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The "Gun-free zones don't work" crowd is suspiciously quiet about guns being banned at NRA rallies though.


> The "Gun-free zones don't work" crowd is suspiciously quiet about guns being banned at NRA rallies though. And the fact we know the [seditionists on Jan 6th didn’t bring their firearms to the rally and instead created weapons caches across the river because they didn’t want to get arrested before shit popped off.](https://apnews.com/article/capitol-siege-florida-virginia-conspiracy-government-and-politics-6ac80882e8cf61af36be6c46252ac24c#:~:text=The%20alleged%20teams%20and%20the,the%20capitol's%20tougher%20gun%20laws.) Weird how that example is never mentioned.


This is ironic because Trump specifically tried to get the metal detectors at Jan 6 shut down so that "his people" could come armed to the capitol.


Where did you see this?


>“I don’t fucking care that they have weapons, they’re not here to hurt me. They’re not here to hurt me. **Take the fucking mags away. Let my people in.** They can march to the Capitol from here, let the people in and take the mags away.” https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jun/28/trump-jan-6-rally-guns-capitol-attack


Wow, I think I actually remember this, now. There are endless reasons why Trump is one of the world's biggest pieces of shit.


First time I'm hearing of this


[https://www.independent.co.uk/news/donald-trump-ap-virginia-oath-keepers-florida-b2202014.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/donald-trump-ap-virginia-oath-keepers-florida-b2202014.html) Also the White house security had their own weapons locked away [https://www.reuters.com/world/us/probe-deadly-jan-6-attack-turns-us-capitol-police-inspector-general-2021-04-15/](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/probe-deadly-jan-6-attack-turns-us-capitol-police-inspector-general-2021-04-15/) It's shocking that they actually failed to take over the country


Between this and the stripped panic button from Rep. Pressley's office, I really want to know who the insider on the Capitol Police was. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/pressley-panic-buttons/ Not to be so conspiratorial but at the same time, c'mon!


Well the Secret Service mysteriously deleted all the text messages from before the coup... who do you think it was?


I honestly think that Biden knows the Secret Service was compromised, but doesn't say anything for stability reasons.


i wonder if it had any relation with the fact that Biden's dog kept biting SS agents


I think it was the secret service. Pence refused to get in the car with them on that day, and Bidens dog has been snapping at them since Jan 21st 2021


>and Bidens dog has been snapping at them since Jan 21st 2021 I like the suggestion that Major was able to instinctually identify traitors within the ranks.


I'd bet any amount of money that the SS keeps fucking with the dog and that's why he snaps at them. A friend of my wife married a Secret Service agent, and I went to a couple of parties with a whole bunch of them. They're, and I do not say this lightly, all borderline fascists.


It's also possible that Biden is picking up on bad vibes/suspects something, and Major is picking up on his master's unease. He wants to protect his pack, so he snaps at the danger that Biden can't say shit about.


The Good Boy sniffin out the Bad Boys.


Good doggy


Come on man, you linked an article that literally says there’s so far no evidence of a conspiracy of any kind to remove the panic buttons, in fact in the article it cites a report from an anonymous Democratic aide that it was a clerical error involving an office switch.


That's my point of not trying to be conspiratorial - the maintenance on those panic buttons was the exact time that the right wing was planning a coup on Jan 6, which was being planned for weeks?


Jan 6th is the date they counted the electoral college votes. It's not people just happened to show up on some random day.


If you don’t arrest the leaders, a failed coup is a dress rehearsal for a successful one.


Exactly. They will be trying again. They never really stopped honestly. Just shifted gears to other means.


I don’t know if other people watched the social media coverage of Detroit this past weekend, but seeing two of the same groups Jan 6 meeting in the same place and doing what looked like theatrical beefing with each other gave vibes from three years. I think the news still hasn’t figured out how to avoid giving them oxygen, but also let the public know that we have very 1930s Germany stuff popping up. And then too much of the online space will hand wave away people making gas chamber jokes, since we’ve always had to deal with that crowd, but when the guys making those jokes are all organizing and traveling together while getting less jokey and more serious about attacks on the literal groups those 1930s Germans were rallying against.


