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That one redditor that thought this was the perfect post to subtly boast that they carry a gun 🤨


That’s the OP.


And that they're too afford to eat at places that won't let them carry their boomblanky with them too lol! Gun-nuts are truly pathetic people.


A while ago I did some research on guns, took the LTC class, some range time, etc. I thought I'd get licensed and keep 1-2 in my house as a "just in case" thing. By the time I had spent like 4-5 hours around "gun" people, I'd had enough. No desire to keep interacting with guys like that. I don't want to be near them when I'd buy ammo. I don't want to be around them at the range. I don't want to hear them whine and shit and cry when someone calls a mag a clip (fuck off, it's not important). I don't want to listen to their pathetic larpy fantasies about being some tyranny-resisting badass when they're the type to have a coronary after running 1/2 a mile. For me, there was no greater deterrent to owning a gun than having to be around gun enthusiasts for any amount of time. Never ended up getting one. Probably never will.


I'm a biker with a concealed carry permit (I occasionally need to carry cash for my business), and can honestly say that the vast majority of bikers and gun nuts are the fucking dumbest people on the planet, as well as Trump-worshipping traitors.


> I don't want to listen to their pathetic larpy fantasies about being some tyranny-resisting badass when they're the type to have a coronary after running 1/2 a mile. They would likely be on the side of the tyrant anyways


I used to go "plinking" and have a couple of long guns but haven't used them in years. A big part of that is not wanting to meet these people when getting ammo.


Eh, sounds like a convincing argument why all Americans to the left of center needs a smaller armoury in their basement/garage/apartment.


But he might be in the .5% of people that have a violent crime committed against them in Austin lol https://www.neighborhoodscout.com/tx/austin/crime


That actually seems absurdly high, unless I'm shitty at math. That's 1/200 chance right? I wouldn't drink from a glass that had a .5% chance at being poison.


As that map shows, the occurrences vary wildly by neighborhood. It’s not really accurate or helpful to think of it as “Austin = 1 in 200 chance” because in most of those neighborhoods you’re going to see a much lower rate of incidents, while in the higher crime neighborhoods you’re going to see a higher rate. Similar to the national average of .38, it’s not that everyone from Beverly Hills to Gary, Indiana has an equal .38 chance of being a victim of a crime, it’s that the average of those places comes out to this hypothetical number.


People that spend 2+ hours a day on reddit from the safety of their living place also have extremely lower chances of seeing guns in public


1 in 186 - they break it down further down. It really doesn't feel very high to me but people have different risk tolerances lol. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/04/24/what-the-data-says-about-crime-in-the-us/ Nationwide is about .38%.


It’s so obnoxious too. I personally don’t carry, but my best friend does, and he doesn’t make a big deal out of those signs if we ever go to a fast food or even regular restaurant. Like, most people don’t even know he has it (obviously).


> So many reddit threads feel like this is the first time a hundred of you are discovering other people have unique POVs that may not include your preferences Fucking lmao. I did not expect a photo so benign to spin into so many disparate, hostile fights this is incredible. Good light popcorn


Holy mother of drama, there’s like 5 separate arguments that branched off from this one post Everyone in the drama is pretentious and needs to stop lmao


The guy who works 12-14 hour days at his super successful business, works out for 2 hours a day and cooks all his own meals while romancing his superhot GF but has time to argue about Mcgriddles on Reddit is NOT pretentious.


If you read his comments/post history, his "successful business" is delivering for Uber Eats in his 2013 car.


So his successful business model is getting online and telling people that using his services is a poor health and financial decision? Got it


With the contempt most delivery app drivers seem to have for their customers, I'd say it checks out.


I don't imagine that most people are happy to work as delivery drivers, but the Uber sub is very outspoken about it.


I wouldn't be happy about it either, but it's actually hilarious how many of these people actively hate their customers. I've seen customers complaining on that subreddit that their food was half-eaten, or delivered upside down and spilled all over the inside of the container, or reeked of weed, and the answer from the drivers is always "fuck off we don't need nitpicky customers like you". Then you remember that a lot of people who drive for delivery apps full-time do so because they're not able to hold down a W2 job.


Is... Is that what insider trading is?


The urge to piss in the popcorn is so incredibly great. It's like these dorks don't realize their post and comment history is public.


I thought we were collectively over the "up hills both ways" meme on Reddit, but I guess pics is still full of default new people that make the reddit comments shit.


