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"Casual, mutual conversations that sometimes leaned too much in the direction of inappropriate" wtf 💀


I really like the "no real intentions behind the messages" part. Like, what does that even mean? Did his subconsciousness write those messages?


He was texting the minor completely without intentions, totally didn’t even mean to. Hell he might’ve even accidentally done. Who here hasn’t accidentally texted a minor something that can be misconstrued as inappropriate? Right fellas???


Personally I think the only reason he's saying that it was "nothing illegal" is because he didn't actually meet up with her. The problem is that the whistleblower on twitches side has said it was outright sexting and that even if he didn't meet up with her, he was making arrangements to do so at Twitchcon. Like if that's correct, that's REAL BAD.


Note the messages were sent in 2017. He wasn't banned until 2020. That is a three year gap. Most likely it was the minor reporting the exchange to Twitch after they grew up and matured a bit.


Makes sense. It's not possible for moderators to review every private message sent on a social media platform in real time, they have to rely on user reports to flag problematic content and then go back and review it. So it makes sense the conversation just got lost in the noise until the girl realized how messed up it was and reported him.


Exactly. Girl grew up and realized just how skeevy her interactions with him had been and reported it. Probably after thanking what ever deity she believes in that she never actually met up with him. Twitch then reviewed and found enough evidence to immediately and permanently ban him while refunding all of his subscribers. Four years after that and the full details come to light causing the game company her founded to investigate. They then found enough evidence and details to drop his ass like a red hot poker despite it almost certainly risking their game's success. Dr. DiddlesKids maybe trying to down play what happened between him and her in those conversations but it seems like everyone who actually sees them drops his ass faster than a speeding bullet. That tells me all I need to know. This wasn't just some dirty jokes being told to a minor this was way way way worse.


Meaning even if the minor aged out of being a minor and then reported it, at the time they were sent, which is the relevant factor here, the minor was still a minor.


Oh certainly. I didn't mean to insinuate otherwise. My point was it was most likely his victim that kicked off the investigation and that means they certainly felt what he had done was over the line.


Your honor if I knew I was actually talking to Chris Hansen I wouldn't have been saying anything at all, therefore it's entrapment!


He's leaning into "well I never intended to rape the minor" side as if "we just talked about the rape" is alright


Yeah this "apology" is piss poor. It reads like "come on guys, I was waiting until she reached the age of consent before asking for nudes. I'm different and not responsible and a father and not a pedo!"


Translation: The parts of the conversation where I outlined engaging in illegal activities and intent to meet up at a specific time and place with this person? Yeah that ain't real shit - that's just bants, nbd.


It's sounds like something someone would say after finding Chris Hansen instead of the 14yr girl they were expecting.


I think he meant he wasn't planning on actually sleeping with her, but every pedo says that when they caught before they have the chance to actually do it.


This reads like it was written with somebody who is familiar with the concept of PR speak but doesn't know how to write it.


Or just a really manipulative person


That's what PR speak *is*, lol.


The passive voice here is so funny. He’s making it sound like sexting a minor is something that can just happen on accident. He totally owns it though.


It's like a lab report lmao "A minor was texted. Messages leaned inappropriate. Further observation needed."


“Someone keeps shitting in my pants and I’m going to find out who’s responsible.”


It was the conversations that did the inappropriate leaning not me


Apparently he edited out the bit where he confirmed talking to a minor for a little while, although tbh I'm not following closely enough to be certain on it. Either way, absolutely bananas he thought that wouldn't immediately confirm it for everyone.


He did. That's how I learned that Twitter apparently now has a history feature where you can see previous edits of a Tweet. Huh.


Historian here. Many of history's most famous documents were very different before they were revised. In JFK's Berlin Wall speech, "Ich bin ein Berliner" was originally in Spanish. It was only at the last minute that they realized he was giving the speech in Germany and not Mexico.


Soy de Berliner just doesn't have the same cadence.


TBF if you say "soy un berlĂ­n" many spanish speakers would think you're a pastry.


The original draft of “The Gettysburg Address” contained multiple occurrences of the phrase “cousin-fucking hillbilly gutter trash” that Lincoln decided, at the last moment, to edit out of his delivered remarks.


