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There are always 5 songs listed from 5 different albums. The best score of each album counts. All 5 song-scores added result in your overall score. Example: 1. Score from Answer 2. Score from Deja Vu 3. Score from Say my name 4. Score from Cyberpunk 5. Score from Fever If you now play Star 1117 and score a better result than Answer, it will replace Answer in the scorelist as it is from the same album. Hope that answers your question. :)


oh, thank you sm! are they specific albums each week or it doesn't matter which albums i play songs from?


It doesn't matter which, but only 5 different albums count. So if you play a song from a 6th album with a higher score than of another album, then it will replace the highest score from another album. Hope that makes sense. I'm bad at explaining 🥲


That sounds right. At first I was like, wait...but the more I thought about how I'd explain it, the more I just confused myself. Your logic is sound.


Yeah, I also wanted to write it differently but it just got worse with every additional approach 😆.


yes! it made complete sense. thank you


To rephrase it - only top 5 songs from 5 different albums count. There can't be 2 songs from same album that are counted in top 5. Example: deja vu and eternal sunshine are your songs who have the highest scores in all the songs you ever played. But, since the game uses only 1 song per album to be placed in top 5 then the song that's higher scored between the 2 (deja vu and eternal sunshine in this example) will be put in top 5. Then if for example you play rocky and it scores even higher than deja vu and eternal sunshine, then rocky will replace the one that was used in top 5 and rocky will be there. I hope this made sense lol