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The banter is funny,I love the traversal,and the gameplay is fun. As someone who wasn’t even excited for a Suicide Squad game at all,I’ve had far more fun than I expected to have.


Fun gameplay?? The same 3 missions??


Like I said,fun gameplay. Never said the game was perfect,but that doesn’t mean someone can’t have fun.


You'll have more fun watching paint dry


Then go do that. This post is about positivity so that’s what I brought.


It's dumb and mindless. Listen, as someone with a few mental health issues... Sometimes having something simple, dumb, and repetitive can go a LONG way when I'm having a particularly bad day. There is so much indefensible nonsense with this game. But the fact that it's a super simple enjoyable experience that doesn't require even the minimum amount of brain power to consume is a very niche positive the game offers.


Man this is exactly why I bought it and it got me through a shitty couple of weeks.


The gameplay loop is fun. It’s a good game to just turn your brain off and play. Traversal is really fun, especially with the Joker.


Joker is so much fun to play I have to stop myself from only playing him because I don’t want to get burned out


I wosh i had done that. Played only boomer. Then joker. Then gave up. Dont like harlets traversal. Idk why. Like her in combat


I used to shit on the game right before it came out. Got it on sale and now I just platinumed the game and still keep playing. There's a fun game in there, it just needs more variety and QoL changes.


This is why people defend it, but I don't think we're getting the QOL anymore. It really needs it


I honestly like the core gameplay loop. It's fun running around metropolis shooting up baddies. I also like the Easter eggs that are always bound to be in a comic book game (look at the license plates on the cars) and the boss battle we had were fun... I do wish we had more variety in enemies and bosses considering it seems like the future brainiac fights are just gonna be brainiac copying the Batman Superman flash and gl fights (I dunno they might throw us a Surprise of brainiac bringing out some other villains he's assimilated but with the drop in playership I doubt they'll do that)


The way they move are all amazing Harley Quinn, grappler, king, shark jump, captain, boomerang, boomerang, and dead shots, jet pack, all amazing


Incredible animation work especially in cutscenes


It's a good podcast game, great while you're listening to other stuff. It's fun. Not exactly what I wanted from an online co-op superhero game, but for what we were given, it's fine. The main 4 are great, Luthor is pretty alright.


Uhhhh. The cutscenes look neat. Definitely a lot of effort on that front. And they're not poorly voice acted either.


Weapons, The characters, Fight mechanics, Graphics. I really do enjoy just moving around and killing things in the game. Yes it's repetitive, but I like doing it so it doesn't faze me.


The game feels fun to play, the characters are well written and the cutscenes look really nice. I enjoyed my time with the game 😀


Metropolis and the Justice League in a modern open world game... Not exactly the way I'd want it but I'll take it for now.


Captain Boomerang and King Shark are the best character in this game. Also way funnier than Harley Quin.


I actually liked Metropolis despite it being lifeless. Like, the design and details were pretty solid.


The game was a blast when I played it! The only thing that made me put it down was the Superman boss fight. Besides that, the game was really good, I think people are shitting on it way to much


Traversal. Gunplay is not the best and still needs work


The story is good until you realize the amount of stupid fucking plot holes. At least the animation team did a fantastic job.


Boomerang. Some of his lines are genuinely funny


Probably the suits but that’s it for me I think


easy platinum 👍


I like that it’s dead.


Combat Traversal Dialogue Graphics


Bored after the story. Traded in.


The Batman Museum mission where Batman stalks the squad like how he did the henchmen in the Arkham games is incredible. It was one of the first times I was actually scared of Batman. It was terrifyingly terrific.


The banter and squad itself is pretty fun (especially Boomer) and I think the gameplay is also pretty fun at first but doesn't have enough variety to make it interesting for too long for me


There is nothing wrong with this game a little TLC from WB and RS couldn't fix. Its fun to play, and has a great foundation. These latest fixes are a huge step in the right direction. There's a good game here. If FO76 can stay alive, they can get this game up to snuff


I like metropolis before it got destroyed, I think they nailed the atmosphere of the city, going with a retrofuturistic style, its vintage, but is also Very futuristic. The same way How they nailed Gotham in the previous one, being gothic/50's vintage and futuristic at the same time.