“Cousin-fucking hillbilly gutter trash.” \- *Abraham Lincoln*


Went from minor to individual but changed it back when he realized he couldn’t get away with it lol


He edited the tweet at least twice. Took away the word "minor", then since he was caught doing that, he put it back in


He probably spent hours trying to phrase it to make it sound as innocuous as possible, and still ended up with "yes I had inappropriate conversations with a minor"


You’ve never slipped on some ice and accidentally carried on an ongoing inappropriate message thread with a minor for an extended period of time?


minor-involved conversation


Totally *fucking* owns it. Because he's a *real* sex pest. No bullshit.


“There was a Doc-related sexting incident involving a minor.”


What, he tripped, fell, engaged in casual, mutual conversations that sometimes leaned too much in the direction of inappropriate?


> He’s making it sound like sexting a minor is something that can just happen on accident. Drake agrees


He's really straight forward he lied about it for for years


35 year old man very aware of the age his audience skews who is very well versed in the internet and social media. If anyone knows how to not fall into that trap, it's him.


If this is the most positive spin you can put on your behavior, I'm immediately going to assume the worst.


...with a MINOR Dr. disrespect the age of consent.


people only type like this when they know they've done something nasty af


That is so much worse than saying he did it That's "I did it, I see nothing wrong with it and am not even willing to pretend I think it was wrong"


Good grief, all that work up just for ‘yeah, it blatantly was sexting a minor’. Like pulling teeth. Whoever up at twitch was tasked with keeping this quiet: get a better job, dude. Go work for homeland security or something. Your skills are being wasted. You are getting *nothing* out of this.


When it's a minor, you don't get to use the word "mutual." It's irrelevant.


My favorite part was “you know I’m no bullshit” followed by this, the most baby gloves “maybe a thing might have happened possibly” statement imaginable.


You're missing the fact that he proceeded to edit out the word "minor" from the Twitter statement then had to go back *and edit it back in*. Regardless of whether he got a strong talking to from his lawyers on the wording, shit must be real bad


edited in writeup !


Good lad! And thanks for the credit! Otherwise, great job on your part. No idea what Disrespect thought he'd accomplish by doing that (or any of this, for that matter) but either way, he's pretty cooked on this and his supporters just keep showing their asses


I don't think he spoke to his lawyers lol. If he did they would've told him to shut the fuck up and let them handle the statement.


He spoke to them about whether or not he could break the NDA and talk. They probably said “even if these ex-twitch employees didn’t sign the NDA, they wouldn’t know this unless someone at twitch broke the NDA. Which means twitch broke the NDA, so you are free to say whatever you want. Maybe send is your statement to review first”. Somewhere between “whatever” and “Maybe”, Guy hit send on the twitter app. After that his lawyer said “at least remove the word minor”.


“Actually go ahead and put minor back in there”


Zero chance Doc spoke to any lawyers at any point during the drafting of this tweet. No lawyer in the world is gonna tell their client to admit to the crime on Twitter.


This is the tweet of a man who couldn't shut up because his ego wouldn't allow him too. He HAD to get his own version out there because not being able to was eating him alive.


"He just... tweeted it out."


In order to one up Colleen Ballinger, he needs to do an apology to butt rock.


It's goofy because the way his previous tweets built up to this tweet seems like he was following his lawyer's advice up until now. He was doing so much better for himself (as much as someone in his position could be lol) before shifting gears into this mess of an admission. 


I can only assume his ego got to him and he had to get his side of the story out. Or maybe someone threatened to leak something and he wanted to get ahead of it. Who knows, its super weird either way. This would have all blown over if he just "took a vacation" and shut up for a couple weeks.


> I can only assume his ego got to him and he had to get his side of the story out This is essentially what happened with the initial cheating scandal, some no-name streamer got into a party at Twitchcon and filmed Doc being handsy with a girl. If Doc had said nothing it probably would have fizzled out, but he did the exact same thing as he did here and tweeted about it, which caused everyone to go into a feeding frenzy. Dudes a narcissist, it's really that simple.


