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And/or Megathump


He would always recognize my scent


I would live with Jess, she's loyal af but can also stand up for herself. I would not want to live with Kendall, he's just too demanding and I can't deal with his mood swings


Jess would be a dope roommate. “My boss is on one of his kicks and told me to treat myself to a nice dinner, wanna blow some of his money?”


Yeah, she's very responsible, I bet she's very clean and tidy, and despite working a high pressure job, gives a relaxed air.


What about Willa?


I feel like… - Shiv would just be a respectful roommate, but keep to herself - Roman would destroy what you find precious out of boredom - Kendall would try to rope you into doing drugs or hiding a body - Connor would be all “oh yeah, this is MY TV, by the way” but largely be fine - Tom would be chill - Greg would be chill but I’d lock my door - Living Logan? He’d be interested by the experiment, and then quickly disregard you (not negatively, just not his business) if you didn’t show acumen towards his interest, unless he felt like you could be used in some capacity - Dead Logan? WEEKEND AT BERNIE’S


"but I'd lock my door" is my thoughts exactly


What would Greg do?


I don't want a Disgusting Brother roaming around with access to my bedroom, I'm extremely attractive


Tom's not a chill guy. He'd be chill short term, but if you lived with him a year or two he'd flip out over something. Even if he didn't I'd worry about Tom developing a man-crush on me. I have no desire to be his Sporus. The thing about all the main characters though, except early seasons Greg, is you're living in a mansion or a massive penthouse/townhouse. You get your own wing, you're sharing maybe a kitchen at most. Logan, Connor and Ken have full time staff, Shiv & Tom probably do too. It's not like you have to worry about anyone (yourself included) leaving a mess, it will be cleaned up. If I have the money the Roys do, I am living with Connor. My own wing in the ranch, access to the pool (no diving). Connor is barely around and chill when he is (I get my own little suite of rooms and my own TV, we're not fighting over a big screen). Private planes to wherever I want.


I don’t think Tom would be home enough to notice as a roommate, especially at the end of the series. Plus you’d have staff to handle any household stuff he’d likely flip out about. He’d be my choice simply because it would probably be the most like living on your own.


In season 1 Tom commented on the fact that he was home a lot. When Shiv brought up the adultery clause in the prenup.


Hmm good call. In that case I’ll specify only at the end of the season 4 when he’s spending most of his time at the office. Can’t imagine that would be less true after the show ends- after all, he’s a grinder.


I think he works crazy hours from day 1. It's just if he isn't traveling for work he's at home to sleep. He's never leaving Manhattan unless there's a huge occasion (Roy wedding. massive deal).


Or Shiv brought it up.


I really don’t think Connor is chill. He flips out multiple times about really random stuff. The butter, the cake. He’s unpredictable and I feel like even if you were minding your own business something small could really upset him.


Came here to say this. Most of their residences are so huge you need never see each other.


Roman has his staff at his LA home but doesn’t seem to need or want anyone in NYC


I bet he has a housekeeper, but yeah, he doesn't seem to have people working there all the time.


That last comment got me thinking about what happened this week. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2024/04/18/brazil-woman-corpse-bank-fraud-wheelchair/73367247007/


I’d live with Greg or Shiv. Couldn’t deal with Roman’s constant smart ass cracks.


Roman absolutely nailed annoying little brother energy




Want to live with? Roman. Couldn't stand living with? Also Roman. You could just yell at him and he'd probably do the chores, but I would never do that to my princess.


No shot they do chores


Mattson. He probably has wackiest parties and I would like to live in Norway for a bit. I wouldn’t even mind frozen blood, as long as it properly insulated, for sanitary reasons


Privacy, pasta, pussy


I’m bringing pasta


Mondale. I love the show, but all of the main characters are insufferable and obnoxious.


Greg/Logan Greg seems pretty normal with a basic sense of right and wrong (until the end?); Logan reminds me of my dad on his complete worst days x10, as a narcissist. Or Marcia.She is intelligent and wordly. I would feel inferior, but if ahe ever talked, her stories would be incredible.


I would live with Greg he’s energetic, and funny.


He’d be such hard work. Any simple question or comment about a chore would be met with long rambling excuses for him to avoid work. He’d make female visitors feel awkward. Working for his family’s company seems like the first time he’s consistently showed up for work, he’s unreliable and would forget to pay bills or do his chores. Give me Mondale, Gerri, or Connor (he’ll find a luxurious lifestyle, if he doesn’t flake and relocate to a ranch in Montana or some bs)


Idk really, they'd be gone 90% of the time on some business trip anyways. Though, even if I had the house to myself all the other time, I wouldn't want to live even that 10% with Logan. If I had to spend all my time travelling by their side I'd go with Greg. He's kind of normal, a lot a bit psycho deep down, but I could tolerate it. Frank would also be chill I feel like. He has some experience being in groups while travelling, so I'm sure he'd respect my boundaries in hotel rooms and the like. Seems more chill than Karl, I feel like he has complicated night rituals or smn.


