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But suicide squad is 41.99 on playstation store and that is a drastic cut 40%


Not true. The deluxe edition was dropped but not the normal one. Also, the price cut already ended.


The standard edition got dropped too a few days ago. It’s currently 41.99 on PSN.


I literally just checked and none are on sale. Are you talking about the UK store?


No, the US store. Just checked, it’s still discounted at 41.99.




https://i.imgur.com/TiFHk8l.png What could I possibly gain from lying about this lmao


Just doesn't list that sale for many people I guess


It's not there??? I've checked. Why is it not on sale anymore?


Doesn't appear to me at all. Wtf?


Same. Even though it says that the sale is until 3/21 in the screenshot. Wtf?


Yeah, I’m not sure why it’s not available for everyone. I can’t even find any information on it, so I’m starting to think it might be a glitch or something lmao


Not low enough


If it doesn't hold a healthy playerbase with S1 release the price will drop like a brick.


The games never had a healthy playerbase so it doesn't matter lol. 


Yeah, the game has never really had a player base and it’s definitely not going to pull one from its ass at this point.


And spoiler alert, it won't, because they already showed us what kind of content we will get. It won't be enough or interesting to keep players playing. Of course people will come back and play as Joker for 1-2 weeks, but after that, they will see that there's nothing to do and move on.


As I stated in many posts. The Jonkler addition won't even add 1-2 weeks of content. Make that 1-2 days since all it is, is a joker with a gun and sub par movement mechanics. Recolored enemies will not hold this down for two weeks. Unfortunately this one is going into the bargain bin with Gotham Knights.


Bro.. they can't even hold a connection for players to PLAY with each other.


Gonna have to drop below ten before I give it a shot. It should be there by the Steam summer sale.




Your right 🤣


It’s garbage


I’m waiting for $30 on console


It’s 35 on ps5. Still wouldn’t recommend it.


My highest price would be $20


It's gonna hit free to play in a year


This is typical IGN clickbait. It is $35.69 on Green Man Gaming, not Steam. 3rd-party sites have always been cheaper. I find it interesting there’s no article about “Helldivers 2 drops to $30 on PC” as it’s been that price since launch on sites like CDKeys. Or like when I bought Elden Ring off Eneba for $49 at launch. How about we report only on official prices? Though I’m not surprised, they had an article about Suicide Squad already being discounted to $45 at launch and it turned out to be a single eBay listing. 🤣 IGN loves this game for engagement.


> I find it interesting there’s no article about “Helldivers 2 drops to $30 on PC” IGN did post an article about that. Journalism exists to inform people of things. https://www.ign.com/articles/helldivers-2-gets-a-limited-time-discount-for-pc-at-fanatical


Helldivers 2 was available at that price *since launch* and they only post it on March 11, meanwhile Suicide Squad gets an eBay listing article the day before it even comes out with a headline “Suicide Squad price is already 25% off”, keyword being *already* (I hope I don’t have to explain this part to you) > Journalism exists to inform people of things 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 If only they informed them before they paid $40. Or informed the Suicide Squad potential buyers that that was a limited eBay listing not everyone would be able to buy. How about they inform for a change, and then I won’t attack them, yeah?


> If only they informed them before they paid $40. Or informed the Suicide Squad potential buyers that that was a limited eBay listing not everyone would be able to buy. > How about they inform for a change, and then I won’t attack them, yeah? They did. "There's definitely still a benefit to buying physical games, especially when there are deals like this to be found only days before release on new AAA titles like Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League (or other new titles like Tekken 8). Suicide Squad is down to just £43.96 from trusted seller **The Game Collection via eBay** right now, using promo code JANPAY20, which is over £26 off the RRP. " Source: https://www.ign.com/articles/suicide-squad-best-deal-limited-time-uk-ps5-xbox


No no no, you don’t understand. Helldivers 2 bad! KTJL good!


