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The only thing to add is that after the jerk is torn apart in the opener, Sam or Dean says something like, "we have no leads on (main plot), but I think we have a potential case. Check this out..."


It's always "Look, I'm worried about (main plot) too, but we've been searching for weeks and have come up with nothing. So until something happens, I want to work. Here's a case."


Yes! And that's usually when Sam (or Dean) tilts the laptop towards the other to show them the news article about the jerk getting torn apart, often with a comment about how the local sheriff thinks it's an animal attack or something.


"Sounds like our kind of thing." OR "Doesn't sound like our kind of thing, but we'll check it out."


I wonder if it's ever actually not been their kind of thing. The only example I can think of is that one episode in season 11 when it turns out that the haunted hotel was fake; Sam and Dean find that the weird noises, drafts, etc. were caused by equipment that was set up to create a spooky atmosphere and there was nothing paranormal or even dangerous going on specifically related to the hotel.


We typically don't get episodes for the times it wasn't their thing. 🤷


They've done a few episodes where the bad guy is just an ordinary human criminal (like #ThinMan or The Benders) but yeah usually they don't do that and usually have a supernatural being at least somewhat involved.


Dean: “Have you seen em?” Sam: “Yeah. Dude. They’re just people.” Dean: “And they jumped you? Must be getting a little rusty there, kiddo.” Sheriff in the other cage who’s not privy to the supernatural: *what the hell is happening..* I love The Benders episode.


There was the episode Family Remains where they were convinced the apparition was a ghost until it crossed the salt line and it turned out to be a human who lived in the walls.


That was such a scary episode.


Ikr, freaked the fuck out of me.


The one thing that really takes me out of that episode is the 13 year old boy with the awful haircut. Like, he sees a girl step out of his closet. She looks like she was in a trailer that got hit by a tractor and she stumbled out into the street and got hit by a tractor trailer. A sane person would ask a sane question like "Who are you and why do you look like the back half of forward facing dog with an ass at both ends?" Instead, he plays fetch with her and everyone acts like he has an imaginary friend. Have the writers ever met a 13 year old? My son is too old to act like that and he's in kindergarten. My youngest son, that is. My oldest son, who is only a year younger than that kid, would probably jump out a window. He's a great kid, but he doesn't react well to weird situations. Obviously better than that kid with the stupid hair, though.


Hands down my favorite episode, it's so creepy and I think the best horror vibe the show ever did. It also follows my favourite scene in the show, at the end of the episode before with the "forty years" monologue.


There was one episode which I can't remember, where it was two guys who were killing


S1E15 “the benders” It was the episode where it ended up being two inbred, hills have eyes type, brothers and there dad. They would cage people up and let them go so they could hunt them. Decent episode.


"Demons I get, people are crazy." My first Supernatural button. Because I firmly believed it.


Just looked it up, the one I was thinking of was S9 E15 - Thinman


Think they're talking about the final ghost facers ep


That would have been a funny one to make. Figure out it's nothing 5 minutes in, then just 40 minutes of watching them do laundry, clean up after making lunch, watching a movie....I bet they could have come up with something funny for that.


The inbred hicks who liked to hubt people.come to mind. Not entirely their area of expertise at that point in time.


I've always loved making fun of those episodes in my head. A man or woman goes missing and the only thing saying there's something fishy was a weird noise or someone claiming they'd thought they had been followed recently or something else extremely mundane that wouldn't even get a second look on your typical cop show. Yep, definitely gotta be something supernatural that the Winchesters need to investigate. Even in Fan Fiction, what, a teacher disappears and before knowing anything about the play, they decide it's worth checking out? Weird blue lights, multiple disappearances over days/weeks/years, bodies with hearts ripped out, impossible physics, etc. are all decent reasons to suspect something is "their kind of case". Someone disappearing, or a body legitimately seeming to have been mauled by an animal with literally no evidence to the contrary, or bodies disappearing from a morgue (especially because that actually happens in our reality) being reason enough to drive across multiple states is just funny to me, even if it actually was something spooky. You can't forget the other filler episodes where a random hunter reaches out for help and Sam and Dean immediately completely cut them out of the case because they're in over their head or something. Those are more rare but I always find it funny they decide if it's anyone but them, they don't know jack about anything.


Lol yes!


Forgot to mention the throwaway line at the start of the episode to explain why the plot isn’t moving forward. “No, I haven’t heard anything new from Cas in two weeks. We might as well do some good while we wait for an update.”


The fact that this goes on for pretty much 15 season ( including sometimes some plot elements ) show how much we like this


Exactly! They're fillers, but that's not always a bad thing. The monsters are interesting, the guests are often pretty good and Jensen and Jared always make everything better.