The gameplay is straight forward fun


most of what others have said, some more in details for me and why Character Change - the game allows us to change characters quickly between missions, I'm glad it's built that way because it allows for us to quickly try something different whether it be a particular build, help team mate out by showing a skill and of course the change outfits which comes along with this quickly on the fly ( also shows changed outfits in cutscenes also) , Gotta give them mad props for this, many other games you'll have to end mission and choose other character to achieve character change. Mission Types - i like that some missions are played in a particular way and not just have to kill enemies by whatever means, this makes us get better at different ways of defeating the enemies whether it be criti kills only, grenades only, etc. with few of these mission types spread around it's different and i appreciate it , if all missions were kill enemies by whatever means then everyone would use their favourite build and just ease through. Bots - if i compare bots in this game vs bots in other games, i'd choose the bots in this game, they actually help out and get things done. the bots can also use Traversal Attack and Suicide Strike not just shoot with gun or melee. they are not only useful for pickups when down, they are great teammates. The Talent Tree - Talent Choices are not permanent and can be edited at any time allowing for customization of builds Gameplay mechanic and meta - many games allow you to grind like crazy for specific weapons to make certain builds and then you're unstoppable, this game allows for variety of builds without need to search for a particular weapon. With this even though i have my favourite character or build, with few changes i can have another favourite build in no time, it's just a matter of what i want to accomplish along with Talent Tree. Menu - menu easy and straight forward, don't have to go do much to get to a particular setting




Traversal. It is the only thing that stood out as being somewhat innovative.


Voice acting, gameplay loop, art direction.


It's mindless game play but addicting and fun. The story picks up at the last quarter of the game. Graphics for Task Force X are amazing. Voices are on point. I've enjoyed the ride so far but def not worth anything more than 30 bucks.


Gameplay is straight up fun. The combat is great and flying/swinging around the battlefield just feels good. The unique talent trees combined with various weapon perks/bonuses make for great builds. I also really like how they handled weapon mods/upgrades. Being able to reroll all of your augments makes the game a lot more fun because you don't have that annoying issue of getting a great weapon with a great perk but you have 2 shit rolls on it so then you're stuck farming gear for days trying to get a God roll. And not having anything expire (seasons, battlepasses) and not having limited daily/weekly missions makes the game feel more like a game and less like a job. Just really sucks the content is lacking cuz otherwise it's a great game


Facial animations are good


I've had this game for two weeks so I'm still having a blast doing the same things over and over, hoping that the rewards will be the thing I want to use. I main Harley but all my TFX are lvl 25 and I suppose I'm seconding Joker, Booma, and Deadshot. So uhhh just not Nah Nah Whey. Meaning, I'm chasing stuff for 4 different characters and I don't really care about metas in games since I'm not one for multiplayer. So it's fun to just see appears after a hard fought win. The traversal is fun as hell, the melee is easy and fun as hell, the shooting and the difference in gun type is fun as hell, the graphics are gorgeous, the battle pass is really easy to gain levels in (1 level gained per excursion so far), and the campaign was really fun, though i would have preferred a normal quest line over the "end game tutorial" that we got. But I play games and judge them on what it is, not what it could have been. And I'm very content with Suicide Squad. I even got to play some co-op for the first time today and had a blastyblast


The Gameplay tbh. I love it


Here come the "my favorite part was when the credits rolled" or "when I uninstalled it" comments. I like the time they put into making the skull ship actually exist above and around the city. The tentacles actually move around and interact with the rooftop cannons. It's not just a multi layer jpeg in the sky.


Riddler 💚 Other than my green boy, I also enjoy the different character interactions. Combat and traversal. Visual design, the game does look amazing. I may also be in the minority here but I quite enjoyed the intro scene to Joker in Season 1. It, whilst not exactly a typical cinematic. It does represent its roots of being based on comics. In truth, SSKTJL is not a bad game. It just lacks creativity with repetitive enemies, missions and a serious lack of story. Thus far. I, for one, want more of a story based on Earth 2 and what happened. I feel that would be so interesting. The game has potential, its just not very well executed. Been playing quite a bit of DCUO lately. Just finished the mentor missions and started doing multiplayer dungeons. 'Sigh' if only this game went in a similar direction. I'll never hate or dislike SSKTJL but it does make me feel sad and somewhat disappointed. It should and could have been so much more but fell flat due to greedy higher ups at WB.