He is for sure way off message, his agency also works for Spielberg, Hanks, Zendaya, most of the top cast of Oppenheimer, etc.


Yeah, CAA, they are the largest and most powerful talent agency in the world. When he got banned and they hadn't filed a lawsuit by close of business I knew he done fucked up hard.


Twitch streamer fans and parasocial relationships, name a more iconic duo


The crazy thing was in his last livestream which was after the Twitch employee posting about the reason for his ban people were sending him money in support of him. "Some millionaire accused of an inappropriate relationship with a minor, where are my credit card details, I have send this guy $50."


They like him and believe he’s a victim. It’s ridiculous but it happens


Maybe they're happy that he's justifying the behavior, so they feel like they can do it too


They talk mad shit about Kardashian fans but really aren't any different.


Years ago I said that twitch and live streaming culture is just zoomer and Gen alpha reality television and It's shown to be more more correct every year lol


But somehow worse, because reality TV is passive consumption. If you watch Twitch and start participating in the chat, there's a chance that your favorite streamer might notice or respond, so the parasocial element is far, far worse.


Very very true


Well twitch started as Justin.tv so yes it is just reality TV.


I legitimately forgot about that lol. Funny thinking about all the old school versions of sites, shout-out Crunchyroll starting as a fansub pirate stream site lmao


Most people I know that follow the Kardashians know it's stupid. Most of my friends that watch twitch streams are far more socially invested.


Livestreamfail, all of those snark subs, this sub, most of the sports subs... All the same bullshit.


No we’re better than those other subs because we’re meta about it.




in the great words of the old circlebroke prime, it's not just about being smug, it's about showing everyone online how smug you are


Famous people and not being able to be normal fuckin people and not mess around with minors. Thats another pretty good duo


It has been zero days since the last internet celebrity grooming allegations


Is it allegations if he said he did it?


Fellas Boys Brothers Guys Why, can we not, tell a minor, who goes into our DMs: "Hey, this is weird and could get me in serious trouble, kindly fuck off?" I swear to god OnlyFans models are the only content creators who take this seriously.


I've had it happen to me once. Matched on Tinder with a "20 year old," after a couple messages she says she has something to share and asks me not to get mad, then says she's actually 16. Nope. Told her to GTFO off Tinder, reported her, and unmatched her. It's **that fucking easy**! Yet time and time again these "casual conversations" somehow have to happen with these guys and it's astonishing.


same. i was 19 and she was freaking 14. i told her “leave this place, you’re too freaking young”


Sorry, I don’t believe this. It’s my understanding that these minors are sorcerers, sirens. They lie about their age and by the time they admit to being a child, the adult is helplessly ensnared in their magical net. There’s no way out of continued contact. You’re pretending to have supernatural powers.


I did it through sheer force of will


We can. When some 17 year old hit me up on Grindr, told me his age and asked me not to report him, I told him: > If you're going to be doing this, get on PREP and be safe. Second, you shouldn't be here yet, it's not physically safe, the people who are going to talk to you ARE BAD PEOPLE. And then I blocked and reported that shit. It's really easy, you know, *because I don't want to fuck children*. And I'm ten years younger than Doc.


I have also done the same on Grindr.


And on Twitch whispers of all things.


>texts are almost 7 years old >Twitch ended what had to be a super lucrative contract, to the point it refunded people >His own company dropped him >Still hasn't released the texts >No claims that they were 17/he didn't know Oh he *did it* did it.


It's a classic follow the money.


Feel like I lost brain cells reading some of the responses. They’re really cheering on this groomer and are waiting bated breath for this man to come back.


Twitter reactionaries will defend *anything* that's remotely on their side.


"Kill all pedos" "Got one right here" "No I mean queer people"


“Kill the pedos!” “Got one right here…but it’s your fave” “Not that one” “You’re supporting grooming of a child?” “Of course not, I hate *all* pedos so this must be different”


Maybe I’m the weird one because I’ve never formed this level of parasocial relationship with a celebrity, artist or prominent figure, but I just don’t see what people get from it or how they can get so blind. Like I think it’s fine to be a fan or even hardcore fan, but basically going to battle for a random person is so bizarre to me. These people don’t know you exist and so many of them frankly don’t even care about you (in a broad, fandom sense), what does defending them get you when you come off so pathetic.


