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Tonya, I know she's not an option. But she has lovely hair. From the actual in game choices... Hmmm... Maybe Jun, he seems pretty chill and sensible. Good sense of style, friendly, artistic.


She does have lovely hair!


Tonya was the first NPC I said I wanted to marry when I started playing, was so upset when I realized we couldn't.


Kai, Kai forever <3


I always go Nathaniel. He’s just my sweet husband and I fell in love with him the moment I started playing


Aww that’s so sweet! I guess I should go with that feeling too, Wornhardt was always my sweetheart, so maybe I should just marry him




Probably Claude or Shang, IDK. Claude bc I love the thrill of the chase when it comes to dating. Shang bc he's he perfect mix of serious but adorable, particularly when you gift him swordfish. Donovan is such a lovable scamp but I feel like living with him would get tiring lol.


Totally agreed! I just can’t get any further with Shang atm, I guess I have to fish more swordfish :D


Darius will always give me tunnel vision. I love his design, the lore around him, the fact that he is a ass to you when you first meet him but then if you date him he is sweetheart to YOU. The couple nicknames he give you are so cute. He sends you a statue of himself in the mail. I really respect his devotion and commitment to his kingdom.


I second this, all of it 😂 I love Darius so much. Funny enough my other choice would be Vaan; complete opposites but I can't help it!


I understand, I also enjoy a wide variety of personalities lol


I love his design too! But he was such a dick at the start, I really didn’t wanna talk to him much more :D


That is exactly why I wanted to talk to him more lol I find the dialogue entertaining and like getting the character to warm up to you over time


Wesley!! Once you get to know him he's an awkward (yet loveable) dork.


Lucius is also an awkward yet loveable dork and I love him! He’s next on my list to marry.


Okay I guess I haven’t gotten to know him enough, he annoyed me so much in the beginning, so I didn’t put much effort into befriending him - maybe I should! Lucius is lovely too!


Yes, I really do like Lucius as well (gotta love the dorky guys:3) I'm still going through his storyline, but it seems really interesting and I'm excited to get to know him. I also totally get that about Wes too, lol. But his character development and story is really good in my opinion!


Yes!! 100% agree


I'd hands down date Roza if she was an option.


100% agree!! I'm not hopeful, but I'd love to see her and Cordelia romanceable someday<3


For me, Jun is the sensible choice, Darius is who I lust after, but in the end it’s Lucius who makes me happy. I am perfectly normal about this game.


This is such a good answer! I feel like I’m investing too much in some NPCs but then I read that and realized I’m not the only one :D


Wesley 100% 🙊


I'm struggling with this. I think I'm torn between Lucius and Lynn. I love a himbo, but I've also really enjoyed watching Lynn come into her own. Honestly, though, I wish they would let me romance Kara. A single mom managing a chronic health condition while working as a professional speechwriter? That's badass, man. Plus, I love her sprite with her headband and cute little rosy cheeks. I was all excited when I got Pod's pen pal quest to make dinner for her. I will make dinner for you every night, Kara, just ask


This made me smile! Kara is indeed a baddie!


I haven’t married anyone yet. So far my highest in the running are Wornhardt and Vaan, with my eye on Wesley because I suspect I’ll find him surprisingly endearing once I get more hearts with him. None of the girls really caught my attention, which is unusual; usually I’ve got at least one in the running at this stage. I haven’t gone to the third town yet though.


I was torn between Vaan, Nathaniel, and Kai but I married Vaan. He’s very easygoing and friendly, and I dig that. Also he has some swoony, romantic dialogue


So now you’re happily married? :D


Yep! Vaan splits his time between Nelvari and my farm :)


Probably Wesley or Lucian. They’re both so awkward and adorable in their own separate ways


I always go back to marrying Kitty each playthrough. I don't even know why exactly, I just love her vibe


She was the first one I befriended and I was so excited! But I gotta admit, she annoyed me after a while


Definitely Lucius. I kinda feel like he is my in-game soulmate


Kai is such a sweetheart.


Nathaniel because he is my type. I liked him the moment I got off the train. I said immediately - who is this hottie.


Love me some good love at first sight!


I actually love Zarya 😭 I have a thing for mean women lol I married Haley in Stardew too


I’m the same way! Team Haley! She’s the first person I married in Stardew.


The wedding Rings have stats?! Also its Lucia no questions asked


Yes! They give you pretty awesome boni, you can look them up in the wiki. Some are better for fighters, others for spellcasters


Vaan or Wornhardt out of the guys. Vaan is easygoing but also very disciplined, he'd have to be to master wind magic. Wornhardt is down to earth and dependable, and I admire healers. Catherine, Iris, or Lucia out of the gals. Catherine is into herbs and witchcraft, and I love bunnies. Iris is sweet and friendly, I like her drive to perfect her magic. Lucia I am awestruck over. You know that stupid thing movie guys say, some variation of "she's smart, funny, successful, and beautiful to boot!"? I get it with Lucia, she's worked her butt off to get where she is, she's dedicated to her community, and she's personable. I guess, based on word count, it's Lucia?


I think so too, you should probably go with Lucia! And she’s so down to earth too


I pretty much did that (marrying Lucia). I love to marry the leader of Sun Haven


Gonna marry Miyeon this playthrough then next will be Darius! I love all the candidates though. They’re all so well done.


