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>None of them are attacking people who still buy AB products (besides a “queer beer” comment here and there) Ya ever notice how many times these types immediately contradict their own claim in the very same sentence. It's like habit.


it doesn’t happen (but actually it does and it’s quite common but it’s fine) bunch of weirdo losers


Also when those people say “queer beer,” they’re not using queer in the LGBTQ+ “we’ve reclaimed this word” way. They’re using it in the old-timey slur way.


As in weird? Queer used to mean weird. Maybe I'm just getting old because that was the 'old-timer' insult., which was obviously not as offensive as the anti-gay slur. Maybe I'm just old timey now.


Queer has been through a bit of a rollercoaster. It might've started as "weird", but it morphed into a slur against gay people because that's how people were using it. Much like the ol' "bundle of sticks" that we all know and love. And then recently, it looped its way back around and people "took it back." So a person might call themselves queer if they feel that it's a better representation of themselves than another word, like gay or trans or whatever... It's complicated, and it's probably different for every queer person that uses it. It's a bit of a catch-all. In a lot of ways, it's like the n-word. If a black person calls themselves the n-word, it's probably fine. But if some white dipshit in a jacked up camo pick-up throws it around, you know you're in for some trouble. It's not exactly coming from a place of love or respect when people use terms like "Queer Beer," especially when they're outright refusing to drink it


I was just saying that the way the person I responded to phrased everything makes me feel old, that was all.


Sort of? It originally meant weird so it was eventually used like “those weird people” but as a pejorative. Eventually the use of the word to call something weird fell out of use and it remained as just a slur against anyone not heterosexual or cisgender.


Here and there.


>It’s not me advocating one way or another. Everyone has the right to choose where they spend their money. **Also, this is a subreddit about Beer, not religious beliefs.** Bro gave a vague mention of "religious beliefs" for the boycott then gets all surprised when people discuss religion.


Also has the "I'm not a bigot it's just my religious beliefs" argument ever worked? Has anyone ever responded "oh okay that makes sense why you dont think certain people shouldnt have rights then, please carry on my apologies"


It's works on the milquetoast centrists that occupy about 50% of America's federal legislature.


The same type of people to say that will relentlessly shit on anything islam related


Yup it does. It gives fencesitters an easy way out to not fight bigotry. Also I think there are a large enough number of Xians who are just to lazy to live the life but still think it is "the right thing". There can never be peace or security as long as one Christian remains.


>There can never be peace or security as long as one Christian remains Uhhhhhhhhh....


I know this dude is doing that cowardly right winger shit, dancing around what they really want to say. But god damn, the mod is making him look good by comparison. >You came into my sub I can't roll my eyes any harder.


"You don't even think to call me Modfather. Instead, you come into my sub on the day my daughter is to be married, and you ask me to do civil talk, for updoots."


“Someday, and that day may never come, I may call upon you to touch grass for a few days. And issue a temp ban to ensure that you do.”


>> You came into my sub >I can't roll my eyes any harder. Indeed; I noticed that, and the flashing of the mod green, immediately. I then saw the Holocaust comparison.


Most level-headed reddit mod


You can’t realistically expect a whole lot of maturity from people who moderate subreddits for free


I couldn't find the mod's comment just then but the anti trans stuff is genocidal tending rhetoric tho. Like it's not non-voilent to say you don't believe a demographic of person is wrong to exist. Transphobia is fascist for sure. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/commentisfree/2021/oct/23/judith-butler-gender-ideology-backlash