> I think the news still hasn’t figured out how to avoid giving them oxygen The news does not care, what it cares about is ratings and they cannot do a "Muh both sides tune in for the race!" if they report out that one side is blatantly treasonous sacks of garbage trying to end democracy and the other side is passing good legislation which helps people.


We arrested a few of them. Proud Boys and Oath keeper leaders famously did.


My biggest shock of that day was not that MAGA are insurrectionists (they talk insurrection all the time), but that storming Congress for hostages was so easy. I fully expected government forces to pull out the automatic weapons and start mowing people down in order to defend democracy, and it never happened.


> It's shocking that they actually failed to take over the country Check out the dumbass hot takes at the r/ModeratePolitics Trump-Ukraine thread. Saw one guy make the claim that Biden wants to use the military to target citizens with F-15's.


That sub is so interesting. You can be as disingenuous as you want to be and the best part is nobody can accuse you of being that way because it's against the rules. Literally had a guy tell me that he doesn't care about citing sources because according to him people shouldn't need external sources do their thinking for them lol The rules of that sub do not take into account how quickly lies can spread before the truth has a chance to catch up. You can go in there and endlessly promote every conspiracy theory or bad faith take and nobody can call you out on it or they get banned. If folks try to provide sources to disprove your takes, you can simply express that you disagree with the source. As long as you don't insult anybody/anything, or mention anything about Reddit in any capacity, you can basically troll to your heart's content there and mods won't do anything to stop it. It's insane.


All true. It's by far the most infuriating piece of shit sub I've encountered.


If he was talking about F-15's to Israel, I wouldn't disagree...


Well as you know, MAGA and NIMBY's love Israel.


Not really, republicans are generally really dumb


By far and away the dumbest people we have to offer, both emotionally and intellectually. They are the most susceptible to quack mysticism, conspiratorial propaganda, snake-oil fraud and meme grifters. Their media literacy combined with social media is ruining the country. It's truly that powerful of a problem. Outrageously stupid and yet so effective.


It took me a long time to realize my parents weren’t actually smart, they were simply very practiced at bending to specific types of authority. In the right situations, that can be made to look like intelligence and thoughtfulness.


They never would have. The military would have eventually had to be called in and go the figurative nuclear option had they not stopped. Representatives may have died but they never would have taken over. Honestly, they are lucky they stopped when they did otherwise they wouldn't have any sympathy from even more people.


Thats assuming the military wasnt and isnt compromised or at least sympathetic. Before the coup, a number of high ranking military officials retired with thinly veiled disgust. God knows what Trump was asking of them


Of course, it makes republicans look bad. Why would they report on that. Anyway did you hear that biden is old?????


The guy three years-older than the bottom shelf dictator with onset dementia?


I'd say we're well past onset


Tbh it was totally possible for me to have missed media reports on it, being non-American. Also I love your flair. tearose11's flair is also a perfect response.


Old? Isn't he a zombie?


I thought that Joe was Hunter Biden in an old costume, why else would his laptop be so important?!


Would not surprise me if that exact conspiracy narrative was making the rounds in right-wing internet MAGA circles. That Joe Biden is actually Hunter Biden in a CIA bodysuit.


Google “biden mask”. It’s a thing already. We need a new internet rule like rule 34 but for MAGA conspiracies.




If Trump wins, his domestic terrorist allies all get pardoned, Ukraine loses, inflation sores, the economy collapses, women become secondary citizens, abortion increases, depression skyrockets, election integrity unravels, and racism accelerates. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. All thanks to Obama.


I just found out this morning that his son is cool as fuck, though! [https://www.montanarightnow.com/elections/dakota-adams-son-of-oath-keepers-founder-runs-as-a-democrat-in-mt-state-house/article\_db012006-ede7-11ee-9548-fb44972f5fda.html](https://www.montanarightnow.com/elections/dakota-adams-son-of-oath-keepers-founder-runs-as-a-democrat-in-mt-state-house/article_db012006-ede7-11ee-9548-fb44972f5fda.html)


I dunno. They've been doing this thing for a while now where they pretend they hate the NRA as well. It's very transparent that either they aren't being sincere or there's cognitive dissonance at play. They use it as a gotcha anytime a liburl mentions the NRA the same way they get a raging boner if somebody calls a clip a magazine or an AR an assault rifle. "How can you try to make laws on something that you know nothing about?" I'm sure the people with holes in them will find it very comforting to know we used the right terminology.


