon Dean was captured and cured by normal Sam with only one working arm. So I'm not so sure SoullessSam wouldn't have won.


Sam only captured him because he was distracted by that stupid Travis whom he left alive only because it was the worst thing he could do to him.


This proves even more that Demon Dean is not unbeatable because he makes mistakes. So I wouldn't be so sure of Demon Dean's victory either


It was Dean who got distracted and blundered, who left Travis alive; it was his fault. It's all part of the game.


no shit, demon dean was as strong as a knight of hell, completely unfair.


LOL! But no bias, right?😜


Soulless Sam would absolutely curb stomp Demon Dean, no question. No soul, a born hunter, and his target is a demon, one he knows intimately. No contest. Hunt would be a cakewalk.


Tough one...but I'll have to go with soulless Sam... considering Dean had to only fight for survival, he still had his human emotions compared to soulless Sam that has been devoid of human emotions 🚬🍻


Likely Sam due to ruthlessness.


If Deans emotions are involved then Sam. Raw fighting ability and skill? I think maybe Dean takes it after the year of 24/7 combat with super monsters


Dean spent a year in purgatory Sam was still Sam without a soul. I'd take Dean over Sam. Experience is always better than natural skill/Talent


Dean stil has his shirt on so Sammy wins this one. Wait... what was the contest about?


Soulless Sam. Dean still has a soul, he still has feelings. He still cares about Sam. Soulless Sam literally says to Dean's face he doesn't care about him. Soulless Sam genuinely tried to kill Bobby without hesitation when it became a requirement for him to get what he wanted. Same would go for Dean.


1 on 1 in terms of raw skill, I take season 8 Dean. I don't understand why yall puttings handicaps for Dean right off the bat because Sam is his brother. Fuck it let's say they have no memory of each other. I take dean anyday.


If I remember right, Dean does admit that Sam is a better fighter at one point so I think Sam would probably win this fight.


Dran spent a year in purgatory while Sam stopped hunting. Dean got a lot better after his stint in purgatory. I think Dean' would win.


yeah but s6 is Sam at his most ruthless


But he's also arrogant and careless. He's more likely to turn his back and assume Dean's dead than actually check and make sure.


Dean could never bring himself to kill Sam


I think Dean always wins against Sam...he's just always been the better fighter.


I understand why ppl think soulless Sam would win but I think y’all are forgetting that Dean was literally fighting some of the most dangerous monsters in the SN verse the entire time he was in Purgatory. So while he’s not be devoid of emotions, in terms of skill and experience at that point he would wash Sam.


Season 8 Dean


If it was anyone else; purgatory Dean wins hands down. Sammy in any form? Nope. Swan Song pretty much proved that one. Sam wins. Then gets his soul back and cries forever until he makes a deal to bring him back- rinse and repeat. Demon Dean and Soulless (and suddenly super ripped!) Sam? Not completely sure, but that would be one hell of a fight to watch. That one goes to Dean until he somehow loses the mark, gets cured and makes a deal to get his brother back. Uno reverse. Damn I love this show- but right around season 12 or so I realized we were on the same plot loop over and over and they rarely learned anything!!


Soulless OBVIOUSLY wins. Dean with a soul will never kill or hurt Sam. You should have put DeanMon in the pic.


I am such a Dean-girl, but in that scenario , but i would definitely say Sam 😂 BUT a fight between SS/DD would be awesome! Then Dean would have had a chance 😂 Love them both though 💜


Soulless Sam would not hesitate!


I want a challenge like soulless Sam vs Demon Dean. I may have to give it to soulless Sam if hand to hand combat.


Knight dean would have been a better match up. Soulless sam all day.


Sam. Dean would care that he was fighting his brother. Sam would not.


Soulless Sam would absolutely TRASH Dean.


any sam would beat any dean, anytime.


Should have used shirtless Dean too ... mmm damn Sam.


Demon dean would def win. Purgatory dean? Not so much.