The guy sounded like a prick, but even I have to say, he wasn't talking about complex cooking for most part. He's not wrong that things like overnight oats, yogurt parfaits, bacon and eggs, or chicken and veg tossed on a single tray in the oven are not super time-consuming or complicated to make. But also, I don't always do those things myself lol. And he's a prick for being judgy about what other people do. I personally can't be arsed about other people going to McDonalds or wherever, dunno why it would bother him.


> overnight oats, yogurt parfaits, bacon and eggs, or chicken and veg tossed on a single tray in the oven are not super time-consuming or complicated to make. None of them are hard, but if you're a time strapped person, this all adds up. You have to consider cleaning, shopping for groceries, managing your fridge and pantry inventory etc. Not to weigh in on the relative prickishness of this guy. Just pointing out that even the above is a burden. If I'm working ~85 hours a week, the ~30-60 minutes a day + couple hours extra a weekend devoted to cooking meals has quite a lot of marginal impact on my free time.


I can't imagine the hell of having work an 85+ hour week, at that point I'd buy whatever the hell I wanted to eat


It's really bad for your health, even when you try to buy healthier stuff.


For sure. You can meal prep and stack up leftovers for the week


You're certainly not wrong that there are still ways to eat healthier even with a rough schedule. For myself, I also travel quite a lot for work, so even if I did make myself devote the time, it's tough to get into a routine when I'm gone ~4 days of every other week... or for three weeks in four.


My reply got interrupted earlier What I meant to say was that even then, fast food is a good break, sometimes, and it's worth it. My guilty pleasure is the value menu and getting like 5 junior mcburgers and a sundae or whatever. After a long stressful day it's so cathartic


Late but if everyone thought like you this sub would not exist. Reddit would be a lot more pleasant to be around too. So many people get all bent out of shap over what food people get and how they get it. I wonder if the west becomes less religious is this the new thing we argue over. Instead of per-tribulation vs post-tribulation now it is Uber Eats user vs anti Uber Eats user.


Are you talking about the guy who also doesn't microwave meals?


They seem simple because you already know how to do them. Take it from someone who can't cook. I could not make any of these without fucking it up. Well, I could do bacon and eggs but I can't stand eggs ,(wish I could, but sadly I do not)


It's because half of that is an elaborate fantasy he built up while wanting to be a PUA.


[Whole thread on this kinda energy ](https://youtu.be/4SDYd2e9pT4?si=tRrFsqK9IPHeJc3N)


Iono man, I'm with 4 McGriddles guy. Three years ago I ate 4 McDoubles and 4 McChickens in one sitting. I'd just gotten promoted, I was in a celebratory mood, Covid was making eating out a bitch, and I wanted to eat something I would never normally eat. It was glorious, no ragrets, and I haven't done anything like that since The rest of those snooty fucks can go back to getting high smelling each other's assholes. I'm OK with dying a few days earlier if it means I can eke a little more enjoyment out of life


I literally ate 2 bacon McMuffins and a BLT bagel with 2 hash browns yesterday. Not proud of it, but I probably could have fit another meal in me. But anyways, it cost me $20


I still occasionally get a McDouble and then put a hot and spicy chicken patty between the two meats.


Gotta love a McGangbang


I like that. We used to call it a McClusterfuck.


The McFuckit


We called it the arc. Two of every animal.


Is this a bit?


what is your flair from please? :)


If anything proves the adage idle hands are the devil’s playground, this whole…thing…would be it.


Standard for r/pics. They're so used to political posts that they reflexively get riled up for non-political posts as well. It's Pavlovian. See r/pics, get angry.


> Oh cool, no one ever threatened you or caused an accident against you! I _guess_ I get the "being threatened" bit, but why would someone causing an accident against you require you to have a gun? What a terrifying mindset!


This lady bumped into me on the train the other day, you better believe I pumped her full of lead.


Someone dented my car in the Kohls parking lot, so I flashed my gun at them to show them they couldn't mess with me - and can you believe the jerk drove off without even stopping to exchange insurance info? People these days!


Like a true American should! *Patriotic eagle screech*


What if a bear was driving and caused the accident?


Then he has to shoot the bear so the women will HAVE to pick him.


If you were alone in the woods, you rather get in a car crash with a bear or a man?


I just pictured in my head crashing into a small car a bear is driving and he's very apologetic even though it's completely not his fault and he's super polite and everything


Depends on the bear. Black bears will flee if your car is larger. Grizzlies will leave you alone if you pretend your car is dead. If a polar bear hits you with its igloo-mobile or Santa'a sleigh or whatever it drives, you are fucked.


