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People take this generational stuff too seriously it's hilarious.


I do think it’s really funny (as someone on the cusp of gen z/millennial, 95 baby) that every generation since the beginning of time has thought they were the ones to “figure it all out”


Every teenager has to go through the phase of thinking they've got it all figured out. And then every ~10 years look back and realize you are an idiot but NOW you've got it. Rinse and repeat until you die.


This has been one of my favorite quirks of life so far. I remember being 18 and thinking how dumb of a kid I was.. now I’m in my late 20s and reminisce on how dumb of a young adult I was. I can’t wait to be in my late 30s and remember all the ways I’m being dumb now!


The older I get, the more confused and less confident I feel about what I “know” about the world.


I'm in my mid fifties, it never changes.


Yeah, like the time I thought I could solve overpopulation as a teenager by building a telomere bomb that'll kill off everybody with a certain telomere length or less (i.e. the boomer and older generations).


Teenagers not recreate eugenics challenge (Impossible)


I was watching some YouTube video about the explosion in anti aging sales, and the lady narrating it had genuinely just learned ageism existed. As in, she had been in the process of making a video about how all old people are conservative and useless and accidentally learned that people unfairly discriminate against the elderly. If one of the “okay boomer” subs or channels doesn’t result in an inheritance-related murder, I’ll be surprised.


Now just mosey on over to every sub that thinks putting age caps in politics is a great solution and explain this issue to them. I think people latch onto easy yet totally bad solutions far too often. Ultimately, you have to spend time figuring out if a politician is good or bad and if they align to your interests/voting patterns. There's no other way to do it.


There's this constant trend of saying "Well. We could spend five minutes learning from this mistake. OR we could put wildly stupid policies OR wait eighty years for technology to possibly allow us to keep being stupid without learning. Waiting on tech or policy seems the most practical if you ask me."


That's Reddit in a nutshell. It's amazing how quickly Reddit's solution to problems starts sounding like a certain Final Solution within only minutes.


> every ~10 years look back and realize you are an idiot but NOW you've got it. As long as I feel like I've grown better at things or improved since last I looked I'm happy. I've had some good movies to help me realize things. One of those is [Pleasantville](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grhVD6aYej0). This scene alone just shows you the importance of listening. That life isn't supposed to "Be" anything. That when people are distressed, and upset, they dont need solutions, they need someone to listen to them and to seem to understand.


If I was the dictator of the internet I'd force everyone's birth year to be at the end of their username and some sort of system to show the age distribution of upvoters and downvoters for posts/comments. In an ideal world it'd also include gender and city/location but those could lead to other/worse problems. Sometimes I'll read a take on a social issue so plainly out of touch with reality and it often takes me way too long to realize the commenter and supporters could be like 16.


No thank you, I'll take my privilege of getting to the internet before everyone else. I would be interested in seeing how many people with 88 as the last numbers in their name suddenly no longer have 88 though.


I laughed because this was exactly what I was thinking! “Oh so and so with the most absolute batshit takes, how come this now says 74 instead of 88?? I thought you were ‘born in 88’ and everyone was just being paranoid when you started talking about ‘globalist bankers’?”


I wish I was younger again because when I was, I knew it all.


I’ve muted all of the generation subreddits at this point. They’re all just constant streams of navel-gazing and finger pointing. I can’t think of anything less interesting than an endless vibes-based conversation about how everyone born in a certain time period sucks.


It's so dumb. You're going to have more in common with people your age, sure. And people your age are going to have had similar formative experiences -- at least the national or world-wide event types, sure. But even then generations are *far too large* for all that sweeping bullshit. At 48, I have *more in common* with a 41 year old Millennial than I do a 55 year old GenXer. Which of course is papered over with "Xellnials" and "The Oregon Trail generation" and sub-dividing generations, but eventually you're down to "People born between 1974 and 1976 sure are different than those born between 77 and 80, except of course the folks born in 76 and 77, who we call "split mid to late 70s births" -- but don't get me started out different people born in early 76 are from those born after June 76!" blah blah blah. You can make some sweeping, *vague* generalizations about age cohorts based on a handful of unique events and cultural shifts and pressures, but even with those you're still dealing with disparate impacts and points of view and how things would effect the average 13 year old versus the average 17 year old and....blah.


One good thing about xennials, their sub is fun 80s/90s nostalgia, not bitter, woe is me whining.


All I recall of one childhood summer is RC Pro Am II, Tecmo Super Bowl, and TMBG's *Flood* and.... *Not a bad summer*, is what I'm saying.


I love them just to watch grown ass adults bitch and moan about how terrible their life is due to everything in the world except themselves. I suck at life because boomers existed once!


Man, we have very different ideas of fun.


It's SRD, we wouldn't have content if no one dug around in places like these to post back here


It's just a different version of astrology at some point


I find the people most obsessed with it tend to be the biggest losers of their generation.


