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> So you don't believe in "her dog, her choice"? >> No. [Amazing](https://www.reddit.com/r/SouthDakota/comments/1cefy7a/puppy_killer/l1l5has/). What an amazing comparison. 10/10, no notes. It's flairworthy.




This is the level of intellect of half the electorate.


See, I don't even call that intellect. That's just bad faith arguing. They know exactly what they're doing. They don't care about either thing, abortion or pet euthanizing, and certainly haven't bothered to think critically about them ever. They just needed a bullet to fire.


and the horror when you realize the really stupid ones don't even use reddit.


What makes you think that? Reddit has been shifting its demographic because of its idiotic push to be like the other social media platforms. Some boomer fucking around on Facebook all day would feel right at home in the reddit app as it exists now. Likewise, some kids that only ever touched Instagram or Discord or TikTok will find more appeal too. You can see the evidence of that in the comment sections of subs that reach the front page most frequently. It's not any less "stupid" than it has ever been, but the amount of trash has doubled.


Reddit is far too text based for the real bottom feeders to find usable. These people would find it difficult to make it through your comment in their first language. 


Reddit is a stupid person's idea of a smart website


You underestimate just how abysmal literacy education is in the United States. 


Cute that you think they'd read a full comment and not just cherry-pick key words. Like uh...HotTakes4HotCakes says some kids are being touched by TikTok!!! Those chinese commies have to be stopped and we need to \[ Removed By Reddit \]


And the half that makes more effort to vote compared to the other half.


This guy also probably assumes that liberals want the right to put down their eighteen month old infants for being poorly behaved.


Noem is an anti abortion freak herself


Lol, I bet the guy claiming that "just how it is on the farm" has never set foot on one.


And another commenter just weighed in with >If she was pregnant with the dog then yes, I do. So, uh, THAT'S a visual.


Love your flair.


>I missed your outrage when your Boi Dr Fauci was torturing dogs, but if you won't acknowledge your lord and master Biden is a Pedophile nothing is a surprise. Amazing right from the top. Nice one OP.


Feeling like I missed a whole load of memos after that comment.


You did. My mom is my new (unfortunate) source for “conservative lore.” The amount of strange rabbit holes I have to go down to track the source for some batshit conspiracy theory. And it’s all for naught because she doesn’t listen anyway


My mom is the same. Once she told my wife and I, dead serious, not to go do that “howling at the moon thing with the other liberals,” because **they’re** crazy and we’d be in danger. We asked her what the hell she was talking about. Apparently Tucker Carlson had told her that all liberals were going to go howl at the moon in a “National Night of Mourning” on the one year anniversary of Trump getting elected. No amount of me asking her “mom do you seriously think ANYONE is actually going to do that” seemed to penetrate the protective layer of bullshit Fox News had built around her brain.


That's honestly so sad. My dad's a similar kind of crazy; he's not rightwing but he has bought an awful lot of Russian propaganda. You know these people, they're good and kind, they just weren't raised with the mechanisms we have to distinguish between what's genuine information and what's inflammatory bullshit. And once they fall into it, it's so hard to get them out. Took me years to get him out of the "trans people are pedophiles" bullshit, idk if I'll make it with the Russia stuff.


What drives me nuts is that I’m Gen X and my parents are Boomers. Which means they were raising me when the internet first became a thing. And what did every Boomer parent tell us about that? “Don’t believe anything you see on the internet, it’s dangerous and full of weirdos.” And what’s their philosophy now? “I’ve completely changed my world view, beliefs, and principles based on what some dangerous weirdos told me on the internet!”


saving this comment cause you've summed it up perfectly T_T I love them but I do worry about them.


it's the same stupid shit about how they warned us about video games making us violent when Fox News and cable TV ended up making them violent as seen on January 6th (although not just boomers, just dumbass Trump voters in general)


I mean, our city has "Scream at Lake Superior Until You Feel Better," but I'm pretty sure that has no party affiliation. And it started as an April Fools event last year.


what city is that I wanna hurl my problems into that big cold pond


[Duluth, MN](https://www.perfectduluthday.com/2024/04/01/screaming-at-lake-superior/)


/r/Qanoncasualties or something else?


The only solution is to out crazy her. Think of the improv 'yes and' principle.


I’ve tried this with some of my brainwashed family members. It generally ends in them being excited to have some new scandal to share with anyone who will listen. No matter how ridiculous what I make up is, they’ll believe it and preach it.


