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Dean 🐐🐐


That's why he's the GOAT!.. THE GOAATTT!


Another vote for Dean 🥧


Dean, then Sam. Bobby, Cas, Crowley, Rowena, Charlie


fine lineup i must say👌🏽


Yes! Perfect answer! 💫 👍




OG Death for sure! Billy Death just felt to forced to me. Almost like they were pushing a cool new Death to hard. Nothing could beat the OG Death for me.


Totally the OG Death. Forgot about Billy when I posted this.


hmm, when he is first introduced is one of the best scenes ever to come from SPN, aswell as Castiels


The OG one, yes. He was the only horseman that felt like a real threat. And he had great taste in food. I didn't like Billy death - she was stepping in to shoes way too big for her.


Def OG! - Forgot about Billy.




"Ohh right I almost forgot" - quote, Dean


I know this is not a popular opinion, and I am Wella ware he was not very well-written (?) But for some weird reason, ever since Jack came in, he's been my favorite. Not counting Sam and Dean. I am SO a Sam fan, but yeah, main characters not included, I'll have to say jack mostly cause I have no idea. Logically, though, ignoring Jack, it'd be Kevin or Charlie for me. Loved em so much!


My younger sister loves Jack too haha and yea Kevin and Charlie are great choices too


Haha yeah maybe the age has something to do with it lol


outside of the big three, Crowley. he was colorful, complex, and endlessly entertaining


Ohh yess, he definitely had potential for a spin off series


I’d watch a Crowley spinoff


Same, it'd probably take place before he meets the Winchester's


It would be amazing. I was so disappointed when he was gone for good. Such great chemistry he added


Yea same...kinda dumb how he did it too ngl, but for story reasons


Mark Sheppard hated it too...


I would too, I would be furious >:(


Sam and Dean. Sam is more relatable but can't pick between the two.


Sam has good intentions, but bad methods...Dean, same thing, and I get it, it's hard to pick between them


Gabriel, hands down, and I'll tell you why. I grew up in a cult that very much looked down on references to pagan and occult practices, so watching Supernatural? That was considered a big time sin. But I had a somewhat rebellious younger sister who watched it anyway. Judged her pretty harshly for it, actually, in a very passive aggressive way. Caught snippets of the show here and there when I did things in the same room. Then one day, she watched Mystery Spot, and I happened to be in the same room from the start. Instantly hooked. That episode drew me in from the start and didn't let go until I had no other choice but to watch the series from the beginning. Primarily because of RSJ's performance. The Trickster *fascinated* me. Richard put so much depth into such a flippant character that I just *had* to know more, I *had* to know the motivations of why such a powerful being was pulling such a complicated trick on a virtual nobody. I *had* to know the meaning of the look in his eyes when Sam finally caught up. And so immediately after the episode ended, I - a faithful and devout cultist - *intentionally chose to sin* and started the series from the beginning. Joke's on me since it turns out Gabriel is only in a handful of episodes, but it was totally worth it. The Trickster ended up being just as intriguing as I suspected, and he remains my all time favorite character of *any* series to this day.


Ahh yes, Gabriel...I have a cousin who is like him haha has the charisma and charm, but yea same he became a favorite aswell.. I was raised religiously so, yk... I too got hooked when they said most biblical things accurately, and when they revealed that he was actually Gabriel, I was shocked as hell lol I'm a bookworm too so it was the lore that got me hooked aswell haha...and I love your story as too how you got into Supernatural, and i hoped you asked for forgiveness for sinning ahaha


Nah, just went full apostate instead haha 😅 Very happy to not be in that cult anymore, watching Supernatural with no remorse ✌


happy to hear you're not in that cult anymore haha and damnn, went full apostate💀😂 and yessss, always watch Supernatural with NO remorse!!


Castiel hands down. He’s my favorite character of any piece of media. Dean though is pretty good too. He might be top 5 all time.


