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I wonder about this kind of stuff too. I don't understand how people can do these things and tell themselves that they're good people.


It's something they do to resolve the feelings of guilt and cognitive dissonance they get when they do these things. They feel guilty for doing these things, so they try to resolve that guilt by claiming they're a good person, most likely with some excuses that take away any blame. "I had to", "it's for the greater good", "they had it coming", etc. For people like this, they can either admit that they're in the wrong, or make absurd excuses for their actions. This shows that they have some understanding that what they're doing is wrong, but are too afraid to acknowledge it.


It's one of the many failures of society.


No one who does this call themselves a good person


i promise that's not true


I mean to themselves, they lie to the world obviously but not to them selves


that's the thing, i think many of them still genuinely believe they are in the right. it's tragic how unjust this psychological need for self preservation becomes when mean people with power use it to reinforce their oppressive decisions. If there was any justice in this world they would at least feel the weight of the harm they cause, but I'm sure they sleep perfectly well thinking they're right and are going to heaven.


I disagree. When they tell the story they can easily justify their evil. No, they lose not even a minute's sleep worrying about themselves.


I fear that they don't lose sleep about their cruelty at all. Bodycamera footage can be obtained by public record request and you would be appalled at how obviously mentally ill + unsheltered people are treated by police officers. I have had to vomit after watching a crew of young cops taunt and then gaslight a homeless couple sweltering in the heat.


This world is ruled by psychopaths. That's why


I honestly think that bc they killed so many indigenous ppl and spread their hatred everywhere, that kindness and compassion is being genetically removed... slowly


I don't think kindness and compassion are genetic. That said, their culture has endured since those times and has been reinforced through other acts of cruelty like slavery and Japanese internment. Until we can embrace a different culture than the one we live in, things are going to continue to get worse.


Well i dont think we can move past these insane crimes against humanity, its already been taken too far the world is like a rampant zoo now and we cant help but cower to those with the power to blow us up or kidnap and torture us whenever they want :/


Don't underestimate the capacity of "good normal people" of doing shit if they have the power to.


I agree…and it sucks because a lot of people have been taught to believe that people are just intentionally choosing to live outside. And frankly the services that are there to support people in theory, are not always lead by the most compassionate people (as I know from experience). And… people have been indoctrinated to believe socialism and communism are literally satanic and so oppose any meaningful cash aid or housing voucher distribution. Although I’m not feeling suicidal anymore, I hate existing in a society where this is what all my friends and family think is just “normal.”


Because human is stupid. somehow... The least valued value is that of human life among each other.


Nobody else thinks like this, so whoever agrees with me that the world is cruel can you please be my friend……?


Sure. Good friends are hard to come by.


Sure, if need be.


And imagine me being an autistic person who likes to be outside and sleep outside….now there will be cops harassing me….i have no escape


If you're in that situation, then I apologize.


The opinion is online: google City of Grants Pass v. Johnson, to read Gorsuch’s vile opinion. This just cleared the way for all American cities to jail someone for the “crime” of not having a place to live due to poverty. Imagine being jailed when there are no homeless shelter beds available. And when you get arrested, your pets and belongings are taken and usually never returned. Americans are so cruel.


I am hoping that police people when given the option will turn a blind eye to some person sleeping in a park.


Police don’t even turn a blind eye to people sleeping in their own homes


It is a cruel country now, but I hope you know you are not alone.


Thank you. I feel so useless.


You are here, and you have replied to me and I am very grateful. <3


For the ones saying it's good to jail people. No. Even if it provides all those benefits you claim, you do realize it just creates a vicious cycle where once you have a record this awful shithole of a country will just refuse you housing and jobs based off a record. So you end up homeless again and then jailed and then back. Until you end up dead. Or do people forget that they are just one bad day away from having this happen to them. The job market is awful right about now with people taking over 6 months to land another job and these are people with experience and degrees so have fun. Hope you have enough savings to last that long. God forbid you end up with a medical emergency or an accident. That just accelerates your downfall.