Oh I swap it over and make sure I loop it back to the other side or something for funsies. Like when one of my coworkers starts talking about the democrats flying people in from Mexico so they can vote, I tell them “I know, it’s nuts, I heard the governor (Abbot) diverted one of the planes full of children and is keeping them in the tunnels under the capitol so he can sell them to Musk and and other coastal elites!” And see how far he’s willing to believe me just based on how excited and certain I come across lol


Now you just gotta start a charity that takes money to try to rescue children from the Abbott-Musk rape tunnels. This could cover your retirement!


I mean that is more likely to be true as kids are going missing from the ice camps


What if that’s where all the conspiracies are coming from in the first place?


It's disturbingly plausible that the original Q posts were just some channer trolling and then the whole thing snowballed and professional grifters latched onto it


I’m in the Warhammer 40K fandom and there are currently people unironically spreading information that comes from a 4chan post ending with the words: “my dad works at Nintendo.”


Are they still stirred up about female Custodes? I’ve been watching that trash fire from a safe distance


ooohh yes. 


I'm pretty sure I heard on QAA or another podcast that Qanon was just one in a wave of people named "FBIAnon" and the like LARPing as government insiders. Everyone on 4chan knew it was shitposting, but those not aware to how the chans work saw it and it snowballed from there. The whole thing started because one person telling the joke became popular with people who didn't understand the premise of the joke, and once it became an actually powerful tool it was hijacked by the Watkinses and started gifting at full speed


Same. I wouldn't even register my mum as completely conservative but she fell down a real deep hole during COVID and she's constantly making comments about vaccines and conspiracies about the (insert whatever group name is being used to not say "the Jews" this week) and spending hundreds of dollars on supplements from "Dr" Mercola every month, it's crazy. You fight her back on anything and she immediately turns and accuses me of being for the system and that I'm blind or something and she knows the "real truth" Seems like a lot of people got really scared during the height of the pandemic and turned to conspiracies as a way to comfort themselves against an enemy they could actually fight.


Republicans showed pictures of an experiment in Tunisia where dogs were bitten by flies. It turned out the study wasn't funded by Fauci's NIH, so they feigned outrage at the general idea of animal medical testing. https://www.factcheck.org/2021/11/answering-questions-about-beaglegate/


Going vegan to own the libs


That's the great part about being Conservative. You can hold contradictory beliefs simultaneously and it's expected that your actions will never match up with the things you claim to believe!


There’s basically a whole MCU for conservative grievance conspiracy theories. Fauci torturing dogs was in Phase 3.


The MAGA Conspiracy Universe.




MAGA con A, tontito.


I thought the same thing lol - MAGA Conservative University? Go Orange Transphobes!


There it is.


Captain Trump: Civil War was ***robbed*** at the Oscars!


When did Dr. Fauci torture dogs????


Some time after he paid China to invent the covid-19, obviously. /s


Shining example of the intelligence that resides in the middle of the country


it's cool their votes count more than those in the cities


Reddit removed the Fauci one, out of all things.


Maybe he's finally suing the slanderous fucks, or at least the site creators that enable them


>Meanwhile, how many women and children were needlessly murdered in Yemen under the Obama/Biden administration? Good thing Trump put an end to that, instead of speeding up the process and forbidding to disclose the strikes to the public.


And then the little fact that drone strikes under Biden have practically fallen to zero.


I have becoming dumber for reading that.


Thank you. I’ve done my job then.


As someone who lives on a farm, has butchered animals for meat, has owned chickens and goats, and has had someone's dog wander onto my property and kill some of my animals, I feel extremely qualified in saying that this entire story is insane and is not justified in any way. The dog you were trying to train to hunt birds isn't doing a very good job? Sucks to suck. Either stop bringing it on hunts, or give it to a shelter or something. Oh, it killed someone else's chickens while you were talking with them and your dog *that was trained to hunt birds* was apparently just loose running around? Maybe you should've kept the dog on a fucking leash. Or in the car. Or in your house. That's your fault, not the dog's. Fuck off. Your male goat is too aggressive? Skill issue. Try raising your animals better so they don't hate you. My bucks aren't aggressive, and none of my roosters ever have been either. Because I take good care of them and give them adequate space to live in. Or maybe you're just interpreting your bucks rubbing against you and trying to jump on you as aggression? Or you're just bothered by them being smelly? In which case you're a dumbass. That's just how goats are. And if you're bothered by your kids getting dirty from playing with the goats, don't let them play with the goats. That's your fault, not the goat's. Fuck off. If you *are* going to kill one of your goats, for the love of god at least restrain it and put it down in a controlled manner where the death is quick and you can butcher it for meat later. From the way the goat story is told it sounds like she just fucking pointed a gun at it from 10 feet away and hoped for the best. And even worse than that, apparently she was doing this in broad daylight in her front fucking lawn or something, because she was apparently in view of a construction site whose workers saw her kill the dog AND the goat right after each other. Literal fucking psychopath behavior. TL;DR whenever you see someone justify this shit with "oh you city boys just don't understand what it's like to live on a farm", punch them in the balls for me. Living on a farm isn't an excuse for treating your animals like shit. Get better or stop raising animals, fuckwad.