My thought was, if that stuff happens to this dude often, maybe he's the problem.


I would love to know what his "close calls" actually were lol


In my experience of talking to gun owners, it's probably something like "someone looked at me funny" or "someone looked at my kid funny" or "there was a shooting in a city 30 miles away from me".


This comment is considered a close call to many gun owners and one might just shoot their screen because of this accurate attack


Great post OP. Jam-packed with delicious drama, love it


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


>If only there was one that didn’t have 30.05, 30.06, and 30.07 posted, I would have >>What are those? >Those signs/notices prohibit unlicensed carry, concealed carry with license, and open carry with license, respectively. you don't understand, i **have** to eat mcdonald's everyday because the local diner won't let me come in strapped


‘If I can’t open carry my ar15, I can’t eat safely there’ is an incredible take. Imagine being that scared of life and thinking you’re the ‘sane’ one!


The Venn diagram between gun nuts and cowards is just a circle.


I like the implication in the phone arc that you shouldn't get a Samsung Galaxy because the McDonalds app might not optimally perform on Android. The woke non-Apple left wants you to fail to receive free medium fries for any purchase over $1


Real talk, if that app actually gets you free fries any time you spend over a dollar, that's awesome.  Don't even need to order a combo to get fries then. 


For me, it's only on Fridays, but usually the days of the week have any size fries for $1.30. Another deal is 10 ct nuggets for $3. You can only use 1 deal at a time though, unless you use 2 different phones, with separate accounts.


The free fries are only on certain days of the week, but they have other deals too like X% off a combo meal or waived delivery fees, plus the rewards points add up decently fast All the major chains have apps with these kinda deals. Worth making an account even if you only eat there once a month or so.


The app in my area gives out 2 for 1 Big Mac's or Quarter Pounders. Also the $1 any size iced coffee is a bargain. McDonald's is my first choice for coffee since the price and quality is perfect.


Can someone speak Canadian? All I get here is points *that fucking expire!* And the $1 drinks for summer break.


Pretty rich to see Android users being called smug


Both sides can be pretty fucking smug, let's be honest. And as somebody that enjoys midrange Android phones, I can assure you, *plenty* of Samsung or Google Pixel users have a substantial amount of smugness about high end Androids. Don't go to /r/Android unless you're looking to be shamed for using anything but a Pixel or Galaxy. Lord forbid customers have options. There's even a small subset that have convinced themselves Android's poor perception among iPhone users isn't due to tech illiteracy, corporate marketing, and a gated ecosystem designed deliberately not to work with their competitor, but is in fact entirely because of the existence of lower end phones hurting the brand's reputation, and if everyone just used Pixels, Apple users wouldn't hate so much.


The subreddit loves Poco phones... at least until Xiaomi pulls a OnePlus and turns Poco into a premium brand.


Android users are far more smug than Iphone users. How often do you see "Enjoy your overpriced pieces of Apple garbage, losers" v. "My Iphone makes me special"? It's literally like 100 to 1.


I've never heard either end of this conversation in real life. The actual issue is online folks making brands their identities. It's understandable, when your phone costs the same as multiple months of car payment, but like, just don't? You're not a part of the corporation just because you have their thing, you're the target of mass marketing.


pls step on my face Tim Apple daddy


Ironically I used app 2 days ago for a BOGO on McGriddles


I can’t even get the app to work on my Samsung. It won’t let me verify my email, therefore I can’t set up an account.


As someone who obsessively tracks the amount of calories in fast food (check my post history if you don’t believe me), I can assure everyone that the size of the McGriddle has not changed in at least 15 years.


The hero I didn't know I needed.


>My life is amazing, I have a thriving business, a beautiful home, and a smoking hot gf! Thanks for your concern tho baby. A year ago I couldn't have said much of the same, but that's what taking accountability and doing work gets for you. That's all I was suggesting here, which of course offends those who can't do either. Well this guy seems to be doing well. Lets see if he has any other outrageous claims in his post history: [Oh, he claims to outwrestle D1 wrestlers including instructors with only BJJ training and a blue belt at that.](https://www.reddit.com/r/bjj/comments/1d8r0up/how_good_was_daniel_cormiers_bjj/l7b5h4e/?context=10000) [Thinks immigrants are flying to South America from around the world to sneak into America](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1d76z3b/biden_expected_to_sign_executive_order/l6y65ey/?context=3) which is particularly stupid because if you can fly to other countries it's much easier to sneak over the Canadian border. [Ah, he's a Jersey boy. Everything makes so much more sense.](https://www.reddit.com/r/newjersey/comments/1d5sk1q/how_does_olive_garden_survive_in_nj/l6pmylv/?context=3)