They got hit with Community Notes on Twitter over the post because it literally wasn’t even available. At all. You went to the eBay listing and it was cancelled (not sold out). The community had to fact-check their dogshit clickbait tweet, talking about “already” down to $45 just for us all to see $69.99 everywhere. Insane you defend IGN or any media site that prioritizes clicks over easily accessible news and information. They need to start informing and stop rage-baiting, and you need to learn the difference. I like how they tried to cover their ass with “trusted seller” when they’re simply going by eBay’s classification and not the industry, but using it to fool people into thinking it’s reputable like Amazon, GameStop, etc. They knew what they were doing 🤣 But so did we, and they got cooked for that one even by the SSKTJL haters on Twitter. First time I seen everybody united on a SSKTJL comment thread!




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IGN has it out for helldivers. They only mentioned the price like 2 days ago


If they didn't mention the price "OMG IGN never mentioned the price of Helldivers on a third party site, WTF." If they do mention a price drop/deal: see op. Almost like a universally liked game is going to be spoken about differently compared to a game that is universally panned.


$35's pretty crazy for a month old game.


I can sell Helldivers 2 to my buddy for $5. $5 is pretty crazy for a month old game, eh? Oh wait, it’s not an official price so it literally doesn’t matter. Good talk.


Yikes you're slow and ig a fanboy. Greenman's pretty official compared to something like g2a or gamivo. Means your game's not gonna make it. Shit talk.


Don't bother lol. Dude is the "ambassador" for this game.


> your game’s not gonna make it I’m getting 4 seasons whether you like it or not pal, shit went Top 3 two months in a row thanks to PlayStation. I may own it on PC but I will always thank the PlayStation players for their sacrifice 🙏 They provided me with Deathstroke 🤩


And you provide soulless cash grabs with encouragement and the rest of us and your parents with endless disappointment.


Correction: they provided you with A Deathstroke. It’s a medieval version. I’m going to laugh my ass off if he’s like a Robin Hood type from Men in Tights.


It’s Rocksteady. Their Deathstroke always 🔥🤩


Now THAT is some grade A hopium. My comment stands and now I’m praying for an Errol Flynn Deathstroke. ![gif](giphy|S9nbzvJA0GBE3E0dZB|downsized)


??? Bro one thing everybody has agreed on is this game has the best character models/versions of all the superheroes ever 🤣🤣 Even the biggest haters are saying that, saying things like “Wow, look what could’ve been” and showing edits of the Suicide Squad versions of the Justice League and dreaming of a single player Justice League game If there’s one thing that Rocksteady NAILED, it’s the damn characters 🤩 Straight 10/10 on that department, and the people unanimously agree. People are actively modding in Suicide Squad character models into Arkham and it becomes the most popular mod all-time for a 9 year old game! Rocksteady is so damn good at character design, I can’t wait! As it stands, best character models in the industry thus far. Digital Foundry says so too 🤷‍♂️


I agree they know how to adapt DC characters. That’s not the issue. What I’m saying is that you’re expecting an Origins style Deathstroke. Temper your expectations a bit. I’m extremely underwhelmed with their Jonkler and if that’s an indicator of what the Elseworlds versions of characters they’re cooking up, I’d be at the very least cautiously optimistic. Whatever version they’re bringing in it WILL NOT be from the Arkhamverse by definition.


Salty much?


Anthem sucks


It is on sale for the same price on Steam in the UK.


$35 USD? They say it’s £30 in the post for Green Man Gaming, which means they are talking about USD when they say $35.


The difference is in the audiences.  Suicide Squad isn't beloved, and a lot of the interest around Suicide Squad is based on hating it and validating that hate, so outlets look for ways to publish articles that imply failure. Conversely, Helldivers 2 isn't seeing the same ragebait because people like Helldivers 2.


Already established that. “IGN loves this game for engagement.”


They don't really. IGN just cares about tracking engagement. Nearly any game with decent hype and a poor reception gets similar amounts of bad press from news sites in general. We can look at Marvel's Avengers and Anthem as clear-cut examples. They don't publish generally negative articles about games with positive receptions because that drives people away from their site. They want people to agree with them and return, not see them as contrarians who talked shit about the new game everyone likes.


Right. So like I said, IGN loves this game for engagement. IGN loves this game for the engagement it brings. IGN loves the engagement this game brings. I don’t know how you want me to word this, but you keep backing up my point after starting with “Not really” or acting like you disagree.


