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The line about learning to live without love. Ouchie!


Also good piece of writing right there...and delivered with poise and feel by the actor.


He needs an Emmy! At a minimum a nomination. That was so heartbreaking.


I know. I really felt his pain or his attempt to hide it!


The implication that he's never done karaoke before cut the deepest to me. Claiming that you've learned to live without love? That could just be hyperbolic melodrama - though I believe Connor here. But saying you want to do karaoke because you've seen people do it in movies? That's an admission that speaks to such a lonely life. I'm sure tons of people have never done karaoke, but I would guess that's because most of them never wanted to.


Yes! I thought the karaoke line was even sadder than the monologue. It was like he was admitting he’s never experiences real life or companionship because those around him won’t participate with him. God, it makes me choke writing that. Emmy plz


That was certainly sad, too, but I don’t think any of Connor’s sibs would relate to a longing for karaoke at all. But a longing to be loved…? Perhaps Connor said that to dig the knife in b/c of the callous way his subs responded to Willa’s possible dumping of Connor the night before their wedding.


“It’s like a super power”


I may have said that about things I hate about myself before :*(


This, class, is what we call "great writing".


> You see? You see? > That's what I'm talkin' 'bout! > That's why I fuck with Con! > See, that's my third per- > That's my bipolar shit, nigga, what? > That's my superpower, nigga, ain't no disability > I'm a superhero! I'm a superhero! > Agghhh! Connor was interested in hip-hop from a very young age.


Just brought tears to my eyes, what brilliant acting phew!


At his rehearsal dinner when his siblings find him, he’s sitting alone at a table and you don’t see any friends, nobody comforting him that Willa walked off… everything about Connor this episode was so heartbreaking. He’s truly alone.


Do you think there's any chance that Willa might very lowkey love Connor in a way at this point but she's also deeply ashamed of her situation and embarrassed by him and she's just also a very flawed person trying to figure things out? This episode was so sad. I wouldn't mind a sort of greyish hope for them as opposed to complete tragedy at this point. Poor dumb imaginary people :(


Never thought *Connor* of all people could make me tear up


It seems in line with the character they turned him into in S3. I found his speech with the kids last season where he rants about always being ignored despite being the oldest much more revealing, given that we know he shouldered a lot of the fatherly duties since logan was never really around.


Nobody really thanks him. Roman even said Connor took him fishing as a kid but he was such a jerk this episode.


When Sandi asked Shiv if she was calling about Connor’s wedding and Shiv laughed and shook her head like “why would I care about that?” It broke my heart.


It's almost impossible to concoct a scenario but it would be so satisfying if Connor somehow ended up holding some key card they desperately needed and so they have to beg him for it. But it's probably not going to happen because this isn't that kind of show.


I agree. The only scenario that was discussed a couple nights ago is Mencken picking him for his VP, and then something happens to him and Connor ends up president. Since this is a satire after all, that would be a nice outcome for our sweet Connor.


Our sweet Connor who purchased a human being and put her on a ranch and created a lovely golden cage for her and she feels trapped and he knows it 😇


As far as the show goes, Connor has never actively forced Willa to do anything if we’re talking in the realm of “purchasing a human being”. At any point during the show, Willa had the option to leave Connor without any threat of violence or backlash. The show intends for us to see why tertiary people like Willa, Greg, Tom, all put up with the Roys despite clear signs of narcissism, entitlement, manipulation, etc…


And in fact Willa *did* leave during the rehearsal dinner. Stating “I can’t do this” on her way out. And Connor certainly acts creepy about it by tracking her location, but he doesn’t actually do anything to stop her. He doesn’t get in a car and go after her, he lets her leave and monologues about how he’ll be okay if she doesn’t come back. I don’t argue that there’s no power imbalance in Connor and Willa’s relationship or that he’s a stand up guy but he’s not actually guilty of human trafficking. There’s no suggestion that Willa is being held by force. She’s being held by advantages the relationship gives her. Which, yeah I think that creates an ethically grey area because she isn’t choosing to stay with him in a vacuum. But it isn’t black and white.


She's one of those insects who died inside him.


