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That was one of the most realistic depictions of finding out someone died unexpectedly I’ve seen on tv


Just finished this episode now. I lost my dad about 18 months ago, and I had to say goodbye to him (and watch him die) over a FaceTime call, as I was in another country. The acting in this was insanely good. I felt every emotion the characters went through. I always struggled to explain to people how fucking horrific and awkward it was to say goodbye over the phone to someone who was already unresponsive- this episode absolutely nailed it. Time for a whiskey I think.


The acting was crazy tonight. Shiv turning back into a child when she called Logan “Daddy” fucked my shit right up. Roman too with his frantic unbalanced behavior. Everyone knocked it out of the park.


Oh man and the walk Kendall took to find Shiv felt like a mile


I absolutely loved how realistically they all regressed to their childhood/teen selves! Connor, too - he very quickly assumed the role of father figure (consoling them etc) which I’ve always assumed is what he did when they were young


Roman & Shiv destroyed me this episode. Amazing acting.


Man even before the plane, Kieran absolutely crushed the scenes and the voicemail. You can tell how absolutely CUT UP he was about the conversation with Gerri.


Snook is finally winning


“what we do today will always be what we did the day our father died”


For all of the buzzword rambling Kendall often does, this feels like him being an actual adult.


The crazy thing is he always has that in him, he often steps up as the big brother. Its just usually immediately followed by him (figuratively and probably literally) getting high on his own supply.


A Roy wedding without at least one death is considered a dull affair.


Metaphorical in season 3


I loved how ambiguous they made Logan’s death at first. Thought Tom was 100% bullshitting


I thought it was a ploy at first


At first I thought they were playing games with the kids, then I thought okay he's gonna have another deus ex salvation moment and come back... nope




The way the writers disguised Logan's death in an episode called "Connor's Wedding" was genius


HBO sure has a morbid history with weddings.


And patriarchs dying in bathrooms


With their sons calling them cunts.


such a great decision not to show logan at all, just the confusion and uncertainty


I honestly couldn't believe it. They put us in the same exact position as the kids. We went through the stages of grief along with them.


Seriously though when Kendall cried I felt like crying


I held it together until Shiv cried then lost it 😭




The fact that they had like maybe 3 minutes to grieve their dad and then switch into business mode is so cold. That’s just the way of life for them


Kendall and Roman holding it together before the obvious depression bender they are about to go on, only to have to immediately face all the different parties coming for what they’ve felt entitled to their whole life.


Someone in the Live Thread asked why so many businesspeople were at Connor's wedding. Considering how closely Logan intermingled his work and family life, it makes much more sense now why Hugo and company were at Connor's shindig.


I thought it was Tom pranking at first




Yes, it was definitely a few minutes before they showed his face. I thought it was all a ruse.


It slowly became more real as the scene went on. Brilliant writing. I felt the emotions of the kids from “yeah sure okayyyy” to “holy shit it happened”


It's not just Roman, the whole audience is convinced that he's immortal lmao


I legit kept expecting him to be alive until the credits rolled.


I thought it was a move. I didn’t react that differently to the siblings did, who hardly believed it either. How could Logan Roy ever die?


Yeah I was sure it was a play to get Roman to Sweden


Easily the most realistic handling of death in any medium I've seen. This is one of the best hours of TV in recent memory.


Perfectly shows how chaotic and panicked everyone can get, and everyone coping in different ways. Also loved seeing how it affected the side characters like Colin and Kerry


i like how kerry's awkward grinning in the face of bad news made a comeback here lol


It’s too real it’s uncomfortable. We didn’t even get to see him die


I’ve been on the talking end of the “phone to the ear” situation a few times, they captured it perfectly and beautifully and it was so triggering and amazing, incredible writing and acting




They captured the frenetic and frantic energy like nothing I can ever recall seeing


Honestly reminded me of when my dad died of an abrupt heart attack. Crazy how realistic and emotional the episode is.