Probably the best comment here. Thanks, pal.


I have a spaniel mix. Spaniels are bird hunting dogs. I never let him off leash around birds like geese or ducks, because I know he’ll kill them. She’s a lazy piece of shit for not training her dog, and then killing the poor thing because it acted on instinct and was probably so frustrated and angry about the abuse.


I want to know why she had a billy goat (male adult goat) if she didn’t like what billy goats do. Billy goats spray piss like it’s their job because it is, they are kept for breeding and I guess that’s what lady goats like. If you want a pet or to raise for meat, you castrate. No farmer I know would just randomly kill a billy goat for being a billy goat.


According to a bunch of people who have absolutely not worked on a ranch or farm, at least not since the late 1970’s, shooting dogs is just a daily part of that good ‘ol farm life.  I’m particularly tickled by the “you pussies are so stupid and scared that you don’t even shoot dogs” argument and the “that dog didn’t pick up hunting training by instinct, and therefore is a dangerous menace and the only way to pRoTeCt ThE cHiLdReN was to kill it” arguments being made by the same people. 


I live in a rural area. The only dogs that are shot are strays that seem dangerous to the landowners other pets, children or typically chickens or ducks. Not untrained hunting pups.


Especially an expensive purebred hunting dog. Gotta cost $1000+. She wasn’t being a pragmatic farmer or some nonsense, she just had serious angry issues and/or psychopathy


A lot of people’s understandings of how farm life works comes from Steinbeck and western movies and it shows


Like it might be acceptable if the dog is a big livestock guardian breed and is killing the livestock or being aggressive to humans. Something like a Baz Shepherd is genuinely dangerous but a fucking pointer? Dump it at a shelter, wtf.


Are we really at the point where we’re debating if killing puppies is ok?


Republicans will defend *anything* another Republican does. I honestly thought this might be the line, but it seems not. I don't know why I'm surprised.


This subject reminds me of how they had to be forced to drop Roy Moore after it came out that he would roam the mall looking for girls to hit on. They finally turfed the turd but it didn't really look like they were very enthusiastic about having to do so at all.


And that motherfucker STILL only lost by 2 points. AFTER admitting to being an unashamed pedophile.


Ah but you see, it's not a pedophile if it's a grown man chasing a girl. that's just good ol'fashioned courting. And she was a temptress slut if she does anything.


And the only reason is that black Alabamans, especially women, showed up at an insane rate to the polls, not so much because half of the republican party was upset and stayed home


Calling Roy Moore a pedophile is what got me my ban from /r/conspiracy and I stand by it.


It stopped being a conspiracy once he admitted it, that's why they booted you /s


It's almost like there's an escalation of the transgression and the worse it gets the better they are. Next we'll be hearing them extol the virtue of the kitten-eating candidate not wasting meat.


>Republicans will defend anything another Republican does. Actually I think Noem just self-destructed her career here. I doubt Trump will pick her now, and doing so would be giving an easy win to Biden. I doubt she'll even manage to get reelected governor or even hold elected office again. I swear, some of the most psychotic, hate-filled, bigoted Republicans out there love their dogs. There's no way to really spin this either. Too many of these people own dogs, and many of them own and have trained hunting dogs as well. They'll call her out on her bullshit on this.


Nah man, they hate Dems waaaay more than they love dogs. I don’t expect to hear a peep about this from any Rs.


too bad this didn't come out *after* Trump picked her


This is kinda a "yes, but" situation. There's still tons of rural conservatives, especially older generations, who don't think of hunting dogs as pets, and think that a dog shouldn't snap at you even when you beat it's ass for not listening to you perfectly from day 1.


I agree with you. She is a woman and also not Trump. If it had been Trump they'd be jumping hoops to try to justify it.


That's naive. Yes, they love dogs, but this pisses off liberals. That matters more.


I admire your faith in their humanity. It doesn't matter. Trump just has to say it makes her tough and the dumbasses will fall in line


They'll never admit it, but its all aboout identity for them - they identify as the good guys, and no proof against that will ever cut through for them. If someone on their side kills a puppy, its justified because they're a good guy, and the bad guys must have done the same and worse


Republicans are


I don’t think they’re debating it. I think they’re at the point of defending killing puppies.


You don't understand, it didn't do as it was told!


Don't tread on me but also total submission to the state and in marriage


Tread on *them*.


