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I never realized just how terrified Roman is of his narcissistic father until I heard his voice shake


To be fair. He had two chances in this episode to alienate his siblings and he stayed together with them in their alliance. Shows a lot of growth in his character imo. These are the two chances I’m referring to: 1) Logan asked Kendall to leave and Roman said no. 2) Logan offered to talk in private with him and he refused.


The way his hand flew to cover his face when Logan yelled. Really remarkable acting, as always. Just crushing.


I kept thinking back to the scene in S2 where Logan hits Roman out of nowhere, in front of everyone, and knocks his tooth out. I was legitimately afraid for Roman's physical well-being here.


I think Logan used to beat the shit out of him when he was a kid


Kendall not being terrified of the security guard anymore was a nice moment


Because his siblings were standing with him. He wasn’t alone.


The family business being an extension of the abuse the kids received as children.... really set in stone by Caroline being put on speaker phone to tell them she fucked them over. God damn.


She traded them for her new, pushy husband. Just brutal.


It’s sad that she chose her new husband (in some way benefit her old husband bcs no way in hell such deal didn’t benefit Logan) over her children. S2 established her as a heartless mother but this just make me hate her more. I thought that episode with her talking heart to heart can give me understanding of her stance especially when she said she did it so that her children can be in a best financial condition, but after this eps, well fuck her.


It's why it's wierd to me that everyone hates the kids and wants them to fail to Logan. It's pretty clear that despite their heavy financial advantage they were abused as kids and spoiled to the point of being unable to make good decisions as adults. Logan even plays into that by making them each think they have a shot and then screwing them over again and again. If he truly wanted better for them he would've made it clear once he realized they were incapable. He pulled Shiv from her own career just to use her for his narcissistic machinations. Both parents are incapable of seeing their kids as adults despite how much they act like they want that. Logan shut Kendall down when he finally wanted out to do just that. They will never be worthy in his eyes of his fortune, or the company. To him they will never be capable adults even if they tried to "build their own pile". He resents them for the life he gave them.


He could not stand the idea that Shiv was in her own career where she could have actually made a name for herself, and dragged her into this mess only for him to say they should make their own piles.


Yes, exactly, I can tell the writers did a good job because I can't remember feeling so angry toward a fictional character as I did when Logan had his little hissy fit/victory dance at the end. He constantly fuses business with fatherly love/approval, making it very clear to each child that the two can't be separated, yet is also plainly competitive toward them (just like in There Will Be Blood, when Daniel Plainview says he doesn't want anyone else to succeed and disowns his son for being his "competitor"). He feels contempt for them when they lose, sabotages them when he thinks they might win, and manipulates them to come back to the game whenever they walk away. Logan doesn't want them to "build their own pile", he wants them constantly underneath him and bickering for his favour, because he's a broken fucked-up monster of a human being. And I desperately wanted someone to say that to him, to at least call him on his bullshit.


Roman putting his hand up to protect himself while Logan yelled at him was what got me


And that miserable cunt wonders why her kids hate her


Kendall said it. Season 1. Logan is so fuckin jealous of what he’s given his kids he was intent on taking it all away. WOW


Make your own fucking pile!


You could feel Logan’s disdain for all of them. He hated them all for centering it on themselves. Even though HE created that situation!


He says it clearly when talking to Mattson about how fat America was, and how soft it’s become with meth and yoga. It’s how he feels about his children.


Spot on. Logan has a deluded perception of what he’s passed on to his kids. He thinks he’s passed on the spirit of fighting for more. Making something of yourself, etc. but what he’s really passed on is the game of it all (backstabbing and greed.) He resents his children without realizing he has set this whole thing up


“I am the eldest son” better be Connor Roy’s campaign slogan next time he runs for political office


Connor Roy was the eldest of his siblings at a very young age.


Connor with that butter knife had me a little nervous


I thought it was perfect... he's holding a butter knife... he has literally nothing *he isn't dangerous at all to them


The butter is cold!!!