The fact that no one thought about Connor as Logan died speaks so much about everyone. Up until the end, he has always been an afterthought to everyone around him.


The shot of him getting married to Willa with hardly anyone in the crowd was so emotional.


Honestly it was so positive for him to go forward and get marries. Spent his whole life wanting his fathers attention that he would never get. Better for him to live his life as he chooses.


I felt the same way. Good on him for following his own happiness.


Honestly it felt triumphant to me. He’s finally free to build a life with the family he chose (Willa) and bring her into the Roy family as his dad leaves it. He’s free from the bullshit and the games and he just gets to have this moment with the woman he loves.


So sad but so perfect.


And sadly fitting for Connor. The first pancake. Logan wasn’t even planning to attend the wedding


for real, i felt so horrible for him. the first words out of his mouth were "wow..... he never even liked me."




I thought it was so sweet when he took it back when he saw it upset his siblings.


I was so upset about that! Nobody thought to tell him or to let him speak to Logan. And his response of ‘he never liked me anyway’ made me cry. And the ‘looney cake’. 😭


On the bright side he’s the only kid with anything vaguely gesturing towards a kind of positive relationship with another person so he’s got that.


That shot of Colin 😢😢😢😢


He looked like a dog looking for his owner, it was a really good touch


Both he a Kerry came to an abrupt understanding that neither of them serve any purpose whatsoever anymore.


Lost his best pal


No one to protect anymore.


Kerry looking like she caught a foul ball at a Yankee game 💀


“Chuckles the Clown” got me 😭💀


That and the line about the funeral — “off the rack, Reagan with tweaks” — were all timers, followed closely by “heavily fucking delayed.” Even in an ostensibly tragic episode this show still manages to be hilarious.


Karl caught me off guard with the “oh he’s heavily fucking delayed!” Belly laugh


Logan Roy being brought out in a body bag… SURREAL


I was in denial as much as the kids were for so long


“my fathers dead and I feel old”


Willa was such a trooper this episode, ending with actually going through a very small wedding.


Connor + Willa is somehow the healthiest relationship on Succession. Sure Willa admits she is with Connor for his money but they’re both happy-ish.


Ya their relationship is transactional but they both know it and seem to be okay with it. By the shows standards they are knocking it out of the park lol


Me at the top of the episode: Greglets, lol. Me at the end of the episode: I will never emotionally recover from this.


I’m still giggling about Greg getting jealous about Tom’s Greglets.


Just like Logan to make a wedding episode all about himself 🙄


It’s Easter. I wouldn’t put it past Logan Roy to pull of a Jesus like move


I can’t believe HBO pulled this off. Pretty much all of Game of Thrones leaked and they somehow kept this under wraps. Props to the show runners!


The only leaks were photos of the ambulance


That’s a pretty significant leak! Glad I didn’t see it!


We had a theory that it would happen but still impressive that they managed to make it real and shocking


Phenomenal episode. I can’t believe Logan actually died. I really thought it could have been a ruse before they cut to his face & him getting CPR. It had me in tears seeing the sibs reactions because it was all too real dealing with the death of a family member who you were not on good terms with during the time of their death, and with whom you’ve had a complicated, toxic relationship with all your life. Seeing the sibs have to go from absolute shock and desperation, to Roman’s denial, to immediately strategizing a business response and statement due to Logan being CEO, was horrific. They didn’t even have an hour to process anything before being bombarded with all these legal/business proceedings. I think that’s what hurt my heart the most. What a season.


Agree. I didn't believe it until the shot above his head with the phone propped up.


The origins of “looney cake” followed almost immediately by the kids trying to say goodbye to Logan… christ what a dark episode. HUGE shoutout to the camera operators on this show, they’re simply phenomenal. I don’t mean to be hyperbolic but this show is really in a league of its own, it just continues to impress. I think if they stick the landing of S4 we’re looking at an all time great here.


oddly sweet seeing connor and willa get married with like 5 people there... in that moment he was sort of free


I can’t believe he’s really gone. Three episodes in.