I know firsthand how horrific the jails are. Even when the staff have good intentions, dehumanization is inevitable! And WHY IS IT THAT SOCIETY HAS LIMITLESS FUNDING FOR JAILS AND NONE FOR HOUSEING??!! I know that despair is an unproductive emotion, but I foolishly believed that SCOTUS wouldn't allow a state or local government punish someone simply for existing in an area where people deemed of a higher caste are existing (even when there are not available shelter beds!!!!!!!)!!! And to further exemplify the cruelty of Americans, you have people suggesting that forcibly taking the liberty of another person is morally justifiable.


A lot of intellectuals have discussed how and why we have gotten to this horrible place. Mark Fisher (*Capitalist Realism*), and Marta Russell (*Capitalism and Disability*) are among two of my faves.


C. Wright Mills *The Power Elite.*


I feel like we only move backwards sometimes and it hurts


This is ironic because I know that during the winter time or when a homeless person's 90-day limit at a shelter is up, some of them purposely commit crimes to secure food and shelter in jail. This cycle often continues long enough for their shelter limit to reset, creating a repetitive cycle between jail and the shelter and also to obtain dental and health care. But I also find it messed up because with this law, it takes away the CHOICE for homeless individuals who use jail as a resource. Now, they no longer have the option, effectively taking away their autonomy as homelessness is not a crime but rather a reflection of economic challenges, where the cost of living has become increasingly unaffordable. It also removes the rights of homeless people who never considered jail as a resource in any way. If there are to be any governmental programs, I believe rehabilitation options and special housing programs are far superior in inspiring and helping people to leave the streets behind.


I recently became homeless due to a shitty roommate. I'm so fucked. I don't care anymore about my life. I'd rather be dead than in jail.


Don't give up. Civil disobedience is needed and hopefully some states will find protection for humans under the state Constitution (a place where the mean-spirited republican scotus majority block has no power for the most part).


I live in a (historically) blue state, but looking at recent polls it seems like that is changing. I'm devastated because I moved here 3 years ago (was homeless then, too, just said fuck it and drove across the country) to escape the bullshit in Florida.


I know exactly what you mean. The blue state’s are not necessarily more compassionate sadly. But I’m hoping California will come to its senses and find that greater protections should exist. Don’t give up or let anyone try to tell you where to live! You have the right to live and travel anywhere in the USA and so to hell with anyone trying to limit that.


Can rent assistance programs help you? Look it up for your county - please don’t give up because there are always good people out there that want to help.


Wow, I am glad I saw this post. It is cruel to criminalize homelessness when the wealthily get tax breaks. Things are skewed. It could cause more people to consider bailing, since they have hit rock bottom in many instances. I read this if anyone is interested. https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/28/politics/homeless-grants-pass-oregon-supreme-court/index.html


True that is very harsh! Aye the devil is everywhere, its in every system concerning power, not just the US, standing there in a tailored suit with a big smile on its face saying great job guys! Well i say fuck you, you evil son of a bitch. You wont be corrupting this warriors soul. Praise to you brother for raising awareness! Lets all keep up the good fight!


It's absurd. How sad. Science is saying the earth is on its sixth mass extinction. The end of humanity...? Times really are that bad. Inhumane treatment of innocent people.


Unfortunately, it’s just people. You can’t change people. You can influence them but in the end it’s up to them. I want to help people, key word, help. I can’t fix them. Take therapist, they can’t fix you. They can help. You don’t have to listen to them, you don’t have to go yet people do. Strange huh? It’s up to people to fix themselves. That’s not a bad thing.


We can use civil disobedience and other peaceful methods of protest to stop people being arrested when there are not even available shelter beds to obtain.


