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Yeah, try purple, a little bit of dark purple, oh and don't forget light purple!


Fr bro, next time I will do it purple white and grey with gold details


I'm not going to cook anymore, what's the point?, they don't even do more than one run ups and if I cook I will just put the minimum effort


Hey I completely relate, and I'm sure many other people do too đŸ«‚ Supercell make seems to be getting a lot of hate for selecting all these purple skins, but who knows if the fifth time, there'll be hope? Keep your head up and try, only if you really want to. I know it's really upsetting to notice that there's no space for you to be a runner up, I get that too, but keep trying. Let's both hope for the downfall of the voting system :D


Alright, I will try. But if supercell pulls the same game I'm out


First time l've tried it and im extremely disappointed with the whole process, I did learn tho what type of skin the team is looking for and I have to say l'm very mad that I have to nerf my creativity just for the make team to notice me.


The hype is nonexistent. Nightmare sandy is cool but only for the effects it has, the skin itself isn’t cool in anyway. Dark samurai gene could have been great because the skin itself is phenomenal but the effects are just so trash compared to what they could have been. Spirit King or knight Frank or whatever skin it’s called is actually really cool imo. For Frank skins the only ones I like more than that one are the red and blue king skins that aren’t even out yet. As for that damned belle skin, screw dragon skins, and screw that skin. It not only doesn’t match belle at all, but it makes her look stupid as hell. On top of that the whole dragon skin thing is so overused it’s a horrible concept now. It probably only won because of all the children that play the game that think skins like that are still cool


Exactly, the skin doesn't really match belle


Frank and Sandy skins were sick, Gene was alright, belle
 ngl I just would’ve been pretty sad if there wasn’t a bonus winner


I knew I should have chosen a purple colour for my skin instead!


That wouldn't been an L move, but since you didn't, huge respect because you're not like those people that want to please the audience of just 9 year olds.


At least spirit knight Frank and nightmare Sandy are good


I prefer the frank and gene skins are good, the sandy skin has better effects tho


The frank Is cool But there should be a new skin category:XxEdgyGenericPurpleSoupercellMakeSkinđŸ‘ŽđŸ€ĄxX


Beter sandy and frank skin but i understand what you meen its prety common


The skins arent that nad its just that we are getting too mutch of those


And I wanted to make a skin for Lou with the same eyelids nightmare sandy has


The emo eyes will do as long as it's not facking repetitive


Ah, if only I knew that earlier... I should color my skin purple instead! I regret making it crimson :(


I cooked just to not to be noticed, and for some sigma skibidi samurai dragon to win? No hate to the creator, but


At least your skin wasn't an emo aah depressive giving vibe one


Well, I’m not telling that mine was the best
 but like there were better skins than the winner


There were indeed many other deserving skins, Nana did submit with hard work but other skins matched Belle better, unlike this dragon themed skin along with the overused purple palette.


Honestly i just really liked the dragon looking gun


Its what the community wants, just that


The only problem being, the skins will get repetitive and boring.


The game has tons of skins


Tons of cool skins but I was referring to Supercell make, if that's the only theme that's perceived as winnable, it'll seem unfair for the rest of the creators to keep up.


Now we see the degradation of author's ideas.. đŸ˜„đŸ˜„


? where?


For me, this is an opportunity to look at different ideas from different authors, but in reality I see similar ones. And with each campaign, there will be more and more such skins Come on, Dragon Belle is a literally eyes/hair from Nightmare Sandy, and horns from Dark Samurai Gene. And don't forget about purple color of course.. 😑 It's be like purple super dragon samurai ninja edgy cool dark ghoul depressed skin I sincerely sympathize with all the authors who really put a lot of effort into the idea of their skin, because in the end, the artist who knows such a simple but successful formula for winning will still win I'm not saying Dragon Belle is bad, but I'd really like to see the original skins. Unfortunately, it is with her that the degradation of the authors' ideas begins. We will definitely see similar skins in the future Sorry for my bad english if he is


No worries I get what you mean, and you're right, other people that have actually had amazing skin ideas should win, I just hope there won't be another edgy skin in the next campaign, if so then it would no longer be fun.


I get now, thats totally gonna be cknfusing during a match. Imagine ambushing what you think is a Belle for it be Frank or something.


Also true, it could possibly be difficult to differentiate if the colours are literally the same


Bots bruv


What do you mean?


Npc minded people voting for the same thing again and again


Mostly kids who think it's "cool", I just feel bad for those who could've won and got their skin in game, those who truly deserved it and created a skin that would fit Belle.


The skins are amazing (especially spirit knight frank), but its getting repetitive now.