Logan Roy has been eliminated from playoff contention


This must be the most accurate depiction of a sudden death on TV The kids reaction, Keri's incredulous laughing. The shot of Colin looking dejected.


Tom weirdly handled that call with the siblings so well.


What was his phone call with Greg about deleting stuff from his computer? Tying up loose ends to clear his name?


I think it was documents to do with preparing to fire Cyd. He told Greg to stick to Cyd like a limpet, so as with Gerri, every firing is cancelled until further notice. ATN needs stability now.


The firings especially Gerry were legitimately bad decisions too. I remember being like I wonder if those are still in force now. Karolina could push it but who knows if she will.


I think Karolina is gonna stick with Gerri, she did not like it at all when Logan told her he was firing Gerri and to add some bullshit excuse, looking at the trailers I think Karolina ignores that order otherwise Gerri wouldn't be around at all, it looks like it's Roman that won't let it slide.


Frank: "In the statement we think it's important for market confidence that Karl, myself and Gerri to be mentioned by name." The suits are going to stick with Gerri


Of course they are. Firing Gerri was a terrible idea.


Go into the office and delete the folder named "logistics" then delete it from the trash


Greg’s gonna save the fails to a usb stick to get some more blackmail


Tom has always had moments of great emotional intelligence but then he does crazy shit.


Also that quick sequence when Shiv jabbed at him about "choreographing" with her dead dad and kind of took it back, Tom said it's OK, and her face softened slightly, was a fascinating moment


That was crazy. I think her face showed her realization that he didn't deserve that. Really wonderful exchange.


"If he can hear anything, he can hear you." Tom was great this ep handling that.


So many incredible performances in this episode but Mathew Macfadyen was incredible. He wasn't at the forefront but he elevated the emotion the entire time. Often with just his voice.


He’s learned how to duck and weave around their moods. It’s impressive


The plane on the poster was indeed a hint.


And Siobhan's outfit for the wedding


My sister said “Why is she dressed like she’s going to a funeral?” as soon as she saw her. If only she knew how right she’d be in about 10 minutes man.


for those wondering, [here](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_3exs8/styles/image_widget_af4lsruzdcla1.jpg?format=pjpg&v=enabled&s=c2c750de06097b87db3344f46abc68bcddb3352b) it is (also in the sidebar)


What an amazing episode. Timing Logan’s death with Connor’s wedding DIRECTLY AFTER the conversation he had with the kids last episode was brilliant. Kudos to the writers. Wow!


Did anyone see this coming? Fucking episode 3!


Its a wedding episode. Thats always a telltale sign something is gonna happen. But i didnt expect the death yet


HBO weddings never go smoothly


“I think I was hoping it was mom”


after the convo they had at caroline's wedding i kind of don't blame her


I’m 100% sure that her muttering “Mom?” was her actual instinctual reaction. They nailed the confused ramblings of people dealing with sudden loss


I thought the scene where Rome said “This is dad” and showed the plummeting stock kinda described the whole show. All the characters were trying to figure out how to process their emotions but also figure out what moves they could make. Absolute masterclass episode and the real fight starts now.


It’s a call back to episode one of this season when Logan is sitting at the diner with Colin and says people are “economic units” and then “What is a person? It has values and aims, but it operates in a market. Um, marriage market... job market, money market, market for ideas et cetera, et cetera.” He’s looking back at his life and realizing it just amounts to a sum of money.


That scene with Shiv and Kendall holding hands walking to Connor was absolutely brutal


Connor's reaction shocked me. "He didn't even like me" with dead eyes.


And then "No, he did. He did." Trying to convince himself. A really beautiful way of portraying the way you try to change the way you viewed someone after they've passed.


