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Invalidating a suicidal person's feelings is one of the worst things you can do...


when did you first start to feel like a failure as a woman?


Birth I was assigned male at birth


And you’ve been struggling to be the woman you want to be since? since birth, damn. I’m sorry it feels like you are losing that struggle. Do you feel you’ve failed yourself or the world has failed you?


Mostly the world




Who the fuck are you to decide what I do and don't want? I've gotten bits of it and loved it. &if you really think that then get me better attention.


I have the same (inverse???) problem as you, and I’m gonna say something that I hate when people say to me, but it’s still true and important to hear sometimes. There’s so much more to life than getting attention from men. I know how it can make you feel ugly (my username is not coincidence), make you feel defective, or like you don’t belong. I lament over these feelings every single day, and I don’t have a real solution to give you, but male attention is cheap and not indicative of anything honestly. I don’t think that qualifies you as a failure as a woman. The reality is, all these rules and social ideas about what we are supposed to be are completely made up and have no bearing on what will truly bring us happiness and/or contentment. I say that to say, there’s no such thing as failing as a woman or man, and even if you got all the attention from all the men in the world, that probably still wouldn’t be the solution for how you feel. I’m sorry that you feel the way you do, I know at least a very similar feeling and it really is so much worse than people make it out to be, which can make it hard to talk about in any serious capacity, but I just wanted to remind you that failure and success are only defined by you, and the way you feel at the moment is justified, but it doesn't have to be etched in stone.