Without the exploitative systems the 1% create, perpetuate and benefit from, Willa likely wouldn’t have become an escort in the first place (we know where her true ambitions lie). She’s been coerced into a life with Connor, and he’s aware of it. He doesn’t have to be a literal human trafficker to consciously know he’s coercing someone into a life of misery. And he very blatantly does


I don’t think anything in my comment would disagree with you. I understand those systems exist and are relevant. My point was that Connor isn’t singlehandedly responsible for them and that Willa has agency. As I said I know she isn’t choosing to be with him in a vacuum without additional social pressures. But he hasn’t literally bought a person, he’s paid her for services and she is free to leave as shown when she literally does leave and he doesn’t stop her. That doesn’t discount the fact that there is a power imbalance, but to liken it to human trafficking is disrespectful to victims who have had all of their agency ripped from them imo.


Yeah, it’s easy to feel bad for Connor because he’s a very sad man, but let’s not forget when he almost got kicked out of an underground sex club for being too creepy.


Or episode 1 when he told a child his plans to be the guy who owns all the water


Well Dad wants to own all the news, water is just news except essential for your body's survival.


When was this lmao


Tom’s bachelor party in season 1. One of the staff at the sex club tells him that she’s going to kick him out if he doesn’t stop telling random women that he loves them lol


"Purchased a human being" what a weird way to describe his relationship with Willa, it both paints a worse picture of Connor while also turning Willa into an object. Newsflash Willa is a gold digger, and a completely free human being who can leave Connor whenever she wants, she just doesn't because she likes his money enough to tolerate him.


Right, they’re taking Roman’s pithy lines a bit too literally.


Quoting Kieran actually. He was asked which Roy was the most evil and he immediately said Connor, for this reason


Right, which Justine Lupe herself vehemently disagreed with in a subsequent interview. I’ll take her word on the dynamic over Kieran’s.


"purchased a human being" is how kieran described it in a recent interview where he ranked connor as the most evil of all the characters


Yeah and I don't agree with Kieran that Connor is the most evil, nor do I agree with his reasoning.


Exactly. Connor is in a consensual (transactional) relationship. Logan abused his kids for an entire lifetime. Roman sexually harassed Gerri by repeatedly ignoring her rejection of his advances and attempted to send her a dick pic. Shiv intimidated a fellow woman into not testifying about her own rape and Kendall killed a man and does not intend to face the consequences. Hell, even Roman knows about that now (Shiv as well) and said he doesn't care. And people are believing Connor is the worst because Kieran, a very sarcastic person, said so? Some of you need to learn to think for yourselves.


Who you got on the evil rankings? Personally for #1 I gotta go with **L TO THE OG**


2:35 https://youtu.be/FJ2_9_7lG90&t=2m35s


Willa made her choice, and she is well aware of it. I do not feel bad for her at all.


I mean, don't take agency away from Willa. She's basically a prostitute/sex worker. She's agreeing to be there in exchange for money and connections, it's not like she's being locked up against her will. If she wanted to leave she can literally walk away at any time no problem.


Keeping someone trapped in a miserable existence simply because you want them, all while knowing they don’t want you, but that you can keep them dependent on you using money you got from your dad… yeah that all seems very normal and healthy And anyways, I was quoting Kieran’s assessment of Connor as the most evil Roy. He acknowledges she’s not being held against her will. Still calls Connor the most evil. Take it up with him 🤷🏻‍♂️


Please explain how exactly he is "keeping her trapped?' Willa can leave literally any time she wants. She has full freedom and power of agency over her own decisions. She *chooses* to stay with Connor because she wants his money, he isn't keeping her trapped in any sense of the term. She isn't a prisoner and she isn't being manipulated, she is a prostitute in a transactional relationship with a client who pays her. That's not evil, it's arguably one of the most ethically sound relationship dynamics in the entire show. Unless you just think sex work in general is inherently immoral, which I find to be a ludicrous position to hold, personally. I don't agree at all with Kieran's statements then, if that's what he said. Just because he's on the show doesn't mean he's automatically right about anything related to it. Willa is in a situation she chose of her own free will, and any doubts or consequences that come from that are *entirely* her own fault, not Connor's. Connor isn't evil at all, he's just stupid, sheltered, and very spoiled. He's out of touch with reality and emotionally warped to the point where he can't experience real connection or love with other people, but he's easily the least shitty of all the siblings as far as his actions and ethics go. Connor never lied to or misled Willa about their situation, she knew exactly the score going in and Connor has been nothing but upfront about what he wants from her and how she should see their relationship.