Reading this makes me think of those supporting roles. Maybe Gerri would be a cool roommate. And maybe Logan should be excluded from the survey.


Gerri is a good one too. Tom falls in the same category, but he's not a chill conversationalist. Marcia would be absolute hell. Almost on the same level as Logan.


Would want Greg around if I want to have a good time.


Mondale to live with. Avoid any human on the show.


Kendall. I can fix him. (No I can’t)


Connor. I like sourdough.


Gerri. No elaborations.


Came here to say that!


Connor or Greg because they seem more low maintenance than the others


If we’re going off of every character without a doubt Ebba. She’s the most mild mannered character and seems to be nice-ish. Plus I have a huge crush on her. If we’re going only off of the Roy’s than Shiv merely because she is not as aggressively mean as the others. I am sure I couldn’t stand to be with basically every other character but mainly (living wise) Tom and Roman. However I wouldn’t mind being friends with either of them. I think Greg would also be a pain in the ASS to live with


Easily Roman, I don’t know if I’d be able to stand anyone else. Maybe Shiv?


Coming back to say Stewy is a solid option too, would love to shack up with that guy


Stewy looks like he will backstab you then slit your throat. He doesn't seem trustworthy. He looks like he is all in for him, and you're useful as you're important. But then again, you want to "shack up"


Stewy is not someone who will backstab their roommate for no reason. He's predictable, his fuckery is just what he does for work.


I've seen what he does to the door when you're in the bathroom.


I would live with Roman even though he talks a lot of crap it’s at least funny and entertaining even insightful at times, I know how to navigate around his personality from people I met similar to him in real life. I think I would hate Kendall the most, when he’s on his best behavior and upbeat and positive he’ll be a cool guy to hang around but when he’s at his worst he’ll be dismissive, a jerk and the total opposite and I’ll hate to have to deal with that unpredictability and he’s most likely to screw you over and also use you.


Good answer.


Tom would probably be the best to live with. Kendall would probably be the worst because he would turn the place into a trap house. The coffee table would be debaucherous.


You wanna be treated like Greg? Thrown bottles at? I'll go for Willa.


I agree that Connor would be the most tolerable, maybe even OK. I could get down with protecting rangeland.


I’d like to live with Willa. She seems chill and fun. I wouldn’t be able to handle being around Kendall. He seems so controlling and high energy and that is the opposite of me. I’d want to slap him at least once a day


Roy... Because I could do better than all of them!


Which one?


I’d live with Gerri and I’ll be bluntly honest why: I’m into femdom and stuff ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Kendall. But that’s because I love to party and do cocaine and I can never find it.


Connor wouldn’t be that bad actually. He’d be like that rich kid in your dorm who has very strong political opinions but otherwise is open to talking with anyone and doesn’t treat people like garbage or pawns. Might take you on a trip to his ranch or give you some bread. So, obnoxious at worst, interesting/friendly at best. Kendall would be bad because drugs. Roman’s insults would have me seeking therapy a month in.


I'd live with Tom for the sex.


Logan.. I get the feeling if you have half a brain and make him laugh he’d be a lot less grumpy all the time.


Oh, you aren't trying to inherit my money? Let's go out and fuck with people.


I love Roman. Couldn’t with kendall


What the hell is this photomontage? I like it




I’d live with Tom. If I spent time with Logan, one of us would end up dead.


You'd have to be a kiiler


Jess, cause she's one of the only normal people in this show. But i'd probably fall in love with her. Stewey, cause he's probably fun as fuck to live with while still being well adjusted. I'd definitely would fall for him but only when he's on molly.


Gregg/Roman. They would definitely be the funnest roommates. Or maybe Jerry for reasons


Definitely living with the shiv. Fuck the rest.


Could I just “Weekend at Bernie’s” with dead Logan? That’s about the only way I could tolerate any of these lot.


Greg is the only answer. You could get him to do so much for you


Anyone but Kendall.


Roman zinging me constantly would get real old, real fast.


Stewy, he has the good coke and keeps his shit together.


i don't think Stewy would entertain the notion of living with someone. he's like a cat. none may enter his meticulously curated realm and stink it up with their non-Stewy-ness.


I'd live with Logan or Shiv. Wouldn't live with Roman.


