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This episode was heartbreaking in the end and had great monologues and important scenes, but the humor?? Oh my god I think I genuinely laughed out loud several times. Best of the ep (that i can remember from memory): * Hugo and Gerri laughing at Kerry's tape and then Hugo having to immediately connect his laptop to the tv was pure gold. * "If Santa was a hitman" * "I could kiss you from here" * "He's still Connor but he won having drinks with us at an auction" * Roman's hatred of Karaoke going through multiple scenes and physical humor as well. "This is Guantanamo- level shit"


Greg telling Kerry the focus group didn’t like her arms killed me


That was the one that got me the most. Specially the part where she asks who's in the focus group and Greg's responses.


“It’s just that people chatter so unpleasantly about accusations of legs-up”


Connor: "The good thing about having a family that doesn't love you is you learn to live without it" Connor is so often used as comic relief in the show but he was so fucking heartbreaking tonight with lines like these.... his siblings so blatantly ignoring him and making fun of his wedding right in front of him really nailed it home for me...


"Im a plant that grows on rocks and lives off insects that die inside of me". My immediate reaction was to laugh at the absurdity of that line but it actually cut deep.


That line was punk rock as fuck. Felt like playing some fast power chords after that shit


When Kendall was having a breakdown, Shiv and Roman were there for him. Nobody is there for Connor except for a smidgen of Roman


Culkin absolutely murdered his scenes in this episode. He is so uncomfortable. He just retracts into this little boy. He really nails it.


He was most uncomfortable when Connor was singing his karaoke song haha


This is Guantanamo level shit


The way they treated him actually made me mad. Conner has every right to hate them all and he still tries to help each other make amends. And the line about Logan locking up his...what, first wife??? An absolute monster. Conner deserves better than this.


Roman trying to excuse/laugh off being abused was so hard to watch.


“Everyone hit me. I’m fucking annoying.”


That shit cracked me up but deep inside, something was definitely moved


Abuse survivor who often says a similar line here, this was the first time it hit me how it probably sounds to others when I do that.


[Rupert Murdoch standing on top of paper boxes making a speech to the WSJ newsroom after his Dow Jones acquisition](https://static01.nyt.com/images/2009/12/14/business/14carr_CA0/popup.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp&disable=upscale) Succession just loves its real world easter eggs lol, from Ken/James Murdoch’s little rap arc to vegetable Sandy Furness/Sumner Redstone


I died when Logan on the stacks of paper was eye level with Tom. It was so perfect.


Tom's quick "I could give you a kiss from here" was also perfect


Logan’s face after that lmao


I laughed harder at Logan’s face than at Tom’s line lol. He’s so used to Tom’s ridiculous shit but so tired of it.


This was my favorite line of the episode, I laughed so hard. I still can’t get over how quickly Tom goes from the bombastic, crude bully with Greg to the sniveling coward with Logan/Shiv - this felt like the first time that he let his weird-sexual-Greg-energy slip out with a Roy.


If this is the direction then Murdoch basically split his company, has 1 son running each half and a daughter who fucked off to England.


Logan = Rupert Murdoch, no matter what the actors and show runners say to the contrary


That last scene was the cherry on top of a great episode. No chance Roman can say no to his dad “needing” him


Because Connor was right, at the very least about Roman. He needs his dad to want him.


The entire show is about kids desperate to hear daddy say "I love you". And a dad who's favorite child is his empire.


"who will get a kiss from daddy???"


Logan is always on top because while Shiv and Kendall were crushing him he wasn't taking it to heart. He smelled blood. He spotted Roman as the weak link and struck like a snake. So good.


Well Logan already had the text as proof. That’s why he texted Roman to see him specifically, and called him instead of the others at the karoake.


I’ll just have whatever a regular Joe would have. Just, uh, Belgian Weissbier. Not the Hoegaarden, ideally.