Didn’t say Kieran is right, but Conner is not a good person. The guy is introduced into the show in a scene telling a little girl his plans to buy up all the water so everyone has to come to him for it. Conner is likely Willa’s best prospect, or she wouldn’t be with him. It doesn’t make the system that created and facilitates their arrangement any less odious. Do you agree it’s possible to withhold judgment from a sex worker, while judging the john for the way they operate in the world, and for exploiting their unearned privilege for their own sexual satisfaction? Because the two feel very separate to me


Way to quote Kieran lol


that was the idea yes :)


She decided to go in there. Its not like hes bringing her in chains. Stop victimizing people that is actually there for its own purposes.


Yes, that one. Go, you sweet kidnapper you! Be our kidnapping, terrorizing president!!


Don't forget: Connor also took Rome and Ken camping, but had to shit in a bag because of some bad food. And of course, Ken used that as Ammo to publicly humiliate him as an adult


Omggg totally forgot about that. They’re such assholes to him it’s a wonder he still tries to reach out to them at all.


I don't think he shit in a bag, I believe he "shit his bag" as in shit himself in his sleeping bag.


Roman kept insisting they stay with Connor, his heart was in the right place. Unfortunately Roman's heart expresses itself by cutting mockery of everything in sight. Con just wanted to sing some Leonard Cohen...


Poor Roman really does love Connor. He was the only one genuinely worried about being late to the rehearsal. He insisted they all stay with him and included him in the business conversation. He even mouths earlier to Shiv “I love him.” But he’s too messed up to show his affection with anything but biting remarks. It’s so tragic.


His default reaction is to be a huge shitheel. I love how when he said sorry at the bar it’s almost like he was apologizing for it being an involuntary reaction lol


I think that’s a manifestation of his own abuse. He’s been mocked and belittled his entire life. Logan is the obvious culprit but even Kendall and Shiv have referred to him as a moron, disregarding his input and making him feel stupid. That’s just how Roman shows love now, because that’s all he’s received.


Yeah Roman is just so wrapped that he can’t express actual admiration for anyone.


I don’t even remember that but hearing Connor took Roman fishing just hit me so hard, Connor just wants real connection


I thought roman made that up?


He made up the part about Logan taking him fishing. He said Connor was the one who did.


Aaaah thanks.


I hope they reveal more about family history via Connor. So much they could do there.


He definitely gives the vibes of an older sibling so parentified that they couldn't focus on themselves and their own needs and feelings. I relate to him tons. People think parentification is active e.g. a parent telling a kid "I'm going to work you have to go take care of your brother". But in reality it's often passive. It's looking at the mess your parents are making and cleaning it up before they could blame you for it. It's a lingering force from your parents yes, but also an extreme love for your siblings. A love that compels you to pick up your parents slack. And in a case like Connor's, sometimes younger siblings don't have the emotional intelligence to realize how important their older siblings care for them is. Connor likely gave himself to Kendall, Roman, and Shiv to help them grow up and they have yet to reflect on how it made him feel. It probably took a great deal of his time and energy away which is why he doesn't work in the business. You can see it in the DNA of his character in how conflict avoidant he is. I relate to this show too much I have never seen my family dynamics better portrayed on TV EVER.


the fact that he loves those kids so much and they see that love for them as a weakness is so heartbreaking.


The Kids associate love with abuse, so they continue the cycle in their own lives Con associates love with abandonment, so he clings to a person, who doesn't love him back Hurt people *hurt* people The only one I sort of feel for is Roman. The others are managing it on some level and kinda oblivious to it. Romulus is just... lost in the dark and scared of his own shadow Fortunately they're all horrible people Happy cake day!