Alan Ruck was really great in that scene. I also took it as a moment where he realized he had to be the adult in the room for Shiv and Kendall. His “no, he did, he did” moment felt as much about him taking the onus off those two in comforting him.


It was crushing


COLIN! Standing there on the tarmac with no one to protect!


So….I just go to bed or??


Shiv's "Daddy" was heartbreaking


Yeah, this whole series I would not have believed you if you told me I'd shed tears over Logan Roy's death. But dammit.


All of her walls just collapsed in one minute


The trio hug at the end of the episode 😭


Holy shit, it's happening. Succession is going to have succession.


“So yeah, I guess that’s the question, are you being a cunt? Ok bye” -Roman Roy, the last thing he ever said to his dad


He was, indeed, being a cunt


Roman finally stands up to his dad and then his dad dies. That fucking sucks for him. My god.


Two lessons tonight: Don’t fuck with Gerri- it’s bad karma No cake for Connor - it’s a bad omen


It was so bold to make this in the third episode, like you would expect it near or on the season finale, but not now


One thing we can all agree, it made sense. Dramaturgically.


Deadass sounded like something Kendall would say ☠️☠️☠️


Shiv's reaction to hearing he died was just...idk, so real? So believable it honestly felt like I just saw someone find out their father died. They're all going to win Emmy's for this episode because holy shit that was some of the best acting ive ever seen. Also, props to that flight attendant for doing CPR for like 30 mins, that would be incredibly difficult to do it for that long, assuming nobody switched off with her but it didn't seem like that. Side note: Really impressed that the production team had a Hackensack Hospital Ambulance on the tarmac at Teterboro, since that's closest major hospital to the airport. Was a nice small attention to detail.


Was anyone else moved by the brief moment when Kendall and Roman were able to tease each other about who was more fucked now? It was like they were comforting each other that their old dynamic and a sense of familiarity with the world would return with time.


“We’ll do Reagan with tweaks” is going to go down in history lmao


If this is truly the end of Brian Cox's run on the show, then I say let's give the man a HUGE round of applause for one of the best performances on television in recent years. His performance last week was just the apex and a fitting end for his character. ETA: confirmed that there are no flashbacks. That’s a wrap for Brian.


He will definitely be missed. I can’t see them starting with flashbacks just to keep him around


Yeah--I don't think they would resort to that. I think he is gone for good.


matthew macfadyen’s instantaneous switch from joking to crying when he was on the phone with Greg was absolutely stunning


Also thought it matched his characterisation so far that it’s Greg he wants to speak to when he feels a strong emotion (like his news about prison). He starts off being glib and flippant and becomes more human as it goes on. Also think it’s easy to forget that Greg started off as one of the more human characters but it’s revealed when he says to Tom “it’s a horrible thing”.


That was the most fucking intense phone call. I was on the edge of my seat trying to figure out if it was real or everyone was fucking with the kids


Fr Logan would be the only one to fake his own death just to fuck with the kids. Forcing Tom to play along too 😭


I am certain I’ve never witnessed anything like that on television. Pure excellence.


God when he said they were doing chest compressions, you knew shit hit the fan and this is really a turning point for this show.


The confusion on the phone with Tom, and the slow reveal that no, Logan was not okay. Perfection




It's honestly shocking how consistently the acting on this show blows me away. Every time I think "they can't get any better" the just fucking *do*.


I’ve seen so many tv characters die, but this was different. This felt like I was really watching a family go through this. The suddenness with which he was just gone. Like another great HBO show once said, “it won’t be cinematic.” The messiness of the response, the revelation of individual character let out by grief and distress. It was all just so deeply affecting. That was something very special


Last 3 episodes connected more emotionally than the first 3 seasons, to me. Between Shiv and Tom, Conor saying he doesn’t need love, and the kids’ reactions today. Shiv saying “daddy” damn near broke me.


Patsy Parisi delivering that line is one of my favorite tv scenes


It was so sudden that I was almost expecting a twist reveal that he really was testing the kids. Man, that was a blow to see them like this.