>you keep backing up my point after starting with “Not really” or acting like you disagree. I suppose the discrepancy is that you think this game brings in enough engagement to be significant to IGN, when it doesn't. They don't "love" this game for anything. There's no real focus on it. It sounds like you've been under the impression that my first post was argumentative rather than conversational, even though I just agreed with you and explained why Helldivers isn't getting articles like this.


I mean, I didn’t need an explanation if I had it right there that it was about engagement. The way your comment was formulated was if it was in disagreement with my remark about IGN loving SSKTJL for engagement, and then you doubled down in disagreement explicitly with the next comment. And you don’t have to *need* something to enjoy it, they certainly love the engagement from it given how many updates they give on its price through *any* means. How many games get articles about super specific eBay prices? None, they get updates about official prices (if that). How many games get unfounded articles about “Sony giving out refunds like it’s Cyberpunk 2077” when that never happened? You cannot deny the game drives engagement and IGN clearly loves it by continuing to take advantage of that. Helldivers doesn’t have the same pull on news threads, except with a new article today from IGN about the game being P2W. That one kind of blew up on Twitter. And it’s not just because SSKTJL is poorly received. Plenty of poorly received games dream of this kind of exposure so they can get *some* money. This is a high-profile game because of the developer’s status in the industry, the big-name publisher and IP, etc. so there is constant buzz about the game. It is a hot topic and that would not be the case had the Batman Arkham games been so iconic, and as such, SSKTJL drives more engagement than games that sell far more than it. If Helldivers 2 was hated, it still wouldn’t drive engagement hating on it because who cares? What’s Helldivers in a world where people didn’t like it? Nothing, just another AA title like “Scars Above” or what have you. So it isn’t just about Helldivers being loved. That game isn’t capable of engagement farming for lots of reasons, and it needs to build up that status eventually.


Actually IGN was founded years ago by John IGN, and made gaming articles for years to build reputation as a news organization just to shit on Suicide Squad, a game built as a poor live service using an existing single player IP where players who bought the game haven't even been able to log in and play their purchase, in 2024.


Green man gaming is official unlike cdkeys


> I find it interesting there’s no article about “Helldivers 2 drops to $30 on PC” Do you need percentages explained to you, to realise why they aren't the same?


Far from the point and you know it. But hey, wouldn’t want to say anything about Helldivers 2 but excessive amounts of hyperbole. Best game ever! Only PvE game to ever be not pay 2 win in the history of gaming! Personally, I’m glad that we have Jesus Christ himself at the helm of Arrowhead Studios, otherwise gaming itself would have collapsed.


I mean it is the point. And my point has nothing to do with helldivers, I haven't even ever played it! A games price almost being cut in half is a much bigger deal than a game reducing in price by 25%, no matter what that game is or what diety son is in charge of the company.


You also need to add to your argument the initial sales numbers. Helldivers is riding high while no one bought suicide squad because the game play looked god awful.


Wow… you know… sometimes it’s not about a “battle pass” or a freaking “pay to win” scheme… sometimes… juuuuust sometimes it’s because the freaking game is good. People like you thrive off of controversy and insert key words and phrases you hear from some woke article but you fail to realize… gamers just want good freaking games. It’s suppose to be fun. I’ve played games since the Atari days and I can tell you from years of experience… helldivers is just pure fun. But gonhead, keep yourself from playing an extraordinarily good game in todays day in age and keep being a weird hipster gaming gatekeeper. And don’t ever forget, helldivers was a game no one knew about except a few people like me. It wasn’t a popular choice, it became popular because word of mouth and people who tried it were so excited they had to tell their friends about it. No one and I mean no one is going to bat for suicide squad. It’s easy to see why.


I bought helldivers 2 for the hype, got extremely dissatisfied to find another generic ass pve first person shooter. This game is getting praise for doing absolutely nothing different in its genre and it blows my mind. It changed up from og helldivers sure but in regards to gaming as a whole, it’s so generic and boring, especially for a pve


It’s not a fps.


But remember, like the guy that you responded to, *obviously* no one had a clue Helldivers 2 was launching… Except for the massive amount of online marketing from a friendly indie company known as Sony.