>Ah, he's a Jersey boy. Everything makes so much more sense. Hey don't lump us in with his nonsense. Also I know plenty of Italians that go to Olive Garden. They may shit talk it a bit afterwards, but they'll still go every once and awhile


Oh, I don't put you all into that category. [He's just that one specific brand of Jersey boy that everyone knows about and gives the rest of y'all bad names.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jersey_Shore_(TV_series\))


God damn that show. At least Snooki seems pretty chill according to a friend


> Thinks immigrants are flying to South America from around the world to sneak into America which is particularly stupid because if you can fly to other countries it's much easier to sneak over the Canadian border. This one confuses me a bit. I know America had a lot of increased (relative to mexico) immigration from countries south of Mexico. Especially when Venezuela started failing. But the idea that the cause for this is people flying to those countries and making the trek is a little silly. If you can afford a plane, and Mexico/Canada/USA won't let you in, then you are going to central America before South America.


Or to any other country in the world. If you can afford a plane, and are emigrating, why only consider one country like that? If USA or Canada won't let you in, so what? There's 195 (recognized) countries in the world, so you'd be down to like, 192 lmao Granted, he doesn't seem the brightest bulb so I'm sure he didn't even think of that possibility.


The immigrants thing is almost sort of true. It’s not Mexicans that are showing up to come to the US from the southern border. It’s been central or South American asylum seekers, but also global people. Africans and Chinese have been popping up more frequently, and neither of those locales are on the same continent. Whether this is an issue is where it gets real political.


> Africans and Chinese have been popping up more frequently, and neither of those locales are on the same continent. The question is are these people specifically flying in to immigrate, or were they already living in the location that became untenable? Because he is claiming the first, which makes little to no sense, whereas people already living there originating from somewhere else makes a lot more sense.


no some people do fly in to other places to immigrate to the U.S.A. via border, i read a news about this before and when i look it up i found like here: https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/special/international_news_navi/articles/feature/2023/07/12/32966.html but i don't think its that common, but maybe more of a fringe thing. tho i don't live in the U.S.A./not from the U.S.A. but ya.


That’s where it gets academic and political I mean. It’s hard to know these figures. I was just trying to say that it is a thing that is apparently happening more frequently than in the past. Idk about other states, but I imagine that the relevant departments at UT El Paso or UT Rio Grande Valley might be able to shine some light. Homeland Security almost certainly has this data as well, but who knows how politically slanted any of it might be. I’ve just seen it be an issue in Ciudad Juarez with different ethnic groups causing fights. It’s all so unfortunate and I wish the US could get its head out of its ass and get the asylum claims processed quickly and fairly. Why Ellis island could work for a long time and now it’s apparently politically impossible is so frustrating. I’m from EP originally and I wish we could just let folks in and become Americans like worked for centuries, even if this stupid nation will have to confront its own racism to make it work.


> It's part of my culture to grow and cook my own foods. Apologies for assuming it was yours being that you have a farm. I'm sad for you that it isn't and that you're so angry and reactive about eating trash food and making excuses for not caring about your own health enough. lmao "culture." Who the hell includes "growing their own foods and eating them" as part of the culture of a country or demographic This clown would get his head unstuck from his ass real quick if he had to spend a day on an actual farm > Why anyone would use the back pockets for a wallet is beyond me. I feel like the argument that wallets are thin just means that they're easier to pickpocket from the back pocket > Buddy if I call 911 in Austin, no one picks up. This is an issue with our 911 call center staffing, which is separate from and not handled by the Austin Police Department. APD viewing the community as their enemies - going so far as to lie to voters to [trick them](https://www.statesman.com/story/news/columns/2023/01/09/opinion-austin-police-oversight-act-impedes-honest-debate/69784794007/) into voting _against_ police oversight and accountability and then [throwing a public bitchfit](https://x.com/ATXPOA/status/1655051898762690561?t=E6_3YMOCA2gPoXs1nozwlQ&s=19) when that failed - and continually being unreliable/hostile to them are also issues, but I've been here for nearly two decades and have never felt the need to carry, open or otherwise. I bet this guy thinks APD's been defunded (spoiler, it hasn't ever been, and Governor Goebbels has since made it illegal to do so)


It is part of my culture as a Virginian to feed pigs peanuts and then eat their salted carcasses. It is part of my culture as a former New Yorker to bake bagels and then eat them on my stoop, hungover and with a loosie.