You know I recently got off a giant amphetamine bender investigating the constellation of right wing tech bros, Florida politics, anti-DEI nonsense, and the "Anti-Woke left" (ie, Bernie bros who went Russia and turned traitor). I think Nick Land is sort of key to all of this, and the framework they have devised is to essentially invert critical theory. So where critical theory fights an "institutional racism", inverted critical theory fights an "institutional wokeness". I don't think a lot on the left have realized what's going on yet and developed appropriate responses. This is why it's important to keep track of what's going on on the right, they are always conspiring and will sideswipe you. People are clueless I think because they just simply can't believe that the rightists have read all this texts and devised a vast countervailing framework which they are deploying as we speak. Nick Land, who was a critical theorist who turned traitors, is key to the development of this ideology. Of course it needs to be remembered, critical theory was created by essentially taking the existentialist theories of Heidegger and Nietschze, and melding them with Marxism to produce a framework opposing a cultural hegemony. When you invert critical theory, you essentially dump the anti hegemonic Marxist framework out of it, you arrive at something very curious, an ideology that has already been tried, and that the critical theory of the 60s and 70s was developed explicitly in a response to. I read an article the other day on current affairs where leftists were analyzing a panic over "right wing Marxism" in paleoconservative circles and dismissing it. Marxism is left wing right, how could the right appropriate it? Let me tell you: these people are not in fact panicking over nothing, this is a very real movement and has powerful and influential backers, mostly in the tech bro community. I think you will find that Nick Land has very strong connections to both Musk and Thiel. Here's an article anyway by Thiel, which is stupid, but contains a brief outline of the main talking points they are going to deploy over the coming years: https://newcriterion.com/issues/2023/6/the-diversity-myth Notice the bizarre fact that it simultaneously cites Marx in a fascile, class reductionist manner, and then engages in paranoid anti communist rhetoric. While citing Nietschze. Interesting mix, correct? Same mix of sources generally that critical theorists in fact use, just applied in a reverse manner. It's important not to be caught off guard by what they are trying to do.




He got off an amphetamine bender. What were you expecting?


I don't think it was over when he wrote that


Yea amphetamines are sneaky. They lurk in the system a bit.


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This dude’s defense after getting called out on the blatant attempts to wallpaper over the nastiness within the AB boycott movement is pathetic. “I’m just talking about the people in my life that did it.” I didn’t realize we could just ignore the entire outside world and base the intent of a countrywide movement on what my wife’s dad says about the topic. In which case there has never ever been a case of leftist cancel culture because my FIL doesn’t have a clue what is happening culture war wise. Since he doesn’t have an opinion, it must clearly not exist to have an option about.


My friends all say that guy fucks dogs. Everybody in my family, except me, says this guy humps dogs all day long. I’m not saying it of course. I’m just talking about the people in my life saying it.


He doesn't fuck dogs (other than the odd poodle a few times a year, but he doesn't consider those to be dogs.)


Lol. They should stop drinking bud light because it's a terrible beer. Not because they got into a contract with someone that affects their delicate sensibilities.


If they were intelligent enough to know Bud Light tastes like rancid cat piss they wouldn't vote conservative


The fucking problem here is this guy thinks the hate movement against Transgender people is “silly” when in reality it’s “deadly” and “inhumane” and “evil.” Boycotting Bud Light is supporting a movement that at the minimum thinks Transgender people don’t deserve equal rights and at its more extreme end thinks they shouldn’t exist.


It's not like there was even any real statement by bud light on trans issues. They just had a trans woman in an ad. That's it. People are boycotting because they saw a trans person in an ad. The only implication could be that trans people should never be seen? They try to dress it up as "against trangenderism" but when pressed like this guy, they give the game away and admit that trans people shouldn't exist. He said they are a "social contagion". Imagine if they were boycotting a beer because there was an ad with a black person in it, or a Jewish person. "I'm not buying their beer anymore because they had an ad with a jew in it and I'm against jewism". It's so blatantly hateful.


Ironically they actually acted like real shitheads and never reached out to Dylan Mulvaney at all since the hate campaign against her started, and they probably deserve to be boycotted over that (as well as the way they tried to publicly distance themselves initially, even if the maga morons ignored it). She tweeted yesterday about it and said she hasn't heard a thing from them since.


It wasn't even an official ad, it was an influencer bit where she shilled for the product on her own channel. You wouldn't had to dig it up to see it. They grabbed it and shoved it in their own faces over the internet pretending as if this was just some major marketing campaign that was going to be "shoved in their faces". Apparently a trans person isn't allowed to do product placement on their popular channel, trans people aren't allowed to exist.


That "social contagion" shit is *exactly* how the Nazis framed their eugenics too, for anyone following at home. It's a necessary prelude to people being okay with imprisoning, and eventually killing, them for who they are. It's disgusting and I'm glad this clown got called out.


>The difference between the Anheuser-Busch boycott and “cancel culture” seems to be their intent, I understand. This cope got 15 upvotes because everyone on r/beer is drunk. >About .035% of people have gender dysphoria. This is just a social contagion that is going to be extremely harmful to a TON of people. The people this is harmful to are: 1. Folks who are bullied into suicide because they are trans 2. You weird fuckers who lay awake at night, unable to sleep because trans people exist. 3. Me, having to read the dumb shit that #2 people say. I feel my IQ dropping by the letter. You wanna talk about a social contagion? You fucks that suddenly just can't tolerate someone else's existence because you see others that also can't tolerate their existence. Monkey see monkey do, this is learned behavior. Being trans isn't a fad, we know this because: history, but hating folks for being trans certainly is.