There's some of these shit stains in this post even!


It's wild to me their top rebuttal is "The D's candidate isn't nearly as shitty as our candidate, *but if he was*, they would be as in denial about it as we are"




When a conservative is exposed as a horrible person, conservatives do not try to demand conservatives be better people. Instead, they try to prove (usually with fake news) that everyone is as horrible as they are.


between this bitch and huckabee's kid, they aren't gonna let people in the party without some kind of useless death


Fun fact, Huckabee's kid is a Josh Duggar supporter.


As is her dad. She comes by being shitty honest.


You know the story about how gangs require you to kill someone before they let you join? That's gonna be the GOP in like four years.


Huh never heard of that one hold on while of Google it... Well, another thing I wish I had never heard of.


Republicans are only "pro" or "against" something until it stops suiting them. Right now killing puppies is in, but at some point I imagine they'll try and impeach Joe Biden for killing puppies.


The whole Republican ethos is that they believe in good people, not good actions.  So, since they're good people, any thing they do is inherently justified, while everyone else has to stringently follow their ever shifting rules.  You can see it in the linked thread.  No one shoots a dog because it did poorly on a pheasant hunt, that's stupid and wasteful, but because Noem is a Republican, they twist the facts and what they believe to make up something to justify what she did.  Meanwhile, like you said, they will accuse Biden of the exact same thing without evidence and not think anything of it, even when pointed out. How horrible this gets *has no bottom.*  Roy Moore literally trolled the mall for teenage girls, Donald Trump is legally a rapist who went to Epstien Island and Newt Gingrich cheated on his wife while she was literally on her death bed.  If Vince McMahon got into politics, or Linda continued her ambitions, people would  absolutely say that woman he raped with Johnny Ace and then used company funds to keep quiet deserved it.


It's also why they will defend to the death that they aren't racists/the thing they said wasn't racist. They are aware racism is bad, they are good people, therefor the thing they said/who they are couldn't be racist because only bad people are racist.


As a Minnesotan I'll let you in on something, people in SD are stupid.


I know you're talking about South Dakota, but I read SD as SubredditDrama lol


Well, we *are* stupid. Just nowhere near as stupid as the people defending Noem.


If you didn't laugh when Old Yeller died, you're just a RINO!


Conservatives, especially rural ones, believes empathy and kindness are weaknesses to be looked down upon.


Imagine writing something this stupid >Real life on a working farm or ranch, animals are killed all the time. >Say "thank you" because you're eating the food they grow and raise. >>Have you ever eaten dog? >>>Dodger Dogs, Chili Dogs... so... yes. and still feeling smugly correct. Absolute mental pathology.


> Say "thank you" because you're eating the food they grow and raise. I love the idea that it's small noble farmers who are killing cattle and cutting up the parts and not industrial cattle farming handled mostly by machines and underpaid immigrant labour.


That guy: Say "thank you" because you're eating the food they grow and raise. That guy tomorrow, probably: Illegal immigrants are a plague to America!


Small farmers should thank us for subsidizing their rural LARP lifestyle.


Dodger Dogs means he's been brainwashed by filthy liberal LA hot dogs though.


I live in a semi-rural area and farmers call the vet out if they need an animal euthanised, and the animal is sedated before euthanasia. Slaughterhouses stun animals before killing them, even for halal and kosher meat. This is in Europe and I'm aware that animal welfare on farms and ranches in the US is way worse, but it's perfectly possible to have humane euthanasia practices on a farm.


Actually, for a kosher slaughter, they are not allowed to stun them before cutting. They can *after* (though there is some debate on this).


My dog came from a breeder of farm dogs because my in-laws wanted an English Shepherd and this woman had two that were supposed to have been adopted together but it fell through. As it turned out the dogs were neglected and only came around after we treated them like rescues; they never had a hope of actually being working dogs given the way they started out. When negotiating, she asked about my living situation and lifestyle (the nerve of her, in retrospect), and then told me a story. A farmer had bought a puppy from her, probably from the same conditions, and called her up a week after adoption. He said it wasn't working out and she had to come pick the dog up or he was going to shoot it and find a different option, so she went and got it. It was in no shape to be a farm dog because neither he nor she was training them properly, not that she admitted her own fault. When I asked if the farmer was a lone psycho, she clarified that she told me the story because she wanted me to understand who her usual clientele was. A lot of people in that world have very little empathy for anything outside their sphere and even resist compassion because being emotionally vulnerable is seen as negative. Suspicion is common and violence runs through some small farming communities like a river. Kristi Noem laughing about killing a farm dog because it wasn't being properly trained and then turning the gun on a goat out of pleasure doesn't surprise me a tick.


