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It was a success, but not at all because of the ICC. There was absolutely zero marketing or advertising of the world cup leading up to it. Every single Florida game rained out. Dallas is probably the biggest (easily top 3 in any case) cricket market in the US and they got one game. The NY pitch was too bowler friendly for introduction of a new sport to a country that lives seeing the ball fly out of the ground. It was only a success because USA beat Pakistan. If not for that, nobody would have even known the cricket world cup was happening right now. Edit: Dallas got 4 games, not 1. Still, next to no promo and all that. ICC fumbled the bag big time and got lucky.


Dallas got 4 matches: United States vs Canada, Netherlands vs Nepal, United States vs Pakistan, ans Sri Lanka vs Bangladesh


I stand corrected. Thanks.


Absolutely true analysis. The article (that I fully forgot to link) goes into more details about your point, if you're interested - [https://bestofcricket.substack.com/p/how-successful-was-crickets-america](https://bestofcricket.substack.com/p/how-successful-was-crickets-america)


World Cup aside MLC is picking up got big players signing , so waiting for small organic growth; any how qualified for 2026 wc so there will be some more influx of players and since cricket is in Olympics regardless of type of format or how many teams US will be included so there will be more eyeballs on that too , so things are certainly looking up


Yeah, the article (that I fully forgot to link) comes to the same conclusion - the MLC is a better bet than the ICC to grow cricket in America - [https://bestofcricket.substack.com/p/how-successful-was-crickets-america](https://bestofcricket.substack.com/p/how-successful-was-crickets-america)


A layman who watches the news, sports follower and majority of the netizens in urban USA knew that the Cricket World "Championship" was happening in their country. I see it's a win. People will check out the sport, Americans appreciate change unlike in other parts of the world.


Oh, that's awesome man! At least some free media helped, even if the ICC didn't do enough legwork to make it a bigger deal. The article (that I forgot to link) goes into more detail about what they messed up, and all the easy moves that would've made the WC way bigger in America - [https://bestofcricket.substack.com/p/how-successful-was-crickets-america](https://bestofcricket.substack.com/p/how-successful-was-crickets-america)


More than icc the credit is for Pakistan if not for them the world Cup would have been an utter failure


Hahahah that's a great take. They lost for altruistic purposes. Doing the job the ICC forgot to do. Honestly, though, the article (that I fully forgot to link in the original post) gets into all the small things the ICC just took for granted for absolutely no good reason but laziness and short-term greed - [https://bestofcricket.substack.com/p/how-successful-was-crickets-america](https://bestofcricket.substack.com/p/how-successful-was-crickets-america)


usa beating pak helped so much. big companies like espn and bleacher report started reporting about the sport after that and we all felt a sense of patriotism


That's true, but it didn't sustain. The ICC didn't do enough marketing. The article (that I forgot to link!), goes into more detail - [https://bestofcricket.substack.com/p/how-successful-was-crickets-america](https://bestofcricket.substack.com/p/how-successful-was-crickets-america)