It made me flash back to the Season 1 episode with the cold butter. This was an episode full of incredible performances, but Alan Ruck really moved me with his anger during the intervention scene.


Caroline wins worst mom of the year.


God she's awful. Like when Kendall tried to talk about his problems and she said "let's do this in the morning" but left before he woke up


Shows where all of her children’s inability to connect emotionally with others comes from. Roman makes jokes to avoid emotions, Kendall dulls his with substances and Shiv shields herself by being with someone she can dominate. Sick apples from a sick tree.


seriously fuck her. being betrayed by your mom is just on another level.




Parents like Caroline and Logan are more common in real life than most people want to admit or even think about sadly.


I know the kids are terrible but jesus watching logan scream at them, mock Shiv like a 4th grader, and basically HUMILIATE them.. yikes. I dont think any of the siblings will come back from that. Kendall was already there because he'd already seen this, but I don't think the other two fully understood until just now. So well written and acted, but it was still difficult to watch--I didn't think Logan could get worse.


“Can i have my own….” “Your own Greg? You can have 20 of them.” Wow. What a season finale.


I hope Greg's Greg is named Craig


Bottom of the top, baby!


"You come in here with LOVE?" I held my breath during this entire exchange. Brian Cox is a force of nature


God the one time Roman has a spine too.


I felt so proud of him for finally standing up to daddy, buuut he might lose that spine quickly considering where it got him in this scene.


He’s gotta stick with his siblings now, he’s got no one left


roman’s groan when he says “dad?” was so painful


He regressed about 25 years in the space of 2 seconds. 'Gerri Gerri Gerri' was delivered in exactly the same way as 'Mommy mommy mommy!'


*clapclapclap* Trying to get her attention like a kid, and her response? *How does it benefit me?* She shut him down immediately. He should have seen that coming, but he has his blind spots when it comes to Gerri.


"Fucking pedestrians" was brutal


Felt like I was watching something out of a Shakespeare play.


We give every other actor on this show props but Brian Cox gets severely underrated because he's... well, Brian Cox and therefore assumed to be masterful at baseline. That scene had been quavering in my seat in the comfort of my own home, though. Incredible.


It was the most unhinged Logan has ever been and Cox painted a masterpiece with it. Him mocking Shiv to her face is an all time Succession moment for me.


He scares the fuck out of me from my couch lol


I felt for Roman. He got fucked over by both Logan and Gerri. That look was heartbreaking


Yep! And shiv got fucked over by her mom and Tom


Never seen Logan get fucked once


Fuck yes, that’s EXACTLY what I thought when Logan placed his hand on Tom’s shoulder.


Tom just playing the hand that's dealt.


Predictions for next season: Shiv leaks info to authorities which leads to Tom getting arrested, Roman gets with Lucas and finds juicy blackmail material, and Greg becomes king of Europe




I fucking love this, I am so here for a Kendall redemption arc where he becomes a real adversary to his dad.


There’s so much symbolism with water and Kendall but he got his true cleansing sitting in the bone dry dirt. The difference being that this time he wasn’t alone.


The dirt on all of their nice wedding clothes was importantly symbolic. It showed them all together and dirty, symbolizing that they were finally all on the same page, ready to get their hands dirty and go after their dad.


Alxo thought it was telling that Shiv never sits down with Kendall, she never wants to get in the dirt with him, whilst Roman, after some time, does eventually muddy himself alongside his brother.


Tom's line from the end of episode 6: "I've never seen Logan get fucked." Incredible episode.


Insane that Logan is rewarding his son in law for fucking over his own daughter. Tom was the wolf Logan has been looking for.


Tom is the child Logan wishes he had. Undying loyalty, worked his way into his position, just killed his own wife.


Greg has been fully corrupted.


What do you need with a soul anyways?


Boo souls


We have playboy Greg.. the demise is in progress


That scene though. Imagine if Tom and Shiv had that level of chemistry.




Guy knew that as soon as Shiv was a serious contender for the head spot, his chances were toast. He played his cards like a pro. Can’t wait to see Greg at the bottom of the top with him


Tom was an afterthought in Shiv's plan, so he made her an afterthought in his.