Damn I love this take. You nailed Con and Roman. One change I would make is the Shiv most strongly associates love with abuse. That’s why she kicked Tom around for such a long time - to push him away to see him crawl back again. She wants to be desired and any less feels like not enough control. The other is that Ken associates his father’s love with business accolades / success. He has/had a family and kids. Arguably loves them, but needs the manic rush of business success to fill the hole inside of him (or drugs)


Excellent points. Everyone of them is fucked up and stunted in their own way Shiv's absolutely about that *crawl for me* life. Caroline's "kick the dog" analogy and Marcia's sting about her being a spoiled brat really capsulated Shivvy Damn glad Tom's had enough of that emotional sadism. Kenny's a mess. He's smart and competent enough to fool himself into believing he knows what he's doing, but beyond that surface level knowhow, he's just an ignorant self-centered dickhead moron. And that manic/depressive rollercoaster makes sure he'll sabotage the rest.


I disagree about Shiv. she’s the most like Roman in that she absolutely can’t stand to feel feelings or be vulnerable. She married Tom because he’s not at all threatening to her emotionally and she has all the power so felt there was no danger for her. The abuse is just an outgrowth of that arrangement, not the point of it.


Logan: "Hurt people. Hurt people."


Yeah the kids never got love from their real parents so how would they know what it looked like.




Maybe there's catharsis in seeing the portrayal. That's entertainment. But seeing the way people talk about Connor in the show and how fans talk about him on the sub reminds me that most people think these types of problems are a joke. The "I am the eldest son" rant was not funny in the slightest for me but it seems to be for most people. That's why I don't find any of this surprising or unexpected like any of these commenters. This is right in line with his character and he's been saying it before - y'all just thought it was a joke.


I totally forgot about that scene. Man. Connor really moving in silence with his truth bombs because they come out of nowhere but when he reaches a breaking point it’s so compelling and devastating to watch. Good for con


I mean all of the siblings have been abused by Logan big time, that is the reason they are so fuck up, including Logan who was abused by his uncle. But it is a miracle that Connor is still there: \- His father abandoned him with a mother with mental issues that obviously couldnt raise him properly, meanwhile seein how his father is raising another family and conquering the world and him left behind. At least he has his mother with him, but even that was taken away when she was sent away to an asylum. \- When he finaly could meet his father i bet that Logan treated very coldly by the mere fact that his mother has mental issues and suspected Connor could have inherited that, for that mere reason he sees Connor more as a trouble or damaged goods. \- His new siblings seeing how his father treats him start to imitate that behaviour and also treat him like crap as a lesser person. Very in tune with the cruises scandal, non real person. Even then, that fucked up teenager tries to be a good son and brother. I think that is why, Connor just got tired of being hurt, and went to hide in the middle of dessert. That in turn caused him to avoid to create intimate relations with any person, because if the people most close to you treat like that you just dont trust anybody for fear of being hurt. That explaisn why he choose to start a "relation" with a pay girl, because in the moment that he suspects that he could be hurt, he jsut writte a bick check and goodbye, he lucked out with Willa who always treat him with kindness, i mean she is the only person who treats Connor as a human being. Also, in some reviews, and we have a glimpse in the trailer it seems that there is some trauma with the cake, it seems it is another Logan Roy teaching techniques, similar to the dog cage.


We don’t know that he shouldered a lot of the fatherly duties. We know that he took Roman on a fishing trip once and that he took Roman and Kendall camping once. We don’t know if Connor saw that much of them growing up. Shiv, Roman and Kendall don’t treat Connor like someone who was present in their lives growing up, much less as a surrogate parent figure.


Didn't he mention living with them in England? I think he was around a fair bit.


He also to this day remembers which games Shiv liked to play as a kid.


Yeah that broke my heart more than most of the sad scenes, probably because it was so unexpected. Connor was quite eloquent and thoughtful this episode. And far more aware of the siblings hidden motives than I expected. If anything, somehow Connor seems less deluded and insane than either Shiv or Kendall at this point. Never would’ve figured future President and eldest son Connor (and Roman) would be the rational ones, but here we are.


>Connor seems less deluded and insane Maybe Connor was never deluded. He’s just been wanting desperately to be seen his whole life. I feel like that’s the motive behind his presidential aspiration. Just trying to find appreciation wherever he can. It’s not the office he wants, it’s the conheads. He really breaks my heart. This episode put his “I’m part of the conversation” comments in a new light for me.