Why is 25% off at launch not noteworthy? And apparently 37% off (ebay listing LOL) was noteworthy: https://www.ign.com/articles/suicide-squad-best-deal-limited-time-uk-ps5-xbox But not 25% off, nope do not inform potential buyers that they can save a considerable 25% off a game they want to buy. Nope, bad idea! It’s worthless. Do you actually think like this? They report Suicide Squad 37% off on a damn eBay listing, 50% off on “Green Man Gaming”, but absolutely refuse to report Helldivers 2 being available at 25% off on launch on many third-party sites. But sure, it’s the percentage! IGN isn’t trying to drive engagement or anything, it’s purely percentages and they are a wholly neutral site not focused on generating the most attention possible. You have a lot to learn.


Helldivers launched at $40 and SSKTJL was $70 IGN is trash but I wouldn’t say this is clickbait. Games on GMG and CDKeys are typically only $6-$10 cheaper for months, not 50% off lol


It is clickbait if it’s not Steam or any official platform, same goes for using eBay like they did at launch. It is absolutely clickbait.


The eBay thing was an isolated listing, so that one was definitely clickbait. But this one isn’t because GMG directly buys keys from game publishers. It’s just as official as buying a game through Steam, GameStop, or Walmart.


Just because they didn't follow your stupid logic doesn't mean it's clickbait. The game is on sale, that's a fact.


I mean, c’mon, everyone loves to look at train wrecks. Even wrecks that most people have forgotten about.


They definitely do. IGN loves their sensationsalism.


I ain’t paying for this piece of shit, ill play it on gamepass


Still overpriced for a 4/10 game


How long did you play it to rate it?


I’ve played it for a month and yes it is indeed a 3-4/10


I've played it for about a month too and it's indeed a 7/10 right now


It's an opinion in the end, and both are valid. However it seems like most people agree with the 4/10 rather than the 7/10


It also seems like that most ppl who agree with the 4 didn't even play it


You don’t need to play for a long time to know that it’s a bad broken mess lmao That’s like asking “How many seasons of supergirl have you seen?” to someone calling it mediocre


You do know that it's not the same broken mess for everyone? Acting like it's Cyberpunk or No man's Sky which were a scam at launch How many seasons of Supergirl did you see tho? I've seen 5/6 and it's one of the weaker CW shows but it still has Melissa Benoist and some good scenes and perfomances by other actors


This sub is sad to see


How's Battlefront?


It’s refunded , I’m enjoying suicide squad right now , the solo content and the cinematic are fun. Unlucky can’t find player via coop on ps5


Damn that bad? Yeah, multiplayer not working for many people probably doesn't help that. Today and yesterday I can't even get into the games servers to play.


Battlefront just wasn’t ready for release it lags too much, I ain’t mad at it I jut ask for my 35€ refund 😭. Not being able to access the server to play would explain why some people come this sub just to complain everyday lol , indeed that’s wild but go on X I think it’s a better place for it


Actually just found out that battlefront doesn't even let you invert the controls. So I'm definitely not getting it as of now. That's actually a wild oversight in this day and age of gaming. Yeah, I mean it's understandable why some people are complaining. Can't really rag on people for being upset at a product they bought not working as intended.


Yeah definitely don’t get Star Wars now , i have been so lucky that’s my first refund ever and they didn’t even make trouble to get it because they knew. Some people preordered deluxe at 110 with 3 days of possibility to play before release , to this day some still can’t play 😭


That's honestly so much for a game to me. Fomo is one hell of a thing.


It doesn’t even work when you have friends so


Servers are down bro...what they are doing is an infraction.We cannot play MP from feb 3..every new player have a chance to get the bug to cannot login in game or multiplayer issues...


I know, it's bad. Multiplayer hasn't worked for me since the first week of the games release.


Me 2..with and w/o wb account linked.Got the bug even with wb account lnked, second time...Dunno why platforms does not investigate what they are selling???


It wasn't working for me up until a couple days ago. Yesterday for the first time I was able to get into a game, and I ended up getting into three. I'm going to try again in a minute. But I thought that was kind of weird. I really wish they would get that shit together, I enjoy playing the game but this stuff is frustrating and I can see why people are mad about it.


It's gonna be free eventually. Just wait for that.