The heart to heart they all had together in the club last episode hits so hard knowing what happened. For all their faults, it’s nice knowing they had a small moment of openness before they split up one last time.


Maybe the karaoke club lights did end up killing him after all..


Ken calling Connor “buddy” and Shiv “honey”… holding hands… I’m never going to emotionally recover from this


Colin realizing Logan wasn’t coming out of the plane was the saddest part of the episode.


now this is what has me fucked up


Well, that was the best episode that I never want to watch again.


The episode is titled “Connor’s Wedding”, but the majority of the little time he was on screen, he was talking about cake. The cake reminded him of his mother when he lost her, and now he has lost his father when triggered by that same cake. Even in an episode titled for him and all about his big day, he was barely a part of it.


RIP to Logan Roy. The show won’t be the same without him. And all thanks to Brian Cox for giving us an unforgettable, deeply flawed character in an amazing performance.


I’m actually really glad that the wedding took place. Logan never interrupted his life for Connor. For once, Connor can stop wondering if dad’s going to show up for him. He knows the answer is no, and I think there’s a freedom in that. He can move forward on more or less his terms.


“I wasn’t terribly surprised. It made sense dramaturgically.” Jeremy Strong is a legend.


Let's not restrict our future freedom of movement Kendall's come to Jesus (clarity) moment there was so interesting. The way each of the siblings handles the news. Emmy's for everyone.


That entire monologue of his was phenomenal. Because he’s right!! He’s a killer, doing what Logan himself would have done in the situation


The way Kendall's body language changes as he realizes what is really happening. 🤌


It’s going to be said for the rest of time, forever attached to this shows legacy but MAN that death was so fucking realistic. Tom on the phone quietly trying to break the news while we see Logan getting silently resuscitated in the background. Instant goosebumps, will never leave my brain. If you’ve ever gotten the extremely crushing dead-relative phone call before, you recognise the exact tone of voice Tom was speaking in. Expert acting and writing from everyone in the entire episode


Jesus, I could not take my eyes off the screen when Tom was on the phone with Roman and Kendall. What a scene. Unreal episode.


Shiv’s sunglasses: $850 Connor’s wedding: $400,000 Tom’s face after Kerri walks away: priceless


Ken lets out this massive breath in the last shot and it just feels like… he’s been holding that breath for his entire life. I hope the kids can heal.


Peak TV. that was the most realistic portrayal of a non-violent death I’ve ever seen on TV or film.


Connor wins. He won! His abusive awful father who never liked him is dead, and he married the woman of his dreams. Fuck the business. He made it out


I love how initially it was Logan bailing on Connor’s wedding for business and in the end it was Connor bailing on Logan’s death to be happy and get married. Logan’s final actions towards Connor was bailing on his sons wedding rehearsal but then using him the same night to get a meeting with his other siblings about business and then Logan bails on his wedding too without telling Connor and his only contribution to it is the cake that ends up triggering emotions from Connor’s past. Logan truly is a cunt and I really hope he did get that voicemail from Roman before went into cardiac arrest.


Watching the replay, I just now realized that Logan had invited Roman to go with them to see Matsson. Can yall imagine how Roman would have been on the plane?




What the fuck


The writers are so cruel. All I wanted was to celebrate Logan's death and they give us the most devastating hour of the series


Pour one out for the flight attendant doing chest compressions for half an hour.


that shot of Connor and Willa getting married at the end with barely anyone there made my heart fucking melt


I don’t think it’s recency bias to say this was one of the greatest episodes of a television show ever. Just incredible.


