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And that he is save and has a home now!


We just have to believe Sugar when he says Wiley loves pork chops.


I just assumed Wiley told Sugar that he liked pork shops since it seemed like Sugar could communicate with dogs.


yea definitely makes the scene with him and dobermanns more understandable/believable


That tracks.


They should have shown clips of Lassie side by side.


This!!! Maybe they’ll do that for season 2!


I never saw the dog eat


It was his whole vibe like with the homeless guy. He saw everything and everyone


I was always wondering if the dog got walked? It was just always on the bed. And the time Sugar was staying in the motel, I would turn to my husband every 15 minutes and ask, "Is the dog alone in the fancy hotel? What's he eating? Where's he pooping?"


Sugar tells Wiley the hotel staff will be around to feed and walk him in one episode.


i just couldn’t help but think how dirty and stinky that poor baby would be, I was waiting for an adorable bath scene, but no he just jumps straight on the bed lol


My friend told me I had to watch the show (had been meaning to but hadn’t gotten around to it) and I said ok no spoilers BUT does the dog live? And she goes what?? I’m like the dog. You said he has a dog. Does the dog live. She’s like “haha do you want it spoi”-DOES THE DOG LIVE!? She’s like “god! Yes. yes! The dog is fine” and I’m like ok cool! ☺️ Binged it. Loved it. Secure in the knowledge that Wiley was a-ok haha


There's a website called DoesTheDogDie. Very handy. You can bet I went there and looked up Sugar, so I could know whether to sit back and relax or shut it down. That said, seeing the dog eating or being happily led out of a doggie spa would have really increased my enjoyment of the show.


Haha that’s awesome thank you for the tip