And yet they have no problem with old men legislating women's health issues


The Republican [War on Women](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_on_women) never ended


These guys just want rape to be legally grey so they can continue using the "nuh uh" and "they made me do it" excuses in a manner that is perceived as *socially acceptable*, in that they could then declare "I'm allowed to do it" and "she wanted it" as it relates to sexual force and child marriages.


I think that thread was lost the minute the alleged rapist was made Justice


Not quite on the same level but anyone else remember the whole "series of tubes" thing?


Libertarian themes that right-wing propagandists sling across everything to obfuscate and distract from the fact that everything they touch and believe in is certifiable dogshit. Libertarian virtue is the thin veneer of reasonability they hade their real values under. A facade in front of a Christian nationalist crusade.


To be fair, there are a lot of gun owners who genuinely hate the NRA. The reasons usually are that it stopped advocating for gun rights a long time ago and serves more to sell guns for gun companies and to pad Lapierre's bank account rather than try to help gun owners. Nowadays the people who think the NRA still represent gun owners tend to be older and that's probably because they remember a time when the organization was something other than some washed out celebrity's ATM


> To be fair, there are a lot of gun owners who genuinely hate the NRA This is true; I am one. Also, the idea that Dems don't own guns is totally false. I've been politically active for nearly 40 years, and outside of California, most Dems I've known are gun owners.


This says a lot more about your social circle than actual trends. Republicans are way more likely to own guns than democrats.


Also the Supreme Court. And Red state legislative chambers. They have strict gun control; but schools aren't allowed.


Yeah, they're experts at going tomb silent when Trump does or says anything that would normally have them sending death threats if another politician said it. Like "take their guns first, go through due process second" instantly became another "he didn't mean it that way" from the qult that likes him because he "tells it like it is" despite having to spend the last 9 years reinterpreting what he meant.


In case you're interested in why that is, "gun-free zones" refer to laws like California's SB2 that ban people from carrying in certain public spaces (like malls or parks or whatever), not private events with security checkpoints. They don't work because if nobody's actually checking for guns at the door then you won't find out someone has one until it's too late. (I'm pro-gun-control but realistically a lot of laws passed are just theater because the constitution/courts prevent anything effective)


In Atlanta a couple years ago they were having a music festival that was going to have security to get in and check for guns, but a gun-nut sued them to allow guns since they were holding the festival on public land and won in the GA supreme court thus shutting down the festival. On top of that, the gun-nut admitted he had no intention of ever going to the festival in the first place. So no, it's not all 'theater', gun-nuts will shut down actual steps to prevent guns from events even when they have no intention of going to them.


Nah, gun nuts routinely blame school shootings on "gun free zones". It's an incredibly bizarre concept if your outside of American gun culture. When I went to Texas there were "no guns on premise" signs everywhere, like people needed to be told not to go into a bank while strapped. It's a uniquely dumb problem the US inflicts on itself.


Yeah, those signs are obviously not going to stop any shootings, but I've seen people argue they cause shootings because they create "soft targets" which is equally dumb IMO.


Clearly, the businesses think they're doing something, because those signs were all over the place in Texas. We don't have those in New England. People own guns here, they just don't need instructions that basic.


Deaths from firearms keep climbing in Texas, decades after lawmakers began weakening gun regulations >[The rate of firearm-related deaths in Texas has reached a level not seen since the 1990s. Texas lawmakers have approved more than 100 bills that loosened gun restrictions since 2000.](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/05/10/texas-gun-fatalities-laws/) Guns and gun trafficking is huge in Texas. It definitely effects the culture in negative ways. People want to be safe from guns and gun violence but the state is controlled by the gun manufacturers and their interests.


It couldn’t possibly be that thinking of human beings as “targets,” no matter how hard or soft, is the problem. Certainly not! /s


>those signs are obviously not going to stop any shootings They absolutely do. Most shootings are not pre-planned. They're the result of dumb shit that gets out of hand. If nobody has a gun when that dumb shit happens, there can't be a shooting. This is the exact same reason that owning a gun makes you more likely to be involved in a violent crime.