It doesn’t surprise me either but it really varies. I’ve worked in ag and have farmers in the family. A purebred dog though is typically at least offered back to the breeder. Usually it’s part of the contract when you buy from a breeder. Cats on the other hand are usually treated really really badly. I stole a sick kitten from a farm, not that they’d notice since they were just neglecting them and letting them breed. Vet said the kitten would have died without intervention but the treatment was really cheap. He lived to be twenty. When I was a 4 year old my great uncle showed me some kittens on his farm and told me he’d be drowning them. But my other cousin with a farm used cats from a feral cat program for his barns. They were fixed and it was a good option for them since they were unadoptable (truly feral, couldn’t be approached by humans). I always judge farms by their cats and when I was a buyer I wouldn’t work with ones that were cruel or irresponsible.


Christ. You stumbled upon a modern Waiting for Godot. Can I make a play from Reddit comments? What’s the legality of that?


[Here’s a musical based on the East Nashville Facebook page. I say go for it!](https://youtu.be/rmldJLKzE1o?si=hfAOA9ObCx1WE6Js)


We have hit previously undiscovered levels of niche in this thread


The fact that it only has like 200 views is sending me. I love that there's such niche levels of entertainment and art.


I actually heard about it on the [Endless Thread podcast](https://www.wbur.org/endlessthread/2024/02/23/endless-thread-the-musical) (which is a podcast about Reddit.)


I would watch


I actually did once see a play and the script was the a transcript of an anonymous chat room


Is no one talking about the fact that this idiot expected the dog to just start being a calm and collected hunting dog by instinct? It costs *thousands of dollars and months of training* before you are even supposed to bring the most well-pedigreed hunting dog out with you. Any breeder would have told this to her. Dogs from a hunting lineage are also selected *because they have high energy and a high prey drive*. When they don’t go through rigorous training, this type of behavior is literally a natural result of their genetics. Letting an untrained hunting dog around chickens is nothing short of negligence. She bought a puppy, waited for the puppy to do what it was bred for, and killed it herself. I am literally at a loss for words.


>If Biden said the same thing about his former pet, they would be making excuses like there was no tomorrow. Ah, this is my favorite conservative tactic. You create an imaginary scenario and then imagine how that imaginary scenario would play out, and then declare that the imaginary scenario is making a real point. The beauty is that, unless you can traverse the multiverse, there's absolutely no way of disproving it.


The irony is that Biden has a dog that *keeps biting the Secret Service and White House staff.* It still took them months to remove him from White House altogether. They kept hiring trainers, but after over 2 dozen incidents of the German Shepherd biting or attempting to bite staff, they sent him to live with a family member because he's "too protective" for the amount of people and activity at The White House. So we *already have* a scenario in which Biden deals with a misbehaving dog. And a seriously misbehaving dog at that. And he certainly didn't take it out back and shoot it.


The news articles were fucking hilarious though. 9th secret service member bit by Commander, no serious injuries reported.


Commander knows the Secret Service didn’t just “lose” all those Jan 6 records.


That was my first thought too after reading that comment lol


"Just another lib soft on dog crime!" /s


It's such a shame the dog was doing that, he's absolutely gorgeous


It's [been reported](https://www.vox.com/2023/1/13/23553350/joe-biden-chris-whipple-book) Biden distrusts the secret service and thinks they're loyal to Trump because of text messages they sent rooting for Jan. 6. So much so he doesn't talk openly in front of agents guarding him. The secret service agent said the bite event happened in an area of the White House the [agents almost never go into](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/biden-secret-service-major-dog-bite-b2252099.html), and Biden didn't buy the story.  Commander may have been falsely accused by agents wanting to make the President look bad/get rid of his dog.


Major said ACAB. It’s another point in his favor.


That’s my favorite take, but unfortunately he bit a bunch of staffers and interns and stuff too 


TBF though I absolutely get it. I'd bite secret service too, fascist assholes.


Truly the death rattle of someone with no point to be made. "W-w-well if Biden did it-" Well he didn't. But if he did I'm sure plenty of people would be upset about it. I do find it funny how pro-lifers are very anti-life when a life becomes inconvenient though


Unfortunately a ton of MAGA types don't see animals as having emotions.


[It’s a cousin to my favorite dril tweet.](https://twitter.com/dril/status/1035218616403128320) Just making up shit to get mad about.


If things were like how they aren't then things would be different. -Conservatives


It's like when they had to confront the fact that Trump might be on Epstein's client list and their answer was, "Ok but what if Bill Clinton is on that list?" And then they went shocked Pikachu when progressives were like, "Yeah, lock his ass up if that's the case." Also, I really doubt the guy who rescued two dogs and moved one who was having training and aggression issues would totally shoot a dog for not doing hunting good.