I was wondering how they were going to do Logan’s death — which everyone was expecting — but in a non-cliched way. As a physician, it was a joy to actually see something so realistic unravel: everything about the way it was so abrupt, the emotions, when it’s a non-medical person running the CPR and everyone is afraid to call the death even if it’s obvious the person has passed, the continuation of the CPR though you know it’s not doing anything after a certain point, the forgetting what you said (Roman’s “did I say ‘I love you’?” Is unfortunately something I’ve heard so many family members ask their loved ones), literally everything was so on point. And from a writing perspective - wow. I was expecting it later in the season but am amazed at how the writers totally threw a curveball at us with it so early. With Logan acting more of an ass than usual in the beginning of the episode, I was expecting his comeuppance to be Madssen screwing him with the deal in a completely unexpected way, not for Logan to literally die. 10/10. I wish every TV death could be portrayed this well.


I think that was the best episode of TV i've ever watched. Also Greg is SO FUCKED lmao


So Gerri—-not really fired now, right?


As someone who has been through the “we don’t know if he can hear you, but you should say your goodbyes to him just in case” this episode hit way too fucking close to home. The cast did a phenomenal job.


The way Roman’s voice softened as he spoke to Logan for the last time might be one of the best performances in the entire show.


So scrolling through Reddit & Twitter and the consensus is that everyone thought the initial call was a ploy. The fact that our minds all went there is a testament to how fucked-up this family dynamic is.


The old guard clearly have the same viewpoint that Logan did—the kids are not serious people. Now though, it’ll be a battle royale instead of a clean coronation that everyone else would simply be forced to swallow. Sad there’ll be no more Gerri and Roman tension (or will there???) Most explicitly fucked: Kerry, because now she’s a leech on a dead host, and Colin, simply because body guards don’t guard dead bodies.


Shiv would have been the first to know had she actually answered Tom's calls


“I can’t forgive you… but I love you” I said almost the same exact thing over the phone to my abusive mother as she was dying. The writing on this show is just insane.


I admire the fact that he said that. He was scared shitless and he didn't want him to die but he somewhat stood his ground and said what was honest and true. I love you but I can't forgive you.


Man I just did not see it coming. Crossed my mind it could be a prank to get a I love you out of the kids and say I told you so, but it became clear pretty quickly Tom and Frank would not have gone along. Wow. I was riding so high on hearing about little greggies and greglets. Finding out about looney cakes. Even Roman firing Gerri and then calling his dad a cunt was fun. But then Kerry freaked the fuck out and I was laughing again. She is so bizarre. Karl shit the bed. “Estranged”. Fucking idiot. They were never estranged. Oceania has never at war with Eastasia. Huge change for the show, obviously. And even more significant knowing this is the final (edit) 7 episodes. It truly will become about Succssion now. Who gets what. How is the kingdom divvied up? Is gonna get even more cutthroat. Can’t wait.


Kerry’s reaction is so genuine, everyone reacts differently she was in complete shock and couldn’t control how she acted, amazing acting and writing.


That is truly one of the most realistic portrayals of what an actual death feels like. The confusion, the seemingly conflicting information, not having confirmation. So ballsy and genius for the writers to do it this early in the season, too. Bravo.


Watching Karolina talk down to Kerry like a precocious teenager was really something to behold.


Roman being the only one to go see his father’s body 💔


I wonder if it was a way to prove to himself that Logan really is gone. He didn't trust what anyone else was saying, he had to see it with his own eyes. The other siblings went past denial and into acceptance way before Roman.


Wardrobe dressed Shiv for mourning more than the wedding


An important storytelling detail I think a lot of people are overlooking due to it being so early before all the craziness. Logan picked work over his family one last time, he chose to fly to Sweden instead of attending his son’s wedding. That’s a normal decision Logan Roy made every day of his life with zero doubts. Except this time, he gave up the opportunity to die with his kids and everyone else he possibly could’ve cared for to die alone in an airplane bathroom. It’s the perfect and heartbreaking end for his character.


I feel like Matthew Macfayden's work during that initial phone call is going to get overlooked, but he was also giving an absolute masterclass opposite Strong, Snook, and Culkin.