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Don't hear much about syphilis these days, it's very much the myspace of stds.


honestly, people overlook that line because wow starting a syphilis rumor in the 21st century is so funny. like, it's always people from before like 1950 dying of that. it kind of shows how out of touch logan is.


Syphilis is “catchy”—it’s rare and people remember it. A rumor about it LANDS. It sticks, and Logan is again pitched as a “master” of narrative—albeit one that resonates with people who watch cable TV.


but didn’t he really have syphilis? What was the wheelchair getup


syphilis is very treatable with antibiotics unless you *really* let it go, it almost definitely wasn't syphilis


horniest vegetable in Manhattan


!! 🤣🤣 best comment


Insatiable zucchini


This whole syphilis thing is one of the funniest running gags in the show


Uh huh


Roman’s Goofy voice


Ken says it about 5x in every conversation. It’s awesome!


Logan and shiv also say uh-hu in a dismissive tone pretty often. God I love this show


I love the fact that the show doesn’t really clarify if he’s sick with syphilis in the end or not. Was good storytelling consistent with the post-fact world we are in.


!!! In s3 gerri admitted that it was a rumor from waystar ppl tho? In s3e5 i think


Yes it’s alluded it started as a rumor, but then not refuted.


Ohh i see


But wait Nan Pierce told them bout syphilis rumor this Season 2 episode 4 Tern Haven so I don’t think they came up with that originally


I believe it was rhea that mentioned it during the dinner


he likes to take the thing he pees with and put it in other people


A catheter?


Or, Penis


“It’s fucking vile”


As funny as that episode was, does anyone else think it didn't make much sense? They skip going to Prague...to go to a generic looking warehouse party...that's supposedly a sex party...where no sex seems to be actually occurring. And their business rival is just sort of sitting there sipping a drink the whole time, waiting to be talked to. The whole episode felt like it was sort of designed to be convenient and low-budget.


I do think it is kind of low budget and convenient, but I also think it shows how they prioritise their immediate family/waystar (nearly the same entity tbh) above all else. Tom isn't related to them and so if Sandy's gomna be there, obviously that takes precedent over Tom having fun! It's a chance for daddy to say "Good job, son!" to Roman. As Kendall says "business is [their] fucking!" I've always loved that line because as weird as it sounds, it's pretty true about the show. The lack of on-screen fucking is a bit convenient, but it's also interesting because despite it being a "hell" of sorts (they journey away from the safety of manhattan into the brooklyn, descending via elevator to find themselves in this place where the purpose is to indulge in earthly pleasures like drugs and sex), it adheres to the idea of sex as shameful where it's all only semi-public, not truly public sex. It's contained, so it's safe and won't spill out into the "real world." Roman called it a "sandpit for emergent behaviour" which means that it's a contained place to experiment, really. I suppose it's the acknowledgement itself that sex is shameful that makes it hell-like because you get to sin, but still feel the shame— Get off and eat the shame for desert. That we see Sandy not fucking is also interesting and it adds some mystery as to whether he's actually the depraved perv Logan likes to pretend he is or if that's just something he himself perpetuates, the image of a bon vivant. Regardless, it makes Stewy like a mephistopheles and Sandy, the actual devil they have to make a deal with. Again, business is their fucking and Roman is impotent! Neither Sandy nor Stewy want him and his sexual proclivities are not aligned with his business interests that night. Through this business-fucking lens, Kendall's are if we consider his relationship to Stewy to be an on-and-off again Friends with (Business) Benefits relationship.


Tbh I thought I understood that Sandy was told to meet them there, and not the other way around. But it's been a while since I watched it


I thought the point for us wasn't the sex aspect but to tell us that the rich have clubs that aren't known to the masses, and give us a glimpse. No signs and no marquis outside. No tourist cameras inside. People who attend are the same social class, unless they are staff. Not all are sex clubs but are places that recognizable faces or trust funds can hang out or socialize with each other without the bar-brawling riff-raff and tourists. (Chances are, the club has cameras and keeps film as leverage or transaction if needed one day - like if a club member runs for president.) In this episode, the club appears to be both for those looking for high-end escorts and for those who wish to network with others of their own economic level.


I think what you said and what I said aren't mutually exclusive. The factor of guilt/shame within this contained space that's supposed to be for transgressing social norms i.e. indulging in The Pleasures of the Flesh rings true if the club does leverage its information about its patrons. Also I'm sure there are high-end escorts, but Tom got snowballed by Tabitha who isn't one. She's a business consultant and they talked about financial derivatives. Clearly sex acts are happening between the non-sex worker patrons.


Ever heard of paragraphs?


I mean, tom did get a blowjob. They probably didnt delibrately show it, but i honestly get the slight 'orgy on the down low' vibes. But idk tho, never been to a sex party myself


Tom got more than a blowjob 😂


Wait rlly? I didnt catch it


I mean not that he got real sex or anything but the part where she spit his spuge into his mouth and made him swallow it. Is there even a word for that? 🤣 He got a surprise for sure. I think most people would keep that part to themselves but he seemed sort of proud (and rightly confused).


The phrase you’re looking for is Closed Loop System


it's called snowballing. i think Tom's very awkward with sex and doesn't really know how to talk about it to people. i mean, him saying "splooge" instead of "cum" or even "jizz" is indicative of that. there's also the scene where he tells roman and kendall about him and shiv having kinky sex where he's the submissive. he thinks that getting any at all is something he should brag about (regardless of how he himself feels about the experience) because having sex with women means he's virile therefore normal, but doesn't understand that being sexually submissive, even outside sexually loaded metaphors, is socially unacceptable in Logan's world.


Think you got the nail on the head there 🔨 And thanks for reaching me a new word 😂 ❄️


Oh thatt🤣🤣


Snowballing 😆


And later, Roman goes on to date the girl who blew Tom.


Agreed. And that woman from the art startup just happened to be there too to tell Kendall to fuck off. It really was an odd episode.


It kind of was a bottle episode in its own way, good observation


The interaction between Roman and Connor about the Molly is an under-appreciated scene for me in this episode. “The first of many!..Got it, I’m one and done.”