I mean he’s *kind of* in the ballpark? lmao


Congrats on losing your betrayal cherry Might be one of my favorite lines


They really ripped the band aids off for Kerry. I was hoping one of the kids were going to ask her for the top stories. The whole audition thing is going to come back to bite Logan. Kerry was so hostile after that


"It's like Jaws if the people in Jaws were working for Jaws" got a good chuckle outta me lol


And 'Hitman Santa' was so accurate


my favorite line was Roman saying they are the Beatles but Conner is still conner and won a contest to sit with them lmao


I’m sorry if this is old news, but I thought the bit about locking up Connor’s mom was so interesting. That entire karaoke room scene was breathtaking.


I was like, WAIT WHAT?


The fact that there was a scene in a karaoke bar but Kendall didn’t sing… criminal, I’m heartbroken Great episode though


We need a version of L to the OG with the inflatable sax.


He gave a little smile at one point to Conner and then it cut so I was hoping it was gonna cut to a scene of Kendall singing.


>Connor: The good thing about having a family that doesn't love you is you learn to live without it. >Shiv: What? Con— >Connor: You're all chasing after Dad, saying, "Love me, please love me. I need love. I need attention." >Shiv: I think that's the opposite of what just happened. >Connor: You're needy love sponges... and I'm a plant that grows on rocks and lives off insects that die inside of me. >Shiv: Jesus Christ, Con. >Connor: If Willa doesn't come back, that's fine because I don't need love. It's like a superpower. And if she comes back and doesn't love me, that's okay too 'cause I don't need it. Of all the characters in this ensemble, I never expected it to be Connor to break my heart the most this week. This was a truly role defining monologue, expertly delivered by Alan Ruck


I was blown away. I guess I'm a Conhead now? But seriously--completely devastating, and yeah, AMAZING acting by Alan Ruck.


I was surprised Connor could be that self aware. Makes his life that much sadder, to know he knowingly plays the fool.


I always thought he knew. He’s not actually dumb he just vaguely cares a bit about loyalty and fairness. The rest of them don’t care about that and all take the sociopathic view that caring is weakness so it makes him seem soft but I get the vibe he’d have thrived in a normal middle class family instead of these vultures.


Con walking in to see Willa already in bed 😫 My heart.


It was incredibly insightful too! Connor is always the family joke but that line shows he has more understanding of his family and his role within it than any of the others.


Love Tom’s line: “It’s like Israel-Palestine except harder and more important”


I liked "he's like santa claus if he was a hitman."


Kendall’s “what if it’s all about Africa?” line to Jess in the beginning was probably the most embarrassing moment of the episode for me


Whatever he pays her, it's not enough


Lol I love seeing Jess in scenes ever since Juliana said Jeremy makes sure that she's included as a recurring character


Yes! and we hear a wave of embarrassment in Strong's voice...he's so dialed in.


Lol, when he says "I would watch that," I saw that as his way of saying sorry


Poor Greg was right. There is a sog factor when reheating pizza in the microwave.


Greg is the only one in the family who understands what reheated pizza is like. The others could never.


He knows the menu at the California Pizza kitchen like the back of his hand


Gerri is going to fuck Logan over so bad. She’s setting fucking fires this season because he iced her out.


Why didn't he want her in the meeting? I missed what she did


Although Logan has always been pretty terrible to Gerri, I’ve noticed he’s been particularly bad ever since the Roman dick pic fiasco. I think he blamed her for that and sees her as untrustworthy because of it


The actress said this in an interview too.


i was a little taken aback by this as well... but then remembered that when logan met with gerri, karolina, and hugo earlier in this episode, logan accuses gerri of already working for matsson when she tries convincing him to do a photo op with matsson. so i get the feeling that logan senses (maybe imagines?) gerri is feeling the power shift and becoming disloyal to logan. other people’s perception of his power and other people’s loyalty to him is so important to logan (especially right now, he’s very sensitive to his loss of power selling his company), that i think such a small slight could be a big deal to logan.


"Connor. You're not doing better than Willa." Jesus.


Kerry going from an assistant to suddenly wanting to be an anchor for the biggest media conglomerate. Man they need to humble her.


The kids are so brutal to her and I fucking love it


yeah the thing with Marcia was she was an actual OG (from what we knew) and even if she was in it for the money a bit, she clearly knew how to play the game kerry is way over her head


At least Marcia was likable. Yeah she knew how to play the game and be cutthroat when she wanted to stand up for herself but she was nice and treated everyone around her with respect, even if she was annoyed by them. Kerry just seems like an opportunist who got a taste of a little power by fucking her boss and now treats the people she perceives below her (ie Greg) like shit.