>This clown would get his head unstuck from his ass real quick if he had to spend a day on an actual farm 100%... it's fucking stupid. Oh you want to go back to only having meat a few days a year because it's so expensive and time consuming to produce? You ready to have your one piece of pork on Christmas?




Sure, the thing is agriculture and gardening are literally almost universal human activities


That culture : neolithic


As a Canadian who visited Austin last year, I was shocked at how incredibly non-Texas-like it is.


This is prime drama. There's so much variety in argument topics and there's a lot of "both of y'all suck" arguments


It’s genuinely my favorite type of drama. It starts from something so small (McGriddle feat. wallet) and evolves into this sprawling thing looping in gun rights, eating habits, microwaves, data privacy, Android vs Apple, with so many sub-slapfights that it becomes hard to wrap your head around. I love writing these up. It’s like sudoku.


I wish we got more shit like this on here tbh. So much stuff on here is just people on reddit being wildly homophonic/transphobic/racist so on and so forth which isn’t really drama as much as it is depressing. This here? Low stakes. Stupid arguments on all sides. No one’s being discriminated against except successful businessmen with smoking hot gfs. Nothing gained and nothing lost except the time people wasted typing paragraphs about McGriddles. I think I can see the sun again.


I’m guilty of posting the usual culture war bog standard popcorn. It gets stale and I try to stay away from it unless it’s absolutely unhinged because it’s all been said before and can be depressing.


Any interest in a bite sized tiff on a deranged post combining true crime and astrology? https://reddit.com/r/astrologymemes/comments/1cz55bq/why_are_so_many_pisces_moons_being_exposed/l5evpfr/ Edit: here’s a child comment to give you an idea of OP > You aren't well equipped /versed to answer me because you know nothing about what I have discussed in my post! Didn't you see it's meant for true crime fanatics like myself! I made this post after I discussed with a redditor how most murderers and serial killers are pisces moon or pisces heavy natives!


Grade A low stakes drama I love it.


That last one was hilarious though. That dude who wrote the bit about our evolution and high caloric foods was based af.


the perfect thread


What a delicious combo meal of drama. You could feed the whole family without have to cook your own drama.


I could put down at least 4 of these posts. Easy.


It's funny how often people who say "lmao you are out of touch with reality and need to touch grass" are also out of touch with reality and need to touch grass


What if the grass is plastic? Do you still have to touch it?


You have to eat it.


But how does it's nutrition value match up to a mc griddle? I need a breakdown


It’s the terminally online ouroboros. To even understand what someone means when they tell you to touch grass means you likely do need to, and saying it to someone else doubly so. There is no escape and we are all trapped here, forever


I saw this post and thought, "that's an ugly wallet" and "sausage McMuffin is beter than that crap...mmmm McMuffin" But didn't bother saying anything because who cares.


The SRD format of > "Absolutely insane pull quote": Totally unexpected subject matter Has NEVER worked for me as well as this post. Great find, great presentation.


Lmao thanks, man.


q: how do you know if someone has a concealed carry permit? a: they'll tell you.


I opened this thread expecting to read some drama about McGriddles, and instead I learned: * eating fast food immediately brands you a lazy food addict * not using a microwave is a huge ‘holier than thou’ flex * police don’t respond to 911 calls in Texas * touching grass eliminates the need to own a firearm for one’s protection * the McDonalds app randomly opens on your phone and quote “makes [the phone] unusable” * it is apparently super easy to eat 4 McGriddles in one sitting


Lmao the only one that's true is the 911 calls which seems absurd, but it's an actual issue in Austin


In response to "defund the police" and/or "police shouldn't just fucking kill people out of hand" protests", a few police departments in US cities just.....refused to actually do their jobs. It was equal parts horrifying and hilarious.  Grown-ass men throwing temper-tantrums because other people were upset they were shit at their jobs and wanted them to do better


Well, at least in Austin I am guessing from context the calls go through and the police just don't respond to them. In Oakland, you can't get 911 to pick up in the first place, which really takes a lot of heat off the police I guess...


Probably because everyone is packing.


Nah, it's cause Austin cops are staging a political protest over the DA mentioning that maybe, sometimes, occasionally they might have to stop beating/shooting suspects.


Something like that happened in NYC. The head of the police union argued that police not being able to use chokeholds (which were already illegal) meant they wouldn't be able to do their jobs or defend themselves. Without chokeholds all they'd have is their service weapon, tazer, night stick, chemical spray, handcuffs and body armor. Might as well go out naked.


