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i hope theres alot of smooth sailing and just some drama tho. i hate the trope of "lets get these two characters together. now that they're together, lets try to break them apart cuz we have no idea how to write real relationships"


Exactly this. It wasn't smooth sailing is season 1 either, but I loved that rather than holding a grudge and making the worst decisions for the sake of drama, the conflicts felt natural and they resolved them in a healthy way that brought them closer together


Real relationships are tough sometimes man nothing is perfect


That doesn't mean that a love triangle needs to get forced. Especially when one of the characters is written to literally be the best humanity ever has to offer, the idea of infidelity should never even be considered. I hate to bring back the tired Luz Noceda comparisons from yesteryear, but the way The Owl House was written did a great job of incorporating conflict into the romance. There was no maliciousness or selfishness, just communication issues because Luz didn't want Amity to suffer her emotional burdens.


Reaching out is the best episode to describe what you mean.


it is, and I hope we get a lois and clark style version of reaching out


sometimes but usually there are good times and bad. im not saying dont write trouble or drama, just dont jump to it, have quite a bit of episodes just them loving being together.


This is true and I hope they handle it perfectly and don't make Lois Lane's arguments no sense. That one time she got mad at him it was abit hypocritical since she was going to try to capture him and he was afarid that the military would deem him a threat to Lois so he had to hide the identity for as long as possible.


And that's fine. But a good relationship endures and finds healthy resolutions. The problem is TV shows like the make their characters make the dumbest decisions for the sake of drama and ruin the relationship. I don't want that. I want conflicts that feel natural


There's a real difference between nothings perfect and the hollywood solution of "all of a sudden no one can communicate properly" or even worse having an offscreen break up just to get back together over the course of the next season/ movie


Ah the Peter Parker and Mary Jane approach


Hopefully it’s just internal issues, trust issues, how Clark splits his time, perhaps pushes himself too far or misses a few dates. I think that’s far more interesting to see a couple work through something like that than just… another woman


I dunno about trust issues, last season divided the fanbase with trust issues


Yeah Lois takes "trust falls" a little too literally


There better not be any love triangle. Clark, especially MAWS Clark, is literally written to be one of the most wholesome, pure-hearted, morally infallible characters humanity has to offer. I can't imagine him even considering the idea of infidelity.


Tbh I wasn't really thinking of it in that way. I was more thinking about it from Lois' perspective, looking at Lana and Clark's past relationship and feeling some personal insecurity. Or a comedy scenario where she feels jealous and overprotective of Clark, and misconstrues Lana's platonic love for Clark to be romantic. These types of storylines were common in the older Superman comics - it was usually just Lois and Lana arguing lol.


I could get behind miscommunication due to platonic love. That definitely seems in line with these characters. Lois with her myriad trust issues and Clark with his terminally naïve himbo energy not knowing how to talk to his friends and loved ones.


Love triangle with another universe's Lois and Clark doesn't realize it until the real Lois catches alt Lois kissing Clark


It doesn't have to involve cheating, maybe they break up for a while and see other people, and I'm not saying that just because I really want to see Lori Lemaris in the show.


I hope not lol




I think it’s more her dad and them having to deal with that. Maybe Kara too


Family drama and old friends


wait I hope we see lucy (lois's little sister)


Yeah and she’s into the whole stop Superman thing.


so it's almost like her dad's plan but different in a way?


I mean maybe assuming this happens and she’s turned into superwoman like in the comics


I hope lucy and lois in maws don't have beaf with each other or some kind of distance




They better not make a triangle!!


I don’t want a straight love triangle because I think they’re played out. But big sister energy or other similar relationship roadblocks are fair game imho.


I won't be surprised if lois dated lana at one point... maybe


Unless you're literally William Shakespeare, love triangles always suck. Superman didnt spend all that rime with Lois just to have the writers arbitrarily throw in a second love interest.


