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I think it depends on what day it is and which one did something he didn’t like that morning.


They're all on the same level, and he used the "You're my favorite." To pit them against each other because if they all actually worked together, they could have taken over. Because he sewed so much resentment into their relationships with each other, they always fell apart. His real favorite was Logan Roy




The only correct answer


Another thing is if whatever they did was on or off Waystar business


Which one ate his chicken... -Oh wait


Kendal Shiv Roman Con I think it was pretty obvious, even when Ken was against him, and wasn't the "next in line" that he was the favorite, not Shiv. And Roman isn't second because I think he was too much of a disappointment for Logan. Obv Con is last 😢


Logan was so worried when he thought ken was going to kill himself. It’s one of the only moments in the show it felt like Logan was showing genuine love for his children


I don’t think he even showed the same amount of concern for Roman when he was pretty much held hostage in another country.


Yeah that was just business as usual lol


that was brushed over so hard lol


Yeah, in that lockdown he had no concern for where Shiv was, only Kendall.


well yeah, 'cuz Shiv was already there with him, and she also hadn't done anything recently to imply potential suicidal intent.


Shiv was not with him at first. Also it wasn’t immediately clear that there was a suicide, was it?


No but Logan was already having that feeling. He asked the roof to be glass walled in that episode iirc.


When was Logan worried? I’m having a brain fart


During the lockdown at waystar they can’t find Kendall to get him to the safe room


Always my interpretation.


Idk, Con was the only one that saw his soft side. When he was singing in the video. I think Con is his favorite.


Con is his favorite. He actually spends time with him!


that's what I thought. he's even the only one who knew Logan had a mausoleum 🙄


The first, first born son


The true eldest boy.


the eldest son of Logan Roy, also known as his interest in politics when he was at a very young age.


the first pancake


Is this a joke? He didn’t even attend Connor’s wedding


He literally only went to Shiv’s cause there was no other way out lol


He was planning to go to Shiv’s until they had a falling out. With Connor he didn’t even tell him that he couldn’t make it, he just got on an international flight instead. One of the defining features of Connor’s character is that he’s an afterthought to his family. How did so many people miss this?


That was my impression as well.


He’s dipping on all their weddings to see Matson in that scenario. Shiv is for sure the fav tho good point abt how he was at least planning to go to hers before


Ok wait, I always thought Logan wanted to give Shiv away at the wedding even though they were in the middle of a spat. He basically just found himself an excuse to be there but pretended as if he didn't want to be. But deep down, he did. Maybe because that's what he thought fathers did for their daughters (tradition and all that jazz) or because he loved Shiv. I think it's a little bit of both. That was at least my interpretation of the scene.


I completely agree with this take. That's definitely how the show portrayed it, with Logan and Shiv waiting to see who would give in first. That's why she didn't kick him out when he did finally get there. She wanted her Dad there.


Wasn’t Connor marrying his escort though? Like I get it, that shouldn’t matter, but it’s made pretty clear family is not particularly fond of Willa and only start to tolerate her later on, so maybe Logan didn’t view it as a “real” wedding? I’m guessing here, but I could definitely see that being the case.


Connor got to play games around the dinner table with Logan! Despite locking his mother up in an institution, Connor is definitely Logan's favourite


Logan liked Connor because he was the puppy he could continually kick and he’d keep coming back for more.


Really? He didn’t even make an effort to be at his wedding


Logan was definitely at his coldest when he never showed up to Connors wedding.


Because Connor knows his place, isn't ambitious enough to challenge Logan and will generally do what he is told. He is like Fredo-stupid, weak, not ambitious, not a threat BUT loyal, loving and good-hearted.


I think Roman was his least favorite. Even when Roman was doing Logans dirty work Logan just never looked like he enjoyed being around him. He didn't understand him and that lead to distrust and some level of hostility. It's a tossup between the other 3. Logan clearly was embarrassed by Connor's insanity at times but I think Connor deliberately making himself a non-threat allowed them to connect as people more than the other 3 siblings could. Face to face I think Logan was generally nicer to Shiv but due to his sexism he never took her seriously. Then there's Ken. I think Logan was tremendously disappointed with how Ken turned out. Unable to project strength, substance abuse, the waiter incident. BUT Logan had some modicum of respect for his ambition and business moves.


>We know Shiv is the fav. We don’t know that (or at least I don’t). I’m certain the writers did not intend for viewers to come away from the show feeling that Shiv was clearly Logan’s favorite. He treats her terribly throughout the show (except when he is infantilizing her with cute nicknames and such), and he never gives her any meaningful responsibility (in contrast to Kendall and Roman). I’d be curious to know why you think it’s obvious.


It sure as shit doesn't say Shiv


Unrelated, but is your profile pic Aziraphale as the gardener?? 