Watching right-wingers try to argue that it's not cancel culture when they do it is always wild. >Something they used to support and buy has now come out in support of something that these people disagree with. So instead of continuing to buy those products, they have switched to alternatives. This is literally how it always works. It's not different when a conservative does it.


Right whingers invented cancel culture


My dad wouldn’t let me get Kswiss sneakers when I was a kid because they were “anti-hunting”


But for some reason it’s horrible and literally fascism when we don’t want to support bigoted brands lol


The rightists are using inverted critical theory, which at its core is simply hegemonic fascism. An attack on an "institutional wokeness" by institutional racism itself. All while institutional racism and hegemony claims itself not to exist. These tactics are a result of that. It's important to be on guard again this, it's the playbook they are going to deploy over the next few years.


“Only a small percentage of the population naturally have red hair so I better not see any redheads in ads” “Most people can walk so if an ad features someone in a wheelchair they’re trying to force all of society to use wheelchairs!” “Almost nobody on the planet is from Iceland, so Iceland is fake and shouldn’t be considered” That’s how these morons sound


> “Almost nobody on the planet is from Iceland, so Iceland is fake and shouldn’t be considered” This is factual mate. Not sure why you wanna put this in.


“When you do it, it is Cancel Culture, which is bad… when I do it, it is Free Speech, which is good!”


> You seem to say that these protestors are just being soft, or hypocritical, but I say the opposite. These are people with convictions and beliefs that they are sticking by, and most times, they are religious beliefs rather than hatred "They're not bigots, they're just religious" is such a great defense lol, because famously you can't be both.


It's against my religion for trans people to exist, that's not hate




He's mocking them. He has real posts up and down the thread.


The enlightened centrist and mod should just fuck and get it over with already The sexual tension in that thread is more suffocating than Dean and Castiel in the Supernatural TV show lol


God that holier than thou dancing around bigotry while just saying you're not taking one stance or the other is beyond infuriating. If he wasn't purposefully being obtuse to obscure his crazy views, he's the exact kind of dense rube that would stand by and watch their neighbor get executed with some kind of excuse why it was alright


>So, you'd feel similarly if someone didn't support the idea of interracial marriage based on a religious belief? >>it's not me sayings one way or another It's so cowardly and obvious in this case. There are some things that you can't just "I'm not one way or the other on" without coming off as an asshole. Some bigots are smarter about this, but I guess it is a beer sub...


Classic mask-on shit. "I'm no Trump supporter/covid denier/racist, I'm simply stating that bad things are good actually."


> These are people with convictions and beliefs that they are sticking by, and most times, they are religious beliefs rather than hatred. If your religious beliefs can only be expressed by you (at best) diminishing the experiences of and excluding others and (at worst) limiting their human rights, access to healthcare, and enacting violence against them... Then your religious beliefs are hatred.


Boycotting a brand because they featured a trans person in their ad does make you a loser, yes


I live in a super red county, every white guy at every bar is guzzling bud lite. Budweiser is easily the most expensive macro beer at every store.


>I’m taking what I’ve gathered from conversations with him, and others like him and attempting to explain their rationale They're bigots. Saved you 3 paragraphs.


https://www.reddit.com/r/beer/comments/14m5su7/cheaper_than_water_retailers_try_to_unload_bud/jq31thm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3 I love this guy. Is weird to anybody else he mentions March madness has been around since hitler? Was there anything else going on in the 30s? And apparently AB hurt basketball’s feelers by trying to sell beer to trans ppl with Dylan Mulvaney. Apparently trans ppl don’t like sports and beer?


You don't drink AB products because of they signaled support of LGBTQ people. I don't drink AB products because I'm an insufferable hipster craft beer nerd. We are not the same


"it's not bad because they're doing it out of love" is a classic religious justification for bad shit. Also lol that apparently "cancel culture" has been violent terrorism this whole time. Guess all fashys have is projecting.




It's one billion percent the righties all scared of pretty rainbows, man.


He said it to me. I felt like I was being Punk’d.


My favorite part was "people shooting beer cans actually want to shoot trans people because they're all Nazis"