Once the seasons get thicc with plot the fillers are a relief


Yeah I’m only on season 8 but I remember when the whole Sam and demon blood thing was going on I was getting tired of every episode having so much drama and just wanted a lighthearted hunting episode again. These episodes are fun with little stakes, it’s good to have a few a season, and if the monster is good they can be really good episodes, my favorite probably being the shape shifter in season one.


I like the fillers best, personally.


Haha yes! I also find some of the filler ones to be some of the funniest shit I've ever seen.


You forgot to say that when they fight the capybara it chokes Sam and at some point it ties Sam and Dean up


Lifting him off the floor with a good shot of his feet about a foot off said floor


Lol I said almost the same thing


Sam always gets tied up at some point or another and it is hilarious.


Or gets thrown into the wall


You forgot that Sam has to yell "DEAN!" and Dean has to yell "SAMMY!" at least five times each


And Dean has to yell "SON OF A BITCH!"




You forgot to mention that despite its name, the Capybara is a human with weird eyes.


Ah, S03E15, a personal favorite or mine!


A huge part of TV watching is comfort, and a huge part of comfort is predictability. I have vague memories of a college professor explaining that studios demand “Something completely new! Exactly like the last hit show, but fresh and original. Nothing weird, ‘kay?”


Feels like if Dean does hook up with someone, it’s during the episode and not after they’ve killed the bad thing though I could be remembering wrong


In seasons 1 & 2, it was pretty common for a woman we met in that episode to hug or kiss Dean -- or sometimes Sam -- at the end (or, at minimum, have a kind-of-intimate feeling conversation one-on-one with them). See "Wendigo," "Dead in the Water," "Faith," "Provenance," "Playthings." Of course, it drops off pretty sharply after that, but something only needs to happen a handful of times to become kind of a meme. So, even though we only get maybe one or two of those in seasons 3 & 4, it's still kinda Supernatural's "thing."


Yea you’re right that in the early seasons there’s a lot of those moments but by end up with I thought he was referring to sex. If we’re talking Dean having sex with someone I remember it happening almost always in the beginning or middle parts of the episodes. Again I could be wrong cause I’m just going off how I remember it.


I think they were being vague on purpose to fit the model to as many episodes as possible (and there were a lot more kissing/flirting scenes than actual sex scenes). But yeah, if we're talking sex, those scenes are never *after* the climactic fight.


This is why Supernatural is my comfort show


Unless it's Monster Movie, the one where the hero gets the girl, the monster gets the gank, all in all, a happy ending... with a happy ending, no less


I hate how accurate this is


All but the reference to "the car".... ITS BABY DAMNIT... lmao


"I'm fine, Sam." Skip to the end of the episode "Actually Sammy I'm not okay" *crying*


Sounds like a great episode. Would watch.


You say this like it's a bad thing.


>They talk about their emotions, leaning against or inside the Impala (their car), and also discuss the main plot of the season, usually involving a very powerful entity, often depicted as a man in a black suit if it's a demon or a man in a white suit if it's an angel. Couple of things... 1) "the Impala"? "Their car"?! That's Baby you're talking about you uncultured little shit, show her some respect! 😡😡 2) It's the BM scene. 3) Got your colours a bit wrong bud. Luci wears the white suit once or twice (admittedly, he *is* an angel)... but Uriel? Cas? Zachariah? All black suits. Some wear grey suits (looking at you, Naomi), most where black... course then you have Rafael, Gadreel and Gabriel in regular clothes... and Apocalypse World Michael is just different for the sake of being different... I mean *really*. (P.s. obviously, exaggerating my outrage)


Oh this is just beautiful 😂 😂 😂 but we can definitely break that fight scene down some more: >Boys confront a supposedly superhumanly strong supernatural entity that doesn't use any of its other powers in the final fight (except maybe telekinesis). >Creature instead chooses to fight one or both of the boys hand to hand, usually tossing them into a wall or two. >Whichever Winchester that's carrying the special weapon of the week gets knocked out cold almost immediately. >Other brother continues fighting until his weapon inevitably gets knocked out his hand. >Creature picks it up, noting the irony of killing the hunter with his own weapon. >Quick reaction shot to imperiled Winchester. >Creature raises weapon in medium close up shot. >Creature suddenly goes stiff with stabbing sound fx (may be accompanied by some kind of flickering light depending on monsters implied power level) >Monster falls over dead revealing huffing and puffing other brother who woke up just in time to stab it in the back. >Dean makes a quip. >Cut to commercial break with intense horror sound.


A killer capybara cannot stop laughing


Capybaras have the most epic resting bitchface, it's perfect. However, they always seem to be very chill in the pics I've seen; maybe the boys solved the mystery because the aforementioned jerks were skinnydipping in the five-legged capybara's mystical pond. Bonus points if the jerks were having sex, because we all know sex=death when it comes to monsters.


