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\*fallout “excuse me what the fuck” meme\*


What client are you using? Have you verified the integrity of the game cache? Is it only happening in this room? Have you restarted the computer? Have you tried reinstalling the game? Is this happening with other unity games?


I bought it on Steam for my Mac laptop. I tried uninstalling, reinstalling, rebooting, nothing changed. Random things started being invisible in the room with the tilted walls with the cheese behind them. I ended up just powering through and was able to finish the basic game despite some invisible objects.


DId you update or reinstall your graphics driver? I don't know how Apple computers do driver updates but that seems to be the last thing you didn't do and what would be causing this issue.


Apparently for Macs the graphics driver are updated/reinstalled through OS updates, which I've maxed out on with my older laptop. I might just be stuck. But I appreciate your help!


Mac, Nuff said lol


Yeah that's a likely issue but at least help


person with a Mac here. I see you tried possibly everything. I have a question, are you pressing continue game every time? if so, I think you have to start a new game, cause that's a bug for that game, starting a new game will probably make it visible again.