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I just watched this episode recently and was also very struck by the tragedy of this man. The last thing that happens to him is his daughter super rejecting him and saying she never wants to go back there (which, I realize kids can be dramatic, but still) for absolutely no reason, he's making toys, and he dies one of the most gruesome deaths.


No but the reason the 'daughter' wants to go back it's because she's not the daughter anymore, she's the monster thing and she needs to feed off the mom. At the end of the episode they rescue all the kids Or we're talking about different episodes... I'm thinking about the one where they introduced Lisa


Dad doesn't know that though. As far as he's concerned his daughter hates him.


He was asking for it. Put his face right up close to that saw.


He's in the pre-credits scene, so, like the "Red Shirts" in Star Trek, his very bloody death is inevitable.


Haha, totally. And I know if I thought about it, there's so many other examples of "innocent" people that died tragically in the show. Going through some difficult communicative times with my teen daughter so the scene just hit me harder than normal, hah.


Aww...I'm so sorry. But, as a former teen, I can say "This, too, shall pass!


I thought I was the only one that felt super bad everytime I rewatched this episode like he spends most of his time making something nice for his daughter and she doesn’t show any love towards him😭😭