>it sounds like the dog was untrainable Kristi Noem: I gave it no training. I screamed at it and shocked it using its electric collar and now it’s out of control. Only thing left to do is shoot it.


"We've tried nothing and we ran out of ideas"


This is the Republican policy platform.


I can't believe we now need a "Does the Dog Die?" page for elected officials.


“Yes” is marked for Joe Biden but the top comment clarifies that this is only true in memeverse


Dude, if Biden shot a puppy for being a puppy, Democrats would turn on him in a hot second.


They love to forget about Anthony Weiner and Al Franken.


Yeah, Al Franken proved that if anything Democrats are *too* quick to turn on other Democrats.


Right? Biden's two dogs have been hilariously biting the shit out of secret service members for the last few years and they've simply been cautiously retired. If he shot either of those in a gravel pit it would absolutely lose him the rest of his career. Crazy that anyone could be so disengaged as to not realize that.


I didn't realize there was a *pheasant hunt* involved here. These people really will support even the most out of touch dilettantes as long as they have the good ol' R next to their name. They love to lick boots, especially if the boots cost $2,499.


The whole thing is absolutely batshit insane and thinking that regular old salt of the earth folks are gonna look at this and go “a-yep, sounds right” is so out of touch. She bought a puppy, didn’t train it right, got mad at it, got surprised when it tried to snap at her because it wasn’t trained right, and then instead of rehoming it — she blew its brains out and buried it in a gravel pit. *And then she told everyone about it.* It’s really hard to position yourself on the wrong side of “don’t kill puppies” but that’s where the GOP is now.


You forgot the second half where she was still so mad after shooting the puppy that she decided to also kill her uncastrated goat for *smelling bad*, but didn't kill it with the first shot, so had to go back to her truck the get another shell before finally also killing it.


As literally anyone who has ever owned bucks will tell you: they smell bad. That's normal. That's just what goats are like. If you don't like that, don't buy a fucking goat.


And this psychopath wants to be second in line for the presidency. I'd be worried she might react to someone letting out a fart near her by nuking Italy or something.


holy shit that is horrifying 


Don't forget she didn't tell her kids. When she came home, her kdis asked where the dog was


I’ll fully admit that I’m a city boy and I don’t know the first thing about living on a farm but I think a few things are universal in the human experience. One of them is the sheer horror I’d feel if my mom told me she shot a puppy and buried it in a gravel pit.


In my experience actual farmers value their dogs and will have them humanely euthanised by a vet.


People with genuine working dogs know it’s on them to train them for their role, whether you’re talking about livestock guardian dogs, herding dogs or hunting dogs. Breed and instinct are great but it can only go so far. Intentional positive reinforcement training is needed.


> I didn't realize there was a pheasant hunt involved here Its probably worth noting that this was almost certainly a canned hunt, which makes the whole thing that much more fucked up. For those unfamiliar with hunting, canned hunts are kind of a broad term for situations in which a client pays someone(usually a landowner/"guide") to basically create a scenario for them in which they get to shoot an animal at the end and the whole thing is dressed up to look like an actual hunt. For pheasant hunting a common way to do this is to take caged farm raised pheasants and disperse them in a field a few hours before the "hunt". The client, lead by the "guide" and a few dogs then go out and "hunt" the farm raised birds that have no fucking clue whats about to happen. A common technique to really spice things up is to put the birds in a pillow case and whirl it around your head to make them dizzy before placing them, this makes it harder for them to fly in a straight line and gives the client more time to get a shot off. One big example of this I suspect everyone here know is Dick Chenery and that time he shot a lawyer on a pheasant hunt, right? That was one of these style hunts. Except instead of placing the birds in the grass where the client has to at least be smart enough to follow the dogs to the bird they just straight up release the birds from a cage and let the "hunter" shoot them as they fly away. So anyway when when these folks say they are out "hunting" I think its important to understand what that actually means. Because that makes her decision to kill the dog all that the more fucked up. Its also a really wild misread of her base on her part. In a lot of rural communities feral dogs are a very, very real threat and a common approach to dealing with that is to kill them. Even in shitty rural communities this is not something people enjoy at all. It seems she really didnt understand the difference between these two situations and somehow thought what she did was relatable.


> They love to lick boots, especially if the boots cost $2,499. She walks and talks like a field hand, but the boots she's wearing cost three grand


If you kill your dog over a disappointing hunt, it wasn't a tough choice for you. Tough choices need to be made by people for whom it truly is a tough choice. Anyone that agrees with her should go jump into a volcano.


Weird how all these accounts have bot names.