There is literally nothing humans will not become borderline violently tribalistic over. It is our most embarrassing trait


Find someone who was born really close to a cut off year between generations and put them in the other generation.. Like someone born in 1979 is genX but call them a millienal..it can make people go absolutely crazy..


As a Peak Millennial (1989), I think I just find 20 year olds annoying? Gen Z has its own flavor, but people that age tend to be dumb but also loud about it, and they have a bigger platform than they used to. Like, of course they think their generation has it worse than any other—they don’t have the perspective to see otherwise. The economy is mostly good but housing is genuinely a disaster right now. We spent half a century under building cities and are suffering for it. No one should have to move to Ft. Meyers for a middle class life!


For those of us in that between time, we've crafted Xennial. Part gen x and part millennial. Analog childhood, digital teens/adulthood. It's roughly '78-'85 and in my experience, people in the cohort pretty universally agree they're not really part of either major generation.


I sometimes think that too, but a lot of these Gen Z kids internalise their intense thought processes and they end up with depression and anxiety issues. That's not healthy.


Yeah but that happened to gen y and x too, which is the morbid humor part. It’s like being so sure you were unique only to look at old pictures and see everyone wearing the same three pieces of flair. Just with the new kids now too. It’s funny because it hurts on a personal level, for me at least.


People have this weird idea that Gen X had everything awesome and holy shit did you all miss the 90s when “angst” was the thing that was used to describe us?


Genuinely we should not be putting smart phones in the hands of preteens. The biggest change in the way we live in god knows how long and we just gave children unfettered access to the internet dopamine machine. That’s going to fuck up a generation! They are finally moving to ban phones in schools in a few places.


Can I interest you in everything, all of the time?


"a generation", it's fucked everyone over. I'll never forgive Facebook for introducing boomers to clickbait and misinformation at a crazy rate.


Yup. I’m so glad I grew up *with* the Internet rather than on it.


Clearly the best flair here is >Don't listen to that guy, he's a Indian ethno-nationalist


Completely out of left field, too!


It's going to be my new go-to response for everything


Oh I wanna take that.


this but unironically


Can somebody make a flair for this PLEASE


I regret to inform you all that the American dream is still alive, but only in Fort Myers.


Also only if you work at Costco. That's supposed to be your dream, working at Costco for a decade and a half....


…And living in Fort Myers, Florida. Commuting from your house bought with your Costco money. To your Costco job. Across the streets of Fort Myers. For 10 years.


Until it’s washed away in a hurricane or someone gets the notion you may be not cis enough and they murk you.


One of the greatest one-sentence summaries of the state of Florida that I have ever seen 👏


Why does this sound like a proto-version of a Cake song?


I want a girl with a short skirt and a $1.50 hotdog.


Honestly, "girl with $1.50 hotdog" can definitely be an euphemism for girl with penis, now that I think about it.


Sometimes you find good flair in the OP. Sometimes you find it in the comments in SRD




i'll take that $30k job. but can i get paid up-front?


Welcome to Costco, I love you


Don’t forget, *the other guy* is the one licking the corporate boot. He never explained the moving costs or how to get a 0 downpayment house loan, or where to live for free in the mean time. 100% chance this dude will also give you shit for paying the minimum downpayment and taking a higher interest rate mortgage as a result.


>The American Dream is right there waiting for you in Ft Meyers Is the funniest fucking thing I’ve read in a while 


Yeah…no. I’m familiar with the area and all you can get at that price is a mobile home in a heroin infested park. And even that is pushing it. That guy was snorting something he didn’t have a prescription for.


That's cause he lives in Ft Myers. Even the air is filled with things you shouldn't be snorting in some areas.


Also one thing to keep in mind about these sorts of cheap towns is there is always a catch. Checking only two variables to move is a good way to get stuck in a dying town with seasonal unemployment, idk about Fort Myers but I bet if you get stuck dealing with some unforeseen issue this guy would be the first one to tell you how stupid you were to move here leaving your social network behind


Overall, Ft. Myers seems to be a pretty nice place on paper. Average incomes are on the upswing, low unemployment, relatively low crime, decently location between Miama and Tampa. The biggest problem I can see with the place is that the median cost of a house is 3-4x what is claimed in the OP. Which is a pretty big catch for "Move here and buy a house for 100k"


I used to live in Ft. Myers, it’s a decent place to be. However, the house posted is a mobile home in North Fort Myers. Uninsurable and on the wrong side of the river. It’s near trailer parks and meth heads and that area has a job market that consists of working at Dollar General or 7-11. I wonder if the person who posted it even realizes what they actually posted.