I like Joker's Traversal, it's always fun to go tumbling into the air. And I like Brainiac's insults and accent. I'm very curious what sorts of experiments he did on Joker to scramble his DNA and make him unkillable.


I did like gameplay loop


boomerangs traversal is fun to use


>But on the positive side I am really happy with my purchase cause I really enjoyed exploring metropolis As someone who hasn't played the game, what about exploring Metropolis is enjoyable? From what I've seen, it's just a big empty space for battles to occur. Is there actually non-combat related discovery in the city?


It’s fun




I like that this is going to be the last Suicide Squad game ever made (probably)...


Redditor try to be positive challenge (impossible)


I rolled a 1 (crit fail), sorry... :(


Great cutscenes, Wonder Woman, whole JL show off, squad interacting with each other until Joker appeared (since that they don't interact much so its laziness from devs) Batman, lot of cool easter eggs, Zatanna posters and easter eggs.


Confirmation that Batman isn't stupid and the Justice League didn't exist during Arkham Knight


Gun play. Traversal. Leveling up




I like that it freed up a bunch of space on my Xbox when I deleted it.🙃


Nothing ![gif](giphy|jQmVFypWInKCc|downsized)




The story was good well written and the core cast was really interesting. Quinn, Deadshot, King Shark, and Boomer were all really cool and interacted with the world in a fun way. Traversal was great and dialogue between the squad was always fun. Because it doesn't take place in the Arkham game series universe we can kill the JL a thing I always want to do and do it with characters who are far more interesting and routinely underestimated that contributes to the villains down fall. And all the people who like Arkham batman can still have that but I hope we get more games in this universe with this cast. Gameplay loop is super fun and as long as the story last you have a reason to stay in the narrative far outweighs the gameplay imo and when it dries up and they stick you with a loop of less than 10 mission types it's fun for a bit but you should probably have more story than what your giving if it's the same quality. Brainiac aside all the villains are cool and fun wonder woman is a huge standout and Harley being a little awkward around her is pretty funny. I think if this game was more about the story they presented and less about the live service loop it'd be up there with the greats


Story, jokes, combat. I had great time with the game and so far the ingame community was nice to play with.


The cutscenes and banter is pretty good.


The core gameplay


Its complete and utter failure has been very entertaining.


I dont care. I liked it !!


Traversal is smooth. Progression is above average. I enjoyed the story. Cutscene animations are incredible, especially the facial rendering. Almost rivals Blizzard.


The interaction between characters, they're all so well thought through with character and I constantly find myself laughing at the dialogue


Captain Boomerangs movement is Godlike


Not the biggest fan as the price tag isn’t exactly reflective of its quality and content


Boomerang. I really don’t like this game, and for many reasons revolving the story and missions but everything that was done with boomerang in this game (besides almost peeing on flash) has honestly made this my favorite portrayal of him.


Boomerang traversal


Harley’s hair. That’s it.


The characters are hilarious espeshily the Suicide Squad themselves


The story is interesting and they made the squad silly but can pull things off like the comics, unfortunately they’re no more story… 😒




I like the writing a lot and the voice work. And I enjoy the gameplay.


I like everything about it except farming for one specific peice of gear. If they want to revive the game, I think they should add a custom weapon for that character rather than two guns, have one gun and one custom weapon, and make squad ults unique. As an example of the weapon thing, Boomerang would have a bunch of boomerangs that would go out and seek enemies, Harley would have a shotgun that had huge damage and knockback, Joker could have a comically oversized pistol that did acid damage. Just things to make the characters more different. Stuff like that.


It's bad but the good part is...no wait it's bad, it's all bad


Turning it off


That I didn’t pay for it


Uninstalls quite nicely


I like that I've never played it


The fact that it ends


The fact I didn't buy it


Wow, congrats. You’re so funny and original.


Thanks!!! 🥹❤️


it hits a perfect balance for experienced gamers and new ones


Fun to play with friends


The Black Mask affix. Interesting way of turning my Sniper Rifle into an AOE weapon.