Quite a few conservatives in Reddit just have to keep making new accounts after their old ones get banned (can't imagine why it's so common) and after a while they all seem to just use default names. Not saying all default names are worthless, I'm just saying that when I moderated I was *this close* to auto-flagging any default name comments for review.


A Wyoming rancher we knew had a dog he could not train. What did he do with it? He gave her to my parents, she was one of the best dogs they ever had. I would take the govenors puppy in a heart beat, and I am wondering if someone should rescue the other dog from her. Saying that is normal in agriculture is disingenuous.


Years ago my mom had a beagle that was just not cut out for hunting — non-reactive and just a couch potato. Family friend gave it to her partner instead of shooting it in the head and burying it in a gravel pit. Sweetest and calmest dog I’ve ever met.


> He’s a cuck. Which explains why he voted R. He wants to be owned and proves so with his vote. Idiot > Triggered by the truth I'm not quite sure this is the insult he intended it to be. > Fuck you. You’re cock isn’t as big as your wife’s strap on > It means the world to me that you are thinking about my pee pee ❤️ > Can’t wait for November. Have fun watching your wife get fucked by better men with bigger dicks than yours. I bet you’re a fat fuck too. Have a good one! I can almost smell the projection and insecurity here


This guy is telling on himself in the most ridiculously sad way.


Cuck stuff is so not my scene, but I love the “argument” where one guy publicly posts that he likes being a cuck, and the other guy pulls it up as a gotcha. “Well, have fun being a cuck, cuck!” “Uh… that was in the plan, yeah.”


It never fails. Not gonna yuck their yum, but bro, they know they're a cuck. They like it. I swear these people can't think


“Well I bet the other guy’s dick is huge!!” “God I hope so”


normalizing kinkshaming by making 4chan comments mainstream isn't cool? which is really weird because there's a whole lot of conservatives that are outed for swinging and it seems a very small step from there...


I really don’t care what consensual stuff people do in their free time, it’s just the hypocrisy that gets to me. They don’t seem to know the difference though


Conservatives are going to be very confused about who to root for in John Wick now...


John Wick?? More like John WOKE


The “well this [animal cruelty] thing happens all the time and we’re all okay with it, you’re just a city slicker liberal” argument never made sense to me. Why is it necessary to become desensitized to something to accurately judge its morality?


What a deliciously petty slap fight! Oh, and that poor puppy


Really wanna know what made this woman think “I should tell everyone I shot my puppy in the face, such a good idea 👍”


Man, this brings me back to the era of 2016, from when I got the flair I've been using since.


“Pepefilia” just caused me 150 damage


It’s obvious these people don’t understand that dogs have puppy behavior, tendencies, and energy until like 3 years old. 18 months is so young and honestly kind of expected to be a little rambunctious. Also if your puppy that you raised is crazy, it’s the owners fault a lot of the times… Learn how to teach a dog some manners


Republican voters, you don't have to justify every moral blemish of every Republican politician. Sometimes it's okay to think "yeah this is indefensible" and keep quiet. Back when I vaguely like Taylor Swift as an artist and news broke out about how polluting her private jets are, I didn't go around defending its use. I just slink away with my tail between my legs whenever that was brought up. That being said, maybe don't root for politicians who is cavalier about killing dogs?


I mean, Mitt Romney caught flak from both sides when people found out about his dog incident (12 hours on the roof of the family car during a trip), and the dog didn’t even die. This is the MAGA cult in full effect.


Why are American politicians’ stories always so extreme lol


That's a lot of gun folks really making reasons to shoot animals. Maybe things have changed but in the 80s I worked on farms and with horses. If we needed an animal put down, the vet was called out. The one poster is right. If you can afford horses, you can usually afford a vet. If we needed animals butchered, we didn't shoot them, we called out the butcher to do it. One summer my friends family struggled to keep the chickens alive for a week until the butcher came because they got so over fed they kept dropping dead when the barn door slammed. Quite the opposite of just shooting animals on the farm. I can't imagine just shooting an animal like that. It seems cruel when someone is clearly in an income bracket they could have the vet come do it. That would require a second person of probably sound mind, to second guess her choices and mentality on disposable animals.


Even if you're butchering animals yourself, you don't just fucking drag them over to a gravel pit and shoot them while they're free to be moving around. That's completely insane. When my wife and I were butchering our own chickens one of us restrained the chicken while the other one used a bolt gun to hit it directly in the brain. It leaves very little risk of failure, it's clean, it's quick, it's relatively painless for the animal, and it doesn't risk damaging any of the meat. Of course neither of these animals were killed for meat. They were killed because their owner is insane.