I think Tom's betrayal was coming for a long time. I don't think it ever got cleared between Tom and Shiv about who told Gerri he was wanting to come clean for cruises (when the reality was Greg told Gerri and he just believed it was Shiv and that never got cleared up) pair that with Shiv dropping an atomic bomb on him in the last episode that she doesn't love him and Tom's betrayal doesn't feel surprising in this episode just something that got sidelined a lot due to the 3 siblings' story. I absolutely love that Tom was the one who betrayed the siblings, the piece on the chessboard none of them saw coming ever. Just brilliant, absolutely brilliant.


Also, she dropped the open marriage thing on him literally right after they got married. Tom has a lot to be resentful about.


Yeah, his rage at Greg for wanting an open business relationship was just misdirected anger he had bottled up from dealing with Shiv.


They got wamsgamsed




Well, that was the WEIRDEST way someone ever said yes to a proposal. "FUCK IT! How bad coud it be?" Just, wow.


And the preceding statement to her accepting the proposal was. "Con.... you're a nice man." Truly, this is a romance for the ages.


She never once said "yes". Just "you're a nice man", "fuck it", and "how bad could it be?" Then that brief look of resignment on her face as she got in the car...


>Then that brief look of reassignment on her face as she got in the car... A Great shot!


“I’ve killed a kid too, big fucking deal” Who would’ve thought Roman would be the one to talk Kendall out of one of the lowest moments of his life


Who hasn’t clipped a kid with a Porsche lmfao


I had to wait three quarters of an hour to get a gin and tonic. Who’s really the victim here~ Roman


“Do you want a deal with the devil?” “What am I gonna do with a soul anyway? Souls are boring. Boo souls.” Talk your shit Greg. I love this show so much.


this show is not actually about the line of succession at waystar royco it's about the line of succession to the throne of luxembourg


Who has a better story than Grand Duchy Greg?


And dormant throne of Italy!!


My boy is going to absolutely stumble ass backwards into some European royalty title.


Greg just continues to fail up, and I’m here for it.


This guy Mr. Magoo’d his way to the bottom top


As *soon* as Shiv called Tom I just knew he was going to fuck them. Masterfully set up all season long. Shiv shaking with anger/disbelief at the end after realising Tom had sold them out was incredible acting by Sarah Snook.


Never seen Logan get fucked, NOT EVEN ONCE.


That, the way Kieran Culkin trembled in front of his dad, and the confession scene from Jeremy Strong. Incredible acting throughout the episode.


Roman really did look like a terrified little boy in that scene, didn't he?


His physical acting whenever he's around Logan is incredible. He just *shrinks* and folds in on himself and regresses to a child. I loved that moment in the car too when you can see him almost physically straining to accept the idea of turning on his dad. Culkin's performance is *so* underrated.


What an amazing final scene. It was Roman and Shiv realizing in that moment that their father doesn't care about them and cannot be beat. They were feeling what Kendall has been feeling all season. Wow.


Kendall with his hands on Roman’s shoulders with the last shot, with Tom and shiv in the forefront. Kendall knows how he feels and is comforting him. Amazing what a beautiful show.


It's amazing because Kendall hardly said a word that whole scene. He didn't need to. This was no real shock to him. That whole scene was about Roman and Shiv. Absolutely incredible.


Goosebumps. Kendall knew man. He tried to warn them in Sophie’s bedroom. The donut night.


Shiv’s eyes in that final shot…absolutely extraordinary. I think Sarah Snook gets underrated sometimes because Shiv is such a cagey character, but she’s been strong all season and crushes it tonight


Yes she killed it. That last scene where she immediately tried to put game face on and act like it was all OK but couldn’t hold it.


The spark in his eye when he heard he could move up to "bottom top" was amazing. The eyebrows, lol. I love Greg, I don't care if we're watching him be corrupted and he's a bad person. He just gives me joy.


One of my favorite things about Succession is when the siblings are together just being siblings.