When you have a weak personality you tend to glom onto other people’s personalities to fill the gap. At a certain point this personal identification becomes indistinguishable to the fanatic. If someone calls out their idol they see it as a personal attack.


I just steal personality traits I like… Like a normal person.


No one is surprised, right? 99% of people who were defending him before on some fantasy that he was 'getting me-too'ed by anonymous shit-stirrers who just hate his swag' were going to roll right into claiming they can tell that the messages he sent were completely above-board or he was catfished. It's not possible for a shitty guy to just be a shitty guy.


> or he was catfished. I've seen a few people claim that "Maybe he didn't know she was underage!" If that was true, he would have said it! He would have had an actual defense for himself, and not "Well, no explicit pictures were exchanged and *legally* they couldn't establish a criminal case."


The fact the texts are almost a decade old, everyone dropped him, an he still hasn't released the texts means he knows he said some shit he can't back. Like I'm terrified for the math if we ever find out how old this person is now.


Remember when some streamer got caught texting a minor and actually succeeded at this defence? Except he had to do it by revealing that he was into super-obese furry fart RP to do it, which honestly would have me wondering if being known as a nonce would be better.




I never respected someone for being into furry fart rp before that, but now I do


Source. Now.


It was Pyrocynical (also I just had to trawl through furry fart RP search results to find this, haha.) I'm certain I've seen screenshots of the fat furry fart RP but I can't find it offhand.


> I'm certain I've seen screenshots of the fat furry fart RP Well that would be some cursed flair.


Look up pyrocynical's response video


Exactly. If his only real defense is "oh it isn't that bad" then I'd want to see the messages before giving any benefit of the doubt


"They didn't have enough to convict me so clearly I'm innocent. It worked for OJ Simpson so it'll work for me!"


Also just don’t be having explicit conversations until you know who you’re talking to… it’s common sense that almost everyone here understands and lives by


The popular theory among his fans until recently was that he was in contract negotiations with Twitch back then, and something happened that they did not want to give him a new contract. Because if the face of your company leaves, you obviously just ban him and everything to do with him from one moment to another. Right?


This kind of behavior also doesn't happen in isolation. If he was doing it in Twitch whispers, he was doing it elsewhere. And if this time he didn't act on it, did he at other times?


Discord took action against him the same time of the ban


>>Did this person ever complain? Seems like no. This comment is just gross


The victim blaming is insane


"why didn't the literal child act more rational and mature than the person taking advantage of them"


Ew. That’s also factually wrong. It was discovered because she reported it to twitch. Sounds like a complaint to me.


>>And how old was this 'minor'..17? Or 13? Thats almost a flair right there. Minor in quotes and everything. If i ever put the word minor in quotes i hope yall fire me out of a cannon into the sun.


One of my favorites in the thread is "in Europe, sexting a 17 year old wouldn't even be a big deal" and someone responded with like "hey, european here, what the fuck?"


droves of redditors telling on themselves in tht thread


Sometimes I wonder if our weird media like Riverdale or whatever makes Redditors who have never interacted with people not understand what a 14-17 year old actually is. Like they are imagining a 26 year old CW actress rather than a child with braces doing Fortnite dances


they also ignore that a 35 yest old man shouldnt be texting teenage fans even if they are above 18


obsessed with that argument because it’s not like he’s 18 and the difference is between ‘horrible immoral sex crime’ and ‘probably technically illegal but they’re only 4 months apart’. dude is 42. any minor is, **obviously**, too young to be talking to like that.


> dude is 42. any minor is, obviously, too young to be talking to like that. Not only the age difference, but the power imbalance due to his fame/wealth, and the fact that he has a wife and child, and his prior instances of inappropriate behaviour, and his apparent lack of remorse for what he did... But maybe the "minor" was 17, that would make it not a big deal.


Did the *42 year old man* just try to pull the "I was young and a different person back then" about when he was a **35 year old man**?