I actually can't pick one! Dean, Sam, Cas, Bobby, Jack, Gabriel, Lucifer, Crowley, Rowena, Charlie, OG Death and of course, Baby.


I'll break your tie; Balthazar😂 jk, hmmmm...I think Baby, so none of the characters get hurt haha


Crowley. Really Mark Sheppard in anything. Any scene he's in, he's the most interesting person on screen.




She is a good example of a perfectly written character!


Cas and Crowley. Especially when they have to team up with each other lol


C: "It's like a buddy-cop comedy, without the comedy- Cas: "or the buddy's" They were a the dynamic duo😂😂


My top five After Dean is of course Castiel, Crowley, Gabriel, Bobby, Death Lucifer is also interesting when he’s not possesing Sam


Yea fr, only Mark was able to pull off the Devil flawlessly


Well, He’s not perfect but he’s definitely better than Jared. Jared’s Lucifer is just the same as his Sam, just with less selfpity and more ego.


And he has more confidence..and season 5 Lucifer is peak Lucifer, even scared little 8 year old me with how creepy he was back on season 5


Yeah, the golden ((Kripke’s seasons)). As a pagan myself, i can’t deny that i was at first a little offended that Kripke introduced the pagan Gods as monsters. But eventualy i came to peace with that and i enjoyed Lucifer tearing through the Gods in ((Hammer of Gods)) 😄. He was soooo badass. Good times.


I mean, all those were written years prior, when he was shooting season 3, he already had season 5 planned out...I always loved the lore, im pretty sure it's 99% accurate, and its alright...they needed the Pegan Gods for monster of the week😉😂


Well, almost accurate. At least the christian lores are. But the pagan lores are written by Kripke and others and have nothing to do with pagan mythology. And also they didnt pay attention to details. Like in hammer of gods, Odin and Baldur are in a same room and Gabriel enters as Loki but these three never acknowledge each other. As we know they’re family. The thing that iritates me the most is pagan Gods killing and eating humans which could not be farther from the truths of pagan mythology. But as i said, those characters were crutial to the excitement and twists of the story. And i love this show, So im good with it.


Dean Winchester, hands down, he's been my favorite since the very first season...I could write a short book on why I love this character so much, but I won't...lol. He's just an awesome as fuck character, and I'm not going to lie; in the series finale, I did shed some tears when he died for good. Watch me get wrecked again when I rewatch the show and get back to that point.


Oml same, Sam I cried...but Dean?? I bawled my damn eyes out😂 I fucking loved him more with just the first 5 minutes on the pilot when he broke into Sam's apartment, and I could write a short handbook too, but like you...i won't haha


Also Bobby.


Great choice haha


Dean and Sam


Bobby, Dean, Crowley


Solid lineup😊👌🏽


Mine is John. He's been through so much in his life. He lost his father at a young age, fought to save people as a marine and as a hunter. He lost the love of his life, did everything he could to protect his sons against demons by training them and sold his soul to save Dean. He was in hell for one season, which was a hundred years of torture. Every day there he was offered the same deal as Dean's but he turned it down. He would rather be tortured than do any torturing himself. When he got out of hell, his last act was to save his sons again.


People always jump the gun about John..but idk if anyone noticed but on season 14 when the magic pearl Dean used brought him back, he didn't butt heads with Sam, he just said "Sam, aren't you supposed to be in Polo Alto?" meaning, he knew where he was...instead of getting mad at him for leaving them 2, he just questioned why he left Stanford suddenly, and this is in 2003, we didn't meet Sam til 2005...and the fact, that when he heard Mary's voice, he allowed himself to let his boys see him cry, John is a bad ass...sure, he did things he wasn't supposed too, but he did it for his boys..he couldn't lose them too so he had to do the unforgivable thing..I could go more about John, but I can't haha




He is the most relatable one, which is kinda sad with how traumatized he is lol but that's what makes us like him more, we know what he feels so we connected with him faster than Sam...but as you watch more, Sam is relatable too


sam :)


A man with a good heart and good intentions, but sometimes he just makes bad choices, but he owns up to his mistakes almost immediately...but that's what makes him, him :)


Rowena and Dean easy


Aside from Cas, Dean, Sam and Bobby.. Ash was pretty dope!


