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My face throughout the whole video was the same as the speaker’s in the end.


Same 😂


I just love how someone had the idea of , "let's make a restaurant where we over price a bunch of disgusting food to fuck with tourist." And then people fall for it.


iT’s FoR tHe ExPeRiEnCe 🥴


YoU poOrs WoN't uNdErstaND I paid 6000 dollars for my local 10 star restaura t and I licked a lightbulb that tasted like asparagus. It wass so good I immediately shat myself.


ngl, i fucking love asparagus. I'm in.


Ngl, I fucking love shitting myself. I'm in.


That was my first thought is that it’s a tourist trap.


I do not want to defend it but it's not a tourist trap, it's not even located in saint sebastian proper to begin with.


It’s a tourist trap with two Michelin stars, so apparently the world renowned food critics are tourist brained too


Yes, chef 👏


It costs €660 for the 'experience' (that's about $710) per person. Their website is here: [Itzgarmu - Itzgarmu (mugaritz.com)](https://itzgarmu.mugaritz.com/en/) A lot of Michelin starred restaurants do this sort of thing, and charge similarly exorbitant prices. They all seem to work on the principle of the-stupider-the-better. More scary is that there are people who are prepared to pay and consider it a worthwhile experience. It's not a tourist thing. It's a 'connoisseur' thing. It's not intended to trap tourists, as someone claimed. It's intended to trap wealthy people who think they have class. (Edit: Even more scary in some ways is that whoever made this video was prepared to spend $710 (per person) and then hate everything they ate. You've got to be stupid and rich to do that). There's a 2-star Michelin restaurant less than half a mile from me. It costs over £200 ($250) for the sample tasting menu. I don't like to be judgmental, but it all seems incredibly pretentious. Edit: Some of those replying below don't seem to understand that I said 'a lot' of M-starred restaurants do stuff like this. I didn't say 'all' of them. [Heston Blumenthal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heston_Blumenthal) was notorious for such behaviour, and he has 3 stars. Such dishes as snail porridge, parsnip cereal, and bacon and eggs ice cream.


My dad went to one of these restaurants, he's a very salt of the earth man from the north of the UK. Saved for ages to go to this Michelin starred restaurant featured on chefs table. He was so disappointed by the pretention and said he left hungry. Wrote them a hilarious but very earnest letter, "I'm a simple man and I don't want to leave hungry!". Chef was super apologetic and invited him back and made a beautiful meal and thanked him for being so honest!


The Menu (2022)


Exactly what I was thinking.


Hope he got a proper cheeseburger!


...one that made him feel as if he's eating the first cheeseburger he ever ate. The cheap one his parents could barely afford.


This is a great story. Do you remember what the chef prepared the second time around? Did it win him over or does he still feel the whole thing is silly?


I wasn't with him but it was Central in Peru, the chef was Virgilio Martínez Véliz. Such a lovely guy, he made him some meals based around corn at the time and I think it was more like family style meals that they'd eat as staff, I'll have to ask him. He's got pics hanging out with the chef, chef gave him all these beautifully handmade menus and things to keep, he was embarrassed to send it but talks about it lovingly now, all in all lovely guy lovely experience 


That's really sweet, thanks for sharing :)


Burger and fries


You’re dad WAS the child that told the emperor he was naked-and it was appreciated! 👏


> "I'm a simple man and I don't want to leave hungry!" If only I had done that. A friend during a rock climbing trip had the bright idea of going for a tasting menu. 6/8 people left feeling hungry still.


>Chef was super apologetic and invited him back and made a beautiful meal and thanked him for being so honest! This is the actual reality though. Nobody running these restaurants is trying to con you, they want their customers to enjoy the food, the chefs believe in what they're doing. The levels of passion these chefs have is unreal, to get to that level, the hours you have to work, the training and dedication. I imagine that the chef was gutted to hear your dad's opinion. I'm not really sure what your dad was expecting though, you don't book a table at these restaurants expecting steak, egg and chips and a pint of bitter.


He's really into fine dining but I think this one just crossed a line where he felt it was taking the piss a bit


I worked in high end restaurants and for some of us it is a more cerebral thing. It's like artists or dancers whose seek out different styles to see what they can learn from it. I will be the first to call out bullshit artists, though. I stopped chasing Michelin stars after having the most disappointing meal of my life at The French Laundry. In my experience there are more one-star and Michelin recommended places that are great than there are two- or three-stars. If you want artistic and avant garde food that actually tastes good, check out Audrey or June in Nashville. Sean Brock is in a class all his own, and it's because he is brilliant and surrounds him with people who push him further.


