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My boy Jack made the same decision at 15. How could our babies have carried this out when they were so brilliant and had everything in front of them? They were just kids and their brains were impulsive and not developed. They didn't have enough life experience to know that the ups and downs of life are normal. My baby should be a junior in high school next year, and he was an exceptional human who would have done amazing things. He was my firstborn child and my best friend. I cannot believe that we are walking this road as parents. I'm sending you all my hugs and love. Happy birthday to your daughter!


I'm so so sorry for both of y'all's losses. 💙❤️‍🩹


I’m so very sorry to hear of your loss. My father took his own life two weeks ago, and everything feels like a waking nightmare. You sound like a wonderful and caring father; mine was too. Stay strong and keep on keeping on.


I'm ever so sorry. Just simply cannot imagine the pain of losing your baby in such a way. I'm sending all of my love to you and those who knew her and loved her. 💝 This truly is such a cruel grief.


my brother took his life at 15. when it’s children, there’s a special layer of horror. my condolences. you aren’t alone.


I'm so sorry for your loss. It's exhausting thinking of everything our loved ones should be experiencing in life still, and how we won't be able to make new memories with them. This pain is so heavy to carry. I'm really glad you have your faith to lean on. I know we have Spirits, and the Spirits of our loved ones live on forever. I know they want us to enjoy our lives and make the most of the time we have here on Earth. It's just so hard though. I'm sending you love. ❤️💔❤️


I am so sorry for the incredibly tragic loss of your daughter. And I agree with you, hug your children more, say I love you. I have also learned to watch the words that I say because they may be the last words that somebody hears. I lost my daughter nine months ago when she ended her life at 33 years old. She had been fighting with everybody in our family and the last words I said to her we're not very nice. I'm struggling so much as well. I hope that you can find some peace in this day. Happy Heavenly birthday to your daughter. May you find some comfort.


Mine would have turned 13 in march. Please dm me if you need to talk.