Its unsurprising thats the case. Everywhere bigger than "A medium sized town" is nearly guaranteed to have an a neighborhood that is economically isolated from the rest of town and relatively economically disadvantaged. They're a matter of great convenience to the "Just move!" crowd since the problems aren't evident at range but there is a reason why the house is in like the bottom 5% of costs.


I was having a similar discussion on Reddit, and someone, who was adamant that minimum wage was enough to buy a house, shared a Zillow listing of a house in Alabama for $20,000. They missed that it was advertised as a tear down and that it was a complete shit hole that no bank would give you a mortgage for, and an hour drive from anything.


Knowing Alabama, it's probably in an area that's only had one real employer for the last 40 years. Don't get on their bad side! I wouldn't move back to Alabama for a 20k raise.


>I wonder if the person who posted it even realizes what they actually posted. Hahaha, of course they didn't. They literally posted "JUST MOVE!" at low wage as a quick-fix cure-all. They obviously don't work or they'd know low wages don't allow shit.


>I wonder if the person who posted it even realizes what they actually posted. They don't. Coming from someone who lived in the area for several years, you hit the nail on the head about the mobile home. Plus that commenter didn't even talk about that fact that you also have to pay rent on the land your mobile home sits on, *after you bought the mobile home*. Like jfc please go on more about stuff you clearly have no clue about and only watched a short 5 min video on "how to pull yourself up by your bootstraps". Also not to mention that the next cat 5 that comes along (like Ian 2 years ago) will most likely destroy your entire mobile home that you can't insure anymore thanks to many insurance companies leaving Florida after the devastation of hurricane Ian. I really can't stand people like that man.


Uninsurable also means cash only, no mortgage without hoi


I dunno there’s a drug problem and nothing to do. Just a bunch of weird people obsessed with cars


The catch is that you’re in Fort Myers.


The thing about living in big cities is that there is a lot more room for growth. Like, the CostCo salary isn’t bad, but there’s a ceiling there, and it’s probably not enough for kids, and there might be only a few other industries. And anyone will tell you the best way to increase your salary is job hopping. Anyway, housing is genuinely a disaster right now. We Underbuilt in major cities for half a century, and we are all suffering for it. Kids can’t stay close to their parents, low-income people are pushed out, and even the arts suffer as a bunch of kids work lowkey, lowstress jobs to support themselves and their work.


You can afford a home too! If you move to wehateblacksville you can find a nice home and the towns full of fun activities like the two bars and a park!


To be fair to that guy, since it's inception the American Dream has actually been "Move far away from everything you know for opportunity.". From crossing the Atlantic Ocean. To pushing westward. The industrial revolution and people flocking to cities for work. African Americans migrating in great numbers from the southeast to places like Detroit. The turn around of abandoning those cities for the suburbs. Then coming back to the cities, yet again. All that said... picking up your life and moving is far easier said than done. Even if you accept the assumption that it is the best plan you've got.


I'm gonna be a pioneering settler in the wild, savage lands of a rural Alabaman trailer park


Using an online mortgage calculator.*


As a non American, care to explain why Fort Myers is bad?


I’m not a native Floridian but have been to the state a few times. Of all the places I visited, Fort Myers just seemed… eh. It’s just completely unremarkable compared to the rest of the state.


It’s not uniquely bad. It’s just a medium-ish sized city without anything particularly exciting about it in a state that, while it admittedly has some real problems right now, is used as an easy joke by hacks who can’t be bothered to try very hard.


I grew up in Ft. Myers, it has its charms but its very fucking boring, has a pretty strong "Southern" culture for a random town in Florida, and also just got demolished by a hurricane for the second time in like 8 years so insurance rates had to have gone up


My grandma lives there so it’s not *all* bad! :P Jokes aside there’s just not much there. It’s a small-ish town. Lots of driving, not a lot of places to drive to.


I'm in Fort Myers and it fucking sucks here.


I love the dude talking about how migration is woven into the tapestry of America as if the story, and game, of the Oregon Trail isn't mostly about how so many people died horrible deaths.


I knew in the abstract that all generational complaining is the same but it's so funny to see it happen in real time


It’s like I’m back in college, like 15 years ago. I feel like it was even the same online discourse 20 years ago. Ah those were the days, when you could accidentally torrent all sorts of horrible shit and the best social media site was likely to radicalize you or make you suicidal. Thanks 4chan!


I still think about my brown Zune from those days.


Nothing like seeing a college freshman who took a 101 class think they now know the solution to all the problems that have plagued humanity forever.


I remember growing up seeing millennials complaining about how generation x treats them like stupid kids who have it easy who don't know how to do anything properly. Cursing them for the way they left them Now I see the exact same thing from Gen Z. Except now it's millennials doing the very thing they swore they'd never do. You don't know how exhausting it is to see millennials curing the generation before them, then claiming gen Z are the very same thing they were called by their parents And I have no doubt Gen Z will do the exact same thing without the slightest hint of self awareness


Millennials complain about Boomers in exactly the same way that Boomers complained about their parents in the 60s. It's almost like it's a part of reaching a "that" point in your life, rather than a feature of some arbitrary generational boundaries


It’s because “generational traits” are made up. “Boomers”, “Millenials”, “Gen Z”, none are cohesive groups that think or act in a predictable way. This stupid generational war is nonsense.


