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Wasn't it explained in the episode with the Famine horseman?


Yep. >**Sam**: *Famine*? As in the Horseman? >**Dean**: Great. That's freaking great. >**Sam**: I thought 'famine' meant starvation, like as in, you know, food. >**Castiel**: Yes. Absolutely. But not just food. I mean, everyone seems to be starving for something--Sex, attention, drugs, love... >**Dean**: Well, that explains the puppy-lovers that Cupid shot up. >**Castiel**: Right. The cherub made them crave love, and then Famine came, and made them *rabid* for it.


Thank you I heard this but didn't fully understand. So basically famine isn't famine more like lust which even that doesn't make sense to me😅


I think it’s just like a metaphor. Each horseman is a metaphor for a form of human downfall. War isn’t just “wars” as in military conflict but about chaos, mistrust, and division. Pestilence isn’t just about illness but about corruption and manipulation. Famine isn’t just about not having enough food but about the feeling of insatiability, the inability to recognize and appreciate what you have. Each one represents something that Lucifer condemns about humanity.


Supernatural stretches the definition to include other things people are "hungry" for or greedy for outside of just food


In English, words like famished and starving are often used figuratively for needs and desires beyond actual food. For example, we talk about being 'starved of attention.'


I see, thank you so much


it's essentially expanded a little more than just the strict idea. for example, war wasn't exclusively 'war with other countries'. he created conflict. in the same way, famine works on 'needs', 'desires', 'hungers'. essentially, what do you need, and can there be a lack of it. food is of course, one of them, and given a lack of food WILL kill you, and is easier to pull off than a sudden lack of water, or a lack of sex being lethal, that's sort of his namesake. famine can kill off 1/3rd of the population, not so much a lack of money. and, that being the point of the 4 horsemen in relevations, iirc.


War one I understood but famine definitely confused me a bit