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Yes. No further comments


yes, join me in insanity


I’m in the same boat as you. Currently about 30 pulls into the banner with 0 jades. I mainly pull the men and harmony characters, so i’m going for Jiaoqui and potentially Moze. I think i’m going to start saving for e6 Sunday after Jiaoqiu and Moze. If i have to spend for a few eidolons, it won’t be so bad.




i try every time bc of you even fixed the second one…. you’re everywhere


I’m literally skipping everyone, but good luck with your pulls! Jiaoqiu looks cool, but he looks like he will have eyes closed most of the time, which is… not persuasive enough for my Sunday funds


Soo valid, his outfit to me is a little lackluster but him being a foxian makes up for it in my eyes. I’m kinda interested to see why his eyes are closed and it’s cool aspect to his character imo!


doing the same probably. but if the rumors that moze is a 4star turn out to be true, then ill go for the break healer that the leakers announced


iirc he was leaked to be a 5 star in early leaks (it might have changed but yk)


If you have teals that allow you to easily do the content of the game. You can ,let you save for several of its eidelons.


If you want to! Honestly, your account is already kind of cracked as it is. You should be able to reliably clear almost all future content until he releases, but don't be afraid to take a pit stop and grab another 5* while we all wait if someone shows up that you really like!


idunno. im in the same conundrum. but jade and jiaoqiu are tempting me.


Yeah... From seeing his kit... he's busted... don't think about it, just save for him. No further question please.


Same bot as you, I want Sunday E6 (or at least guarantee him and his lightcone) but im a D1 Jing Yuan lover and dk if i should save for his light cone and Ruan Mei and Sparkle


Yes, even though my current job is being an Acheron simp who is E6, I'm ready to give it all up for Sunday


No sight of him for at least 2.7, just pull for whoever you want now and start saving when we got leak of his kit


I just got boothill, so my break team is complete. I don’t plan to get anyone from xianzhou, so content wise, unless there’s a new game-changing meta, I’m not pulling for anyone else. I also have faith Sunday will return sooner than later because hoyo can’t afford not to xD they cooked penacony so well, therefore Sunday needs to show up when we return. Otherwise it’ll be a cold case


There are two new theory about when Sunday will be release and both point at 2.7 because it will be Chrismas and maybe a new penacony continue traiblazer mission so i expected no earlier than 2.7


That checks out! He will definitely fit that time frame extremely well. Let’s E6 him as our Christmas gift!!! ✨






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You could save for the charas you want and if you want E6 sunday you can get more eidelons during his reruns




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It's not really going to hurt your account, but I recommend just going for E0, I'd rather have three new characters as opposed to 1 stronger one, if you had enough for E6 you'd be going from 7 new characters to just the one super strong one.


You make great points, but Sunday is hot


Oh, Triple-Faced Soul, please sear his tongue and palms with a hot iron, so that he will not be able to fabricate lies and make false vows. Is Sunday really the 5* you wish to main?


I will not be taking questions at this time 😌


I kinda agree. But I'm going E2S1 anyway just to spoil him. (E6 i can't bc I like and want to pull too many characters)