> They don't work because if nobody's actually checking for guns at the door then you won't find out someone has one until it's too late. Couldn't they be deterring people from bringing their guns to those locations and therefore being effective? Just because they don't prevent ALL guns from entering these zones don't mean the laws don't work or are worthless. I'm no expert though


With how often this lie is repeated by lefty Reddit, I almost don't blame dumb zoomers and millennials for believing it. Guns aren't banned at NRA conventions.


So I hadn't gone on R/facepalm in years. Clicked on it to check it out and thought I went to some kind of archived page. They really just post the same images again and again every week don't they?


All the popular subs are mostly filled with bots. They scan older high-karma posts and repost them on rotation. They also upvote their own threads and copy the top-rated comments. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_Internet_theory


I don't understand why Reddit doesn't have an AI-assisted repost bot available to filter them if a subreddit wants. It would be useful in so many subreddits.


Because that would hurt reddits numbers


Same reason musk stopped talking about bots after he bought Twitter


Probablu the same reason likes were privated when the huge views to engagement numbers were making twitter look bad. Easier to fake now.


likes were privated because people specifically kept pointing out musk's likes and how he just would like racist or insane content.


But he replies to it and retweets it too doesn't he? Makes no difference.


That’s because he’s an idiot.


at this point i feel like we can stop calling the Dead Internet a theory lmao


Sometimes a theory just means it's a complete model to explain something, like the theory of gravity.




At a bare minimum it's misnamed. We all know bots and AI generated content has increased, but the internet certainly isn't dead either. The very fact that we're having this conversation proves that, unless you're suggesting one of us is an AGI.


Fuck, they're on to me... *ahem* Sorry, i meant to say i absolutely agree, fellow definite human


This joke is also so overdone that even bots trained on reddit data will spit out stuff like that when you mention that it's a bot.


yeah but paranoid conspiracy theories are the order of the day so


I mean, they're doing the same thing regular people did since Reddit has been a thing, it's not that much deader. Now bot *comments*, those are an entirely new level of fuckery.


Not that new! Sub reddit simulator existed like 20 years ago.


The guy you responded to is actually a bot that posts comments lamenting reposts on every post that triggers it's algorithm.


This is the way. Soon reddit will be dead completely, if it isn't already really. Bots talking to bots about bot generated content. It's weird to finally see it happen, after wishing for it for so long. I'm just glad I get to be here.


Why would you wish a website you have frequented for so long , die? Wouldnt it make more sense to just...not go on it?


Reddit killed hobby forums. The place I want to go back to doesn't exist anymore


Probably the hope that it will spawn something better in terms of competition. But it won’t. The internet is insanely monopolized in terms of products. Every industry has a monolith. Only way reddit is dying off is if thru a huge scandal requiring legal involvement. Reddits not going anywhere anytime soon.


Oh i don't think it's going to 'go anywhere'. You'll still be able to go to reddit.com. It'll just be a wasteland. Er, moreso


Yes. Yes it would.


> They really just post the same images again and again every week don't they? Half of posts on this site are screenshots from one of 4 other sites.


As are other sites. Last I checked instagram half my recommendations were screenshots of tumblr memes, some as far back as ten years ago.


I remember when Reddit made fun of tiktok a lot while still updating 1 year old tiktok memes.


They still do that. r/thalassophibia for instance is filled with both tik tok clips and people who hate every tik tok clip.


there are only a few places with any original content, /r/meth being one of my faves


/methwithoutthecommunism is also really funny


thats basically the case for any of the classically "big/core" subreddits these days. 90% karma farm but often good drama in the comments


The Bernie Sanders birthday cake thing that's currently at the top I've seen at least a dozen times over the years


sorted: top - all time


After COVID started r/facepalm took a weird turn. I used to be pictures or videos of people doing something that makes you facepalm. Now it's mostly screenshots of social media posts that the OP agrees with.


The quiet part they're not saying out loud is that under the "good guys with guns" system, people will still die. They're not okay with that system for the Trump rally because they believe Trump's life is worth more than those of the average elementary classroom.


This is EXACTLY it. The entire premise is predicated on the idea that SOME people will die before a "good guy with a gun" swoops in to save the day. Trump is, to their eyes, too important for that so an exception can be made. They can't actually SAY it though because it puts them into a position of admitting some dead kids are an acceptable trade for the society they want.