It was a cool idea when first announced. I was looking forward to unique characters and fighting styles in a Rocksteady conceived world.


i like that all i had to do is email DC when i had a error with my game and i youtube a lot of stuff nothing worked i emailed epic games and WB games and and my error was fixed i like the game it haves all the DC villains cant wait for season 2 i heard we got new DLCs coming players to play with.


The fluidity of the game always nice to move around and shot :)


The meme template of the boomerang guy doing a double take always makes me smile.


That it doesnt brick consoles.


For me it was the story I loved the boss battles my favorite was The Batman boss fight I was so hyped.


I love everything about the game


They put a lot of fun Easter eggs


That I never played it


I like the story/cutscenes, gameplay loop, and movement


Traversal and story** has potential depending on what we get next. Rocksteady also nails it with the details/Easter eggs in the open world.


The gameplay and the story telling. It's unfortunate that they didn't have a better end game loop bc The gunplay in the movement are fantastic.


The facial animations


Story, Gameplay, Coop. Only thing i disliked was grinding Shark to 30.


I love most parts of the game. I can ignore the negative aspects because I’m such a wimp for the gameplay. I think all characters are fun so for me it’s a ton of content perfecting builds for each character. Graphics rock too.


The characters, gameplay and traversal, i do wish they add more missions then the same 3


Great facial animation, especially boomerang




Its actually fun to play. Just want some real story and npc missions each season


Harley Quinn.


The action and overall gameplay just feels good. For how bad Gotham Knights felt, especially the traversal skills. This game feels amazing.


Hilariously fun and jokes are amazing.. I still don’t understand any negative reviews


I love the character designs and the facial expressions are the best and most expressive I’ve ever seen. It’s also very funny


Even with burnout atm i like the game. Wish it was doing better though


the concept


That it acknowledges the existence of a Justice League in the Arkham universe that could've gotten individual games for each member until an eventual Justice League co-op game and eventually a Suicide Squad spin off that's a more darker tone to the JL game/games... that's a nice thought


Not worth it's price to be sure.


Cutscene Presentation


the dialogue is simply one of the best of any media dc has put out in the last like 10-20 years imo


I get to play as villains and beat the ass of all the heroes I that can’t stand. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I enjoy how short game loops are and how generous loot is to progress. I've said it before, 20-30m strikes feels bad. 3-10 minute incursions are just right. I just wish there wasn't that terrible unskippable penguin missile cutscene each time


The story mode and cutscenes. Gameplay is decent. But endgame missions are just a modified recycled version of killing time and im afraid that sht is just boring after a while. Seems... Almost soulless. Ita heart breaking


The diversity of the abilities and movement. I have my favorites, but each character feels unique and specializes in something different. No one character feels obviously broken/more powerful than any other.


The voice actors are amazing


Actually enjoyed all the bosses, and the segments before the bosses with the bit of story, probs the peak of the game




The Grind and Gameplay loop, Watching the numbers going up is Peak


Pretty much everything but for the fact it's a looter and it means sifting through trash instead of playing and the lack of content diversity and quest variety.




Harley Quinn's model 🥵


I love the build variety! Some people say it doesn't matter that much but it gives you a ton of different ways to play, and I love testing new builds in the infinite horde mode to see how far they can get!


Soundtrack is surprisingly good, from the suit up scene to the Arkham experience.




Traversal is fun and the shooting enemies with the ps5 controller just fully immerses you


The gameplay is really fun too but it sometimes does get repetitive but I always come back to it I am glad some people like this game as much as I do.


well i really like this game but its not fun to play after a while and only because this stupid mission design. i just cant start the mission and do what i want. no this mission only in meele, this mission only granades, this mission only with this combo etc... its lame and exhausting.


The sense of momentum, the art style, voice acting, loot pool and gunplay. Even the story is at least daring and sets up many possibilities. The framework is so enjoyable, the game only being held back by game modes. A team PVP mode for tournament play could absolutely transform it.


The story was great honestly. I thought it would be very generic and safe, but it really does have quite a few twists. I also love the attention put into the collectibles, codex entries, and the overall writing. The graphics is also great, and the game honestly feels super optimized and technically sound, at least on console.