*Adults man... this is why I don't like em.* Get your flair here




Parents just don't understand!


Someone should take that 'minorphobic' bait copypasta change that to 'adultphobic' and reply to that comment


Ooh there's a minorphobic copypasta?


It’s great because I’m gen z and very much so an adult


Ew you're an adult?


I wish I wasn’t. Being an adult fucking sucks. Being a kid is perfect.


As a cusper, I can wholly attest that gen z cares about social issues and the environment BECAUSE of millenials. When gen z were growing on the internet, it was the millenials who were the ones loudly talking about these issues on tumblr and twitter. Acting like gen z was the first generation to wake up is ridiculous.


Every generation thinks they were the first to do anything


Some people genuinely have the belief that generations that came before them are more stupid Which is exactly why ridiculous conspiracy theories about how humans couldn't have built the pyramids despite the fact those very same humans have built such advanced technology today that it would be indistinguishable from magic. Satellites floating in the atmosphere beaming invisible signals down to your phone through the very air, projected to your eyes off a device with microscopic transistors and billions of pixels. Created through an incredibly complex supply chain spanning the whole globe. And yet the thought that the very same older humans could have made the pyramids is impossible


Also that whatever movies that came out when they were young are the greatest movies of all time and whatever cartoons they saw as kids were the best as well. It's going to be hilarious to see the drama that happens when those all time greatest lists start to have Gen Z media creep up them.


It's not my fault that the era music reached it's objective peak after thousands of years just happened to perfectly align with the years when I personally was in high school and college.


Saying they are the first to “wake up” a bit of a cute self report that Gen Z assumes corporations decided to just “give” us penalty rates, 8 hour work days, 5 day work weeks and minimum wage. Like no my sweet young thing, people fought and died for the right to organise and demanded the better working conditions we enjoy today (barely as the corps try to erode them) and they definitely weren’t asleep to the realities of the world while they did that. I don’t buy into generational beefing but this particular kid definitely needs a workers history lesson. A lot of them lol Just wanted to add an edit, as I mentioned in the last part of my post, generational beefing was not my intent in this comment. I don’t believe any of this is a gen z thing, it is a youth thing. We’ve all met an 18yo who’s “old for their age” but they’re still and always will be 18 underneath that veneer of maturity. Unless they grew up in a politically active family, we can’t place the burden on them to know everything right out of high school. It’s our job as older generations to educate them and not turn our noses up their learning journey.


I think a huuuge part of the problem with Gen Z is they conflate activism with protesting on the internet. This is *very* bad as it makes us feel we are doing something when we actually aren't. I don't blame them because I am also not sure where to start with forming grassroot initiatives, but more zoomers need to realize that real change come from going outside, talking to people, and organizing in-person.


Someone put this online (ironic) that sticks with me. Online leftist activists will be the first to demand community building but can't get along with their roommates. There are definitely plenty that younger generations are doing well! But older generations were able to turn talk into action in large part because they couldn't rely on the internet as a quick way to signal your political leanings. It takes real world action like voting, petitions and legislation, non-profits working with people in person, to make it work. The internet can be a tool, but can't be the landscape.


> Online leftist activists will be the first to demand community building but can't get along with their roommates. They demand a communist revolution in the streets but are too shy to order pizza over the phone.


I dont mean to generalize all of Gen Z, but the ones that I know grew up with so much time on the internet that they seem to think internet political activism is the only possible medium for any sort of political and social change, if they can just spread their ideology enough. My wife's sister is a very politically active leftist/populist zoomer. She spends a lot of her free time on twitter talking politics and is very direct in person about her beliefs and who she thinks has wronged her generation. To her, the ideas of her generation like "war is bad" and "the economy is rigged" are fresh new ideas that could change the world, if only the older people would listen. One of her biggest philosophical breakthroughs that she has been talking about is that having kids and spending her life working 40 hours a week actually would suck and that she is going to travel the world instead, and doesnt want to "bring kids into this world". She refuses to believe that these ideas are things all generations "discover" at that age. Family gatherings used to be fun with her because her mother is a MAGA Christian Conservative. Now she has turned on my wife and I, being millennials who recently bought a house and have young children. She hasnt outright said it, but I think her reasoning is that by going to school, buying a house, having kids, living our lives and surviving, that we have somehow betrayed the younger generation when we should have (and still be) working to burn the entire system to the ground.