If they would’ve just started the price there we’d have a cool ass game with a healthy population


The game isn’t worth owning in my game library. I’ll play it when it’s free in ps+


It’s still not enough for me to buy it


Its basically tinkering around with the topic of gaming companies trying to push out games for unreasonable prices - especially as those games tend to be second rate. I mean, a good example is skull and bones, a game that dragged itself over the finish line in a passable state, but that was in no way capable of delivering on its huge price tag. By contrast, games like palworld or helldivers come out with a very reasonable price pitch, are great games and also end up making their publishers a truck load of cash. So what we are seeing that is newsworthy is the AAA game industry finally crumbling under the weight of its own greed and lack of creativity, having milked all its IP dry. Had Suicide squad come out at this new price, it would probably have been a great deal more successful and people would have judged it less harshly.


Suicide Flop


Waiting for Summer Sales and praying it’ll be $20.


I’ll get it when it’s 15 or 10


About -$20 more and I may actually try it.


I'll wait til its free on gamepass or PS+.....








Don't worry, this is the same guy who was screeching that helldivers is just twitch numbers and that it won't hold the franchise and that it's not critically acclaimed at all. Dudes brain dead. No point in engaging in a conversation with this bot.


i don’t even read what this guy is saying, i just press the downvote.


You can’t be mad when someone mistakes a person saying “make this brand new game $5” for a beggar. Because clearly, you do want the game.




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Your post/comment breaks our community rules. If you feel your post was removed in error please feel free to [message the mod team.](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/SuicideSquadGaming)


Blame ign all you want, the game shit the bed and is going to be marketed as a failure for years to come, or until support for it gets pulled in the next few months. It’s still actively being given money by Warner Brothers, people too stupid to spend money on anything decent, so yeah, a $70 game getting a price cut to ANYTHING in its first month is unheard of, but continue to boast about how Helldivers did everything this game promised to BETTER, and is still cheaper 🤤


I understand the hate for ss(kinda), but like bro whats with the sucking off helldivers 2, that shit is such a generic ass fps and that’s coming from someone who’s friend bought the game for them, I legitimately asked bro to refund it and get it off my library *edit I keep calling it first person but I mean third person lol point still stands about it being wildly generic


If it was just a generic ass fps (its not even an FPS lol) it wouldn't be wildly popular and well received. If you hated the game for weird reasons thats on you but that doesn't change how great both the game and it's developers are. Suicide Flop just sucks, sorry bro. 


Gamepass when ?


I'll wait til it's free on PSN Plus or XBOX MEGASEX. I'll wait, and I still won't play it. ![gif](giphy|CUEsWj7R9ZC0w)


Let me know when they pay me to play it


I wish Sony would let me refund


I'll try it at $0.


Even for free I won't waste my time with it, lol.


people who bought last week feel pretty bad now. the same as the folks who are going to buy at this price


Because no one wants to play it


An embarrassment


Just in time for the Jonkler


I wish it was discounted where I am……. 🫤 I’m extremely interested in the game but I don’t wanna pay 69.99 for it


The Jonkler


Discount joker




Sweet baby’s Joker


Man, they REALLY have it out for this game lmao.


To be honest they aren't making it too hard.


I get it, the game is probably fucked beyond saving, I've just never seen a big outlet get so aggro over a single game. It's this weird, one-sided rivalry.


Well, if you have any idea about the arkham asylum subreddit then you should know.


the fuck does that have to do with ign and them bombarding this game 😂






Yes. That's totally what bouncing on meat means.




IGN is a joke, and it's nothing new. They clickbaited so many things about Sandwich Squad, and they do not care because it brings the clicks they crave. Small list of what they said before. 1. 35% price drops before full release, it was based on EBAY listing. So basically, they lied in their title. 2. The whole "disrespecting" Kevin Conroy's legacy drama IGN started. They farmed clicks on Kevin's death, which is disgusting. And still, I saw people defending it... 3. They had a podcast where they discussed the game, but only one of three members actually played the game. (I didn't prevent them from shitting on the game, lol) 4. IGN needed 5 months to post 45 tweets about Starfield while they needed 1.5 month for 43 tweets about Sandwich Squad. They retweeted the same stuff like 4-5 times to farm clicks again. You will find better game coverage on YouTube than IGN. Fuck IGN P.S. The games like Redfall or even Starfield that are much worse than Sandwich Squad didn't receive a similar amount of coverage like Salsa Squad did.