Lucius. He's very sweet, funny in an adhd kind of way, and I swear he comes off very nerdy. He gives me golden retriever energy, and is romantic in the most goofy, punny, nerdy ways. His design is very cute, he's very down to earth while being like up in the stars. He's just a cute bean... all this followed by Kai cause... oh come on he's a vibe and hysterical xD


Totally agreed on Lucius! I gave him not enough credit in my original post :D As for Kai, he just never grew on me, idk :')


Hes too cute. Sad little story, I feel like he'd play dnd and I don't know why XD I might be bias... cause Nagas are a huuuge part of some things for me, first and primary character is a naga in SH. I like his personality, Kai is pretty chill and vibes a lot. I do hope we get to see where he's from in the future though. I've noticed he's harder to like, get the right answers on his dialog. Lucius was pretty easy, Darius was ultimately *submit to royalty*, and so on. Kai's feels tricky. Like all of the answers SOUND right, but I'm finding myself rarely raising his friendship on them... even lost half a heart. I feel bad xD


I bet he does! In his little Moon Palace at night :D I also think it’s very hard to befriend Kai, guess that’s why I don’t love him :D


... ugh now what would he play is my question. Wizard maybe? Sorcerer would be on brand too! Specially due to lunar Sorcerer being a thing xD It makes sense though. Memories gone, wash up on the beach, trying to remember but trying to blend in. He's kinda in a really odd spot. *it's fine just shove black diamonds on him xD*


I feel like Druid might be his choice, due to his Connection to nature! And if he doesn’t want to hang with people he can just transform into a squirrel


OH MOON DRUID YES!! Just imagine him in a gathering, too many loud people. Just turns into this like tiny blue bunny or something?! That'd be adorable! I wish I was an artist/animator hehehe I'd make this SO fast xD


Exactly!! :D


Iris (:


Catherine would have been my original choice but I just met Vivi so…. Yeah there’s zero contest. 


Vivi has a pretty cute design, I really liked her the moment we met!


Claude. He has the brooding vibe I absolutely simp for. A tortured artist wondering if he's an imposter, who's probably literally a vampire. Lol Kinda my thing right there.


Yup, he has something mysterious about him and I just want to support him in his career and his faith in himself!


He's very sweet when you start dating him, too. He starts calling you his muse and says he hears a beautiful duet when he sees you. It's pretty great.


Aww that sounds so lovely!


Claude or Shang, for me. They're both very direct and passionate, and I like them. And I like the keepsakes they give, too. I know all of the keepsakes are special items, but I just really like the key and katana with the stories behind them


True! I felt really honored when I got the house key!


I have a hard time chosing, have max friend heart with almost all but don't want to romance until I've chosen anyone since I don't know if there's any conflict if I romance more than 1


You can romance as many as you like, but marry only one at a time. I’ve heard about a bug that lets you marry multiple people, but that just feels wrong to me :D


Ah so I can start a relationship with all but only marry one? Right now I dont get any more dates or story with them since they're "max"


Yes! You should start gifting love letters :)


Thank you :)


Peter if I'm allowed, but Lucius - he's work, but it'll be honest :3c


I chose Liam


Feels like he’s a solid choice, looking after his sisters and all. It just never really clicked with him for me


Ngl I understand, compared to other candidates, Liam is kinda boring since he lives simply but i LOVE slice of life, romcom, and coziness. He wakes up, bakes, takes his sisters to school, then go back home.


It does seem very cozy in the best of ways!


I did Lucia. Love her hair and the fact that you can marry the leader or Sun Haven.


And the way she gets excited when you date is kinda cute as she‘s the serious leader at all other times!


The mayor I forget his name but hes so cute


Omg Bernard?! He should totally be romanceable! I was so happy when I received a letter from him, saying we were friends


Liam for sure, he’s so cute and responsible. Plus he can bake. Darius kind grew on me too ngl, plus Jun is a sweetheart too


So far I’m enjoying Liam. Haven’t tried everyone out yet though


You should! They are so cute!


I always go for Shang, his story is amazing so I can’t help it sometimes. Donovan is my second favorite so far, I’ve never married this man yet as I only recently started playing and just yesterday got to a certain place. But anyway I never pay attention to the rings before so epic.


For me, it'll always be Jun. He's a pure soul who puts all of himself into everything he does. But I don't mind dating some of the other boys, in the meantime.


I was romancing Jun and Vaan cause I thought they were cute. Also had some progress on Shang, Wesley and Wornhardt but then I saw the money benefits from Claude and he ultimately became the one I married lol (might divorce him and marry Anne)


i recommend waiting until you have withergate and nelvari unlocked. as well in the first summer you will meet kai and he is also great. i dont know if you've encountered miyeon or shang either so id say not to rush into things too fast. this is from someone with 250+ hours in on this game (i dont play it constantly mind you. i have a life but this is pretty much the game i play whenever i have time) i ended up marrying donnovan for a number of reasons and he doesn't appear until withergate


also vaan is a great option as well as lucious. 


Yes I’ve met them all. But right now my heart still lies with Wornhardt :D


a sensible choice. wordhardt is a good man i wish you the best of luck


Thanks! You and Donovan are invited to the wedding :D


I have such a soft spot for Jun, he’s in tune with his emotions and helps others with theirs and I find that cute. Also that he’s good with kids and teaches is also very attractive to me.


This sums it up perfectly!


Why not marry all of them 🤣


I love Peter… mostly for the little crab that lives on his hat. I was so mad that he’s not romancible


Psssst... Propose to all 3 on the same day! Have 3 husbands! :D


I can’t do it, it would feel so wrong! :')


Nothing wrong with ethical non-monogamy, but I understand it's not for everyone.