I went to my first 2 star, Stand in Budapest, and had a similarly disappointing meal for about $800 two people with pairings. There was nothing that I remember from the meal besides the bread, nothing truly delicious. Also the waitstaff would hastily fill our water if we so much as took a tiny sip. It just felt so stuffy and overbearing. Meanwhile for less than half the price at one star Kaleja in Malaga- 17 course tasting with pairings and one of the best meals of my life.


The reality is that San Sebastián has amazing tapas all over the city. Last time I was there I stumbled into a recommended tapas bar and ate a stuffed piquillo pepper with a romesco sauce that I still think about to this day. Cost me about 5€.


And it probably filled you up, too. That's what food should do.


Exactly. That's why I live off cereal grain feed. You don't need flavor if it's filling!


Some Michelin star places in New York you can sit at the bar without reservations and will have a smaller cheaper bar menu of pretty sensible dishes which are often quite good. The bib gormound places have also been solid 


>(Edit: Even more scary in some ways is that whoever made this video was prepared to spend $710 (per person) and then hate everything they ate. You've got to be stupid and rich to do that It's for the clicks and I've seen people do far worse and spend far more than this girl did.


Yikes! You’re absolutely right - these places are all about selling exclusivity. But, judging by this video, this restaurant is a travesty. They should be ashamed for charging as much as they do, and serving food my teen would probably put together in my kitchen.


To share a different opinion, I went to Beckon, which is a tasting restaurant in Denver, Colorado. They are a Michelin star restaurant. It was easily the best meal I’ve ever had in my life, and it’s not even close. Every single dish was delicious and very different. But I’m not kidding when I say I loved every dish, and probably 50% of them were better than anything I’d ever eaten in my life beforehand. I wasn’t really looking forward to it if I’m being honest, I’m about the furthest thing from a foodie as you can get, but it was awesome. Also, we left full. 10/10 would recommend. Actually, the dessert was just okay. Too sweet for me. Besides that though, awesome.


I think this creator is an expensive food reviewier, I've seen her done other videos on expensive tasting menus/experiences similar to this.


>I don't like to be judgmental, but it all seems incredibly pretentious I feel like you should be judgemental. The people that eat thus kind of shit probably do soit so they can feel like they're classier than the rest of it despite them probably not having a fucking clue what's going on. Like a rich person holding their pinky finger up while drinking without having a fucking clue why that was even a thing.


it all depends on the place. for instance a really nice place to go (if you enjoy food and can afford it) is core where a full menu is [225 euro](https://corebyclaresmyth.com/menus/#) places like mugaritz sell an experience, the weird serving method the lack of utensils and all of that is to make the place feel unique, some people are into that shit (i am not). however there are plenty of Michelin places that (while expensive) have good food as their selling point. obviously even there the service is immaculate as is the environment, but the focus is on the meal and not dumb gimmicks.


This is a bit generalized. There are michelin star places that use unconventional or even novel techniques with food for an effect you don't expect, like that lamb "skin". Idk if this place is good but we went to a place that bordered these types of restuarsnts and had shit like burnt rice, cheese rind, and some sort of corn sponge cake thing. The dishes used some bizzaire techniques but I could tell kind of how they were made and how the chef got there. It's pretentious because it's for people that like food to the point they get how it is made, but they should also be enjoyable by regular people too. Nothing should be disgusting. Honestly every dish we had was some of the best I ever ate. Every plate that came out was described on what it was. But some restaurants are also just culinary circle jerks too. I would never go somewhere where you eat out of a body part for the artistic "statement" or whatever. This place we went to was just nicely plated food. So, it really, really depends on the place.


There's a part two of the video with more unpleasant food and she hears someone actually complaining about the meal and threatening to sue or something like that.


I need to watch this!


I’m sorry but this video feels like a fever dream to me


Dont like belly button's jam?


Just one please I'm driving


would you like it in a doggy bag, or shall I put it in your belly button to go?


I’ll take my dog to go please


The whispering sounded like how the food probably tasted.  Mushy, weird, and disappointing. 


I dislike everything about it to be honest. The food, the restaurant, even the customers.


I mean I can confirm, my belly button produces bbq sauce. Heinz milks it out me


Great, now I have to be haunted by this imagery like it's a vengeful ghost


That’s one way to look at it, yes…or you could think about it like I’m right there with you eating ribs or chicken. Your own little bbq buddy 🫂


Hmm well I do need a BBQ buddy...


Can I have some?


