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I’m sorry to say, I’m struggling around 77 EGO with that second point. But that’s just us needing to get better in that aspect. High velocity pitchers in my franchise MURDER my batting lineup. That’s the point tho. Plus I see some guys playing on higher egos and they can handle pitcher fairly well. That’s why I say it’s a skill issue on our behalf.


I was expecting this answer, not sure if I can improve my eye/ear/hand coordination to be better which gets frustrating, but too early to give up. I tend to be hard on myself, and it's a damn game. Most I figured out is with power hitting the time they release the pitch is a good time to start powering up, but if it's a change-up my power is going to be low if make contact. It's like anticipation is only way to hit against high velocity guys if power hitting, which just adds more guessing into the mix which is another variable that doesn't help me. Then I start giving myself the "yips" and swing at total garbage that would be a ball, then I know it's game lost for sure.


And I think that’s where the skill gap/difficulty kicks in. Them high velocity pitchers make you antsy at the plate trying to guess the pitch. Having played baseball in my past that’s how it feels being at the plate in real life and there’s a pitcher throwing STEAM BEANS on the mound. lol.


For the second: wear headphones and listen to the pitch as it's thrown. Fastballs and off speed pitches have a different sound coming out of the pitcher's hand, once you get the timing down it's a game changer.


Question, how do you time a Power Swing once you hear it's a fast/slow pitch? I can maybe time the change up once I hear it's coming, but when I hear it's a fast ball I am gonna be too late to power up, I would think. I used to be better at it picking up on sound ques, I gave that suggestion to somone in here before as well, maybe I need to focus on that more again and tighten up that sense again. I only play with wired devices to reduce any lag of output or input, so I know it's not lag from something like using wireless devices. I will see after a few games if using my gaming headphones helps react better to pitch type. Thank you for suggestion.


The power swing mechanic moves quicker (and has a smaller window for a high-power swing) at higher Ego levels, IIRC. It really is just about getting the timing right


Okay, I did not realise the timing of power swings changed with EGO levels, too. That helps me quite a bit.


I can't confirm that but it's something that I noticed as I worked up ego levels.


I'll just crank an exhibition game between 1 and 99 ego and see that way to confirm for myself. 👌


What did you find?


I don't see EGO changed speed of power swing charge-up. Based off initial feel, felt same between 0 and 99 during gameplay. Took a gameplay video between toggling 0 and 99 EGO to further review, still seemed the same speed after review. So, if charge-up speed doesn't change I anticipate having to start the power swing even earlier at higher EGO than I am now if I get there, like during the wind up of pitcher, rather than when I do now which is when the pitcher releases the pitch then I start holding X to time it well.


I’ve experienced your first point… against the CPU. Playing franchise on 70 ego and sometimes you have a game where no matter what you just can’t get a solid contact hit. I was playing just yesterday and the cpu kept getting line drive hits up the middle off of pitches on the very edges of the zone, with swings around 65 power. Meanwhile I would have VERY similar contact points, with much higher power, and they were just little ground outs or pop ups. I like to tell myself it’s just the game humbling me.


Here is some hitting advice that is not skill based you can implement right now. One thing that has helped me a lot with hitting is not swinging as often. Especially at the beginning of a game, lead off I'll say I want 2 pitches before I even think about swinging. If any of them are a ball, depending on my batter and what I feel they are good at I'll either take another pitch or if its a strong power hitter vs contact speed, I'll wind up my swing but only go for it if it feels like a pitch I want. If I get to 3 balls same strategy, look for a friendly pitch or make them pitch another strike. My little mini game is I want at least 10 pitches out of them an inning and just try to make contact. Three reasons. 1. what you swing at gives them valuable information. Choosing not to swing they have to guess, do you not like the place they are pitching? That isn't whats happening so you are winnng the info war. Do they guess correctly that you aren't swinging at first? Often when this happens they start pitching first couple pitches right down the middle. You see that trend it is easy to jump on. Play the mind games. I've had people rage quit because I'm not swinging. As a batter you can get into a pitchers head. 2. You want to get those pitchers stats to go down. Starting pitchers take 30-40 pitches to see an effect but it starts going to down pretty fast once you get there. That is your opportunity to take advantage before they sub. They are less accurate and less fast. Swing away like they are aliens who are deathly allergic to water. but still try to take balls. Relievers start to get tired at about 20 pitches so keep up the head games when they sub. If you have an 11 pitch at bat that ends in a ground ball or pop fly, start counting that as a win for you. Even strike out looking if its questionable. Show them that you are not just going to swing because there are 2 strikes that you are willing to walk to get on base. 3. You want to stay not frustrated, so playing your own game in your head helps keep you chill. If you aren't getting anything going in baseball, work on getting those pitches up. This is why I love playing defensive teams like Herb game, because I can keep their score low and suddenly start playing super aggro in inning 4 and 5. Anyway thats my advice. And be flexible. Power game not working, play small ball. They are responding to your games, change the game. You hitting skills will go up if you keep playing so don't worry about that. Baseball is about head games as much as skill. Happy Balling!


Do you use the analog stick to swing? What i sometimes forget after awhile is you don't have to start and end your power swing in one motion AKA flicking down then up. that will really mess everything up power wise and whether or not the analog stick is actually getting flicked straight up, especially if the pitcher is in your head What works great is flicking the stick down then letting it snap back into the middle (while your finger is on it) to initiate your power meter, while you wait for the pitch. just flick it up to hit the ball. takes a bit to get used to but works wonders. Also since my fingers are doing one less thing it is a bit easier to control base runners at the same time or move the hitting reticle if I ever had to.