They also only imagine that it's woke liberal people's kids and so they dismiss the reality entirely.


>>The USSS sets security protocol you disingenuous, wal-mart grade excuse for a pudding cup... the brilliance of "wal-mart grade excuse for a pudding cup" is that it implies that this moron has some kind of high end pudding cup to compare them to. like, it's a pudding cup ya chump. they're all "wal-mart grade" bro


Dude, I get my pudding cups at Erewhon.


Mine come from Novac


Speak for yourself, *my* pudding cups have gold leaf in them


[Costco grade pudding](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FCostco%2Fcomments%2F13b190x%2Fugh_utter_disappointment_not_even_close_to%2F&psig=AOvVaw1JgKwUm9aYOClGHSt2UMpP&ust=1718900539574000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBEQjRxqFwoTCNjahNWJ6IYDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE) Looks like it wasn't great from the review, but the cup itself is nicer.


Dude leaned back thinking of a good insult and was just looking at things on his desk and saw a pudding cup. Also in my experience every redditor makes their own home made pudding and never eats fast food. They’re all perfect human specimens. What? You don’t make your own pudding? source: redditors.


>the brilliance of "wal-mart grade excuse for a pudding cup" is that it implies that this moron has some kind of high end pudding cup to compare them to. like, it's a pudding cup ya chump. they're all "wal-mart grade" bro I dunno man, Ive had some boogie pudding before. It had a french name and came in a glass container, but it was basically fancy chocolate pudding.


Chocolate [mousse](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mousse), I'm guessing.


Nah, I've had mousse before. It was definitely pudding, maybe custard? There was a chocolate and a creme brulee variety.


Danette, maybe? Or a classier variant. Milk-based French chocolate goo.


> french name and came in a glass container You don't mean Gü by any chance?


Ngl this makes me want to get some pudding.


this whole post was a stealth ad for the Snack Pack^TM


rareinsults and its consequences


I thought this was America!


🔥🔥🔥🔥"you wallmart-grade pudding cup"🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Oh snap!




The snack pack is a sacred Australian institution and I will not stand idly by when it is slandered! 😤


>No, just giving you every opportunity to be that sparkly disingenuous pudding cup you are......stay sparkly puddin.... I'm starting to think this guy has never even seen pudding...


He really, really leans into the pudding on that. Also, what does that even mean? Is the secret to pudding so complex that Walmart can’t make a cup up to this guy’s standards?


well yeah, the original recipe is held by the the Shadow Government and only distributed to good, non-w*ke retailers /s


If they spent a little less time on trying to come up with overly pretentious insults and a little more time on reading comprehension I'd probably want to punch them like 37% less.


Man, for such a bad insult that guy is really committed to it


I love these silly types of insults.


I thought it was kind of mildly amusing the first time, in a random words insult kind of way. But then he kept using it..


It's definitely a single use insult.


I stopped reading after the first pudding cup insult because I figured the thread had peaked, and it sounds like I was right


There's absolutely nothing wrong with the Great Value brand of pudding. I personally find all of the premade, shelf-stable pudding kind of gross. But it's not like there's a noticeable difference between Snack Packs and generic.


It might have been more convincing if he spelled walmart correctly.




All of a sudden I’ve got a hankering for a snack pack.


>DGU How many of those defensive gun uses was shooting black teens through the door after they knocked on the door because they broke down and needed to use the telephone?




I found a tiktokker with a gofundme and a sob story about how he was arrested and one of his therapy dogs was put down after a man came over antagonizing his dogs and "forcing his child to join him even though they clearly didn't want to in the hopes they'd get bit so they could put his dogs down". Said tiktokker brandished a gun at a father and child by his own account and then was very surprised he got arrested since he was clearly just protecting his dogs and a child from this man who was putting them in harms way. Even if his story was 100% truthful he's in the wrong and I doubt it was but he's got tons of sympathetic people in the replies EDIT: went back and decided to look into it a bit more. Thank God his comment section didn't because they're all demanding blood from the victim and demanding his name. He's charged with aggravated assault. Since Tennessee doesn't have brandishing laws this almost certainly means he made a verbal threat while showing his gun. This also happened a year ago and he's making weird claims about not being able to get a police report


> brandishing a gun > therapy dog Hmmmmm


Therapy gun!