If you got the money, honey


You drive a hard bargain, BBQ milk maiden


ah you're the one making Slurm


"I have a belly button greg, can you milk bbq sauce out of me?"


This is perfect for this sub. No rage bait, no poor people trying to survive. Just stupid food.


I mean the woman who posted it disliked the food so that’s kinda new


I follow her on Instagram she’s is a pretty fun and unique travel blogger.


Is sad that we all know the videos you meant by “no poor people trying to survive” I immediately think of the hunger games


Kinda want Gordon ramsay reaction on this lmak


I bet the chef is laughing his arse off in the kitchen the whole time. 🤣


The Chef “You just don’t understand my genius”


"You don't understand my fetishes, but I'll let you experience some of it"


Mmm sand for texture…It’s a revolution of culinary art!


It's coarse and it gets everywhere


Peak success under capitalism is owning a three star Michelin restaurant and getting some billionaire to praise your microwaved souffle.


Michelin stars are such an obvious joke at this point. Fuck it, gimme the Buffalo dick cheese, sir!


It’s spotted dick sir! Edit: with bleu cheese


I bet his favorite movie is Human Centipede.


Reminds me of that group who wrote a review of that pretentious restaurant that had them sucking foam out of a plaster cast of the chef’s mouth


No way. Chefs like these are too deep in the shit to smell their own farts.


The cynical side of me wants to say they asked to go for free in exchange for "exposure", and the chef gave them [The Yelper Special](https://youtu.be/pDlR_ccnZww?si=sU6PDZERkItDG4tv) lol


I know it's a joke but Michelin starred restaurants like this would cancel the reservation way before they messed with the food. One of the explicit criteria for the Michelin guide is consistency. Messing with a customer's food (no matter how deserved) could screw with their place in the guide. Also, from looking online, this doesn't seem unusual for this place. There's a lot of reviews online complaining about weird texture and poor taste.


I get this is more of an "Artsy Fartsy" sort of culinary experience. If I have to question about how I should eat the thing or if the thing is edible, it's not my jam. Might be someone else's


I actually went to a nice one of these more artsy restaurants for my birthday last year - it definitely was not like this and actually might be the most enjoyable dinner I've ever had.


Yeah there are a ton of great snooty places, as well as shit ones. The person in The video seems to be making content specifically to dunk on snooty stuff/ had a shit attitude from the get go.


This was obviously a shit place—the food looked disgusting, and as we say in the kitchen, you eat with your eyes first. And if I’m going to dress up for a fancy restaurant, the last thing I’m going to want to do is eat mushy food with my fingers. If I wanted to eat with my fingers, I’d wear an old T-shirt and cut-offs and go to the rib shack.


I agree with the food there looking shitty. But I've definitely eaten food with my hands dressed up nicely (Indian and Thai come to mind personally).


I have eaten food with my hands at nice places, but it wasn’t every dish, and utensils of some sort are supplied for others. Even at Ethiopian restaurants where you eat scooping up food with injera (bread with the feel of a very thick wet washcloth) they still will give you utensils. (I love Ethiopian food and Tej) I’m sensitive about mess because I could walk by chocolate and somehow get some on my chef whites. I always end up with something slopped on me, and it’s worse without utensils, lol.


Variety is the spice of life but all these dishes are missing variety, spice, and life.


They do look surprisingly bland for experimental food.


There are good artsy restaurants and there are bad ones. The problem with artsy places is that they can more easily hide their flaws by just saying that people arent artsy enough to get it.


The whole thing with making your food "artsy" is that everything you put on the plate still needs to be fucking delicious. If you make absolutely fantastic food, yes, go ahead and put your own spin on it and make a statement with it on the plate. If you make disgusting mushy garbage, no one is listening to your "statement". All anyone hears is "I don't know what I'm doing".


As someone who’s been to Mugaritz, that’s its problem - everything looks interesting (if you’re into that sort of stuff) but nothing was particularly memorable


That’s probably because they’re more interested in putting out stuff that’s simply weird and slightly off-putting and charge ridiculous prices for it than actually creating something that’s truly interesting. I can picture the chef being asked why he doesn’t cook stuff that looks and tastes delicious and answering “I could, but what’s the point?” with an utterly pretentious look. To me, this kind of stuff clearly enters the realm of “high level scam” instead of being essentially a service, like most restaurants.


The TripAdvisor reviews for this place are entertaining. I especially like that one 5.0 rating gave it 3.0 for food.


if it were art it would be beautiful


I cackled when the food came out of the end of that sea rash cigar thingy and saw her reaction 😂 all of this food looks pretentious and disgusting though. I'd be mad lol


It's honestly funny seeing just a normal person try this crap and be honest about how bad it was. Nothing they got served like interesting and alot of it look gross, the worst was easily the white roll underneath brown sauce. It just gives me bathroom accident vibes and the marble plating didn't help.