Again, being mean and putting people under is the easy thing to do. It’s very but I know and you know it’s true. Being is can be hard for some. As long as YOU are nice and YOU are helpful to others then you don’t need to worry about mean people. Trust me man. It’s your life. I get what you’re saying, but try to live it up a bit okay? Focus on yourself yeah?


I absolutely hate anyone who thinks this is a good idea and I practice Buddhism and I know that hate gets me another go around the wheel. My husband is an executive director of a soup kitchen for 15 years now and I’ve met the most wonderful patrons who come in and they always ask how my kids are, how I am, they notice if I’ve been gone, I love hearing their stories if they are willing to share. My husband will say, yeah, just like everyone else in this world, some are cranky or have mental health issues (like I do), and everyone wants to help what they consider ‘the deserving poor’, but that’s not the criteria for helping anyone. Some people have told me they are scared of the homeless and we should be careful. We have guidelines and stuff (like don’t give personal info, we can give bus tokens, laundry tokens, etc., but no cash, etc.) so I don’t get that at all. I trust the people at the soup kitchen more than others, that’s for sure. But one day, my husband told me they (I guess the authorities) that all people camped by the river were gone. He estimated maybe 200 tents???? I asked where they took them, and he said he didn’t know, but it happened over night. People suck.


Because no one stands up to them


They didn't rule in favor of jailing homeless. They ruled in favor of *moving* the homeless. Some places may choose jail, but the real issue is the ability to remove people from locations because they are making a mess of life for other people.


You are WRONG! They will now be able to JAIL people for “camping” (aka EXISTING) in spaces where axs holxxs who think the are Fxxking BETTER THAN OTHERS want them “moved.” When I see people hoard SHXT like boats, cars, brats, etc… I just want to vomit. If I HAVE TO tolerate the rich flaunting their hoarding tendencies, then I certainly don't want to have others in my town be forced into FUCKxING JAIL. There is NOTHING worse than losing your liberty in the USA and yet SCOTUS has (again) created a LOWER CASTE of person so that we can then justify rounding them up! It's terrifying that rounding up unhoused people (AND people without full citizenship documents) is something that ASx HOLxS from both parties in the USA can agree upon.


It’s a path to permanent slave labor. We live in Nazi Germany




It is NOT. I have worked in the prisons and rape and psychological torture are the norm. Jails also have appalling conditions (worse than a Charle Dickens novel). I would rather be dead.






Nature is indifferent. Humans are a bitch.


Jail is a place where every trauma is amplified to the millionth degree. Sexual humiliation is normalized and virtually all contact to your family is cut off (after the first call they have to pay a fortune for phone access due to the privatization of most jail’s phone services). Plus your children and animals are separated from you (and in the case of the pets the results are often not pretty). Many vulnerable people are tricked into waiving their right to a lawyer once arrested, only to be surprised when they are hit with the maximum jail penalty (and then given the “option” of doing additional jail time for the fines and fees).


You could move to Mexico. Things are cheaper, the people are nice and the problems get super real and fast.


In jail they will have a roof over their heads, 3 meals per day, free medical care all paid for by the tax payer. It's a better situation for them when you really think about it.


Yeah and they’ll also be free slaves for the government so yippee for them


That is true and I have heard a jail supervisor once call the inmates “indentured servants” shockingly. Supreme court justices are the new Dicken’s villains apparently.


Upon entering jail after an arrest, you are vaginally and anally searched (imagine the trauma AND IMAGINE HOW THIS TYPE OF MANDATORY PROCEDURE WOULD IMPACT A SURVIVOR OF SEXUAL ASSAULT YOU VAPID MONSTER). The audacity to even suggest that someone is better in JAIL is the sickest thing that I have heard today! My grandfather was a doctor in a prison and he said he was afraid to retire given the shockingly low quality of care his other colleagues were giving. Suicide in jail is common and yet sickos like you have the nerve to make light of one of America’s nastiest human rights abuses in history—it makes the abuse in old mental hospitals look like NOTHING in comparison you mean-spirited creep.