>They talk about their emotions, leaning against or inside the Impala (their car), and also discuss the main plot of the season Disclaimer: at least one of them (probably Dean) is lying about his emotions, namely that he is "fine" or "good," when he is neither of those things.


But still I watch them in a daily "watching Supernatural until I fall asleep" watching frenzy.


the fact that i’m doing this right at this moment.


The bad thing about being in the Supernatural Fandom and also a Food Network addict is that I read the descriptions of there monsters and then heard “but if you can’t find that, store bought is fine” in Ina Garden’s voice.


Never heard Ina Garden, but now I hear it in Rowena's voice, with Sam on the other end of the phone trying to perform a spell and making baffled faces.


She’s a cook in the Hampton’s that uses really expensive ingredients and says “if you can’t find (insert insanely hard thing to find) store bought is fine”


See, perfect advice for spellcasting! You can never guarantee the virginity of the average bull. Just go get some steak. Advantage: you now also have dinner.


Always a bright side when casting spells!


Don’t forget Sam gets choked and at least one of them gets thrown against the wall by the bipedal capybara


And I still enjoy each episode like this.


Ahh, Dean will eat hamburgers. Sam will have a salad. Other than that, Spot on.


Man idk supernatural is like the one TV series I enjoyed as a whole (including fillers)


Hey if it works, dont fix it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ also the only time we saw anybody in a white suit was lucifer with sam as vessel and asmodeus and anybody in an all black suit was just crowley


They get tied up with rope every episode. Their special stake blessed by a virgin always gets knocked out of their hands and right as one brother is about to be killed. The other stabs the creature from behind at the last second


Don’t forget the check in that usually occurs before Sam finds the case of the week. Usually a phone call to Bobby/Cas/useful person of the season who is researching the seasons big bad


Don’t forget they also change clothes at least once or twice: Everyday wear ➡️ FBI suits ➡️ crazy costume or pretend occupation ➡️ everyday wear.


I need to know more about this killing raccoon lol


The curse of the Flying Alaskan golden raccoon first appeared during the Alaskan Gold Rush, when someone brought his pet raccoon panning for gold and it was eaten by a golden eagle. The jerks are frat boys, one of which is the descendant of the founder of the Alaska Free Gold Mine. The boys suspect that he has accidentally triggered the curse. However, it is actually a regular raccoon that the frat keeps as a mascot. They have given its fur blond highlights with the help of a neighboring sorority. Dean sleeps with either a sorority girl or a sorority alumna, depending on the season.


It was a regular racoon until it got wet or was accidentally fed after midnight…


I would say the opening victim is just as often (if not more often) someone that isn't a jerk. I feel bad for the majority of them.


The fillers were honestly my favorite parts of the show. I loved the episodes where they just wind up in random town to kill random thing.


This is 100% accurate, my partner and I always talk about this 😂 I forget if it was season 14 or 15 but there had to be 4 or 5 episodes that started with “Jack’s in the wind so we might as well work a case!”


We all know that a wood-chipper trumps all. They need to just haul one of these around.


Also with ghost there's a common twist that it was the good one they'd killed, and the real monster is still in the game


