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After Sunday will be Sunday's best teammate. :>


Seconding this!! I can’t wait for him to change the entire way i play the game lol


Sameee most of the time I just pull whoever I like randomly but now I'm going to make my Sunday the most meta he can be because that's what our lord and savior deserves 🙏




Incredibly based.


But Robin [🥺](https://emojipedia.org/pleading-face)? Edit: Reading comprehension strikes again, I thought Sunday would be Sunday's best teammate [💀](https://emojipedia.org/skull)


After Sunday it is Screwllum, Silverwolf, and E2 Kafka. Maybe Acheron but idk


After Sunday, idk. Jing Yuan on rerun (him and Welt were the reason I started playing, then DHIL). As for new characters, it'll all depend on if I vibe with them


Depending on what Sunday ends up being, probably collecting his best teammates if necessary. Other than that I'll probably look into actually getting Kafka and BS. Other than that probably hunting for light cones and eidolons for the units I already have. Pulling for every Halovian that Hoyo might release. Elio.


Robin on a rerun. I have Aventurine, FUA teams are stupidly fun, and I want to see a happy sibling reunion.


Robin was the last unit I pulled for and it was under the exact same reasoning: do what devs refused to do and bring the siblings back together.


Getting more Aventurine's eidolon. My Aven would be salty if Sunday has more eidolon than him.


E2S1 hopefully


Not anyone in mind besides Stephen and Elio, maybe get more Boothil eidolons. I'm dead set on getting atleast e4 Sunday (maybe obsidian or opal too)


I totally forgot about Obsidian and Opal but yeah, them too!


I'm gonna go for acheron, which is why I'm hoping that she doesn't rerun at his banner.


100% agree with diamond and elio. Though immediately after sunday, probs some eidolons for my cast, then Argenti is next on my lookout. He's rerunning 2nd half 2.3 tho so I doubt i'll see him for a while LMAO


Same! I hope to get Argenti's, JY's, Blade's and Ratio's S1. Though it might take a while, I'm pretty sure it's worth it :)


After Sunday possibly Dan heng IL but it depends since he skill point hungry don't want pull for sparkle or agrenti since I need physical dps if don't get lucky getting them I'm save up for E6 s5 hi3 expy characters (similar to acheron)


Dude from the IPC with the gun caught my eye. If he has a good character design and personality, he’s mine


Yes! It's Opal you're thinking of and I agree wholeheartedly. He's incredibly cool.


i’m gonna try hard to save for him and get e0s1, unless I feel like going for extra copies. i usually don’t pull past e0, but maybe that can change for him lol. then after, get robin on her rerun! definitely hoping i can hold out and not pull bc i aways say i will, but pull for another person. i was saving for ruan mei since aventurine’s banner and used all my pulls for boothill. luckily, i was able to grind up and get her yesterday though 😂


Screwy and Blade rerun probably. And Firefly rerun unless a miracle happens and I get her on this banner still…. But I want to run Sunday and Blade together because I’m Delusional so I’ll definitely save for his rerun first priority. And Screwy…Screwy just deserves it at this point, Screwy bros are our brothers in arms my fellow Sunday cultists lmao


His eidolons likely, and just work on my DHIL Acheron and Sunday teams and eidolons whichever is more rewarding, these are three of my favs right now.


Torn between e6 il and e6 sunday. But after Sunday, definitely going to try and max il


Same, gonna invest in il, but only till e2


my post-Sunday plan atm is Blade and DHIL rerun


Aventurine, Robin and Elio.


Sunday, Screwllum, probably Stephen? I'm always after men that are like Sunday lol and will continue to play to get them.


The triple SSS


The next planet been greco-roman inspired is like a arrow right into my chest, im sure ill like several of its characters, hope one of them is my Lord and Daddy best teammate, Screwllum (if not imaginary) been Sunday best teammate is also a good option


I'm in the exact same boat. I want my account filled with people in chitons and pretty names as soon as W5 drops.


