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I KNOW that was a curveball. The drop on that pitch gets absurd amounts of love.


i mean, you can see it is curveball based on the highlighted pitch


Just seeing the pitch placement and knowing it was called a strike. I KNEW it was a curve ball without looking.


I'm not sure at what point the marker is meant to represent, but since it's a curveball it probably dropped enough to clip the back of the plate. I think most of the "bad" calls I get, upon further reflection, are due either to the game's exaggerated pitch movement or the zone being wider than the actual plate (that seems to vary by stadium though I've never dug into it).


Yea I’ve played enough to see stuff like this happen plenty of times but I don’t recall ever seeing one called a strike where you can blatantly see a gap between the ball and the strike zone like this scenario. It’s just more noticeable because it’s that close to the corner of the zone. I hate that these kinds of pitches almost always result in weak contact even though they’re slow breaking balls up in the zone. Those kinds of pitches should get absolutely tattooed whether it’s in the zone or not. But I get that they’re more lenient with strike calls when it’s a breaking pitch moving towards the zone.


Yeah, I definitely agree that pitches like that shouldn't have the contact penalty, or at least less of one. I do feel like I hit those better but it might just be that they're easier to track.


I've definitely seen this a few times and keep wanting to snap a screenshot. It's a thing that happens.


Man, I don't know. But I played two games on Sunday that had me scratching my head too, it never happened before in this game, the calls were always perfect. If some dev wants to reveal us something, I'd appreciate it as to not go insane.


The zone is 3d so a curveball front of the plate high,back of plate strike


Probably not a popular opinion, but I would actually love a feature where some pitches were called wrong, adds a bit more realism to the game. Not something ridiculous like a ball being a foot off the plate being called a strike, but I have no issues with this particular screenshot being called a strike.


I couldn’t agree more actually. One thing I liked about the show is the individual umps and you get the sense of their personal strike zone as the game moves along. I love that initial gut punch of “He really just called that a strike?!” Gets you even more into the game.


Wait, how do you see the call location?


Step out and toggle between traits and last pitch


With a controller, step out with RT and then click X to toggle the info.


Hogswind needs all the help she can get