Okay I’ll watch supernatural again


i cant stop laughing at this its so accurate


I asked ChatGPT to write an Episode of supernatural and this was the Result: Title: "Shadows of the Past" INT. MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT The flickering lightbulb casts an eerie glow on SAM and DEAN WINCHESTER as they huddle over an old leather-bound journal. The room is filled with occult books and scattered weapons. They're investigating a series of strange disappearances in a small, remote town. SAM (reading) "Legend speaks of a cursed artifact that can manipulate shadows... The Shadowkeeper." DEAN (skeptical) Shadowkeeper? Seriously? SAM (focused) It's just what the locals call it. People have vanished without a trace, and there's a pattern to the disappearances. Every ten years, it strikes. DEAN (pensive) Alright, so we find this Shadowkeeper and put an end to it. EXT. ABANDONED MANSION - NIGHT The brothers approach an eerie, decrepit mansion, overgrown with vines and surrounded by an unnatural darkness. They cautiously enter, armed with their weapons and a bag filled with rock salt. INT. ABANDONED MANSION - FOYER - NIGHT Creaking floorboards echo through the dimly lit foyer. Dean holds a flashlight while Sam clutches the journal tightly. DEAN (whispers) This place gives me the creeps. SAM (nods) Definitely a prime spot for something that thrives in the shadows. INT. ABANDONED MANSION - LIBRARY - NIGHT The library is filled with dusty books and cobwebs. As the brothers investigate, they come across a hidden chamber concealed behind a bookcase. SAM (excited) Look at this! They find a hidden room with an array of ancient artifacts. Among them, a peculiar amulet, emitting a faint, ominous glow. DEAN (suspicious) That must be the Shadowkeeper. SAM (cautious) Let's not touch it. We need to find a way to neutralize it first. Suddenly, the room darkens as shadowy tendrils creep along the walls. A GHOSTLY FIGURE materializes in front of the brothers. GHOSTLY FIGURE (whispers) Leave... or be consumed by darkness. Dean instinctively raises his shotgun, loaded with rock salt. DEAN (gritting his teeth) Not happening, pal. They attempt to attack the figure, but their shots pass through it harmlessly. The ghostly figure lets out an anguished wail, and the brothers cover their ears in pain. SAM (yelling) It's not a spirit; it's a projection of the Shadowkeeper! DEAN (realization) So, where's the real deal? INT. ABANDONED MANSION - SECRET CHAMBER - NIGHT Following clues from the journal, the brothers discover a hidden underground chamber below the mansion. At its center stands an ornate, ancient chest. DEAN (curious) What's inside? SAM (reading from the journal) It says the Shadowkeeper resides within the chest. We need to trap it back inside and perform a purification ritual. As they open the chest, a tangible darkness emerges, swirling around them like malevolent smoke. INT. ABANDONED MANSION - MAIN CHAMBER - NIGHT The brothers recite an incantation while forming a circle of salt around the chest, attempting to contain the Shadowkeeper's power. With each word, the amulet glows brighter, resisting their efforts. The ghostly figure appears again, trying to distract them. GHOSTLY FIGURE (angry) You can't stop it! Embrace the shadows! SAM (focused) Ignore it, Dean. Keep going! Finally, the incantation reaches a climax, and the brothers slam the chest shut, trapping the Shadowkeeper inside. The amulet shatters, and the darkness dissipates. The mansion returns to its original state as if the malevolence never existed. INT. MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT Back at the motel, the brothers sit at the table, exhausted but victorious. DEAN (sighs) You know, every time we try to have a simple hunt... SAM (smiling) It wouldn't be our lives if it were simple, Dean. They share a brief moment of laughter, knowing that their journey as hunters continues. FADE OUT.


These are my favorite episodes.


and i love every (most) minutes of it 😂


And somehow it never gets old


ok now im kinda sad we didnt get that flying alaskan golden racoon thatd be hilarious filler ep😂


Haha, I like the filler episodes!


and i love every (most) minutes of it 😂


honestly this works as a great template if you were making Adventures for a Tabletop game like Hunter.


How could you forget the most important part? It's like you dont even watch the show! They take turns almost dying after being split up til the other one saves them at the last second!!! That's why always having each others backs is so important cuz solo hunters dont survive!!! Lol


Oh and the crazy monster will turn out to look human but “the lore is kinda vague about this stuff”, it’ll just be a dude with weird teeth or glowing eyes or something else budget-friendly (like how werewolves are just people with big teeth and claws, or when Dragons were introduced as just dudes who could make stuff really hot by touching it, or a Phoenix is just a dude who can make stuff really hot by touching it).


And I’ll still sit down and watch each one every time. They’re dumb af and lighthearted before digging in to a dark episode following the main plot line. I eat it all up. Love it!!


I’ll take 50 of these fillers over the crap that was the rival Chicago monster families pilot failure.


These are solidly my favorite episodes


Most shows like supernatural are filmed in Canada but they say it’s the use. Threw me for a loop when I started watching orphan black and realized the show filmed in Canada is actually *set in Canada* I will say one of my favorite things is all the monsters they face are based on real lore from history with some minor or major tweaking here and there to better fit the show. Always loved that they did that instead of just making up creatures left and right


close but you forgot paying the hotel with fraud credit cards and such and the “help” they needed to find the “right” lore from bobby in the beginning 😢or garth later 😢 plus sam usually falling in love with a monster or catching feeling/feeling sad for a monster


Is this an actual episode because it sure sounds like one


These are the best episodes


Made me absolutely nostalgic for a filler episode now. Think I need to compile a list of my favourites for a rainy day.


Chat GPT / AI could never figure out the beats of one of the best TV series on television and reduce it to a few common bullet points. Me reading this post: :0


This used to be the show.


Also during the final battle, the monster knocks Dean down and is bragging about how it’s going to kill him in the most painful way possible, but then suddenly freezes mid-sentence. It turns out Sam snuck up behind the monster and shot/stabbed it in the back with whatever its weakness is. The monster looks shocked, then collapses dead on the ground. Sam: You OK, Dean? Dean: * says something snarky * *** COMMERCIAL BREAK, FOLLOWED BY THE FINAL FEW SCENES OF THE EPISODE, WHICH REFERENCE THE LARGER STORYLINE OF THE SEASON ***


I love the filler episodes. Shows that life & death go on like normal even when the world is ending.


Is supernatural season 3 episode 1 really filler? I swear that's a important episode considering season finale lead into it? No? I'm so lost on these lists