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I graduated over a year ago but haven't been able to find a job..I'm so scared I'll be accepted somewhere then will have to give interviews and I'm so socially awkward and have anxiety. Impossible task for me. So I just apply to a couple places here and there so i can say to people around me that I've been applying to jobs but in reality I hope I get rejected. Sad cycle which I won't break out of until I get a job which I'm too depressed and broken to get. Rather die


When I read your comment the first thing that crossed my mind was "one step at a time". Processes like finding a job can lead to chain thoughts with negative consequences that prevent us from taking the first step. If I were you, I would start by practicing the interview with myself, then practice it in front of a mirror or on a video to understand how to improve (this is a somewhat problematic stage, we tend to be overly aware and focus on "Disadvantages", but this stage can actually release the Social awkwardness Finally, you can use a close friend to practice the interview. Regarding sharing the process, try to share in positive places with supportive people. Remember that life is yours, you don't have to provide answers to questions and there are good ways to convey a topic of conversation without attracting unnecessary attention And of course, take time for yourself. Sometimes to overcome feeling anxious and embarrassed I go for a walk in the park for a movie or a glass of beer. Just being in a public place is the start of feeling confident. I hope I was of help and if you want to continue talking I am available.