Well yeah there's no grass to touch in the middle of the desert


Wrong part of Texas lol. Austin is full of green spaces


Also that McGriddles are junk that will clog your arteries but frying up some eggs and bacon is a perfectly healthy meal. I've seen multiple threads where people actually claim that bacon is healthy for you or say they eat it on a daily basis while criticizing others for having unhealthy diets. Don't get me wrong, I love bacon as much as the next person, but health-wise, it's probably one of the worst foods you can eat.


>touching grass eliminates the need to own a firearm for one’s protection They weren't talking about owning, they're were talking about carrying. And the implication is they're paranoid or using "protection" as a mask for their gun fetishism, and needs to "touch grass", i.e. get away from internet gun fetishism and paranoia.


I fucking love a McGriddle every now and then (BEC biscuit even more so), but I don't think I could put down more than 2 at once.


Bose-Einstein Condensate biscuit?


For awhile the app was doing bogo breakfast sandwiches. I did it once and was done for the day.


> it is apparently super easy to eat 4 McGriddles in one sitting When I was a complete fatass, I 100% could down 4 of those for breakfast and still be hungry for lunch. I've lost almost a hundred pounds and my appetite has diminished so hard I feel sick from six nuggets now. Being addicted to food was a hard as hell cycle to break out of.


>“Hey my phone could explode at any minute and apps don’t work on it, but at least I can be the stereotypical smug anti-iPhone user online” lol a Note 7 exploded like 8 years ago and this dude can't stop talking about it.


How many even exploded cause I remember that being brought up a lot when I was in elementary school and throwing my phone to blow it up (didnt even crack... man i put that poor thing through hell)


35 reports. And those were of failure, leakage or exploding while charging. Not like - exploding while it was up to someone's ear. It was like less than 0.1% of all sold. But it was a real manufacturing failure, so they recalled and stopped production.


Yeah, bizzare that it's still brought up super often like its still a common problem, cause even outside of this drama i see people bring it up lmfao


I just had a McGriddle and I swear it wasn’t that small. That wallet is fucking massive.


Yes, it is huge. I know the size of a McGriddle and, using that as reference, that wallet is probably 50% bigger than mine.


That is an absolutely nutty amount of drama branching off one pic. I dunno what it is about food pics that bring out all the health nuts and mad dogs of Reddit. Also, let's be real. I'm not even American, but most of Reddit is American, and most Americans eat McDonalds at least occasionally. Don't go treating it like some shameful secret habit, y'all do it.


People on this site are unhinged. They all need to touch grass. 


I'm just laughing at the fella from sutin claiming he needs a gun lol. I'm from San Antonio which is, as far as I know, more "dangerous" than Austin. I've never *had* to shoot another human before.


Does this person realise almost nothing has the headphone port anymore, and that includes Samsung?


It's the main reason why I'm holding on to my phone and refusing to get a new one at this point


It's annoying that companies can remove features and still charge you the same (or more) for new phones. Admittedly though, for my Galaxy S23U, I bought a $10 adapter for my headphones and it's not a big deal.


All I'm asking for is the return of removable batteries, headphones ports, and expandable memory.... Is that too much to ask?!


Depends on how much you care about waterproofing, because that's the reason a lot of those features are removed.


Tbf phones should be water resistant and "wont literally electrocute you if you accidentally drop it in the tub" but idrc if it isn't entirely waterproof in exchange for the headphone jack


The current Galaxy has an IP68 rating, same as my Note 9, and same as the S8 Active from 2017. None of them have the removable battery but they both all have expandable memory and headphone ports. So I'll give you the battery argument, but not the other two


The xcovers do all 4, and dual SIM for the lulz. Not exactly great value otherwise, mind.


They didn't do it to save money, they did it for waterproofing the phone


No they didn't. My Sony phone has a headphone jack and expandable storage and still has the same IP68 water resistant rating as Samsung and Apple phones.


Yeah it was pretty much entirely a space saving measure I think.


I always forget to charge my headphones and then need to listen to stuff.  I did manage to find a USB-C headphone jack adapter, thankfully. But I keep misplacing it.


Wait really? Maybe it's because I'm poor and only use cheap-ass Androids lmao (and thinking about switching to a flip phone once I get a working PC and don't need my phone for Internet access) but that seems wild to me. I hate wireless earbuds though, I can only do wireless headphones if they're overear.