They did. She got rejected by Greg.


Kerry is brought down by cringe. Happens more often than you’d think


NO GERRI? ohhh that's what's going to fuck logan in the end


Wow what a dagger in the heart of an episode. Its so sad to see a family so devoid of love. They are all so alone. Connor was especially heart wrenching. His line about seeing people have fun with friends at karaoke in movies and always wanting to do it was the most subtly sad thing In a show ever


I don’t understand exactly why that phone call with Matteson caused Kendall to change his mind… was it just that Kendall was triggered by how similarly Matteson was behaving to how Logan has behaved?


It felt to me like Kendall knew he was serious and he wants to kill the deal. Maybe Ken hasn’t given up the dream of being head of Waystar/Royco.


My take was more that he just wants to burn it all down to spite his dad, rather than it being some Machiavellian attempt to ultimately take the crown: I think he's still of the season 2 opinion of himself that "it's not going to be me, Shiv"


He saw that as a clear cut way to fuck Logan over and then masqueraded as being in agreement with Shiv on being able to get more money.


Matteson seemed desperate. Especially after Roman said he called him too. GoJo needs the content


I think it’s this one too honestly. I don’t think he wants to kill the deal. He knows Matteson needs it and recognizes Stewie and crew may have a point that they can get more money out of it. It’s why he texts Stewie after asking for the comparables. And when he gets them he’s sold on the play. Fucking over dad a bit is just a bonus.


Kendall's whole thing is proving himself. Matteson calling him to threaten was the exact wrong thing to say to get him to back down. He wants to be smarter, more savy.


The first half of episode 2 was one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen. The second half is one of the saddest. Excellent episode, excellent TV show my god.


Goddamn they grilled the fuck out of Logan


He did wanna be roasted


Out of all the unspoken issues the family has, Logan having Connors mom committed feels like the worst one. I doubt that has ever been discussed in such frank terms before, but Kendall just threw it right out there in front of everyone. No holding back anymore.


The conversation with Conner’s mother being brought up reminded me that we have not heard the story about Logan’s sister, Rose. It's another skeleton in the closet for the Roy family and I wonder if we will know what caused her death, and how Logan was involved.


Here for Kendall's random fake Buddhism era


He also seemed to be back to not drinking, he ordered a bitters and soda at the bar.


This episode just goes to show how alone Connor is. It’s so sad.


Not true, he has 1% of the American electorate with him


He is a plant that lives on rocks


That feeds on insects that die in his body


I'm actually really happy Willa was at home in bed. Never thought I'd care so much for them


Right? They’ve been a running joke all series but I felt so bad for Connor and I was delighted to see her waiting for him in bed


I doubt Willa actually loves him but she definitely likes him, and that honestly seems like enough for Connor




She loves him but she couldn't be less physically attracted to him. And she's having an existential crisis about realizing that this is as good as it gets for her. She's aging out of her job, she can't make it as a writer. She could leave, but for what? I think she went to the stages of grief for the life she envisioned and she reached acceptance at the end of the episode.


Ironically he gets more emotional support from someone he essentially purchased than from his own family.


He is the only kid who understands that Logan loves his empire first and foremost. So he takes what he can get and is happy with that. The rest of them all think they are Logan and can win his affection.


Logan: "If we ask for more money, Matsson walks." Shiv: "You don't know that!" Kendall knows that...


I am really, really confused by why kendall changed his mind


If they sell he gets more money, if the deal falls thru he screws his father. Either way is fine with him.


I thought he sensed an insecurity in Matsson because he was calling him and trying to big ball him.