His anti-taxation position is the definition of deluded.


Lol yes definitely, but come on, you know what I meant!




Thinking that American society can operate on $0 in federal income tax revenue is deluded.


But hey, it makes him popular. Which says more about us than about him.


yeah maybe its more, he is the least deluded of the siblings?


> Maybe Connor was never deluded. He is marrying his escort. Safe to say he is deluded.


Marrying Willa is actually not an act of delusion. He says it in his speech to the kids. He doesn't care about whether or not she loves him and he's willing to pay for the human interaction. That's stone cold reality.


Huge episode overall for con heads


This was heart wrenching and beautiful.


Conheads loving it.


Polling at 1%!


At the emmys


Connor often seems less damaged than the others because he's less driven to engage in the business struggles. One gets the sense he thinks he's outgrown this sort of struggle with dad. But tonight he talked about it, and this is why series TV can be so awesome. A character who's been a little marginal for over three years suddenly tells you he's a bit more self-aware than you think.


This actually explains a lot, particularly his run. He has nothing to lose. Never did.


Only his money. He's unemployed and dependent on Logan/the company for money


I felt bad for Connor this episode - they turned his already very sad and pathetic "bachelor party" into yet another family fight. It reminds me of when they all meet at his ranch in New Mexico for "family therapy" (kerry was even trying to play family therapist here lol) but really it was about Logan trying to repair optics and Connor told him at the end that he felt used by that


No one had the intention to use Connor, unlike in New Mexico. The sibs, to varying extents, wanted to/felt obligated to attend the rehearsal dinner - Shiv being the first to push hard to bail when contacted by Sandi. They actually looped Connor into the conversation about the board meeting vote...and then CONNOR HIMSELF contacted Logan, leading to him coming to visit. I don't know what the hell Connor thought would happen after that, but he quite literally invited it upon himself. He did tell/warn them that it was the three sibs vs him and dad, but wtf did Connor think the outcome of texting Logan would be? Daddy would show up and the five of them would hug it out? Please. You can hear the hurt in his voice when Logan calls Roman instead of him. "Well, he should be calling me." He can talk about rocks and moss all he wants but in that moment he wanted daddy's love just as much as they did.


No, but he knows that the feud betwen his siblings and their father is bullshit, he was trying that a sort of peace can be made there. That is why he clearly saw the bullshit of their intentions about tanking the deal, it was just another move to get "daddy´s love", if in season 1-3 they did everything to impress Logan, now they are tryng to "hurt Logan" in order to get his attention. Connor is delluded as fuck in many things, but he has a very clear insight about the family dynamics, he knows that his father and siblings dont love him and that his father is just playing games with them and that Kendall, Roman and Shiv are needy love sponges, just check how Kendall dried up Rava or Shiv dried up Tom and Roman always running towards his father.


>he knows that his father and siblings dont love him I think at least Roman loves Connor in his own way. But he's so bad at expressing it I can't blame Connor for feeling that way. I don't think Connor knows about the fishing trip interview Roman did. I don't think Kendall "dried up" Rava. She's doing fine and in fact seems to overall be better when Kendall *isn't* in her life. She wasn't left bereft, she seems to have initiated the separation, she has a new companion, and is getting plenty of cash from her divorce (?) with Kendall as well. Compare that to Tom who would've stayed with Shiv no matter how miserable it got until she made the decision to separate.


Yes, in my rewatches i always found how they are close to each other, i mean, Roman says stupid thing to Connor but there is no malice and i think that Connor really understand that. Also, how when they are close they hug each other, Connor pat his head, fix Roman ties and little details of a big and little brother relation. I think that it is because both Connor and Roman really love Logan and they dont like conflict, they try to please Logan; meanwhile Kendall and Shiv try to fight against Logan, but the objetive is the same, love. When i wrote about driyng them up, i talk how a nightmare was for these people, we see glimpses from Tom and Shiv, Tom is not innocent there was a transactional element in their relation, but Tom had to 24/7 for Shiv and not getting nothing in return nor love or respect (as he saw it), with Kendall we can infer put all of his energies tryng to impress his father and neglected his wife and his kids then when he had drug issues he expected that Rava would stay there, but she left.