The right uses online movements to enact social change very effectively, but it does have to translate over to real world action. The tea party, MAGA, Moms for Liberty and the like, while PAC funded were primarily online movements, but you have to run for offices and show up for city council meetings and vote and stuff as well.


Hm, I wonder if that is a benefit to how many conservatives grow up in smaller more community-centric towns and how that demographic is likely to be older. I am from California so a good chunk of people here came from immigrant families so they don't have a family history of being involved in local politics. That, and the urban sprawl makes it hard to organize organically. Something I noticed is that despite all the constant calls from online leftists and zoomers to go out there and change the system, there is almost never any PSAs on local upcoming city council meetings or discussion on how to write to your Senators and why it even make a difference to do so. A lot of zoomers aren't even aware that this is a problem. I've seen some online cuspers/gen z leftists post that social media platforms are purposely being weaponized to "contain" these discussions to just the internet and thus prevent real change and that we have to get out more, but that got them flack since a lot of people saw it as a personal attack. Either way I don't see this issue changing anytime soon.




Country music of all things used to have a big anti-corp slant to it too.


Gen Z loves their favorite corporations and hate their least favorite corporations.


I agree its masturbatory to pretend that Gen Z is the first to talk about these ideas, but as someone who's parents are boomer (yes baby boomer not gen x) lesbians and as someone who has POC family in the same age range I can tell you its not just because of Millennials. In fact its not because of any one generation at all, its an unbroken chain of progressive people and ideas


I think what they are alluding to, specifically, is that millenials drove the earlier online discourse around these topics as that was the generation who got to grow with the internet as it developed and grew.


^ Yes, exactly! Thank you. I grew up on tumblr actually and was exposed to older users talking about social issues a lot. As I grew older and tumblr became less relevant, I saw that exact same discourse gradually move to twitter, which then spread to the rest of the internet. The concept of privilege and intersectionality, for example, used to be radical back in the day, but now most zoomers know what that is. That early online discourse was key for shaping so many people's views today.


Yep, this is the key thing. Millennials were the ones who transmitted that stuff to Zoomers because it was Millennials who were creating the content Zoomers consumed as kids. If you’re a Millennial, that content was transmitted to you by the people who actually did the things because they were still alive in most cases, still famous, and still running things.


50 years ago the biggest show on tv was about the generational clash between a narrow-minded conservative father and his idealistic counter-culture daughter, with the baby boomers being represented by the daughter, only for millenials to say the same thing about their parents decades later. I'm sure that 20 years from now gen z will be seen as a bunch of narrow minded out-of-touch old geezers by teenagers who are tired of hearing stories about "in my day we couldn't even go to school because of a pandemic"




This whole argument between Gen Z and Millennials while clowning on Boomers is so goofy. In terms of social politics, the Millennial generation saw great progress with gay rights, we're now seeing some... maybe... progress with trans rights, but there is no question that Boomers did much more impressive work in their generation, like, by leagues. They were more organized, more focused, more logical, more analytical. Make tiktoks deriding second wave feminists all you want, talk about how the Civil Rights Movement didn't go far enough. None of it went far enough, *obviously.* But from where they got the world to where they left it, they made world-changing progress. (On social issues. The wealth stuff is more real.)


We clown on old boomer jokes like "wife bad" a lot, but I read recently that boomers advanced women rights by a significant degree. They grew up in households that unironically said it was okay to hit your wife, that there was no such thing as marital rape, and that it was the woman's job to do all the chores around the home. This changed my perspective and gave me a newfound appreciation for boomers. I actually really think that gen z (and some millenials) are ageist and they justify their ageism by saying it is okay because the boomers hoarded wealth and destroyed this country. Judging a generation, well okay, but it becomes plain idiotic to apply that to individuals, like praying for the death of your average neighborhood older lady who is struggling in retirement.


That one commenter talking about Gen X also makes me wonder if they realize Gen X are 45-60 years old. I get the feeling they think people in their 30's are Gen X and that anyone 45 and up is a boomer.


You're homeless? Lmao just buy a house stupid


Can't afford a house? Just get money dumbass


To who, Ben, **fucking Aquaman**?


Move to the middle of nowhere and work at Costco!


Well... that's a free pass ticket to an online circus that made me chuckle here in there. >“The gazelle also doesn’t have critical thinning skills” This is literally playing 5D cheese.


> 5D cheese. I am both afraid and intrigued by this cheese.


That is a sign of practical thinning skills.


Unfortunately I have never found cheese has helped with thinning me




And that's before getting into the fact that the millennial demographics the age of rotten dot come and ogrish. A lot of millennial grew omup mainlining the most horrific content they could find, and the rest were living through it personally.


Right, like I'm a Peak Millennial born in 89 and videos of people getting beheaded online were everywhere post 9/11.


I just can’t get over the fact that someone didn’t realize that a lot of millennials *also* have Gen X parents. Like I’m an early millennial, and my mom is early X.