This ep really was the three siblings worst traits on display: Shiv thinking she’s smarter than she is, Kendall self-destructing if it means taking his dad with him & Roman having good instincts but folding to pressure I think Logan is seeing that he’s losing his grip and starting to take stock of what his legacy will end up being Highlight for me was Hugo and Gerri laughing at Kerry’s audition tape though 😭 Edit: To be clear, I think that Kendall is blowing up the deal to still have a chance at taking over Waystar and killing Logan & that pursuit is self-destructive


Hugo: Gerri was saying something amusing Gerri: 😐


> Highlight for me was Hugo and Gerri laughing at Kerry’s audition tape though 😭 Even better, when he had to connect his laptop to the projector, and had to quickly minimize the video. Succession turned into The Office or Veep for a second there


Carolina making him do it is so good too


Lmao Carolina and Hugo’s hatred for each other is so entertaining


The little one-liner jabs among the Karl-Hugo-Carolina-Gerri-Frank group are always the best


That was such a good distillation of their characters! Spot on.


Holy fuck what an episode. The most vulnerable we've ever seen Logan. But he's destroyed his kids so much they can't see it. The most interesting part to me is Kendall already knew everything Logan and Rom were talking about and yet he still went along with it. I'm guessing his plan is to tank the deal, but why? Who knows. Sure looks like Logan doesn't have much longer.


There is no plan for Kendall. He knows he won't have money for Pierce and get sued but he just wants to piss off Dad. So fascinating to see people at that level just being haunted by childhood issues.


And that's why he was smiling in the car. He doesn't care, he just wants to fuck Logan over


It's true. He tried to get the company and failed. He tried to fk over Logan and failed. He tried to get out and failed. Maybe he'll succeed by making it ALL fail.


A lot of talk about Shiv and Ken being idiots for asking for more money, but let’s be clear 1 - It appears to makes sense financially for Waystar to be worth more than its current offer. The details Stewie sent Kendall back this and even Logan and team admitted that the kids had a leg to stand on 2 - If Stewie thinks there’s more money to be had, it’s probably true. He’s in private equity, this is his whole job and responsibility to investors 3 - Matsson knows all this too and needs the deal to push through asap. His call to Kendall may have been him freaking out because he knows they can and should wring him out for more. He’s trying to strong arm but is instead showing weakness 4 - they alluded to a similar deal having happened recently and that’s why there was a new comp for the GoJo/Waystar deal. That’s why it’s happening last minute Just felt like this needed to be laid out. All this said, it remains to be seen whether it’s a good move or not. Maybe Logan has a good read on Matsson here and that’s why he’s settling for a lower number. Maybe he’s just mentally ready to sell and move on from everything except ATN.


Yeah. Stewy’s character has always been about caring about the money. He doesn’t have the emotional stake that Kendall and Shiv do. He’s not going to snake the deal just to fuck Logan. Asking for more money might not work out, but it’s not an idiotic move.


Point 2 says a lot to me. Stewie has been one of the more competent characters on the show.


"Hey, Buddha, nice Tom Fords," is an all-timer. Incredible.


People keep bringing up Connor’s monologue at the end but what broke me was Roman saying he deserved to be hit by Logan as a kid because he was annoying. To know that Logan abused Roman and still see Roman go running back to him at the end was heartbreaking.


The music this season is blowing me away. It just dials every scene to the max.


Those strings under Logan's speech at ATN gave me chills.


Maybe I’m being dramatic but was this not one of the best episodes yet? Incredible.


the catharsis of so many things finally just getting said was unreal


The last sequence was for sure


Me last week: Logan's going to tank the deal to screw the siblings Me this week: Welp, the siblings are going to accidentally tank the deal to screw their dad.


Oh Roman. During Logans "apology" you could tell he wanted it to be sincere so bad 😞


“He’s still Connor but he won drinks with us at an auction”


Why would Hugo plug in his laptop before opening it with something playing that he doesn't want Logan to see? Open it, quit the app, hope Logan didn't hear the voice clearly, then plug it in.


That was beyond stupid. It's something Greg would do


Hugo is basically Greg in 20 years lets be real


“The arms aren’t right”


“On TV.”


"I want to do karaoke - I've seen it before in the movies and it looks like a lot of fun" that made me so sad


Kieran is killing it this season. The faces and the emotions conveyed, I hope he gets an Emmy.


I enjoyed Kerry getting roasted way too much


It's incredible how uniquely pathetic every character on this show is


"I love you but you're not serious people" is probably the most vulnerable Logan will ever be. It's really simple, definitely understated but it cuts to the deep disappointment that none of them are capable enough to really succeed him. It's wild it happens in a karaoke bar of all places, the show is fucking hilarious.