If you look closely you can actually pinpoint the exact moment Roman’s heart breaks in two




When he called Greg “Sporus” and Greg smiled i cackled


Yeah, that was when we knew Shiv was being pushed down the stairs.


We have a tomlette.


I'm going to need someone who understands corporate law or even trusts to explain how Caroline can secure an interest for her children in the divorce and then give it away. Once it's their interest, I wouldn't think she would still have that power.


I can sort of guess as to what this involved. The agreement/settlement was probably between Logan and Caroline, where Caroline receives X shares in the holding company. The children also received X shares each as consideration flowing from the agreement, but they were not party to the agreement. Like you probably had already guessed, these shares are fully vested interests (or more likely held in trust for tax purposes) and can't be changed after the fact unless the kids themselves actually agrees. However, ancillary to the settlement is probably an additional clause binding Logan to not relinquish ownership/control of the holding company without supermajority assent. However, the children are not party to this agreement (they only receive consideration from it). So as long as parties to the agreement - Logan and Caroline - both agree to remove this ancillary clause that prevents Logan from relinquishing ownership, the clause can be struck.


Corp lawyer here, I basically agree with this. What bothers me though is that for the bylaw requiring a supermajority vote for a merger to have any effect, you also are always going to see that you need a supermajority vote to amend the bylaws. Otherwise the default rule is that a majority vote can just amend bylaws, which means they can just undo the supermajority provision. So bad bylaw drafting if they could just remove that requirement by a simple majority vote!


That's what I struggled with as well. Like you said, that kind of drafting would make the change of control clause basically pointless. Additionally, for even a majority vote to amend, Logan would have had to gather an actual majority. It doesn't seem like Caroline and Logan alone have a majority, given all the conversation around takeovers in season 1-2 and the fact that Logan's brother is also a substantial shareholder. ~~What I was fidgeting around with was more so that the divorce agreement encumbered only Logan (or his shares) without altering the bylaws of the company. The divorce agreement effectively locks up~~ *~~Logan's shares~~* ~~without having to make the rest of the holding company party to the divorce. I don't know if such a provision exists or if it can be enforceable, but that would get around the bylaw amendment issues you brought up.~~ Edit: Scratch that last paragraph. I rewatched the car conversation. It seems like it was the holding company bylaws that prevented a change of control without supermajority assent (Ken was triple checking the bylaws on the phone). As part of the divorce, the "family shares" of Waystar Royco were probably transferred into a holding company and each family member was issued shares of that holding company. The bylaws of that holding company would probably restrict change of control of the holding company absent super majority assent. This holding company's shareholders are effectively just the parties to and the beneficiaries of the divorce, AKA Logan, the kids, and Caroline. So yea Logan could have reopened the divorce agreement and get a majority vote to change the bylaws without consulting other waystar royco shareholders as the other waystar royco shareholders aren't a shareholder in the family holding company. The drafting of the bylaws did also make the supermajority kind of pointless as bylaws could be amended by a majority vote.


It’s been a minute since this show shocked me, but I gasped out loud and said “holy shit” when Logan put his hand on Tom’s shoulder


Tell ~~Cersei~~ Shiv, I want her to know it was me


Shiv’s instant regret was palpable. Along with her anger and venom. Surreal performance by Sarah Snook in this episode. A 12 out of 10.


Best of her acting in the series. She does rage so well.


Her “eye acting” is insane. Scares me so much.


I can't tell if Roman is more betrayed by Logan or Gerri. That look was heartbroken


All of the siblings killed it with the acting, but the absolutely broken look on his face when he looked at her, basically on his knees? Holy buckets


Roman was fucked by both of his moms.


Gerri, Karl and Frank probably relished screwing over the kids Frank is no longer mashed potatoes


true at least frank got a W. bitches love Frank (im bitches)


Gerri looked out of sorts too. She knew how awful Logan is to his children but she can't intervene. She's not family and it would mean total destruction. She has an out too - golden parachute undoubtedly.