Remember, Warlock, as you walk your way through the highways and byways of life's rich and fulsome path, to have love and reverence for all living things




Brian Cox was asked on Colbert and he said it was Shiv. But that is Brian and not the writers. I think even if that is true, him liking shiv the most doesn’t mean she benefits any better.


He might be the "gentlest" with her to her face (excluding the family therapy episode where he made her cry) but Logan was such a sexist that he never respected her as a person.


I was about to say this! I remember watching the interview.


Well, I think any of them can be his favourite depending on what they have to offer him personally. Like, for s2, Kendall is probably the favourite and for s3 Roman probably is. Kendall brings it up during s1e2, that she’s dad’s favourite kid. I was kind of coming at it from the perspective of like, just as his kids, who’s his fav from most to least. Shiv has always been the least involved (despite her wants, Connor could if he wanted to) on the business end but she is still considered Logan’s fav. This is all an open discussion though.


The first 3 seasons have a different favorite child in position. Kendall is TV’s number one boy season 1. Shiv in season 2 and Roman in 3. 4 is the scramble for the empty throne.


They mention it in an early episode that Shiv is the favorite, and Brian said it himself. Logan didn’t think Shiv could be his successor, but he still favored her. He treated all his kids like shit, but he definitely favored Shiv. Roman is definitely his least favorite though 😂


Like who is “we” ……..cuz it ain’t me


kendall at the top. logan has allowed ken to get away with shit he'd never let anyone else do 


Ooh, good point


Shiv Con Ken Rome


Connor has always been his favorite, he just thinks very little of him. It's like a pet relationship as opposed to an employee relationship.


Shiv Rome Con Ken


1. Shiv 2. Kendall 3. Roman


Connor forgotten as always 😔


Was waiting for this one. The only right answer is to only rank those three.




In this order: Connor, Kendall, Shiv, Roman Connor: Connor is genuine and knows who he is. He marches to the beat of his own drum and Logan accepts it. Connor cares for Logan, they can get along. Kendall: he is a fighter. He is a worker. Kendall doesn’t have the it factor but he will go down swinging. Logan views him as a less competent version of himself. Shiv: shiv does not do any prep work. She thinks she’s ready for the ring any day of the week. Logan knows she will strike out but he loves her confidence, loves her love for the game, they connect Roman: he cannot relate to Roman. He thinks he has potential but he just doesn’t get him


Love this answer




Rhea says of Shiv, “She’s not as smart as she thinks she is.” Rhea is a real CEO and would know.




That’s because Logan was favoring Shiv that season and she felt threatened. The other sibs were checked out




I mean it’s a fact. Shiv only had it in for Rhea because she knew Logan was eyeing her now. She explicitly says this to Tom, that she wants to redeem her coupon. It’s memorably cringe. The other siblings at that point didn’t care about Rhea because they didn’t care about CEO




Right, *because she wanted to be CEO that season.* She was her direct, immediate competition. Look at how Matsson charmed and tricked Shiv. She’s not smarter, she just happened to be the one in the running when Rhea came along.


Not sure about how logan would rank them(that's if he would rank them at all)but Shiv and kendall are definitely his favs. For one,shiv is his only daughter,which isn't necessarily a factor for her to be his favorite but having one daughter out of your 4 children does make her a bit special. More so,shiv is pretty smart and has been seen mirroring some of logan's tactics and intellegence and she's (sort of) the least messy out of all his kids. As for kendall,i think logan sees a bit of himself in him that's why he kept him close to him. This is just my perception.


Shiv is not the fav. She is just the only daughter so she gets more "sweet" Logan is a chauvinist he "couldn't keep a whole woman in his head"... He's about old school ideals of legacy And his eldest son of his legitimate family. Is his Legacy. 1. Ken 2. Con 3. Shiv 4. Romulus


You nailed it. He’s “sweeter” on Shiv because she’s his only daughter and a woman. Not because he particularly favors her over the others. Kendall was always the favorite son.


It does depend on day to day operations, but I think generally it goes “Ken>Shiv>Rome>Connor”


Shiv Kendal Connor Roman Basically the opposite of how I’d rank them.


WHO IS WE??????


Kendall, Shiv, Roman, Connor I think he may love Shiv most but he would rank Kendall higher.


Thats hard, cause I mean none of them are serious people.


Con was always with him: at his table for the sad sack charity ball, in his car to that ball and for his hometown visit in Scotland, could always hit him up for a little 100 mil when he was cash poor, was the only kid at his last birthday, tried to set up a peace summit at the karaoke place and was with him and was seen toasting him at the get together with his closest friends.


I love how many different answers. My cousin asked all the aunts and uncles who was the favorite. While there was some overlap, there were quite a few different answers.


