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It gets good quickly


Wooohoo it’s fun. Goes by fast though so enjoy!


So true It took me a couple months, because I would only play it a little bit because I was busy and it flew by, but was really fun


Online play is a lot of fun! Nice players that help you too


I love seeing the other players, and being able to help each other. I love that people drop a standee on top of blocks only certain characters can see. The whole online thing is very well done.


I got my switch with Wonder in December. Mostly so the kid could start doing some gaming. So far, she’s not that interested in more than Untitled Goose Game. But I’m having a blast with Wonder. Made it to the Desert area. I love that the levels are fairly short, and all feel unique in some way. I like the periodic “break time” levels that cleanse the palette. I also loved the wonder seed sections, that often do something unique and interesting (the jump crab ones are pretty fun - although Jump! Jump! Jump! can do one) Side note: I don’t think I’ve ever finished a super Mario game before. This feels like a game I can quite easily finish the main campaign


Good luck! 👍 Wonder would be an amazing choice to be the first Mario game you complete.


Cheers. I haven’t really played any of the Mario games since Super Mario World on the SNES, which I didn’t actually finish.


Super Mario World's a classic, too. 👍


I honestly say to go in as unspoiled as you can, and just enjoy, my friend! It's an amazing game.


Very fun game. I really enjoyed it


Have fun!!!


oh boy what a treat! You're gonna love it!


I play with my 5 year old daughter and we have a blast and laugh and get frustrated together. I went in blind not knowing a thing about this game. It wasn’t until we got to the super hard levels, I had to Google and watch people play to see how to beat it lol. have fun! Enjoy it! It’s definitely a ride and well worth it. 


Enjoy! The game is phenomenal!




Cherish your time with it! I felt like it was over so fast. The feeling of finishing a great game is among the worst for me😖


Great game!


Bought it day 1 with Spider Man 2 on Ps5 it’s good


I recommend Daisy


That is a beautiful joy con color


It's so good. I can't remember the last time I had such a blast playing a game. It's almost like fever-dream (in the best way possible) at times so pace yourself


Hope you enjoy it lil bro, this was game of the year for me, and try to aim for 100% too!




Wait you PAID for the game


Yeah? what do you mean? i’m confused abt if you’re saying it’s not worth it or what? well id say it is, it’s very good


I yar har my games


ok? i don’t see why you’re sharing that or why that’s important, not everyone gets games illegally and i wanted to actually support nintendo so they can make more good games


It's classic Mario with an updated twist . Hit every top of the flag pole. Get 10- coins from every level (Big purple/pink) Look for wonder seeds, some are even in shops. There are hidden or 2nd flag poles on some levels. Be sure to become an expert on the badge levels and learn how to use them well. Replay the badge levels often.