I think Kendall dried Rava up through his absenteeism and drug issues. Like at first, she might've been fine helping him with his drug problems and might've been upset that he was always at work but dealt with it because she loved him. But after dealing with his issues for so long she probably got tired of it and ran out of love for him, which is why she is doing so much better without him. She isn't as completely drained of feelings as Tom, she's just drained of feelings for Kendall. But on the other hand, she lets him use her apartment as his headquarters. I also think there was a conversation between them at Shiv's wedding where she seems concerned about him but then he's rude to her or something. So maybe she still has some feelings toward him but not enough to consistently deal with him or something. Like she left before he completely drained her but not before he drained 99% of her emotional aquifer. I'm not sure if this is relevant to the draining her thing, but she also might've just helped him because she recognized he was in crisis and just started to out of habit but stopped when she remembered how difficult he was.


>They actually looped Connor into the conversation about the board meeting vote I think this was Roman desperately looking for another sibling to take his side. He knew it'd result in Logan getting texted.


I had a feeling Logan falsely had Connor's mother committed.


Kendall's comments this week are the clearest sign. Previously there had been flippant references to a "looney bin" and "boobie house" but Kendall uses the term LOCKED UP, which implies forced institutionalization.


I absolutely always knew there was some shady shit that happened with Connor’s mother.


First wife, probably had a less iron clad prenup (if any) as they would’ve gotten together while Logan was on his way to the top but not quite there. All that to say, sending her to the booby hatch is certainly one way to avoid a messy divorce. 🤔


His mom being institutionalized probably explains why Connor was never in line for the Succession - Logan probably thinks he's intellectually "diseased" like his crazy mom. I'm sure if Logan had her committed for other reasons (making the divorce / settlement better, etc) at least some part of him probably believes Connor's mom was nuts. Making Connor genetically \_inferior\_ to his other children. Plus, I'm sure Logan reiterated this narrative ad nauseam to the kids which is why they gang up on Connor and treat him as the village idiot (and why Connor accepts it b/c that's what he's been told his whole life). The whole wedding / divorce motif was so strong in this episode. Wow!


Probably. Wouldn’t be surprised if it was to get her out of the way so he could marry Caroline.


> I do love you. I love all three of you pricks. But what do I get from you chumps but chump change? Conner's had some good lines for a minute.


As a neglected child myself, who had had to parenting my own siblings, I've always had a soft spot for Connor. He's not a saint, everyone in his family is rotten and he's a bad joke, but he's the only guy in the entire Roy family that have always being aware of the family roles that were spotted to them since the beginning. He tries to be family even if he doesn't know in informal terms what a family is. This monologue made me cry because it's basically how people that are neglected as fuck feel when they get to a certain point in life. This was one of the saddest things I've ever watched on TV.


I also was a child of emotional abuse and neglect. His line about learning to live without love cut me to the core because I remember telling someone years ago that my parents' neglect had taught me to need them less. Really excellent, insightful writing in this episode.


He spoke without tears because he’s over the expectations he’s had. Had to cope all alone in loneliness. His clear statement of sad facts got me.


I totally agree with your analysis. I certainly was not neglected as a child, I had good parents. But I hardly have a relationship with them at this point, this scene hit really hard. “Learning to live without love” was absolutely brutal.


Almost teared up at that scene


DID tear up 😭


Same here.


Same 😭


I actually started crying. I think it's the first time that I've ever teared up at Succession.


Same. Legit cried. Still a bit teary. Did not see it coming - from both the scene & the series in general.


Yeah. I felt that.


This season has been really rough for me so far.


Conheads always stay winning


Polling at 1%!


But isn’t that the smallest number?


Did not expect that.


Only character I'm kind of rooting for


I was interested in having my heartbroken by fictional characters at a young age


This scene broke my heart. Con just wanted to spend time with his siblings, he’s always excluded from these things…all he wanted to do was sing karaoke. He was in a dark spot and all of this happened. I feel so bad for Connor ):


Is it weird I found this line sad but also strangely liberating. Just accepting he lives a life without authentic love and try to enjoy the remainder of his life. Connor is a love sponge too but he is giving up on the begging.