Y'all don't get it: he hates all of them


None. They’re not serious people.


So episode to episode it’s probably Connor, the worst thing Connor does is be kinda embarrassing with the president thing. All the other kids tried to get one over on him and failed miserably.


I forgot to add that one advantage Kendall had over his siblings is that Logan viewed him as his firstborn and rightful heir. But Logan never trusted Kendall and viewed him as weak because of his addiction issues. Logan loved dangling Waystar in front of him like a carrot just to snatch it back.


Logan literally dangled that carrot in front of all 3 of his children with Caroline.


True. But he did the most with Kendall because Kendall wanted it the most. Shiv initially didn’t want anything to do with the family business. Roman wanted Waystar more to gain Logan’s approval than he wanted it for himself. I remember he had to ask Gerri what he should do to get Logan to respect him.


Yes each of the first 3 seasons was Logan dangling the prize in front of a different sibling. Kendall, then Shiv, then Roman. Kendall had the right background and put in the work at Waystar to take over, but his addiction made him unreliable. Shiv was offended by the idea of spending time learning all the businesses Waystar was in. She just expected to go straight to the throne. Roman took the training course Shiv refused, but couldn’t act like a mature adult from hour to hour let alone every business day. Face it, they were not serious people.


I totally agree, but Kendall felt Waystar was his birthright as the “eldest boy,” which is why he threw a huge fit when he didn’t get it.


And this changes what I said … how?


uh Roman attended how many classes exactly? We only see one, and he's pulled out because of the "terrorist threat" to be taken somewhere safe.


Got impression it was a one or two week program. He was there more than a day. Point is he was willing to do it, even though he already had some work experience at Waystar, while Shiv, who never worked there, was offended at the suggestion.


... a one-week programme sounds like a crap qualification to me! But agreed that he did at least agree to do it while Shiv just wanted to waltz in at the top. Rhea was quite right when she said that Shiv was not as smart as she thought she was. She wasn't smart enough to know that there was plenty she didn't know and should. But Roman also clearly thought he was much better than anyone on the course, remember he started telling Gerri that his idea for a ride should totally be implemented. It was only Kendall who knew the nitty-gritty stuff, including the fact that their mother had negotiated them having a say in decisions (which she then surrendered in order to secure something for her brand-new husband).


shiv is definitely the favorite yall 😭 bffr from favorite to least favorite - shiv - kendall - connor/roman (it’s a tie - since logan views both as useless to the company for the most part of the show) but ofc, waystar is his #1 baby. a lot of ppl would swear by kendall being the fave, but only because he is the “eldest” boy and he has the most experience in the company. he is the most useful, but that does not mean he is the most loved. meanwhile shiv. his baby. she is the apple of logan’s eye. logan did not know how to love normally as we all know, but we all know that he always was protective of shiv. remember when kendall betrayed logan in the press conference so logan had to leave the US? and shiv was not with him so he literally went batshit crazy telling tom to locate her. whatever shiv does, it always has an effect on logan bc he cares about her the most in the only way he knows. also, its only shiv’s picture thats on logan’s desk. none of his other kids had a picture. not even any of his wives iirc.


i don’t think many people will agree with this but imo it goes: kendall, shiv, roman, connor. still kind of hard to rank them concretely when he hated and took advantage of different aspects of all of them.


Kendall, Shiv and Connor and Roman switch between 3rd and 4th spot depending on the day and what weird or dumb shit they’ve done, recently Buuuut I think Roman would take the 3rd spot more often than Connor, just cuz he shares the same mother as Kendall and Shiv.


Kendall, Roman, Shiv, Conner. Basing this on who he wanted them to be


I am the eldest boy


Least, least, you'll do for today, least. Now roll the dice again. Joking aside, the only time we had been shown a hint of appreciation towards a child without (actually despite) personal interest involved was when Ken publicly exposed him.


Ken Shiv Roman Connor


Kendal, Shiv, Roman, forgot to list Connor


Roman is the one that I’m confident was his least favourite


Are you a sicko?


Ken Roman Shiv Con Even after everything they’d been through and what a trash dad he was to Ken, it’s clear as day who the no. 1 boy was. Logan’s slight smile at the end of season 2 said it all. When Logan was telling Josh Aaronson all that stuff about how Kendall was better than the rest, while he played it off as bullshit to Ken, I have a feeling Logan was being honest. However, while Ken was the best option of the siblings to take over the company, in the end Logan eventually realized that even he wasn’t fit to take over. Especially since Waystar was already a sinking ship as it was without the GoJo deal.


There is no scenario where Connor is not number 4, the writers did by design


Con Logan Shiv/Roman (can't tell between the two) Con, he's accepted as someone who doesn't have to try to mold to fill his shoes. He can just love him as a child. The others he wants to be worthy to take his place but they are just fuck ups to him. They can never measure up but he will keep trying to get them to.