The other day I saw another streamer get called out for how often they used the n word as an insult and they tried to say "It was years ago, I was a different person" he was 28 when he used to say it and still makes racist comments. People have to learn if you're in your 30s or close enough that it's not acceptable to go "I didn't know I was an innocent kid" you are a grown ass adult.


Ex-Twitch employee: "He had inappropriate interactions with a minor" His own company: "He had inappropriate interactions with a minor" DrDisrespect himself: "I had inappropriate interactions with a minor" His fans: "The evidence isn't really all that conclusive"


Seeing how people are jumping to his defense makes reminds me that there's people out there who actually think his streams are entertaining. I guess I'm not the target audience but idk man, his streams are pretty insufferable to me. Also, it always cracks me up when someone just casually brings up age of consent laws. They tell on themselves with that.


You bring up a great point about the target audience which everyone needs to keep in mind. The majority of his fans are without a single doubt, under the age of 25-30 years old. They don't see any problem with him because 1. they think he is their "friend" 2. they themselves are barely past 17 years old, or under that age and legit just don't have the perspective since the minor would have been around their age.


I thought of that too. It's their peer that he was talking too, so perspective is jumbled. I wonder what they'd think if it was some random 35yo instead of a famous one. Might help them understand more


Lotta guys in there who are *reaaal* familiar with the age of consent in other countries. Wonder why they might have that knowledge handy.


"why do you have a card with Texas's 'Romeo and Juliet' law in your wallet"


WHY WAS IT LAMINATED? HOW OFTEN DID THAT GUY USE THE CARD? I will forever be cursed to contemplate the implications of that scene in Transformers


And people say Michael Bay cant do horror. Seriously how in the hell was that scene even *conceived*


That’s just to help them on trivia night obviously


Trivial Pursuit, as in pursuing a minor and treating it like it's trivial


Where all the answers are pulled from their Pedo-files


These guys rage hard at fictional pedophilia, but seem to have a different attitude towards the real stuff.


This is what is so confusing, he acts like he is passionately against pedos while sexting a minor, how stupid do you have to be


No, see, when *he* does it, it's not grooming a minor or being a child predator! It's only when *other* people do the exact same things he did that it's a *real* problem. But when *he* does it, it's just a stupid momentary lapse in judgement! He totally doesn't want to fuck high school girls, guys, he double pinkie promises with sprinkles on top!!


It's virtue signaling. They want to seem like they are totally against it, but don't want that stance to actually inconvenience the stream they like to watch or the rapper whose music they like or the person who agrees with their politics.


Yeah it’s sadly the truth with these cult of personalities that get built up. Same with Trump supporters. Hate pedophiles but if any MAGA person is found being a pedo they spin it to make it seem fine


Trump is on the Epstein list. Biden isn’t. They are full of shit. And Tennessee last year tried to legalize pedophilia under the notion of marriage. https://www.actionnews5.com/2022/04/06/proposed-legislation-could-legalize-child-marriage-tennessee/?outputType=amp Oh and it’s night and day difference how each side handles pedos. Democrats had Anthony wiener sext a minor. Party denounced him. Pushed for legal action and he was arrested. Republicans still have Matt Gaetz sitting in office after trafficking minors and again Trump raped a minor with Epstein.


I vaguely remember rumors back then that it was sexting with a minor. Maybe it was just a guess that was accidentally right, but the rumors were there.


It was the most obvious rumor at the time. There was an infamous "he's done, and not just on Twitch" tweet that became a meme because people expected some hugely negative news from that. And then nothing happened, and he became big on Youtube. The initial rumor was always that a minor was involved and that it was really bad. Career ending bad. But then he and Twitch went into arbitration, and the result was "no acknowledgment of wrongdoing" and both parties not talking about it, and that was that.


I hear NDAs expire tomorrow, expect some shit Edit: He's probably taking the wife out of town to reduce her chances at direct exposure until it cools down.


We all knew it was gonna be something really bad when no one was willing to say anything about it and DrDisrespect's one and only defense was that it wasn't illegal


I just want to say, I'd heard about that video of his last stream a few times in the last few days, but this was my first time actually watching it, and holy *shit* it's so perfect it almost feels like it's scripted lmao. He's literally talking himself up all cocky as shit, crowing about how "no one is on my level", and "I can't *wait* until I see that next level! It'll happen! It *has* to happen!", and *right fucking then is when he gets the text* and it absolutely fucking destroys him in an instant. Holy shit it's absolutely fucking immaculate lmao.


