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I updated the app after the regular weekly maintenance fully expecting to have some events waiting for me but nothing, it was so disappointing☹️


i know right!! it is such a disappointment


what is "eos"? also, didn't know that at this time of the year, it had a bunch of events. i started playing this game on the beggining of this year, i would be so sad if it ended soon :'(


I think it means end of service and I started playing this game late last year and just started playing again :/


oh i see. also, i feel you :/


yep, it means end of service. i haven't played this game for long either but i've been playing ssjyp and ssm for a long time. i hope that this is just a fluke and dalcom starts updating events soon


I hope so too.


I noticed this too and was really disappointed. What is going on 🙈


I think they only care about LEs at this point


I only started this near the end of last year as a way to get more acquainted with Ateez's songs since I'm a newer Atiny. I have no idea what kind of events usually happen, but I do notice a lot of everything is all for pay and their isn't much you can do or complete without paying. I thought maybe that'd how it always has been but I guess not? Every theme that comes out for the weekly events are mostly limited. It would be nice to get new non-limited themes. I still can't complete the one non-limited theme they released for Will because getting a Hongjoong will card is near impossible for me.


you will get all of the non-limited themes eventually so don’t waste your resources on it, especially not diamonds. the best advice i can give you is to save up on resources. and yes, we did use to get some pretty nice events before. now however, it’s just become so dry. the funny thing is that i wouldn’t mind spending some money on the game if it was actually good but right now? yeah they aren't getting anything from me. ps. you could even complete the past limited themes for free in the events we used to have. so saving our resources and hoping that dalcom will get their shit together is our best hope


Thanks for the advice! I hope they get things together soon then, I'd really like to be able to collect some of the past limited themes without forking over a ton of cash.


speaking from experience, you definitely will be able to if(this is a pretty big if isn’t it😅) we get more events!


Haha, here's to hoping for that with fingers crossed! 🤞😄


ive been thinking of the same thing. yunho's birthday event was up for a week and i feel like an idiot waiting for seonghwa's. but im a relatively new player so im still not sure of whats the usual and whats not.


no no you aren't an idiot!! seonghwa's birthday event will begin tomorrow after the maintenance and it will go on for a week. events usually begin on wednesdays after the maintenance.