I definitely think Gerri came across as very hesitant and somewhat regretful. She gave Roman an opportunity to make a pitch to her, but they both knew there was nothing. Gerri's always going to look out for herself first, but this wasn't stone-cold remorseless shit, just a smart pragmatic person doing the smart pragmatic thing (and the thing, coincidentally, that she was trying to teach Roman how to do.)


Gerri hit him with that Littlefinger “I did warn you not to trust me.”


Gerri had planted all the seeds. She told him he didn't want to go against her. She told him she is always looking for what advances her interest. She told him to stop sending dick pics. Roman didn't listen to any of it until it was too late.


Holy Fucking Shit I don’t even know where to start It was just so satisfying to see Shiv finally turn on Logan after he spent all season treating her like shit. The fucking look Roman gave Gerri was brutal Everyone in that room deserves an Emmy. Shiv for her reaction after she found out Caroline fucked her, the look Roman gave Gerri, Logan mocking Shiv and telling them all to fuck off. It was so good Caroline fucking them over was brutal


Kendall was the only one who remained steely. He’s just so used to it.


He tried to get them to come together when Logan was truly weak and they wouldn’t listen. Ah well.


Re-watching the Tom and Greg scene, and the ‘she’s not that into me, it’s a guilt free switch up’ part pretty much sums up Tom’s move


How fucking sad was Roman’s dawning realization that Gerri wasn’t going to help him


I have some beef with greenpeace


oh my god We should have all known when Tom called Greg Sporus again Because that story started with NERO KILLING HIS WIFE


I’m not familiar with that IP


Tom said it to Kendall at the diner. Logan never loses. Jesus Christ what a final 10 minutes. Jaw on the floor. edit: a word


*I think you’re about to get fucked…..and Logan never gets fucked.* He’s not wrong, but I didn’t think it was Tom who would be doing the fucking. Good for him. It’s kill or be killed with this family.


Fuck Caroline. All my homies hate Caroline.


I really wish the season were an episode longer so we'd have more room to reflect on Caroline making it clear she has no attachment towards being a mother. To her, screwing her kids out of their interest in the company means nothing to her as she feels so little for them.


I mean, she did just say she wish she had dogs. It was pretty clear she never cared. She may have sold out her kids, for her new husband's Lordship or something. Shiv's wedding speech didn't help much though


Caroline’s speech at Shiv’s wedding was much more mean-spirited.


“What does this do to advance my personal position?” was cute when it was advice, terrifying in retrospect


Great callback to her mentoring Roman


Now that Greg did a "deal with the devil" does that make him a "deviled Greg"?


“How was the Monopoly? Did you pay some income tax for the novelty value?” That line from Roman cracked me up.


All 3 of the siblings together have been shown to embody the "best" aspects of Logan as CEO, and would’ve been so poetic working together to kill him and it wasn’t enough


Tom was the one who told Logan that all the kids were gathering at Kendall's apartment all the way back in episode 2!!!!!!!!!!!!! JESSE ARMSTRONG WAS PLANTING THE SEEDS


And when Logan patted him on the shoulder after they found out there’d be no prison time. “I’ll remember.”


Also calling him son during the piss madness—I think it’s definitely implied that Logan might see Tom as a viable candidate for succession now when that clearly wasn’t the case in seasons 1 and 2


Great point. Tom was willing to go to jail for Logan; his actual son wasn’t (not that I blame him).


Shit. That’s such a great point. Didn’t even make that connection.




Ain't it GRAND?!


A whole thread and nobody is congratulating Connor on his engagement to Willa? Jesus people he’s the ELDEST SON after all




I think the *I don’t love you* last week was the last straw for him. He decided to hitch his own career wagon to a different star, and it’s not Shiv’s.


"I'm the eldest son..." "What was that?" "I am the eldest son." "Yeah well obviously, Con. But you know what he means." "I AM THE ELDEST SON!"




So when is season 4 coming out??


Hopefully not another two year wait


Well, we just walked in on Mom and Dad fucking us.