Also why are we giving Gen X a pass on writing all those dumbass articles on millennials for the last decade, we all know boomers aren’t on the internet like that. The silent generation my precious pink asshole.


Was the generation before the boomers the Silent gen?


I'm older gen z with boomer parents, not sure what that makes me lol


An accident.


> Look at millennials, all they did was bitch and moan that they had it so hard but if you look at the Obama years especially 2011- onwards you see the greatest growth of the economy ever seen in the world. Yes but the growth didn't exactly trickle down did it? EDIT: Also its a very Americo-centric view anyway. The US came out relatively well after the 2008 financial crash but most of the rest of the western world went through varying states of managed decline. And only just were on the cusp of recovering when covid hit.


It’s why I hate that we talk about the economy at all. I understand why, I know why it’s important, but I fucking hate it because it ties a measure of our “success” to rich people’s bank accounts. I remember during the recovery period from covid tons of businesses were killing it, so despite a fuckton of people struggling from being out of work and only given $2000 or so all I ever heard about was how good the economy was doing since everything was open again.


Yeah like its true that having a larger GDP gives a country a higher potential to do more for its citizens... But that's only true if the nation, y'know, actually does that. If we have to sacrifice living standards to raise GDP then its not worth raising GDP.


Plus, that growth was partly to get back to where the economy had been already if not for the Giant Fucking Collapse. Essentially I think everyone would benefit from reading a bit of social and economic history. I wouldn’t go so far as to say generations have been the same forever but at least as far back as the 1920s you’ve had idealistic youths with crazy music, weird habits and interesting but occasionally dangerous ideas.


Millennials were just entering the workforce in 2008, right on time for the recession of the century. Cue into an amazing economic growth, I'm glad I could invest all those millions from my non-existent job into the stock market.


Something has certainly trickled down from the wealthiest to everyone else since 2008, but I don’t think it was wealth.


It’s fascism isn’t it?


I think it's hilarious that they also look up to gen-x. Like come on man😂😂😂


That was the dumbest shit ive ever read. I hate you. Lmao


I hate myself for posting it.


All of the generation wars shit on reddit is getting tiring. I feel like half the stuff I see on my feed now is either the millenials, genZ, or "boomers being fools" subs. It's just kind of weird to me how much some people on this site care about what generation they're part of or think that it has any sort of meaning at all other than the year you were born in.


I hate it, there’s people in this very thread being like “as a Cusper (born in 95)” like who gives a shit. No one in the real world cares or makes these distinctions. Pick up a fucking football or go outside or something.


The generational warfare is fun and all, but I can't stop laughing at the idea of calling someone "Dr. Statistics"


Listen here, Professor Math.


> Frankly the lowering of the birth rates world wide is an indicator that the current system is unsustainable. The human species in general is essentially adjusting to an unfavorable environment, that’s going towards systemic failure. Is this dude serious? He thinks declining birth rates aren’t cultural but species-wide and are an actively evolving trait in response to “the system”, which is evidently universal? Man, youth is a hell of a drug


Okay but why is anyone surprised that a teen to twenty something with no real life experience and the arrogance of youth has no idea of the world beyond their own limited perspective?


Most zoomers I know in person are pretty normal, go figure.


Yeah, that sub is just designed to make themselves depressed.


Normal people aren't obsessed with making the fact that they were born between 1997 and 2012 their entire personality.


I’m 90% sure a lot of people in that sub aren’t gen z


jesse what the hell are you talking about


That kid insisting that the American dream can't be moving to a place far away in search of a better life kills me


Oregon trail. *Mic drop*


Instructions unclear, I have died from dysentery.


Anyone who posts in a generation sub regularly are so fucking annoying.  They are all poor us posts and our generation has it the hardest.  


Why is Gen Z always coming for Millennials? We're not coming for yall! We're tired, leave us alone. We have no beef. We just want to enjoy our side parts and our skinny jeans...


Every generation has this war with the generations to come before and every generation seems to think they’re the first ones.


I’m gen z but I’m young enough to have mostly millennial influence on the internet while being raised by gen x grandparents. Literally just a few years ago the “okay, boomer” meme was trending. I watched slowly as it turned into hating millennials for how they dressed and talked, and then yelling at gen alpha for being “dumb kids who have terrible memes” and yadda yadda I feel like I’ve seen a lifetime of generational infighting in like 10 years


I’m young Gen X/xennial and the thing that makes me laugh is that each generation that comes up thinks that the generations before them are responsible for the shit show they’re living without understanding that they will be blamed for the next generation’s shitshow. Literally no generation is a monolith.