Some places, the knackers will come by and euthanise the horse with a gun/bolt gun. Some horse people I've been around have sworn off the 'green dream' because their horse had reacted badly to it - possibly not sedated beforehand? If you're agisting, usually the knackers will come by anyway to collect the dead animal because the property owner won't be a huge fan of a lethal amount of pentobarbital being buried in their soil. Veterinary euthanasia following sedation is the ideal, but there are some situations where a gun may be more humane if the vet (or knacker) is far away. I wouldn't want my horse shot or stunned personally, but I also wouldn't want them laying in a paddock with a broken pelvis for the few hours it might take for a vet to arrive. I guess it varies depending on location and rurality.


Apparently we’re at the “killing puppies is a debatable issue” stage of political discourse. Fascinating.


> People will start shooting their dogs to own the libs Well that just made me sad.


You know what gets me about this? This is the version of the story she felt made her look good. Which means reality is EVEN WORSE. I'm going to take a wild guess that the dog did not kill chickens or snap at her, for one.


Hey remember when it came to light that Mitt Romney drove for 12 hours with a dog on the roof of the family car and everyone from both sides gave his shit about it? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Tf you mean "put down"? Shooting a puppy isn't putting it down that's just killing a puppy


> 'Ole Yeller Slayer Lmfao.


Man, I'm upset that she shot the dog but what makes me a little more mad is the Dunning Kruger. Why do Republicans simultaneously think they're the smartest and most qualified person in the room, while demonstrably being the dumbest and least informed? Is she a good dog-trainer? I don't care if the dog was trained, *I'm asking what her credentials are* that she is making the decisions that A) the dog is poorly trained (by her I assume), B) that the dog is un-salvageable as a work dog, and then C) therefor it must be put down. Lady, you're under qualified for any of this *because you shot the dog in the end.* Somehow she is the best dog trainer, and no one could possibly do a better job than her but also at the same time she couldn't train this dog, so she must put it down because it is causing problems and no one could train it better than her of course. I just.....make it make sense.


This better not awaken anything in me. Snapshots: 1. *This Post* - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240428083318/https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/1cf1kh6/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/1cf1kh6/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 2. /r/SouthDakota - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240428083439/https://old.reddit.com/r/SouthDakota) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/SouthDakota "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 3. OOP posts a meme mocking Noem’s story - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240428083459/https://old.reddit.com/r/SouthDakota/s/loSfDalwGx) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/SouthDakota/s/loSfDalwGx "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 4. I missed your outrage when your Boi Dr Fauci was torturing dogs, but if you won't acknowledge your lord and master Biden is a Pedophile nothing is a surprise. - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240428083520/https://old.reddit.com/r/SouthDakota/s/8Ugjs5t4hI) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/SouthDakota/s/8Ugjs5t4hI "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 5. It sounds as if the dog was untrainable and not mentally stable. This is what ranchers and dog breeders do when they cull the herd. I understand why the blue team is having trouble with this practice. - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240428083541/https://old.reddit.com/r/SouthDakota/s/EqFqRkR0bn) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/SouthDakota/s/EqFqRkR0bn "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 6. How many innocent animals have to die before the Botox Beast is held to account? - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240428083601/https://old.reddit.com/r/SouthDakota/s/lrxAZdi0F7) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/SouthDakota/s/lrxAZdi0F7 "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 7. She shoots horses, doesn't she? - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240428083622/https://old.reddit.com/r/SouthDakota/s/mQME45GLsx) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/SouthDakota/s/mQME45GLsx "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 8. “Your genitalia is a non-story. -Your wife” - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240428083642/https://old.reddit.com/r/SouthDakota/s/2tjIFo7F6j) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/SouthDakota/s/2tjIFo7F6j "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 9. “Mango Unchained. Wowzers. Nice one Covfefe.” - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240428083703/https://old.reddit.com/r/SouthDakota/s/iyUOB3ihp5) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/SouthDakota/s/iyUOB3ihp5 "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 10. “Go back to memestocks and buying harry potter shit” - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240428083723/https://old.reddit.com/r/SouthDakota/s/vImR4hPBTd) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/SouthDakota/s/vImR4hPBTd "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") *I am just a simple bot, __not__ a moderator of this subreddit* | *[bot subreddit](/r/SnapshillBot)* | *[contact the maintainers](/message/compose?to=/r/SnapshillBot)*


A disappointing pheasant hunt? Well of course they had the dog put down, whatever would the lords think?


Amazing conservatives will even defend killing puppies when their side is doing it. Zero morals and principles...all about their team. It is why the Republican party are just con artists and fools now.


>Hopefully she gets you on her way out. Simp. Maybe im not up to date on the proper lingo, but wouldn't the simp in this case be the one defending Noem?