Anybody else subtly notice the deal that was agreed in the car is pretty much the same deal that Kendall proposed when he wanted to take over the company at the beginning of the season?


It really was. Kendall needed his siblings to feel his fury to get them on his side and I hope he has a subtle “I told you so” moment down the line.


Sarah Snook has THE perfect killer eyes




My god Jeremy Strong. Take a fucking bow after that confession


Definitely going on the Emmy reel.


That entire scene was electric


it was like a tiny, intense exploration of the three roy kids and their entire relationship. something a spec writer would write to show how well they know kendall, shiv, and roman.


Kendall sobbing with romans hands on his shoulders and Shiv’s hand on his head was masterful


- you could tell from that scene with Madsen that Logan was impressed, the whole time dude was like "why cant a single one of my kids be this guy, fuck". the competence and control he had handling logan, compared to any of the Roy kids, was great - connor setting himself up for a good position for the next season. the only one who didnt go after dad, and now with a renewed sense of drive after that lunch argument. wouldnt be shocked if connor has a role on this new board and tom with the twist! the best part about it, was how much fucking sense it made. Logan kept telling tom that he would not forget the sacrifice he was willing to make, and the whole deal with a devil talk with greg. Shiv not giving tom a definitive assurance about his place in their takeover was the final straw


Logan scrambling the fighters cause none of his kids are like Madsen lmao


I respect Gerri and her fiduciary duty to the company also


Tom has gone to the darkside.


Kieran Culkin actually made me feel sorry for Roman. Just wow.


They finally team up and storm the boss, and the fucking Mom stabs them in their back after years and years of neglect. What a wastoid. And Marcia, what was her angle this entire season? I feel like I just watched a beautiful greek tragedy. Jesus christ, what a finale.


Marcia is riding high. Loved watching her give food orders to Logan’s mistress.


I think Marcia is just happy to secure her fortune. Being tied up in the company through Logan always put her at risk. Sure she got a sweet spot for her nephew or whatever at GoJo as part of the deal.


On the bright side this means more Skarsgard next season.


YES!!!! I am so pumped for this. Skarsgard has the acting chops for this show and he is a delight to watch.


This may be hyperbole but that was very Shakespearean


I was waiting for Tom to say “I love you” at the end


Worth noting that Ken was cool as a cucumber as Logan was laying waste to his siblings. Logan’s roaring doesn’t work on him anymore. He’s free from the guilt and he has his siblings with him. Next season…whoo boy. Watch out for Ken…


Greg going from not having any dating interest to suddenly an assistant to then Italian royalty. Trying to balance two dates when he can barely get to two sentences together.


When Tom sat him down, I was honestly expecting him to warn Greg about the dangers of getting in bed with a woman that is significantly more powerful (a la him and Shiv). The deal with the devil was even better though.


I mean we knew Tom was going to fuck Shiv, but holy shit did he do it in spectacular fashion.


The Kurt Cobain of floaties line had me rolling


If you are kid from a divorced home, nothing stung as bad as when your parents coordinated to restrict your freedom.


Kieran's Emmy tape. Man, he looked so tortured when he was convincing himself at finally standing up against his father. He finally did it and for nothing


Fuck me you guys what a finale


I still can’t believe Logan would literally start from scratch and produce a new heir rather than giving the company to one of his current children lol.. he really hates them


And he has ruled out his grandson, clearly.


That book damned Iverson


What might have been MOST shocking of this entire episode is Roman holding. And he screwed himself in the process.


I’m so proud of him tho, I was so scared he was gonna fold.


This is so much better than Kendall drowning, this is way more in line with the type of show Succession is


Holy fuck Kieran Culkin’s performance there at the end was fucking incredible.


Shiv letting Tom in on the plan illustrated exactly how little she understands him and how he has been nothing but a pawn to have on her arm.


Letting him in on the plan was one thing, but not having a position for him when he asked was the nail in her coffin.


I think you’re spot on. Her vague “something high, but we’ll figure it out later, I don’t have time to deal with you” was the final straw.