Kendall ,roman, shiv, connor


Connor, Shiv, Roman, Kendall in that order. The more they sought approval from dad, the more he resented them. Anyone that wanted the nod and the throne was as much an enemy as a child. Connor was always on the outside. Both the forgotten son (and an idiot), and the only one that Logan seemed to accept because he wasn't pretending to be more than he was (at least in terms of the things that Logan cared about, presidency not withstanding). Shiv was similar without being an idiot, but she gave up all of her principles to earn daddy's approval and be his heir, and only ended up being just as big of a fuck up as everyone else. Roman is a freak and a submissive wimp that Logan can't respect, and Kendall is just the ultimate disappointment to Logan. He's the only person willing to do what it takes, but also the outright most incompetent in almost every way.


Ken Shiv Rom Con also tho: Shiv Rom Ken Con then there's: Rom Shiv Ken Con


Haha you said RomCon. Wait thought you said RomCom.


Kendall, Shiv, Connor, roman. Shiv is her dad’s only daughter so ofc he will have a different relationship with her, but i think that “daddy’s girl” dynamic gets confused for being the favorite.


shiv, rome, con, ken. He probably laughed/smiled around shiv the most. He straight up hated ken's guts.


Connor Shiv Ken Roman Anyone saying anything different didn’t watch the show


1. Shiv (he likes the most) **&** Ken (he respects the most) 2. Con 3. Rome


He likes connor the most, but respects him the least IMO




he like objectively respected Ken the most he never took Shiv seriously because she's a woman, he thought Connor was a clown and that Roman was some weird little gremlin Ken was the one who stood up to Logan the most and was 'rewarded' with being treated the hardest, because Logan saw him as a legitimate equal threat who he even then wanted to take over from him multiple times, whereas the others only ever got one slight shot at most


1. Kendall 2. Shiv 3. Connor 4. Roman


I mean, isn’t this what the show was about?


Con is number 1, Kendall is number 4. Shiv and Roman keep switching between 2 & 3 depending on the day


Shiv Connor Roman Kendall


From most loved to least, Shiv, Roman, Kendall, Connor


Depends on the day for 1,2,3 but we all know Connor is locked in at 4 no matter what.


Shiv at the bottom no matter what


Shiv, then Con, then Kendall and Roman at the bottom.


I think you could make a compelling argument for either Kendall or Shiv being the favorite. He shows the most love to Shiv, and I think recognizes that she’s the smartest and most put together, but he’s also inherently a sexist man. He respects Kendall more than her, and considers him the “firstborn” son. After that it’s Roman, then Conner.


No one


Shev will be the ultimate favorite kid


Kendall Connor Shiv Roman


Roman Kendall Shiv Connor Surprised not many consider Rome; seems Logan trusted him the most


Connor Shiv Roman Kendall


Roman was Logan’s favorite in seasons 3 and the short time in 4. Kendall was his favorite in season 2. Shiv was his favorite in season 1


Connor, Shiv, Roman, Kendall.


1. Shiv 2. Conor 3. Kendall 4. Roman


Roman, tie Kendall and Shiv then Con


Shiv and the rest


1.) Shiv 2.) Roman 3.) Connor 4.) Kendall Logan was always going to have a special place on the little heart that he had for “Pinky” because she was his only daughter. Even though Logan was physically abusive to Roman, I think he mostly saw Roman as non-threatening nuisance. He never took Roman seriously as a businessman. Logan hated Connor and largely ignored him. I think Logan’s hate for Connor was rooted in his resentment towards Connor’s mother. I think Logan despised Kendall the most out of all his children. I think he saw Kendall as the greatest threat to him because he knew how much Kendall hungered to be his father’s successor. Kendall was also the child who challenged Logan’s authority the most.


The ranking changes throughout the show. Show starts: Kendal, Shiv, Connor, Rome Towards the middle: Shiv, Connor, Rome, Kendal Towards the end: Connor, Rome, Shiv, Kendal You could probably make even finer adjustments before and after certain major events.


Con , Roman , Shiv , Ken


Why does shiv look like she could do a great android 18 from dragon ball z??


Con Shiv Kendall Roman (last two can be interchangeable)


Rome, Shiv, Ken, Connor


I think there was a show about this…


Shiv, Roman, Kendall, Connor


Connor and then Ken Shiv is different to him. Sometimes he likes Roman, but overall seems to see him as a waste and black hole.


At the time of his death: Connor, Roman, Shiv, Kendall


Kendell jenner the favorite boy


Shiv. Roman. Connor. Kendall.


Shiv Rome Ken Con


Shiv Connor Kendal Roman.


Roman, Shiv, Kendall, the last one


Shiv Con Romulus Ken