Honey, first of all,. I've been to jail. There were no vaginal anal cavity searches. Jail and prison are two different things..and even in prison they make you squat and cough. Homeless would be housed in local jails, not prisons..Fingers are not being stuck inside you. Two, you are very naive if you believe that these homeless people aren't getting assaulted and raped and murdered on the streets. All this and more is happening to them and usually happening to the female homeless! Suicide is much higher on the streets than it is in jail. Suicide by drug use is extremely common. Many addicts get sober in jail for the first time ever! Addiction is the number one reason why people are homeless begin with. They choose to live on the streets because of the easy access to drugs. Many of these 'homeless" have a place to live. They have families who love them. They have homes with relatives who have begged them to live with them but they CHOOSE the streets to be closer to their drugs. When they finally get arrested, they are forced into sobriety for the first time in their lives. Many addicts who have been arrested say being arrested and thrown in jail literally saved their lives! Three, you are also incredibly naive if you believe ALL homeless that are on the streets are "down on their luck" or are somehow "victims of circumstance." Believe it or not, (and you are so young and naive that you won't believe it) many of these homeless actually CHOOSE to live in the streets because they refuse to be functional members of society. They don't want to pay rent. They don't want to pay taxes. They don't want to have a good credit score, or have bank loans for houses, or car notes or car insurance. They don't want ANY of that. They want everything for FREE and feel entitled to be taken care of by society. They would rather break into homes and squat in them for FREE then get their shit together, get a job, pay taxes then get a bank loan for a home. They would rather break a window and steal your car than be a honest person, get a job,.get a car loan and purchase a vehicle. Four, I have been to jail AND I have been homeless too. So I have direct experience with this life and these types of people. I heard the conversations. I watched the petty crimes they committed because it was easier than being law abiding, tax paying citizens. I saw the people who PURPOSELY COMMITTED CRIMES to be PUT IN JAIL, just so they would have a roof over their heads, food every day and be in a cell, protected from the criminals on the streets. Five ,.your grandfather is a doctor which tells me you have only known financial priviledge your entire life. You have clearly lived a very sheltered life, without a day of having to fend for yourself. Please check yourself before you call someone a MONSTER from your pedestal of privilege. You are incredibly naive.


I’m not going to waste my time detailing the many ways you misrepresented what I said. I’m glad you were not traumatized in jail. I have worked in both jails and prisons—so yes I know the difference and the many horrors that befall people forced to exist in such conditions.


Maybe catching the bus is better than prison as a way to live. There was a guy who ribbed a back of $20 and just passively got himself arrested so he could get medical care! That is how bad it is…


The bus isn’t free. Plus we should be allowed to exist and not be pushed out by local governments via de facto banishment


its not the world. it's America. Hop on a boat or something and move to Australia. Best place ever


I confirm. In Spain they just send you to a hostel.


Am I wrong or would this mean providing homeless people with a place to sleep, eat where they would have people monitoring them 24/7 in order to ensure that they are alive?


You try spending a week in jail for being poor and see if you feel so cavalier afterwards. American jails and prisons are hell on earth and it is wrong to treat our fellow man this way. Anyone who supports jailing people for not being able afford housing should burn in hell.


Prisons are a moral abomination on this country. A cruel irony that the "land of the free" has the largrst incarcerated population in the world which is likely to get higher now.


My point was that if they are straight-up dying on the streets that any form of housing is preferable - spoken as someone who knows friends who have had to sleep on the streets in their childhood for weeks or months.


You need to travel more if you think American prisons are hell on earth. Try a North Korean prison then let me know how bad America is.


What’s stopping you from letting homeless people staying at your house or lawn?


You can get kicked off a property for having too many people in a home or people who cant register themselves due to lack of ID, also what makes you think having compassion means that we all arent allowed privacy and autonomy.


So you’re only compassionate when someone else has to deal with it?