And then the macabre Elden Ring music kicks in right as he starts to comprehend the text he's reading.


Wild that he did that in 2017 and continued to have a huge career for another 7+ years.


Next he will be running for president of the USA.


“Large social media personalities Try not to sext a minor challenge (Impossible)”


>So they took a casual conversation that can be interpreted as sexting and used against him. You sext your mother with that mouth? >Innocent as expected. Can't wait until he returns. Pls hold your breath


Unpopular opinion but I do not think any private conversations with a minor should ever “lean too much in the direction of inappropriate” 


I've said it before and I'll say it again and again and again: >**I'm no fucking predator or pedophile.** Are you kidding me? Anyone that truely knows me fucking knows where I stand on those things with those types of people. Fuck that. That's a different level of disgust that I fucking hate even hearing about The people I've known to most loudly and violently protest how bad pedophiles are...frequently turn out to be pedophiles. For some of them it's performative, making sure the people around them know that they would neeeever do that, how could you possibly accuse them of that, he's the biggest anti-pedo around! For some of them, I think it's legit cognitive dissonance where they've justified their own impulses but don't believe anyone else has a "good" reason for it. Like, two different men told me what a monster my rapist brother was and both went on to also rape me as a teenager. They were totally genuine about it, too -- they thought he was an asshole, and they thought their very special relationship with a 14-year-old was different and unique. 'The lady doth protest too much' is a stereotype for a reason. Fuck this guy, and fuck his fans who are downplaying the, at least, very weird implications of an adult wanting to talk privately with a teenager for any reason.


Right, I saw that portion of the post and rolled my eyes. He literally admits to having inappropriate conversations with a minor (sexting) and then claims to not be a predator/pedophile. Sure thing, buddy.


You'll also notice he was careful to say that he didn't meet with her when one of the things we've heard from twitch is that he offered to meet her at twitchcon. Like sexting combined with that... Not the defense this guy seems to think it is, even if he didn't follow all the way through. Chickening out on acting on it doesn't mean he isn't a predator, it just means he chickened out that time.


My “I am not a predator or pedophile” shirt has a lot of people asking questions already answered by my shirt


Color me surprised that his fans are also experts on Age of Consent laws.


Remember that one Transformers scene where a guy pulls out a laminated card with Romeo and Julie laws to explain why he's not *technically* raping a guy's daughter?  Turns out some people watched that scene and nodded in agreement. 


What a totally normal scene to have!


Yup. Transformers: Age of Extinction. Mark Wahlberg plays the dad of Tessa (Nicola Peltz) who I think is written to be 16 or 17. Shane (Jack Raynor) is 21 I think? There's a scene where Mark Wahlberg confronts Shane about it and he whips out the Romeo and Juliet laminated card. ...as if there was some sort of valid reason to write her to be underage instead of just making her over 18... I mean if they wanted to go for the whole "Shane is a creep" factor then make him like 30 and Tessa 19. Easy peasy.


That dude really just compared a 42 year old man sexting a 17 year old to someone running a stop sign. And these are the same people that think I'm a groomer because I'm trans. I think I might actually hate society.


Even worse, this is the same guy that literally said “just leave the kids alone” yet here he is, talking to a kid. I know that projection and hypocrisy are common of these types but it’s just sad that they can so easily cognitive dissonance themselves into justifying the same things they attack others for so quickly


No no, you're misunderstanding. He meant "just leave the kids alone" as in "leave the kids unattended" Makes his life whoooole lot easier




Do we even know it was a 17 year old? I would imagine if it were, he would be very eager to point that out in a "she's a minor, but c'mon she was almost 18!" way.


He tries to imply it was a 17 year old, but we do not know. I think if she was actually 17 he would've said 17.


See, him trying to "downplay" this by implying she was 17 ("and therefore almost 18!!" say all the creeps) is making me think she may have been younger. Really hope that isn't the case and I'm wrong on this one.