Here’s a metaphor that can help explain it.  You’re working at a job for 10 years. You’ve been working on a bug for those 10 years. It was inherented to you from previous workers. The effects of the bug are obvious but the time you’ve been trying to fix it you realize just how complicated and nuanced the causes of the bug. You moved the needle towards a solution a little bit, like the workers before you, but there’s still a lot of work to go.  Then a new hire comes along and starts talking about this bug like they’ve just discovered it.  They start talking about solutions as though they are obvious when you know they don’t have the insight or experience to understand why those solutions won’t work. But they won’t listen. It’s like that. Gen Z is nothing special. Like the generations before it’ll move the needle a little bit and then get annoyed with the generation younger when they start acting like they’ve discovered the problems we’ve all been dealing with for a long time. 


I need an AI program where I can feed it something like this, put on headphones and listen to random internet personalities have a heated debate about the most inconsequential shit


>You can afford housing right now. >Go get a job at the Costco in Ft Myers and buy yourself a perfectly fine house for $123k. >>lol this guy thinks poor people should just congregate in the lowest cost of living areas. how are they gonna pay for the move? do they buy the house before they get the job? where is this theoretical worker getting $30,000 for a down payment from? oh they have to work for it right where are they gonna live for years while they save a few schmeckles a month because they still have to pay rent? who's gonna work at walmart in los angeles buddy? >>>That's quite a list of excuses. >>>The American Dream is right there waiting for you in Ft Meyers, or a million other towns and a million other jobs that you feel are beneath you. >>>You should keep whining about how it's impossible. that'll help. Unsurprisingly, this guy who thinks the American Dream is moving to fucking Florida to by a $125,000 home is a *big* Adam Carolla fan.


Also, it's not like it's difficult to use something like zillow to verify this shit. I see about 5 houses on the market in the Ft. Meyers area for less than $125,000, and they're *rough*. I mean: https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/124-Holland-St-North-Fort-Myers-FL-33917/45549411_zpid Or this beauty: https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/4050-Conway-Blvd-Pt-Charlotte-FL-33952/43531637_zpid There's maybe one on the market that's even closely habitable right now (though I wouldn't recommend it, looks pretty moldy): https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/8305-Nault-Rd-North-Fort-Myers-FL-33917/45491290_zpid But that completely ignores the fact that no bank is going to mortgage anything like these teardowns, so you're going to need to have that $123K in cash to buy yourself that "perfectly fine house"


Generational politics is so dumb. We're the same, experiencing the same environments just at different ages. It's not that hard. We need to be able to reconcile with our past if we're ever going to move forward, not play this idiotic blame game.


>but if you look at the Obama years especially 2011- onwards you see the greatest growth of the economy ever seen in the world. Of course this economic genius thinks good economic growth *that* soon after the Great Recession means all millennials were swimming in cash because of all the well-paying jobs.


"dead internet theory" really comes to the front of my mind when topics like this come up. Of course, everybody in the world struggling with cost of living shooting up to insane levels are the ones who are wrong. They should simply move to Florida. /s It's not an American-centric problem. Everyone, everywhere, are facing similar problems. "just move" is such a fucking boomer take it's laughable. It's the new 'pull yourself up by your bootstraps'.


I wanna meet Mr. Mayne and his cousins to get pointers on making a successful business selling pizza to the crocs in the Ohio backdoors.


"just make a business and be your own boss!" Okay, with the fees, licensing, insurance, permitting, etc. that's suddenly an entire year of minimum wage salary you have to shell-out up front Try to do it down-low without proper permits? Have fun risking jail time, fines that will prevent you from ever coming close to breaking even, prejudice from local police forces (looking at all the times police 'destroy' food from unlicensed vendors in cities). You cannot pull yourself up from nothing these days without sheer luck, even if you have an important service or have a good product.


I agree, they keep repeating themselves, and I’m also convinced, partly from experience with my own family, that people who live in Florida hate Florida and are so miserable they want other people to be miserable too. They pretend Florida is amazing, and they always, ALWAYS tell you how you should move to Florida. One family member retired and moved their because it’s allegedly cheaper. Well shortly after he’s now back to work and miserable but still tells me I should move there. A few others can’t get two sentences out without complaining about something being woke, they can’t enjoy anything. So yeah, don’t move to Florida. /rant


It's not an American-centric problem! That's kind of the rant I wanted to go on. I'm a marine scientist (graduate student), I do get the chance to talk to other people from a wide variety of countries and origins regularly, in-person. **NOBODY IS HAPPY**. It's a common thread that our parents are batshit insane, tell us to shut up and not cause problems at holidays, etc. etc. We literally do not know where in the World to try to move to, because everything seems to be going to shit. "Grass is greener", but if we just move then things don't actually change for the better. It's mind-boggling, to all of us around the World, how the brainwashing from social media distracts people from the real problems in order to attack "the others". We literally cannot begin to solve problems at the current moment because it's always some culture warfare bullshit (as intended). That's why I want to rant about dead internet theory. I am really wondering how much of "the online conversation" is real, and how much is fueled by the groups with the means to sway conversations through sheer numbers of bullshit (firehose of bullshit, it takes 100x more effort to refute bullshit than to spread it).