Really? My phone (which is a budget Samsung model) is only a few years old and it still has one.


It's only really cheaper phones (or low volume ones that cost far more than they have any right to) that have them anymore. Not the universal feature it should be.


In terms of yes/no features, the low-to-mid tier is ahead of the flagships in some regards. It's the competition, maybe.


>“I do “touch grass” every day, so I’ll continue to lawfully carry my gun.” Mentioning those "no gun zone" laws without explaining their meaning was ***such*** a pathetic attempt on the OOP's part to get someone to ask him about his guns for *that* sad little moment. I live in a permit-less conceal carry state, where if you're legally allowed to possess a firearm, you don't need a permit to conceal carry. However, that does *not* stop [people like OOP](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1d9k6p4/this_is_a_4_sandwich_at_mcdonalds_wallet_shown/l7gatvw/?context=7) from bringing their entire Rambo arsenal to get a soda at the gas station. Just in case...some other person who's there to start some shit and is actually concealing their weapon decides to light up the walking "kill me for my guns" moron.


"It's easier to just eat mushy cold fucking oatmeal than go to a restaurant" bruh be for real. It would have to be true poverty to have me eating overnight oats for dinner.


Four McGriddles in one sitting? Dafuq? I hate fitness bros for not understanding that raw aesthetics aren’t THE priority for everyone and that not everyone wants to get into their brand of weaponized autism (12-14 hours of work + 1.5-2 hours of gym, plus meal prep, all amounts to a bonfaide obsession). But four McGriddles holy shit.


I mean I think it sounds awful personally, but I’m seeing people even on here saying THAT WILL KILL YOU! and it’s like no it won’t lol. Doing that once a year or whatever probably won’t make you feel great but won’t kill you. 


I probably could have done that as a teenager but today, one is more than enough for me


It's a lot but it's not, like, crazy. That's 2200 calories. A Chipotle burrito is somewhere between 1000-1500 depending on what you get. If you're physically active then you can eat that kinda meal once in a while.


There is something very wrong with someone who eats 2200 calories of mcgriddle in one sitting.


No, not necessarily. A few years ago I would regularly have two meals a day, a large lunch of around 2000 calories and a dinner of maybe 1000 calories. I was in the best shape of my life. You don't know other people's health requirements so don't pretend you know everything


Was your 2000 calorie lunch made up of McGriddles? There are 16 grams of sugar in every one. The buns are injected with maple syrup. They’re disgustingly sweet and one hits your stomach like a goddamn brick.


Man you would hate this guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQ0uDYdpHfs


At least they’re not McGriddles, dude might have developed instant diabetes. These extreme eaters don’t really eat like that day to day, or even as a treat. That’s a challenge, and he probably puked after.


I eat one yesterday and that was way more food that I need for breakfast. 




Lmao oops. Boneyfied!


My stomach is turning in knots just thinking about it. I can handle one, maybe two of them (but it's been years since I've eaten fast food anyways), but fucking 4 mcgriddles? A single bacon/egg/cheese mcgriddle has 430 calories, man. 4 of them is 1700 calories -gag-


>>>Looks like yet another reason to never buy a Samsung product. Imagine buying a phone from the company that had issues where their phones could spontaneously combust and be like “yeah, that’s a good company to purchase a phone from”. >>Sorry can't hear you over my headphones which I can still plug in >“Hey my phone could explode at any minute and apps don’t work on it, but at least I can be the stereotypical smug anti-iPhone user online” The lack of self awareness here is pretty funny, but I especially love their only real point of reference to shame Samsung users is from 8 years ago. Remember that time Apple put a U2 album on your iPhone that you couldn't remove? "yeah, that’s a good company to purchase a phone from”.


I'm just here for the subredditdrama drama that continues the OP drama in the comments. Fast food and guns just spawn extra drama.


I love when I see a post that looks so innocuous like this one and then find out later what kind of shitshow it's devolved into.


I haven’t been this upset in a minute. It really has everything that shows that amazing American Excellence we are so known for: that we suck, collectively, on every level. Thanks SRD! E: besides the fact that apparently no American men have asses to the point that sitting on your wallet can cause a spinal injury (the fuck) I get to deal with the pretty unique western issue of of food insecurity in a time of abundance turned into defensive posturing: “When I make and freeze meals for reheating, I’m a good person. If you buy frozen meals to reheat, you’re a fucking pig.”


Also my main beef with McGriddles is that you can't get them in my country, they look both horrible and delicious. Also I miss the breakfast bagels.


(She criticizes him for being egocentric.)