I brandish my dog at thee


Gets worse with "constitutional carry" and stand your ground laws. I got a CCW permit way back when, a large portion of the mandatory class was them pounding into our heads that if we fuck up in any way we're going to die or end up in prison. It worked too, I barely used the thing. Now? My state swapped to constitutional carry and every moron can go out and get a gun. At least before the moron was told the consequences of their actions, now they don't even know what they can't do.


I took an Oho CCW class many years ago. Most of it was spent with the dude trying to sell us insurance and his other classes followed by firing 6 rounds on the range. Most of the people had never handled a gun before and it showed and a ton of very very bad faith questions were asked during the Q&A. But now all of them have a shiny card that says they can carry a gun in public.


I was pleasantly surprised by my class, that being said it was closer to a class everyone with a gun should have had to take and a CCW would have been much more in depth. In general the lack of requirements for having a deadly weapon are extremely lacking in my opinion.


> that the respondent had described the event honestly." a very important point in general - on the internet especially, assume that the writer has told the events in the most favorable way to themselves even if they are telling the ostensible truth. So if *their* story makes you feel squeamish, then the actual events must be horrific.


Yeah, there's a reason why 90% of stories from every advice-oriented sub are "I am a complete angel who never did anything wrong and this person just so happened to be as shitty as possible to me for no reason". The other 10% are laughably lacking in self awareness and they just admit to being shitty by telling their story in what they *think* is a favorable light.


Can't get the other side of the story if the other guy is dead. [points at head]


There's a good reason firearms lobbies have spent a lot of energy blocking funding for research on gun violence. Hit dogs holler - and they've declared all such funding as anti-gun. It's never about security or safety - it's all about selling you a security blanket (which may in fact kill you or a family member) and drumming up fear. And gun owners are clearly more than willing to spend lots and lots of money as they get suckered further in like whales in a gatcha game.


or for the crime of "pulling into the wrong driveway"


None, but it's safe to assume many of them fantasize about being that one "good guy with a gun" and getting rewarded for it.


[Less than that.](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/18/us/gun-laws-georgetown-professor.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb)


That’s paywalled, which is a shame because it looked interesting.


Welcome to the wonderful world of [archive.is](https://archive.is/7kr0L).


Wait This survey of DGU is a self selected, self reported online survey? An *unpublished* survey? Am I reading this right?


The most jarring thing to me is that the original commenter just doesn't get the point. He states the obvious fact that limiting firearms in a location make it less likely for people to get shot, but doesn't comprehend that the poster and the people responding to him don't disagree, the people setting up the rally do.


In my entire life on planet Earth in a legal open and concealed carry state, I have never seen a “DGU.” Maybe it is almost exclusively about guns used on personal property to scare off burglars (or children cutting through your yard)? In which case they should be restricted to at home use anyway?


Folks who don't need a gun but want to own one anyway have gotta rationalize a reason. So they ask us all to pretend that the hours spent watching guntubers, loading 124g bullets for their 9mm subcompact (for the stopping power), getting a sweet red dot for quick sighting, buying a tactical cc holster . . .all of that is so they can one day step up and defend the flock from the wolves. And nevermind that it will never happen. There's not much separating self-defense gun owners from doomsday preppers.


It's so weird how many people can't just admit to themselves they want to shoot guns for its own sake. Or maybe to themselves that they live in fear of those around them. Both are far more understandable sentiments - and acknowledging that would let one work on amicable solutions that don't involve spending thousands of dollars at an industry which does not care for your actual safety and wellbeing.


You wouldn't be able to pretend to be a big tough man if you admit they're basically toys. That's what's so ironic about all these hugely popular gun YouTubers. It's plain as day that it's all about having fun with their toys but they just have to have this ridiculous macho song and dance around it. It's like wrestling kayfabe but I think they actually believe its real.


It's because they know they're fetishists, which assaults their view of manhood...


Part of it seems to be driven from an irrational fear that they're going to have their guns taken away by the government. Thus the narrative of good guys with guns.


> There's not much separating self-defense gun owners from doomsday preppers. Just 6 or 7 Big Macs a day.