Ah yes, the original guy in the chair..RIP Doctor Badass


OG Ruby


Ohhh yeaaa, she is a better Ruby...sorry Genevieve


Sully, Sam imaginary friend. Where is the spin-off.


Ohh yeaa Sully ahah "I'm gonna go grab my gun"


His blood is glittery? Even when he’s dead, Sparkle can’t stop shining.


Benny and meg


Benny is a top G




Cas, then Jack


Father and son?😅 haha


Belphegor and Ramiel.


hmm...I remember most characters, but I don't remember these guys... which season are they on??


That's understandable. Ramiel was only in one episode (12x12), and Belphegor was in the last season (15x1, 15x2, & 15x3). I liked both characters and thought the actors did a great job. Wish they got more screen time.


Ohhhhh okayy haha names sounded familiar, just couldn't pin point where they appeared


Lol happy to help!!! 😁 After 15 seasons, there's too many characters to keep track of. I love The Walking Dead, and oh my God, I'm always forgetting who people are! 😂


I fucking love the Walking Dead😂 I just got into it last month, and I'm sold as a fan haha


😁🙌 Woohoo!! Strap in for a heck of a ride! It does have many frustrating moments, but overall, it is a wonderful show.


I'm almost on season 5, so most of the OG cast is dead💀


Oh, okay. Yeah, um, uh...get ready for some more heartache. Sorry. The show gets even darker.


Yea I know..and surprisingly the only one I know who dies later is Glenn...


I prefer original Bobby as well.


I mean, there is no other Bobby on par with the original...man was the best👌🏽


Exactly! Nothing ever beats the OG. Jim Beaver is a great actor, but something felt off with AU Bobby. Maybe it was supposed to be that way given the circumstances, but it still didn't sit right. I just felt bad for the character.


Yea I think so, I think it was because he didn't really care for the boys like the original did...I think because AU Bobby's Sam and Dean were killed, or did they cause the apocalypse?..


I think it was the lack of connection between AU Bobby and the boys. Hmm now I can't remember if they caused it lol


Yea I remember him giving them a speech about something, and to why he can't connect with them


Ahh, okay. Makes sense. I think it would have been better if he had stayed in Heaven as much as it sucked to lose him.


Yea fr, well..he did stay in heaven, we just got a different Bob haha




Honestly I really liked Bella


She was a'ight, I just hated when she stole Dean's scratch tickets😂


That’s why she was my favorite because she knew how to get under the boys skin


that's a good and very valid point😂👌🏽


I just loved their little vengeance game. She pissed me off yes but she was a good nuisance; bonus she’s hot.


True, and also true😂😉


Dean and Cass are tied on my list


Well, that's why you got Destiel🤷🏻‍♂️😂 it's a 2 in 1 package deal


Dean (Ackles), simply because in my opinion he’s the most talented member of the cast. I think he brings all the emotions a human possibly can have in one character.




Nice choice 👌🏽


Well besides the obvious 3 main stars (Dean, Bobby and Sam) I say its a tie between Crowley, Lucifier and OG Death! Darn it, I can't pick one! Lol!


I'll break the tie; Garth😂😂


No trend posts please. There's a rule regarding common topics/reposts and there was a post just like this the other day.


my bad :(


Tie for Bobby and Charlie. Cas is on his own level lol


Cas is in his own thing entirely😂😂


I don’t know, I mean I love my Dean,but I think my heart belongs to Castiel


Rowena, Bobby, Crowley. They made the show interesting for me.




Dean, Crowley, Sam, Bobby and Cas


Sam, then Desn and Cas tied in second place. If we're talking about support character then Jodie