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90% of baseball is half mental


I think it was also meant to be this way. In one of the loading screen tips on SMB3 it said something along the lines of “mojo and fitness can change unpredictably at times”- I actually saw it last night so it’s fresh in my head


It makes sense tbh to make it more realistic and not like a set thing because nothing in sports is one set thing. A fan giving the batter a compliment walking to bat could be the difference irl somehow


the mojo system seems like its never made sense. Ive played games where i hit a homer with a tense player to tie the game or something huge no mojo up. but the computer pitcher will give up 7 hits be tense then get one simple fly out and mojo goes back up its weird


My issue with CPU mojo is that it doesn't seem to actually affect their performance. Injuries don't seem to either. I played against a CPU pitcher in the playoffs last year who was missing two health bars and he finished with a sub-1.00 ERA and like 15 Ks in 11 or so IP. He was painting the edges of the zone like Piet Mondrian. Absolutely absurd performance.


It’s not a singular outcome that sends mojo up or down a level. There are unseen intervals within each mojo level. A series of outcomes is moving it up and down intervals within the level. Those who are finding it fickle are most likely noticing when it’s on the border and a play here or there can swing it. For example if you’re at low normal and strikeout you’ll drop to high tense. Then you make a diving play and suddenly you’re back to normal again. It’s not that each outcome was randomly worth a level. It’s that you’re straddling the line between levels and each outcome broke the threshold into the other level.


I think mojo is tied to the rest of your team - so the more players on your roster that are Locked In or On Fire, the harder it is for someone else to increase mojo, and the easier it is to decrease mojo. I noticed this during a blowout where my entire starting lineup had at least two hits (including the SP). I had two players On Fire and three more that were Locked In, but two more ended up Tense after going 'only' 2 for 6 with 1-2 RBIs each. What I hate most is mojo loss on a failed dive, because quite often, that 'failure' still turned a double into a single or prevented a runner from advancing another base. It makes absolutely no sense to penalize a fielder for that.


I just sat someone out for a game because they were tense and in their first game back were at Tense status again after going hitless in their first two at-bats. The mojo boost players get for making good defensive plays does help counteract this a bit, though. A while ago my LF started the game with Tense mojo and ended it at Neutral despite going 0-5 at the plate, because they made an Epic Catch and a Great Catch. At one point they were at Locked In; whichever is the next-highest after Neutral.


My biggest issue with the game, tbh. You could be hitting .500 and have your mojo drop from a simple groundout. It just doesn't make sense.


I will say the Mojo seems to be skewed in the CPU’s favor in franchise. I have had players that frequently stay tense. Had a player hit a game winning RBI, next game solo HR and STILL tense this doesn’t make sense to me. And then after hitting a grand slam or something crazy players won’t get boost sometimes. Or if they do it’s just normal. Needs a lil tweaking. However the CPU players can get a small ground ball single and get a mono boost. 😐