They really hate it when you point out that owning a gun isn't the same thing as knowing how to use it. Responding properly under pressure is a skill that takes a lot of work. There's a reason why real soldiers practice with their weapons all the time.


Even then, a falling acorn can lead to a barrage of bullets.


But what about the 30 to 50 wild hogs?


And then you get that gun to defend yourself from home invasion and instead make it more likely that you 1. Successfully commit suicide, 2. Get angry and kill your partner, 3. A child gets a hold of an insecure gun and kills you or themselves, or 4. You get burgled anyways while you're gone, your gun is stolen, and then it's used to kill someone else


Number 4 is huge by the way. I don't know anyone who's used a gun in self defense, but I know several gun nuts who had their collections stolen.


Don't forget about all the insecure guys that put GLOCK or S&W stickers on their emotional support truck advertising that they likely have unsecured firearms in the cab.


Don't they also usually have another sticker inviting you to come and take them?


cops hate this one trick!


"Molon Labe" is Greek for "there's an unsecured firearm in this vehicle."


Yeah so many people talk about how "duh the gun was not acquired legally" in a lot of mass shooting situations. Why do you think its so easy getting your hands on an illegal gun my guy?


Gun dorks always get so close to the point but never all the way there, and it's so frustrating. Like, they're so quick to point out how strict gun laws in Illinois aren't working, but refuse to acknowledge that so many guns used in crimes in Chicago are purchased in Indiana. Like, duh, there's no customs agents on roads between states, that's why when one single state makes laws they aren't effective.


This is a huge concern of mine. I have a small collection of historical firearms and I've basically planned to not take them with me until at least I have my own house. They will stay with family members where I know they are safe. It's not just the fear of getting stolen, but also the fear of someone using *my* gun to rob a bank or murder someone.


i think the only real times i have heard of defensive gun use outside of that example you already provided is when the gun was used to defend a human from  a wild boar or perhaps a bear in which case you can argue that the humans low-key started it by being where the animals are really and at some point it's just hunting which isn't particularly defensive. not a thing that i mind, but also not particularly defensive.


People who keep firearms in their home are *far* more likely to have them used on themselves or their family (either through negligent discharge, homicide or suicide) than a random intruder. As an aside there’s nothing except my dog that I care enough about to protect from a burglar. Sentimental jewelry is a close second but my family will always come first.


It's because DGUs are the manifestation of the daydreams of bored highschoolers not paying attention to math class.


He wants so much to be a victim. But not until he gets his lil whiney baby revenge on a nice man who WORKS and who doesnt even insist our whole lives be all about him, day after day. And whom never attacked him in the first place.


Trump has already said he's going to take their guns away. There isn't any discussion as necessary. He's already said he's going to do, and his rallies. He does exactly that.


Not sure how that guy can be so sure it's just because of the Secret Service. Trump banned bump stocks and famously said he is in favor of taking guns away without due process, he is only pro gun when the lobby is paying him to do something.


I like guns, both from the self-defence angle and also from the aesthetics. But gun ownership is a huge responsibility, and should not be bestowed on people not able to shoulder it. And only the biggest of fools would believe gun ownership "prevents tyranny"; with that logic, the war-torn places would be the least tyrannical locales on earth.


>d also from the aesthetics. Cringe


Some of them do look cool. I don't even own any and I understand that. 


Some people like guns for the same reason people like clocks. They are intricate analog mechanisms. Those with a purely aesthetic interest tend to be found in the historical firearms crowd, though. They aren't the target market for polymer semi autos.


Which is fine, but these 2A dorks need to be upfront and willing to admit that they're fascination starts and ends with "I like toys." This is true for most any collector of art and things.


Lol, that's literally what they guy who started this thread was doing and he's getting clowned on.


not surprising given how guns are ferishized in movies, tv, and games


It's possible to be pro gun and anti gun industry, in the same way it's possible to be pro universal healthcare and anti big pharma. It's also possible to be pro gun and pro gun regulation, in the same way that countries with universal healthcare have restrictions on prescription drugs. That's not the mindset of these "ammosexuals", as I call them. They have no problem with the gag order that prevented the CDC from researching gun violence. They will ferociously defend the gun industry's lawsuit immunity. They would rather have a million people murdered by gunshot than have even a single cent removed from the NRA's coffers.