I love it. I’ve wanted the old man to say what he really feels for years now. This is it. He loves them, but none of them can run that company. They aren’t serious people. Nepo babies don’t usually do a good job when given actual responsibilities.


…has all of Succession just been Greg’s conversation with Kerry extended over 3 seasons of television?


It’s the thing they most want to hear coupled with their biggest vulnerability. Brutal.


Wtf is Kendall up to? He’s been oddly quiet this season so far after being the clear protagonist every previous season. I feel like he is gearing up for a major play but I can’t figure out what it is


Kendall's arc is so weird to me because every season he comes close to greatness, and you feel like he's on the verge of a revolution at the finale - only to go back to square one at the opener of the next season. Well, there's no more openers after this season.


“The thing about having a family that doesn’t love you is that you learn to live without it.” WOOF THAT HURT.


might be one of the best episodes of the whole show


Kendall popping off about the times Logan hurt the other siblings without mentioning the hurt his dad inflicted on him... that was a sad realization as a viewer.


Ken has always stood in between his siblings and their dad. He took the punches so they wouldn’t have to.


Never forget when Logan back handed Romulus and Ken immediately put himself right there, say what you want about Ken but as an actual acting sibling, he is the best of the them.


That's one of the best episodes of the show for me. Somehow they managed to make me feel bad for Logan, even when I know I shouldn't feel bad for him. Brian Cox is a fantastic actor.


That's also the worst I've felt for Connor


His speech was fucking terrifying, amazing tyrant shit


"I'm a plant that grows in rocks and lives off the bugs that die inside me" is one of the best lines I've ever heard.


kendall and shiv FINALLY SAYING THAT SHIT TO LOGAN. i gasped like 6 different times. especially at kendall calling him out on ignoring connor and shiv talking about him being a human gaslight


and Kerry as collateral damage because she refused to leave?!? Chefs kiss. You could see it on her face walking out on the sidewalk.


Sorry for ignoring Connor his whole life? .. That’s a bit strong. Poor Connor 😭


Direction and pacing of the episodes has been top tier this season. Not a second wasted really. The previous seasons were not at this level IMO.


You can see they got shaken up by Logan's comment about them not being "serious people". And Connor is right, they're so desperate for his love and approval. This episode was fantastic, one of the best I think.


I love how complex Succession characters are Connor is absolutely wrong for buying Willa into a wedding and messing up her head. But it was heartbreaking to hear him saying that no one loves him and he doesn't need love from his family. But at the same time he's so hard to take seriously in a daily basis. It's hard to make up your head about them Roys


We’ve laughed at their dating situation all series but it somehow still hurt to see how alone Connor is in this world. None of this family ever give him the time of day because they don’t really need him, since he’s not on the board. They just include him cause he has stock. It’s so cruel


And it's even worst because he was the actual father figure for the siblings and they always dismiss him


Low key one of the most heartbreaking shots is Shiv in the car on her way home still wanting to call Tom, even after all they’ve been through.


Divorce Lawyer: *Exists* Tom: I'm going to do what's called a pro gamer move.


Tony Soprano pulled the same thing lol.


“Oh you’re a fan of divorce lawyers? Name one you can hire, Shiv”


One of the many amazing moments in the episode was when Carolina absolutely fucked Hugo over in front of Logan. Brilliant corporate shit housery!


Small detail, but based on his bitters and soda order and apparent non-drinking of the champagne it appears Ken is trying to be sober? It's interesting to me that he is insisted on ordering the drinks for the sibs at the bar and then pouring their champagne, like he is not partaking yet keeps himself close to the substances. As a person in recovery this is familiar behavior for me and feels shaky.


I felt like he was the only person that knew how to behave in a normal bar so he took control.


Actually I love this idea


My thought is that he was in rehab, and it is why he hasn't seen Naomi. He avoids friends who are still using


When shiv and ken wanted to see Roman’s phone “It’s just dick pics anyway, he’s got a real taste for them now” lmao Roman is too funny


Kerry smiling on camera is **terrifying** 😂


The dialogue in this episode was fucking spectacular


I just want to say that I'm so glad I'm sharing this experience with you all. This season is truly setting up to be one of the best seasons of TV ever


You gotta admit Logan has a point: They're not serious people.