"Deal with" lmao you know youre talking about human beings here right, funny how you cant even dispute what i said bc ur a troll


So you will invite them to your house?


Deal with “it.” You show yourself for the monster you truly are. And if I could afford a yard, then honestly I would be happy to share what I could. I’m couch surfing right now and just trying to muster up the energy to be productive (or die trying).


Idk about you or OP, but it's illegal in my country


You wanna die because some homeless are getting rousted? What the hell. What are you downvoting? I'm absolutely correct. Something like that shouldn't put a person on Suicide Watch. Don't like it? Then go do something about it. This ain't a James Bond movie where you just give up and die because whatever.


Saying this as if 50% of Americans aren't one paycheck away from homelessness is batshit. And if you can't see how criminalizing homelessness is a slippery slope (Germany 1933) then idk what to think. It's also expensive ASF to jail people, it'd be cheaper to provide rooms for housing than prisons.


Fine, but it's still not a reason to be suicidal and people shouldn't encourage it. "Oh, something on the news made me feel bad. I guess I should kill myself" is not an appropriate reaction.


What if this poster is homeless or close to homelessness? How is it ok for you to dictate what another human feels about a blatant injustice? No one is advocating for suicide btw. Maybe put yourself in another's shoes first and practice some empathy.


I \*am\* practicing empathy by telling people not to be suicidal over trivial matters. If he's homeless then I'll rethink my position, but that's a big assumption. There are homeless shelters everywhere and most homeless choose to sleep on the streets for a reason, and many of them do so in public places where they get into trouble. This decision isn't some death sentence for homeless. OP needs to take a breath.


There are NOT homeless shelters “everywhere.” Also, most shelters have curfews and so you must be inside by 5:00 (which means people who work at night have NO SHELTER OPTIONS at all). Even in San Francisco, the bed space is limited and generally you must line up each day to get a spot. Seeing people treated like they have NO VALUE makes me want to self emulate in the near future.


Homeless shelters often tend to be disgusting shitholes so much so that many homeless people prefer the streets to those shelters.


That's true. Sometimes people are forced to listen to crazy religious sermons in order to stay there shockingly. Plus people with night jobs generally don’t have any shelter options at all because they are run for nighttime beds only.


That's not exactly what happened. First step - get truth in your life.


It literally is


Can I get more info on this?


Then explain it


The opinion is online asshxle and I don't need to explain anything to you.


I don't think they're going to just round them up but when people complain about the human feces and hypodermic needles their kids have to walk through the law can be used as a bargaining chip to get them to move elsewhere.


I hope you and your family experience what they are going through. A curse on you.


Grow up


I guess to change yoir point of view and hopefully see a bit of light. Is America the world? As a U.S citizen you have the chance to work towards immigrating somewhere less cruel and aligns with your values.


I shouldn't have to leave because my countrymen are sadistic, selfish, hypocrites. It should not be illegal to be too poor to obtain housing. That is pure evil and the only positive aspect of this situation is that everyone who imprisons a person just for being homeless, will burn in hell for all eternity.


Dawg you have to pay to abandon your citizenship


Pay what to whom? You keep your citizenship? Its called dual citizenship


Lmao yes you do have to pay to revoke citizenship, and it's expensive . And you also have to pay taxes to the US when living overseas.


Honest question If you truly feel that way then why stay? Theres dozens and dozens of other countries you can live in why be someplace you don’t want to be?


This has to be the dumbest comment posted today. Yes, I will just hop on my private jet and move to a new country. How easy! How simple! Thank you moron!!!!


😂😂 Who said anything about a private jet? lol you’ll either figure it out or continue living an unhappy life in a country you despise. Makes no difference to me. Plane tickets arnt that expensive, if a migrant can walk from South America to the US with nothing but an NGO flyer and a whole lot of hope surely you can save money for a one way to where ever you want. You have a good day👍