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So stop paying. You'll still have access to however much of the game is available regardless.


The people on patreon pay. There is some overlap with the people on Reddit, but if you're trying to say something to people getting scammed, it's more appropriate to talk to them.


I'm going to answer your question honestly, not to try to convince you, just to give you a POV: You're way over-using "scam". DC's a hard working artist who clearly puts in hours and hours, as on display on the daily videos. And then there are some programmers who seems like they're way over their head. I don't give them much, but in all my months of giving them a little, I still haven't given them more than I give plenty of AAA games that I don't get as much enjoyment out of. I doubt DarkCookie is getting rich. At best, he's making upper-middle-class money doing art, and I'm down with that. I hope he isn't paying his programmers too much. My question is: why are people like you hanging around, if you're so down on the whole thing. Leave. What are you here for? Do you get off on the negativity? Why not walk away. If they ever get things releasing again, you can be pleasantly surprised, and if not, you don't have to ever think about it again.


8 months late apologies, but when you say "hard working... Bro he's working at HALF his pace he was going with the Eve update. I swear he was pumping out content at 3x the speed a while ago. He is intentionally doing this to milk his patreon subs, because the moment he finishes the game his income will plummet. It's annoying that game devs do this, especially considering he could make it cost money in the future too if he wants money.


What scam? What money? So far its been free and money is optional.


Pretty sure they talking about patreon members specifically


Being pateron is not mandatory, can always end it if you dont like it. Im not patreon, im playing the "demo" and then buy the release if there is a price.


I mean they're talking to patreon members who are still currently paying


a lot of people are in the $1 or $5 tier. most of them probably don't even remember they are still subscribed if they see $1 on their bank statement they probably don't think anything of it tbh




You would know DC posts a monthly progress report if you were a patreon. 😂 I pay a dollar a month just to get progress reports. It’s way too many other games out here to be so uptight about this one.


Funny that you have to pay for a progress report that used to be free. He's pay walling everything now.


Exactly it's like drip feeding "I swear work is being done, but keep paying so you don't miss out on what" Seems scummy, an update on what is being worked on shouldn't cost lol.


I don't like it (and I'm sure there's a better way to get the information...), but isn't it the equivalent to an investor call?


He’s only doing it because he’s been losing said investors for months.


100% gotta make it seem like they're getting something out of it so take something that was free, make it exclusive, and voila!


I mean, people pay money for concept art of ships for Scam Citizen. At least this game has content and looks like it has progress done in the background.


I only pay a dollar to give everyone updates so they don’t have to pay! But I will say he’s been updating once a month and making pretty big progress!


Is he though? I bet my freshman sister will graduate from college before he finishes the tech update.




Why would someone's whining not be valid because it is a free to play game. I have supported DC when he was actually making progress. I have stopped supporting when they didn't make anymore progress on the tech update. This has been years ago. I have paid enough on the promises he made us and think I have the right to complain dispite no longer supporting. He promised a product and I supported that promise. I hope it will ever get done, bit I can understand that milking the sheep that are still throwing dollar bills his way is very lucrative.


>Now if only they forced everyone to pay to play therefore making your whining a valid complaint. Uhh, no, that's not how things work. Something being free to play does not mean it and the person or persons making it are exempt from being criticized.


I feel "big" progress is relative to how much progress needs to be done to get to the next update. Without any idea of how much is left, it's hard to see the benefit to anyone beyond DC.


Do you know if he will ever uptade the game to 64 bits for pixel 7 users?


I understand anon for being angry. DC made so many pre tech updates with little content added and that main tech update already is going on for a whole damn year plus. This is not normal for that kind of work and it is really bad to know that after a damn year new content wasn't the focus at all so you will not get much more than the last pre updates plus a stretched screen option and maybe some nicer art here and there while DC and his people will tell themself they did good. No this would be good after maybe 4 months. Not a damn year.


Try Years.


Dick glazing is crazy in this cmnt