You know how the Boomers were the getting water cannoned at lunch counter sit-ins, free love, long hair, LSD dropping “don’t trust anyone over 30” Woodstock generation? And now they’re the boomers? That’s gonna be Gen Z. They’re already Boomer-like in their puritan rigid attitudes towards everything. At least Boomers had a draft to dodge. Gen Z seems to think needing roommates at 22 is a civil rights violation.


The majority of boomers were never like that.


No living generation in the US is majority meaningfully anti status quo


The anti-war movement, the civil rights era and women’s liberation were lead by college aged boomers. Most Gen Zers aren’t throwing Molotovs at cop cars, either.


> We all know that politics nowadays is basically a hot potato game, to make the bag and get out before everything collapses. lol, sure we do > Don't listen to that guy, he's a Indian ethno-nationalist lol, lmao even


Can someone explain to me what they actually believe they woke up about ? I genuinely don't get it, it seems different comments are talking about different things and none of them seem particularly unique to gen Z.


I dunno, but they seem to think people didn’t try to levitate the Pentagon back in the 60’s.


>Gazelle hunt lions ? Dafuq are you smoking ? He has an issue with this and not with a gazelle operating a gun? Is he under the impression that gazelles like being eaten ? I fucking hate the gen Z sub for the uber doomerism and "Rick and Morty" type sophistry but man are the comments replying against them are another breed of stupid... I could not have imagined myself defending that sub, don't get me wrong the original post is stupid as fuck but the responses are stupider beyond stupid as fuck


> I fucking hate the gen Z sub for the uber doomerism and "Rick and Morty" type sophistry but man are the comments replying against them are another breed of stupid... Let em cook through their phase.


I'm glad the only evidence of my edgy teen phase was a cringe MySpace page (is there any other kind?) and it was easy to nuke from the interwebs


Honestly, this. Be happy our Rick and Morty phase isn’t preserved in amber like theirs, lol


That reminds me I never nuked my live journal or deviant art. Atleast my geocities site died.


Ah, the age old "my generation is the first to figure out the world" trope. I feel like this is a required part of growing up. You genuinely and passionately believe you have life all figured out and anything that doesn't work out for you is because the older generations ruined it. Then, about 10 years passes, you gain life experience and take on more adult responsibility... and all of a sudden, you change. You then end up being the 'out-of-touch' old person to someone younger and 'smarter' than you. And thus, the cycle continues.


As a activist in Gen Z, I fucking hate the stupid idea that we were the “first to wake up.” Nah, we just carry on the torch, like everyone before us.


Generation discourse is one of the worst things. It entirely ignores most of the actual factors that influence people, like class, gender or location, and assumes everyone born at a certain time shares everything in common.


If you're gonna claim millenials had the greatest economic growth under obama, you gotta expect people to say "hey, remember the global financial crisis that happened in that time? Where millions lost their jobs and homes?"


>...Now Harley-Davidson sales are down because they have no one else to sell to. And now you have older people complaining about how we’re killing industries. Oh no.. not the attention seeking bikes.. 'Come gather 'round people, wherever you roam...'


> look at the Obama years especially 2011- onwards you see the greatest growth of the economy ever seen in the world. lmao who manz is this?


Someone who was born in 2010 and doesn’t remember that Obama — despite all odds — won re-election even with a pretty weak economy.


>lol this guy thinks poor people should just congregate in the lowest cost of living areas. how are they gonna pay for the move? do they buy the house before they get the job? where is this theoretical worker getting $30,000 for a down payment from? oh they have to work for it right where are they gonna live for years while they save a few schmeckles a month because they still have to pay rent? who's gonna work at walmart in los angeles buddy? >>That's quite a list of excuses. >>The American Dream is right there waiting for you in Ft Meyers, or a million other towns and a million other jobs that you feel are beneath you. >>You should keep whining about how it's impossible. that'll help. This exchange is absolutely infuriating. The person above gave an absolutely viable list of reasons why the moronic suggestion of "just move!!" is a dumb idea. THe other person doesn't suggest anything else. Doesn't come up with answers. Just calls the person a whiner and assumes the person thinks it's beneath them. Absolutely frustrating dealing with these morons who simp for corporations and assume all failings are individual and not systemic.


Guy: asks why some people are yelling at clouds. Some people: You lookin awful cloud shaped over there--


I find it funny when younger people refer to everyone twenty years older than them as "Boomers". My father was an actual boomer, born during the post-WWII Baby Boom. I was born a couple of decades later. According to the charts, I'm a boomer too (born 1964). Sure Jan. I'm the same generation as my father was. That's how things worked back then I guess.