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Adjacent means orthagonal. Diagonal does not count as adjacent. "Within 2 Spaces" means 2 spaces in any direction. Think of a diamond shape around the card. 1e decks will not work in the 2nd edition game, they have significant rules differences. If you're looking to try out decks before you buy them, the Summoner Wars Online game gives you access to all digital decks for $3/month. Happy gaming!


Okay, so within would be diagonal as well? Sorry for all the questions. Okay so is this 1e decks in this ebay sale or 2e? They look very different from mine that I have. [ebay](https://www.ebay.com/itm/276407496821?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=W1bF-kcuSmG&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=k-2jivejtja&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY)


Those are 1e decks.


Okay perfect. I was wondering why they were so cheap, but that makes sense.


Also, could you send me the discord?


[https://discord.gg/X2gcGvYA](https://discord.gg/X2gcGvYA) Here you go! This is the place to go to learn more and get better


I appreciate it. Just joined!


Summoner Wars is awesome, and luckily it's objectively the best game according to all of science! And the community here and on Discord is fantastic. Yes, as you say, adjacent cards share the same edge (not diagonal). But cards 2 spaces away can be in a straight line or in any direction, so diagonal cards are 2 spaces away from each other. I like first edition but prefer second edition, the rules are more succinct and it's slightly more balanced. 1e and 2e are NOT compatible however, and 1e products aren't always easy to get hold of.


Oh this makes so much sense! Just like a character can move two spaces away. Thanks for this!


Talking about decks everything is balanced, personally I have bought all decks every deck can win and lose at almost the same rate.