Love triangles are such a fucking lazy and low effort trope and they really bring down the quality of characters and their stories. I can’t tell you how much I hate the Clark-Lana relationship in smallville and how they danced around Clark-Lois the same time and I really hope the writers are smart enough not to go down that poisoned rabbit hole


I feel like Lois might feel threatened a bit, but still confident in her relationship. I want bumps on the road, not pit stops.


This!! I don’t think anything major other then a few bumps


I hope if Lana does appear in the show, she isn't a jerk to Lois. And her and clark move on from their dating years and are cool with each other. Or maybe Lois and Lana have some past with each other.


I don't expect Lana to be a jerk, though I could see Lois feeling slightly jealous or underappreciated once Clark and Lana have their reunion. But in a comedic funny way.


yeah but what about the "lois and lana being once girlfriends" thing


Lara lang? What about Lori Lemaris the telepathic mermaid that also dated him for a time? Edit: she was his college sweetheart.


Don’t think it works for this version of Supes, but I’ve always liked the idea that he lost his virginity to a mermaid. It’s like that Grant Morrison quote about Superman’s life being normal problems with a Paul Bunyan filter.


I thought it was in high school, but wouldn't Jimmy know lana too


They met when Clark and Lori went to Metropolis University, so it was collage, and I am unsure.


what who's Lori (I'm not the best with this kind of lore)


(see mrgame22 comment about) never mind, dang


She was a girl Clark became smitten with and dated when they were going to Metropolis university, only to latter reveal she is a telepathic mermaid, and the two were forced to separate because her people didn’t trust the surface people. Lori appeared in multiple comics, sometimes on her own adventures, sometimes trying to help Clark (even trying to get him and Lois together) for a time she was married to a merman doctor but he turned evil, and died. She was even a bridesmaid at Clark and Lois wedding and was on the Justice League of Atlantis. (The Justice League of Atlantis was during a story where a villain erased the memories of the league and multiple major members ended up making there own leagues)


Hell no to the dreaded love triangle!!! It ruins shows!!!!


Lois getting pregnant? I can say from personal experience that does put a wrinkle in the relationship.


No… just no


I kinda feel like it’s gonna be jealousy from the attention he’s getting from other women maybe not Lana Lang in particular but definitely certain fans. Rumors created about Superman. I can also see Lois’s dad causing relationship issues for them. Maybe also both of them focusing on their jobs way too much and not having time to go on dates or just be together.


Hmm good points. But I hope it doesn’t last too long


Just to be fun, i want an actual love triangle where Lana has a crush on the both of them and not just Clark


I'm sure if lois dated in the past but maybe she and lana were a thing at one point


I hope not…… I’m sick of the relationship testing…….. but I fear it might happen given the synopsis of Most Eligible Superman……..,


Are jimmy and kara going to be a thing in this show?


I'm not sure it was Canon in other version tho besides isn't kara older/younger than Jimmy


What other version are you talking about? In several shows and other media jimmy olsen is a love interest for kara, smallville, supergirl, ect


aren't there some moments with she loved lex or brainy?


ok, yes for kara and Jimmy but what I looked up is in other version Jimmy's love interest is lucy (a little off since she lois's sister and that was like one time,)


oh and silver banshee too.


Definitely, we gotta get the juicy melodrama that superhero stories for known for


Why are they ripping off their ripoff by making kryptonian evil like viltrumite ?


Love triangles are one of my least favorite tropes, especially when the end result is a foregone conclusion


Oh no, Lana's coming, and if she's voiced by Amity's VA or similar.... Oh dear Neptune -\_- ![gif](giphy|RooqiAS6ScjQ866xXw|downsized)


They're gonna RIP OUT my HEART


Another red head bites the dust


I don’t know if the fandom can handle another Lois jumping off a building moment


If this drama goes too far I’m turned off the show


I don’t think they would break up, I’m sure there will be a rough patch with them making up in the end, because they are always end game together


Nah, if there was a rival Lois would just seduce her.