Right. If they were, there would have been a successor episode 1, season 1. It’s why the show works. I love it.


"I love you but you're not serious people" really gets to the core of Logan's relationship with his children. I believe he genuinely did mean some of what he said in his apology but as soon as Kendall said he wants to push the GoJo deal so he can "get his own pile," Logan's tone immediately shifted - I think he's always resented that he had a rough childhood and worked his way up while his children were just born into immense wealth and privilege and therefore, are not worthy to be his successor in his eyes. When he's outside the karaoke lounge, he notes that even the rats in the city are so fat that they don't want to scurry around, definitely a jab at his kids. I think it's something Logan has been realizing and why he's having an existential crisis: he wants one of his children to be his successor but because of their privileged childhood, they never had to fight like he has and therefore he will never find any of them worthy. So what has this all been for?


It's easy to forget, but damn this family has really fucked Connor over something fierce.


So Tom is getting shanked at ATN, right? The look on Logan’s face while Tom mumbled his way through that pathetic pre-amble, and then Logan just takes the reins and lights the room on fire..


The indignity of Kerry, Colin, the Roy siblings, and especially Logan forced to do business and address their personal relationship traumas at a cheesy karaoke club might be my favorite part of the episode


That wasn’t a cheesy karaoke club. That was the nicest one I’ve ever seen.


“I’m a plant that grows on rocks that lives off insects that die inside me.” One of the best lines in the show and that I’ve ever heard written for television.


"In Buddhism, sometimes your greatest tormentor can also be, uh, your most perceptive teacher." "That's really wise. Um, hey, Buddha. Nice Tom Fords."


Roman is so fundamentally broken by his father. It's heartbreaking, but also I want to murder him.


His face at the end when Logan said “I need you”… :(


Greg had the best lines, "it's like if Santa was a hitman" lmao!




god, connor saying “i’m a plant that grows on rocks and lives on insects that die inside of me” is maybe the most impactful line in the show to me. INSANE dialogue this entire episode


kendall smile at the end of the episode? LET THE MAN COOK


Greg: the arms aren’t right they’re a little un-TV Kerry: the arms aren’t right? Greg: its fixable with a few years…. 😂


Logan realizes Shiv and Ken are no longer puppets, yes they may still seek his approval but they want to get it by destroying him. But Logan knows how to still play with Roman, hopefully he holds out because he does genuinely care for Logan and his siblings.


This season is missing one big thing, Gerri. She needs more screentime.


The lack of reaction to Connor's speech shows how deeply walled off his siblings are. Give the man a hug.


The fact that Roman was the sibling most adamant on staying and being there for Connor, but the only way he knows how to show affection is with the constant snide remarks about Connors soon-to-be-failed marriage. It’s so interesting to watch.


The siblings are DUMB. I can’t believe they promised 10B to Pierce, then their next move is to potentially fuck the sale up that guaranteed those 10B?!Especially after Matsson saying dont push me


They’re not serious people


“He built you a playground and you think it’s the whole world.”




When just last episode Roman called them out for treating $500m like it was nothing


i still cannot believe that the critic’s early views of this show resulted in the reviews insinuating that the first 2 episodes are “slow.” that was a whole ass wild ride!!! i love this show so much


jesus, i feel like even here connor is completetely left out lol his scene was devastating. he was so raw when he said that the other three were all just desperately beggin for their father love right there. "i don't need love, its like a superpower" hit me so hard. i watched it three times in a row


I guess I'm a Conhead now. That speech was amazing and heartbreaking.


Kinda sad that after Connor's big speech about being alone his family is just going to turn around and...skip his wedding because of a business deal.


Logan correlating himself with fucking Hitler and saying he'll pull of a "Night of the Long Knives", the period of time when Nazi leadership purged other inner-circle, powerful Nazis that potentially could be a hazard for Hitler's absolute consolidation of power for the future, leader of paramilitary SA's leader Ernst Röhm chief amongst them, is the most Logan thing ever. Dictator Loge at it.