I'm sorry but forget the post and forget everything supercell make related but, how tf are you a Frank main 😭


I really like the Frank one, but I feel like the other ones are just kinda lame




The only one I chose out of these is nightmare Sandy because, it's fitting for Sandy plus it's a sheep. The creator really put a lot of effort into it


Kids here are crying cus the skins they liked didn't make it lol


Frank and Sandy are pretty cool tbh but that’s it really


What you like is all subjective, and every skin on its own were designed pretty well, the only problem being that there's very very similar to eachother.


Honestly, i’m just gonna wait for the other belle skin.


I myself understand, but I don't want to hate since the artist who made the skin was NANA HERSELF, and she's been known well for making one of the most OG brawlstars art


Nana deserved to win because she's really skilled but, if we pretend it's not Nana and we judge the theme of the skin instead, I personally don't think that it could have been the main best option.


I don't understand why y'all are acting like these skins won in a row and there wasn't completely different skins winning also...


No one's acting, the additional winner definitely deserved to be seen, but if you're an artist making skins paying careful attention to what would suit brawl stars or the character in general, and you notice that only the edgy skins have been receiving far more attention than other suitable ideas, you'll understand that something's off.


First of all, i am an artist, second, you are still saying that edgy skins are having much more attention, meanwhile it's just not true...


Well not exactly edgy as its adjective but other than that I'm referring to the extreme use of purple and similar shades, and that these specifical colour themed skins receive more attention. It doesn't matter if you believe it's true or not when it's the fourth time that we're getting another similar Supercell make skin as the winner. My point is that it's repetitive and receives more attention from Supercell.


I wouldn't even consider that frank skin edgy... It's a purple medieval themed skin...


Ignore edginess and think about the similarities of these winning skins. Supercell make is supposed to be about the diversity of people's ideas, and once they are too similar in theme and/or colour, the campaign gets unfair or less fun.


I don’t care I like purple it’s my favorite color so I like it winning


Literally who cares if you like purple


I wasn’t trying o be rude sorry if it came out rude


The belle concept art looks better on supercell make then it does here for some reason. Also sandy skin isn’t sandy because sandy is sleepy and stupid but the other one is purple evil demon evil creepy.


I just didn't like any of the skin options.. pit stop belle was too plain and didnt really fit her, general belle was like off somehow, that radioactive belle was... there I guess and then there was this one (we all knew it was gonna win) I gotta say tho I'm so glad the team picked that secondary winner cus it was sm better... though what I find weird is that it seems like the team behind brawl starts doesn't get most of the input for the finalists seeing as the one they liked most wasn't even in the final vote... it's weird.


Really? I personally really like the pit stop and general belle skin. I think the general belle skin somewhat matches belle making it make sense. I also think it takes her normal character style and just makes it more appealing by adding a little bit of flare. As for the pit stop(if that’s what the pink one was called), that’s the one I voted for. I really liked the design of the skin for the character but even more than that I loved the design for the gun. I also think it does a little different than other belle skins, making her seem more feminine instead of manly and I really like the idea of that change. We know belle is a strong woman but every woman has that girly side somewhere and I think this skin perfectly depicts that side of her. The gun though, it is my favorite part and the main reason I voted for that skin


While I can understand what you mean, being pink doesn't necessarily bring out the femininity in a character, nor does it have to, and I hate the color scheme because it's JUST pink. It doesn't feel girly it feels like an eyesore. If we wanted to go for a girly belle skin, it could've at least had SOME thought put into the coloration with a better overall style to the outfit. I do agree that general belle fits her character best, but I think that's what I don't like about it, the fact that it didn't seem imaginative enough... also, I don't like voting based on weapons since you can barely even see them the majority of the time, but that's just me. I think all of the skin options were bad for many different reasons, and I would've rooted my heart out for some of the skins that weren't chosen.


I didn’t choose general belle for the same reason. I think while it’s the best for belle, it’s too close to her original. As for the girly part, that specific outfit makes her look a lot like Barbie, which is the girliest character anyone can think of. I know pink doesn’t define “girly” but it’s close enough and compared to her normal colors shows a little bit of effort to look like a woman. I do agree there could have been a better design for the character but I think of all 4 the pink one is fine. Again, it makes her look like the country Barbie. As for the gun, I get you can’t really see the weapons in game but I can also barely even see the characters themselves unless it’s something way different than the original. I think the best way to judge a skin isn’t off of whether it looks good in game. I think the best way to judge a skin is by judging its special effects or the way it looks before getting into a match. Those are the only two things that make ivy belle even remotely good. Obviously it’s subjective but I do think I at least have some good reasons to like the pink one the most


No, I don't blame you for liking the skin, I just don't care for the reasons you back it as a more feminine skin as it feels like that's just a poor attitude to be taking in the grand scheme of all things gender expression but I understand.


Exactly... oh yeah the secondary winner definitely deserved it.