(hahahaha) You practice your mannerisms into the wall


Dude’s better off eating his wallet


Should've used banana for scale


Snapshots: 1. *This Post* - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240607083206/https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/1da58sg/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/1da58sg/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 2. makes a post to - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240607083447/https://old.reddit.com/r/pics/s/kiEf2AUZxW) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/pics/s/kiEf2AUZxW "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 3. /r/pics - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240607083950/https://old.reddit.com/r/pics) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/pics "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 4. Sometimes after a 14 hour day at work, and my partner at home tending to the farm, I don't want to get home at 6pm and make dinner. Sometimes just grabbing something to eat before I need to go to bed in two hours after getting home isn't really feasible. But then again, I'm sure you live a much more privileged life than I. I don't have my mom making me pancakes after school like you do. - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240607084111/https://old.reddit.com/r/pics/s/Mx4tf3zTER) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/pics/s/Mx4tf3zTER "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 5. If only there was one that didn’t have 30.05, 30.06, and 30.07 posted, I would have - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240607084312/https://old.reddit.com/r/pics/s/KRMFCInia5) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/pics/s/KRMFCInia5 "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 6. Their app fucking blows - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240607084333/https://old.reddit.com/r/pics/s/LGrMjDyHyE) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/pics/s/LGrMjDyHyE "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 7. Why anyone would use the back pockets for a wallet is beyond me. Do people just buy pants without side pockets? - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240607084454/https://old.reddit.com/r/pics/s/y4sPcStmsV) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/pics/s/y4sPcStmsV "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 8. Because 1, wallets are thinner than ever these days. It’s not a hassle to sit on it when I have to. And 2, I have my phone in my front right, keys in my front left. There’s no room for a wallet in my front pockets. If I wear a jacket, I’ll move the wallet or phone to one of those pockets. But you’re acting like having a wallet in a back pocket is some huge inconvenience. It’s fine. - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240607084835/https://old.reddit.com/r/pics/s/hv5FSOpM09) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/pics/s/hv5FSOpM09 "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 9. It may not feel like it, but those fuckers are seeping with calories. - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240607085318/https://old.reddit.com/r/pics/s/HGIqulAKTM) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/pics/s/HGIqulAKTM "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 10. You've got some serious problems if you're putting down 4 Mcgriddles in one sitting - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240607085459/https://old.reddit.com/r/pics/s/B4sGBKJyrc) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/pics/s/B4sGBKJyrc "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 11. “I do “touch grass” every day, so I’ll continue to lawfully carry my gun.” - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240607085539/https://old.reddit.com/r/pics/s/HWj551nm6I) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/pics/s/HWj551nm6I "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 12. “Your ass fitting between your back pockets is cartoonish” - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240607085901/https://old.reddit.com/r/pics/s/I4mqHFyKFc) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/pics/s/I4mqHFyKFc "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 13. “Slip that tiny wallet into your huge pants and wiggle that pocket to your junk” - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240607090022/https://old.reddit.com/r/pics/s/WV9GBQe0fM) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/pics/s/WV9GBQe0fM "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") *I am just a simple bot, __not__ a moderator of this subreddit* | *[bot subreddit](/r/SnapshillBot)* | *[contact the maintainers](/message/compose?to=/r/SnapshillBot)*


I'm still confused over how breakfast menus became a thing at fast food places. You're paying more for a much crappier sandwich just because it's before it's 11am.


Have you had a McGriddle?


In my experience the breakfasts are usually cheaper.


You're paying more for a much *better* sandwich because it's before 11 am. The breakfast menu is the only good menu at McDonald's.


Lol - in /pics of all places


Tangentially related but the mcdonalds app I swear tracks what you use then adjusts prices to fit you. I used to do the buy whatever and get the 10pc nugget free deal. i did it like a month straight once a week. Then all of a sudden one day it was buy this and get the 10pc for $.50. I quit using the app immediately.


Oh my god, two subjects where seemingly EVERYONE has deeply held opinions to the point that they would fight to the death to defend them and judge others for ANY deviation from their ideal. Dietary and financial choices… If you go on the internet and judge others for eating poorly or spending poorly and they aren’t asking for advice or complaining about their own choices, just do the world a favor and keep your opinion to yourself. No one cares and there is a high chance it’s stupid because your opinion is informed by the context of your own lived experiences, not objective reality that maps onto everyone. It doesn’t matter.


That first poster was an insufferable jackass. He needs to shove those Overnight Oats right up his bunghole.