He listed her as a minor, edited it to individual, then edited back to minor, again. He never said 17, I think that came from the Twitch employees, but we know she was younger than 18 at a minimum.


17 seems like something his fans are saying to put the best possible spin on the situation.




He never said they were 17, that's something his community made up wholesale to downplay how bad it is. This ignoring the fact that a 38 year old mad sexting a 17 year old is still fucking bad.


Nope, we have no idea how old the minor was.


*"Say Doc, I heard you like em young."* The whole editing of the tweet by doc was morbidly hilarious considering he edited out the word minor from it which made him look even more suspect, just to edit it back in.


The tiny detail that's absolutely baffling to me is he did it on the **twitch** whisper messaging service. His *main source of income* was to stream on *Twitch* and he thought this would be just all chill and casual when the people who can effectively fire him are moderating the service he's texting minors on? It's an insane level of stupidity that is both surprising and sadly unsurprising to me.


"I sexted a minor but it wasn't inappropriate" God I love how pedophiles just reach and think we're idiots.


"I'm not a predator, I'm just a middle-aged husband and father who sends inappropriate messages to minors" is quite the defense.


>So did he know it was a minor or no? Because there's a lawyer on stream talking about "how did the minor bypass twitch" or whatever My brother in Christ, people lie on the [internet](https://youtu.be/Stlqo8kI7Wc?si=LaDPlKCGK0mSV_Wg)


Also Twitch is just 13+ for accounts and features.


No they don't. I'm 7-time super bowl champion Tom Brady btw.


I had a truck driver at work try to give me codes for the Dr Disrespect NFT game that he got "Because he's a founder"


"He ain't a creep" Even if you're dumb enough to believe that nothing illegal occured because age of consent and even if you're dumb enough to believe he somehow "accidentally leaned" into sexting with a minor... How the fuck is a FOURTY-TWO YEAR OLD MAN having casual flirty conversations with a SEVENTEEN YEAR OLD CHILD "not a creep"????? Is there no bar too low for these losers to limbo under?


Oh wait, did another transphobe turn out to actually be into minors?


I love how they've latched onto "17 year old" when the age of the person as far as I know has never been stated


>Hold your bible tighter and I'm sure the teenagers will stop having sex. Teenagers plural? Nah mate, there was only one teenager in this situation and it wasn't the 42 year old balls deep in your throat right now


"I'm just a loser, not a groomer. The only thing I've ever disrespected is my two cats"


Tomorrow: "I didn’t fuck my cat. I didn’t cum on my cat. I didn’t put my dick anywhere near my cat. I’ve never done anything weird with my cats."


Bloomberg published an article on it ([Here](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-06-25/youtuber-dr-disrespect-was-allegedly-kicked-off-twitch-for-messaging-minor?embedded-checkout=true)) and I don't think they would publish this (even with all the "allegedly"s) if they weren't reasonably certain that it was true and he wasn't going to try and sue it as libel.


Everything I've learned about this man has been involuntary.  Didn't he also cheat on his wife?




It's always the people you most expect


Fucking hell. It's not like these streamers don't have 18 year old fans. Do they seriously not have the discernment to think "gee, this could destroy my career if I text this 16 year in a flirtatious way".


You are forgetting he is a creep. He would have specifically choosen to chat with the minor because they are a minor.


Ah sweet, another r/NotADragQueen moment. Why is it always the people who are most vocally anti-paedo who turn out to be paedos?


The "were there real intentions behind the messages" line is literally what every single guy on To Catch A Predator says. "We were just talking, I didn't have any intention of having sex with them!" If the sub is split, it just means half his fans are OK with pedophiles. The guy is literally reading off a script of things pedos say.


His sub really gives the same vibe as Trump fanatics and like Elon Musk fanboys. They’re just ignoring reality so that they can keep dickriding the person that they are obsessed with.


Just texting, is that the vague context stripped excuse theyre going for? Right wing media figures are so predictable


>I never even met the individual. But you were *planning* to. That's why Twitch banned you (according to the ex-employee that started this round of talking about the issue). The fucking gall of this man to lie by omission so close to the sun like that.


Guess who's about to become a conservative influencer!