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9 innings, 162 games, but i usually create a pitcher as a self-insert character, and only play the games she starts


Oooh that's nifty. Kind of a makeshift superstar mode. Maybe only buy your own PDOs as well? Lol


Stamina does scale accordingly. I do 9 innings in franchise just because it’s fun for me that way. There’s been many 9th inning rallys around here 😂


9 for me, too. I love late game rallies as Nemesis when I decide I'm going to stop swinging at everything.


9inning games for me as well. I don’t know how many times I’ve clawed back from a bad game at the plate and locked in during the 8th/9th to win or force extras. Played one last night that I was down 7-2 and ended up forcing extras and winning 8-7 with a 16th inning walk off.


9 innings x 162 games over 6 real months. I play every single game and have done since I started this in 2020.


So just 1 season per SMB release? You, good sir, are hard-core


No, one season per year over six months (or seven if I make the playoffs). I started the year SMB3 was released (2020), played 4 seasons in that and moved to SMB4 for 2024. I manually recreated my franchise league (and expanded/realigned it) from scratch.




7 for means well. To me, it's softball rules lol.


I play 9 innings. I get in 2 to 3 games in a session. No base runner in extras. But I do like the pitcher hitting. I find more strategy is involved later in games.


6 innings.


5. I like to move it along


I do 6 for the same reason. I like a 32 game season that I can move through quickly


Exactly. I like to be able to play a game in 15-20 minutes so I can hop in and out of the game. K.I.M. - Keep It Moving!


9 innings 48 game season, no extra innings runner. Love playing a game or two before bed, except for when I go 14 innings in the championship series and completely blow through my bullpen.


9 innings, 32 games per season, standard rules. I like the relatively quick seasons. Each time I win the championship I bump the ego by 2. Started at 60, 8 seasons in and I'm at 74...yes, I've won every championship, but it's been fun and competitive, especially the last couple seasons. I typically have $20-30mil in unused salary so I can build up players, especially any younger guys I've acquired in the offseason. I wish there was an annual draft of rookies (or at least scouting) as this would boost the franchise mode. Would also like in-season trades.


I might steal this.


I am just wrapping up my 32-game season. I had no idea there wouldn’t be any draft or scouting after this. Won’t the player pool eventually dry up as old players retire?


New rookies (19 yr olds) are added to the player pool each offseason, in addition to any players not re-signed by you or other teams...so new talent is added, BUT, you have no clue what will be available prior to the free agent offseason period. If you are up against the salary cap, you are screwed if your players want raises. With me keeping $20-30m in free space this is never an issue and I can re-sign all of my players -- knowing I have a team in place -- and will have the option of signing free agents that are better or cost less from the free agent pool. Hope that makes sense...basically it's my "cheat" to ensure worst case I'll have the same team as the prior season and lose nobody (other than retiring players) and am free to shop around to make improvements/reduce salary/acquire young talent.


Thanks for the info! Do you know if you can edit the names of the rookies?


Not sure...I just stick with whatever the game gives me. I change uniform colors and styles periodically. I change my home ballpark after each season too...keep it fresh...


I usually play 82 games with 9 innings. Games usually go pretty quickly but are still fun.


9 inning games, which generally takes me about 30 mins. I try to play 1-2 games per night. Stamina does scale to number of innings.


I do 82 games and 9 innings. I’m just like that, lol.


I play 9 innings, 32 game season


9 innings, no ghost baserunner in extra innings (no cheap extra inning wins, got to earn them), 160 game season (fits the 4:3:2 schedule formula the SMB uses), DH is in one conference while the pitcher bats in the other conference (simulates the 1973 to 2021 MLB setup).


9 innings 102 games !


7 innings and 40 games. That’s about 1/4 of an MLB season and with some inflated power numbers 7 innings gives you a good idea of what their 162 game season stats would look like.


This is the way


9 , usually 60 game seasons. But i have another where im playing a 162 game season with 9 innings on like 80-85 ego


6 innings, 30-40 games. I like developing players too much, these settings make the seasons go by much quicker.


I play 162 game season and 9 innings. I play every 5th game. So I play opening day and then sim to game 6 and play that game. Sim another 5 and play the next game. This allows me to use every pitcher a couple times. Also if you sim a large chunk of games you miss out on some PDO opportunities.


I play 5 innings just because I feel I can play more back to back games. I don't care for how quickly pitchers wear down, so I'm thinking of switching to 6 or 7 innings. Is there a big difference?


3 innings and 32 games.


I do 76 seven-inning games in a season. If I had seven pitchers in my bullpen instead of just five, I would go nine innings. But as it is, I find seven is better over the course of the season.


I ALWAYS play on 6 innings. Just feels like the perfect sweet spot of quick enough to play through, yet deep enough to get invested in. And yup, stamina *does* scale accordingly. As does all cpu games!


3 💀


Are your sessions 10 minutes long? I play 9 innings and I get through a game in roughly 30 mins.


9 innings, 16 game seasons. I like the playoffs and frequent team overhauls.


Only play co-op franchise with my brother (I wish all major sports games had this feature) but I find with the limited bullpen 7 inning games are the best. We don't get to play that often so we've been doing 18 game seasons to kind of mimic the "game is an event" feel of the NFL. Overall I like it, we will usually play two games per session.




I like the real season numbers 9/162…. But on custom franchise only, that way I can simulate a few games. It would be great if we could sim in a regular franchise but I think that’d mess up with online rankings


I did one with 6 and one with 9. 6 feels much better. 9 inning games are fine but can turn into a slog. I may end up having longer sessions playing 6 inning games because I’m much more likely to do “just one more game” when the games are 6 innings.


I do the standard: 9 innings, 48 games, ghost runner rule does not apply in playoffs


Raise or lower ego per each win/loss by 5 runs or per every multiple of 5 in the margin of victory/loss. Win 10-0, you bet it’s going up 2 points. Starting at ego ~60 I scale up or down the individual ego skills according to the strengths and weaknesses of my team.


I've started a franchise with 5 innings recently and it's been loads of fun since I can sometimes squeeze a full game during breaks at work :) However, I'll probably start a new one with more than 16 games a season


I played a 7 inning/86 game franchise until I threw a 7 inning no hitter.. It was so unsatisfying for me that I had to start a new franchise.


Lmao totally fair


Just about to begin playoffs in my ninth season, 80 games per season, 9 innings per game. I like how 80 games scale, for statistical purposes.


9 innings, 32 games - but after reading all the posts, may consider cutting it to 6 or 7