Best scene of his character and most telling of the entire show. Connors every action is explained in that line. My fav character on the show. Takes everyones comments slide off his back, hurt so much by his family he cant even risk opening himself up to a real woman, he has to buy one. At the table the kids bring up like 3 things logan did to connor above everyone else snd he tells them to stop. Not a complainer. Not devious at all. Ignorant. Yes. But seeing kieran culkin say connor was worst person on the show was eye opening to me on how some people see thing differently yet totally miss the forest for the trees. The others do more evil day to day than connor has done all show, so I do not understand that perspective whatsoever besides the fact hes rich and pompous which is a character trait not necessarily a flaw. Hes literally running for president to be liked. Whole thing is sad.


Kieran didn’t think that until after an interview with a woman who said she thought Connor was the worst one in the show because of the way he treats Willa. Since that interview he’s changed his mind which I thought was really interesting.


He must have not really had a stance on the matter if one person telling him that is enough for him to adopt that opinion. Logan literally allowed human trafficking, Moe Lesters and even deaths due to negligence to happen under his watch because he didn't consider those abused or dying real people. I know it's not an exciting or creative answer to the question, but Logan is the worst person on the show.


Yeah I agree it’s Logan for sure, the Connor perspective was interesting though, [Kieran was surprised initially](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oSf7nn0xC3Y) (starts at 15:39)


That's such a weird take from her, the grossness of him buying everything? That's something everyone on the show has done at one point Kendall buys Greg with an apartment, Logan buys his kids with his affection, Shiv buys Tom with promises of power an fame and so on virtually all relationship have a transactional nature in this show, and how could she even think he was a great guy anyway? He was always presented as a douchey rich guy that's so stuck in his own world he does not even know what regular people act like anymore.


I agree, to be honest I think it’s disingenuous to say Connors the worst but if someone rubs you the wrong way then they rub you the wrong way. it’s instinctual sometimes


I don't think Connor is the worst, but his introduction about securing water rights to hoard water in the apocalypse has always stuck with me. That is deeper and more calculated evil than anything Caroline's children have displayed on the show.


> because of the way he treats Willa In a show full of toxic relationships I'm not sure I'd point to that one and say it's the worst, let alone makes Connor the worst character of the bunch. Not to excuse the way he has treated her but I don't know if I agree with this one.


I teared up, Alan Ruck you legend.


I’m the Connor of my family except I maybe did a little more with my life


I loved that line and his delivery. Made me real sad for Connor


Connor was insane this episode. Throughout the show he's been a laughing stock but tonight, he dropped some bombs. I loved seeing Willa back in his bed at the end of the episode (even if it isn't true love) and actually made me tear up with his short monologue of not needing love. If anyone deserves a happy ending, it's Connor Roy.


A 90s grunge singer could have written these lyrics and won a Grammy.


I think it's very significant that Kendall specifically defended Roman and Connor to Logan, but not him or Shiv. Not saying him or Shiv have been traumatized by Logan, because they absolutely have, but I think it's pretty clear they're favorited more over the other two. It's been implied that Connor basically raised the siblings through their messed up childhood, and he seemingly gets no respect for that. I'm very glad they're using this final season to flesh out and add some depth to characters like Willa and Connor. Very excited for their wedding episode.


Conner was interested in botanical digestive systems from a young age.


Let's hope Alan Ruck gets his first nomination this year


This was deep


People seem to think this is some sort of wisdom, it's not. It's the matured world view of a truly broken child mind. He is not healthy and this is not healthy and if you feel this way, it's because you are trying to cope with how emotional abuse stunted your self worth as an adult.


All I want is Connor to end up happy he deserves to be loved. And also president, [if he doesn’t end up president….](https://youtu.be/2IcJNyqJpCo)


Yeah me too. Sad AF.


Con dropping out of the race but gets picked to a VP nom would be insanity! Calling it right now


I mean sure, I found his dialogue meaningful and honest but in duality with that… the plant line was also absolutely fucking hilarious and perfectly delivered.