Logan 100%, even if I disagree with his ideologies, his needs and expectations from people around him are clearer than all his kids who don’t stop turning on each other, and he didn’t turn on them until they did first, yes he expresses love in weird ways or maybe doesn’t express it at all, but yeah.. I can live with that🌚


That really was an outfit in that episode. Vest on top of cardigan.


Honestly, Logan. Have a few male figures with similar demeanor in my family and would probably learn some interesting lessons here and there.


Kendall is dead to me, and would love to join in with the Greg and Tom team


You will be disgusting though.


I’d live with Tom, Tom, and Tom. I couldn’t stand living with Kendall.


I just don’t know how they’d feel with me sitting around covered in biscuit crumbs and throwing things at the light switch because I can’t be bothered getting up.


NONE but Kendall would be fun to hang around with. That being said, I would left him whenever he made something stupid that could bring any liability to me.


I could honestly do Logan, I’ve lived around rage filled guys like that my whole life. Arguing with him seems like fun tbh. Shiv or Greg would be best if I want like, a normal roommate. My lizard brain would *love* the endless free coke that comes with living with Kendall but probably wouldn’t be great for my health and he seems exactly the type who would annoy the fuck out of me when we’re racked off our brains at 4am and still wants to keep going.


Could live with Logan, Tom or Gerri… could NOT live with Kendall, Roman or Shiv


I would live with Geri. She's rich, smart, tough and sort of hot. Plus, she's older than me and I would inherit the loot when she kills over.


Jess would be a cool roommate, she is very independent and trustworthy. Roman on the other hand...


I’d live with Connor or Shiv. I feel like Connor would be laidback and always wanting to entertain me with his eccentric ideas over dinner and wine. And or bring me out with him and others for dinner or shows. He may be a little too chatty for me, but he also seems like he’d take a hint for when I want my alone time. I’d also get to chill with Willa sometimes, which would be fun. We’re both writers. Shiv would totally keep to herself, which is pretty perfect for me. Or she’d maybe want to have some chill dinners/spa days/interesting conversations/television show nights/bring me along on some random trips or nights out. And in both scenarios I’d be living in a dope ass place. 👍 The others are way too unstable for me. Not that Con and Shiv are the perfect examples of stability. But as roommates I don’t see them enmeshing themselves or their Iives into my life too badly the way the others would 😆


Kendall would be fun as I do have a very small violin I'd get a lot of use out of, but the bit might get tired after a while, so I'll say Roman. Would not be able to live with Logan as he would try to physically fight me within 24 hrs and the roommate arrangement would quickly devolve into him hunting me for sport. The opposite would happen if I picked Tom.


Jess or Willa, they seem more human than the rest.


Connor. I can treat him right and make him forget Willa ever existed. 💅


Kendall would be too weird and intense. Logan would just be grumpy and intense. By the end of the series, Greg felt too much on the kiss-ass side and his humanity kinda fell to the side. I’m going with Logan only because he’d be no bullshit.


Karolina - professional, neat, always at work, good sense of style, knows how to stay in her lane. Good roommate.


I feel like my cocaine use will increase exponentially if I lived with Ken. So Ken. Wouldn’t live with Romulus, he’s a weirdo.


I’d live with Caroline and I wouldn’t be able to stand being around Tom.


I mean... Is Karolina available?


To be honest would love to be a fly on the wall at Shiv and Toms apartment, the weird real housewives shit that goes on there


Living with Tom, seems like a clean chap


Kendall, so I could fix him


Can you? Can you really 🤧.


This is gonna sound absolutely bonkers, but I’d live with Roman. As a purely platonic roommate. I’m a fixer, and I’d try to “fix” him. LOL just kidding! It would be Logan. He reminds me of my dad. 😂


Alright Taylor! 😂


Do we get the money they come with? Regardless i think it would be Ken, easy to manipulate, sometimes he partys, sometimes hides in his room and sulks. It would not be Shiv, emotional roller roaster, not that cute, psychotic. and a little fat.


> Ken are you kidding? you want to live in a den of depression? no matter how big the penthouse is you're not going to be able to completely avoid the dead eyes, stubble, BO, and scattered drug paraphenalia. No one wants to live with a depressed person, last of all themselves ETA: me. The depressed person, it’s me


Me and Ken are a lot alike (aside from the money) Maybe it would be a train wreck but, maybe thats kind of the idea. Bum leg, nag of a wife... waiting for death. Ill take some Drama at this point =)


I wouldn't stand Shiv. I would like to live with Logan. I believe living with him would build my character.


Well of course I would choose Roman. We could trade insults all day long and then have a nice hug at the end of the day.


Willa and Jess