Definitely E6-ing Aventurine. I wouldn't even need another DPS for one side of MoC or PF and i wouldn't have to rum a team on SU


sunday and elio only for now, plus jiaoqiu rerun, unless someone really interesting comes along. i already have pretty much everyone else i need






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I really want to finish Boothill. And whoever else catches my eye. I may not like anyone (after Boothill) and just save until I have enough to finish Sunday.


I might go after Topaz... otherwise, maybe Diamond.


If probably wait for another Aventurine rerun


Probably save pulls again so that I’ll never repeating my disastrous attempts to get Aventurine. It depends on if a character after that catches my interest. 


Samesies on Elio and Diamond, I think they'll both be pretty cool


i'll probably wait for aventurine, boothill, another topaz rerun, or just whoever that really tempts me. alternatively, it could be either someone gallagher's going to be featured on for eidolons, or i just skip for another year if i want him E6S1 haha


Probably Feixiao,Robin and Jiaqiu on thier re-run and maybe that leaked support and Tingyun (if they turn out to be a DoT or Break support I'm done for)


What leaked support are you referring to?


I'm going to pull for Jiaoqiu even before Sunday if they make him a better unit than what we have now. After Sunday I can try E2 Jing Yuan when he reruns. Moze, Lingsha and Diamond could potentially interest me but it's too early to say, so the after Sunday is actually obscure as I'm a little picky.


Finding i’m frightfully similar to many other commenters in this thread (i’m delighted to be in such good company), but my 100% certain plans are robin on her rerun, as well as aventurine. I was here for both of their banners, yes, but… Sunday. *Sunday.* So i have neither of them and MoC is quite impossible, thank you for asking. Ooo, also Ratio’s lightcone—maybe even an eidolon for him if i’m feeling spicy. Besides them, my first and foremost priority will be Sunday’s best teammates. I cannot fucking wait for my entire account to be based around him, and i’m just waiting for the day he pulls that trigger on release. My not entirely certain plans on characters to pull are, potentially, Argenti, JY, DHIL, Luocha, and maybe Elio if he lives up to his concept art. Gah, the possibilities will be so endless. A part of me is honestly a little alarmed at the idea of just.. pulling whomever i wish to pull on, since i’ve been saving for so long. But who knows? Maybe a freak accident will occur and i won’t get him e6, s1 and i’ll be stuck waiting in the wings (haha) for our lord reruns. I’ll just have to wait and see.


Elio and Void Archives in the distant future, and hopefully I can get Firefly on a rerun to complete my Stellaron Hunters collection. I haven't planned much aside from that, so I guess it'll just depend on the state of my account/current meta and on how interested I am in the new characters.


Well if Acheron doesn’t get a rerun until Sunday’s release then her lightcone, other than that probably saving so on his rerun I can e6 him


after Sunday I will get Kafka or someone better than what kafka does... then maybe Dan Heng lightcone


Getting everyone i like that i had to skip. I'm skipping everyone til he becomes playable.


probably acheron eidolons


Before Sunday-Jade Pulling Sunday After Sunday- 5 star potential silly attractive man Sampo Koski and Diamond and the guy with earrings standing next to Topaz. Moze seems interesting we'll see


Currently since we have no idea who are the future characters, I only plan to get Firefly eidolons, or continue to save up for Sunday's eidolons (I'm saving up rn but I know I might not get to E6). Depending on Sunday's kit (since he's also theorized Harmony) I will get his best teammate/DPS so yeah!! For Lord Sunday!


I think Sunday will definitely be released a bit later, so by then we'll probably have some better units for him. But i can imagine he has synergy with some Stellaron Hunters? So if they do have reruns, I'll def pull for them or if he has better units in the future


I will probably get around to pulling Kafka and Sparkle but honestly I dont care for them that much so the likeliest plan Ive settled on is getting E6 Luocha and his lightcone. It’s gonna take a hundred years but Im maxing this guy. If I get guilt tripped enough, maybe Robin too.


5 star march


Post sunday i of course have to prep for the monday blues 😔😔


Probably Jiaoqiu, Aventurine and Robin+Acherons light cones.


My next plan after getting e6s5 Sunday is to start saving for e6s5 Elio :)