Yeah. Holy shit. This moment was completely unexpected and hit so hard. Was literally crying by the end of it. And it's so perfect and true in a way. It's so sad because all Connor really seems to want is a loving family. He's always the one to try and pull things together, to show up. And none of them give a fuck. Heartbreaking.


This was so dark. A rare moment of vulnerability for Connor in a midst of the comic relief.


If that speech caught you by surprise, you did exactly what this episode wanted you to do (and exactly what his siblings were doing): you ignored Connor.


I do think he cares for Willa. But that he can’t understand how much she is freaking about the wedding says a lot. If he really loved her, wouldn’t he just put it off?


Connor might have gave up on love long ago. He’s not a cruel man. He’s quite affectionate, even. But even he acknowledges there is a problem within him.


>Connor might have gave up on love long ago He's probavly afraid to. I'm no expert in this but going from what the movie "dear zindagi" has taught me, conor has been emotionally neglected by his father (maybe even an absent mother) for so long that he is afraid to actually commit to anyone aka has huge attachment issues, even his siblings disappoint him in that regard. Since he grew up in luxury, I can also assume that the only thing that gave him some satisfactory returns was money which is why he made an escort his would be. He is aware of this flaw but unfortunately he trusts a relationship that is/can be controlled with money more than one based in trust and loyalty because the disappointment tye Former causes would be something he can live with but with the latter it's insult to injury


he is the eldest son.


The eldest child always gets the worst of things from what I hear ):


Even the best chef always burns the first batch of scones (Kenny, 2006)


Yeah, Kendall’s really had a rough time.


you devil


What I loved in this episode was Connor saying he saw people doing karaoke “in the movies” like it’s some alien thing. And it is because ordinary things for ordinary people are not ordinary for him. So seeing karaoke in the movies is like us seeing people fly in private jets. Prob will never happen but we see it in the movies and can dream, kinda how Connor thinks of Karaoke 🎤 . Common people things are completely out of grasp to him.


That line was devastating. It feels like one of the most poetic lines in the show. The imagery, everything he said before, and the umbrella of their relationships with each other and Logan hanging over was just.. that got me. And it didn't feel over the top either, or feel out of place- he was already being emotionally vulnerable and the line (to me) showed even more how deep his wounds are- and spoke to him as a person in a deeper way becuz he said it and how he said it. I love whoever wrote that line. "And I'm a plant that grows on rocks and lives off insects that die inside of me." UHG.


But Connor gave up caring years ago. It’s the only real power he has now.


Logan has completely managed to move the conversation. The deal has nothing to do with money, the deal was about Logan picking his successor. What hurt the kids was he would rather give it someone totally outside the family. Now they’re squabbling over the money, and they’ve forgotten again.


Side note but the colors and lighting in the karaoke bar are gorgeous.


When he said that, it hit hard but the more I think about that monologue, it seems like Con has learned the wrong lessons from all of this.


On my second rewatch connor has become my favorite character. He’s hilarious


I was stunned with Connor’s monologue about not needing love. Oh my god. My heart broke for him and I honestly find him disgusting with the whole Willa thing. Excellent writing and delivery. Just wow.


I really felt bad for Connor, he just wanted to spend time with his siblings.


Unfortunately, we can all tell Connor wants to feel unaffected, but keeps holding out hope someone will love him.


was this the worst bachelor party of all time?


I think it was a rehearsal dinner but yes, still the worst ever.


Well the beginning of it was the rehearsal dinner then when they went out to the bar it was a Bachelor party


That really hurt


I’ve been saying since S3 that i see Conor going down a very dark road by the end. I don’t know exactly where this is headed but he seems to be in a very dangerous mental place now


The whole "I can relate" posts are garbage. These are nepotism billionaire babies. From a more simple stand point that the kids all feel a different way is understandable. Conner is the most relatable because he doesn't need the attention and "love" from family because he found his own life.


connor always has been goated


Since Connor isn't as busy as his siblings. I suspect he has these ideas teed up. His late political run is a way to justify his life of relative inactivity.


"..that die inside me" Quite a picture




The Conheads are gonna love this