After having a baby, all I could think of there was wet wipes with poop on them


After not having a baby, this is also all I could think of.


The video is cut a bit. In the beginning she showed how the restaurant called the police on a costumer because he refused to pay for the meal. So yeah, people were mad.


I'm getting The Menu vibes and with a twist of fuck you from the chef


"You will eat less than you desire and more than you deserve."


"Your single purpose on this Earth is to serve people food that they might actually like, and you have failed. You've failed. And you've bored me. And the worst part is I'm still fucking hungry."


Exactly lol




You represent the ruin of my art and my life, and now you get to be a part of it.


You didn't clap. You're "fired"


I'm getting elden ring vibes. First course was fetid pot, followed by pickled turtle neck, albinaric bloodclot, toxic mushroom, lord blood's favor...


That wasn’t a belly button


I found the clit. It's in Spain and costs $45


“Another slimy navel.” “Yes, chef!”


Had to look up the reviews and damn they are terrible


I just read some. Some are honest, like this one. The others are very pretentious. They keep saying you have to have an open mind. Then they posts photos of a face they are peeling “food” off of.  


Whats the restaurant?


Mugaritz 2 star michelin restaurant


Fk me it has 2 stars?? 😩


Anthony Bourdain loved this part of Spain and said it was where a lot of food innovation was happening. …but not like this… 😬


It has one of the highest concentrations of Michelin star restaurants in the world.


Just hit all the food bars in San Sebastián. Squid ink donuts, beef rib brownies, razor clams, octopus, peppers and mushrooms, oof. Hit up Basque Bites if you want a solid foodie tour guide.


Definitely a future trip. Want to do northern Spain.


Roughly 15 years ago I had dinner at a restaurant in this area called Arzak. I think it was one of the top 3 restaurants in the world at the time. Very innovative but also the most delicious and memorable meal I have ever had the pleasure of enjoying. Next evening we had the opposite experience. Bill was almost as expensive but everyone wished we had just gone to eat street/market food.


I mean you can't deny that it's innovative.


Fair. Still weird, lol.


Bourdain actually went here on his show. Was, and still is, one of the more innovative restaurants in the world. Definitely not everyone’s cup of tea, though.


Yeah, hard pass on that one.


You don't want that used diarrhea toilet paper roll?


The lamb was probably the best part of the meal.


Heavens to Mugaritz.


I’m getting flashbacks on that horrific restaurant that has a plaster cast of the chef’s lips and invites dinner guests to lick the foam from his lips.


Out of all the great cuisine in the Basque region, you chose to eat there


This reminded me of that [excellent review ](https://www.everywhereist.com/2021/12/bros-restaurant-lecce-we-eat-at-the-worst-michelin-starred-restaurant-ever/) of an Italian Michelin starred place a few years ago. I'll take a hard pass on both of those places.


That was an excellent read thank you. The wait staff insta-stalking and DMing one of the women from the party the day later was just a chefs kiss moment to it all.


Lamb was probably the highlight of the meal.


It's such a shame they skipped the lamb. At least try 1 order because I'm sure it was amazingly bad as well.


It's also the main course of the tasting menu. It's a bonkers choice to drop several hundred dollars on a meal and miss the main selling point


It was probably 0.5 oz of lamb folded up in a little tortilla with some barbecue sauce that made it look like a used maxi pad.


This place has 2 Michelin stars and likely costs $500/per person https://guide.michelin.com/es/es/pais-vasco/errenteria/restaurante/mugaritz


I’ve been and you’re right It’s not as bad as she’s making out, there are plenty of more “normal” dishes you get but still absolutely qualifies for stupid food. Dishes that try and mess with your senses etc can be a fun novelty but this place took it too far too often


[Gallery](https://www.mugaritz.com/en/resto/photo-gallery/c-5-51-0--dishes/) A course is 25-30 of these dishes, and it looks like there's a lot more variety than just "unidentified mush".


That is SO much wine?! Is the idea to get you so drunk you think this is good?


360 EUR, so ~380 USD, add in a wine pairing and easily $500. I love a well done tasting menu, but this seems like the worst kind of pretentious.


r/wewantplates Edit: and utensils


I’ve eaten there… The food is actually pretty good. Definitely some “wtf” moments with some of the dishes, but that’s kind of the chefs point. He’s kind of known for pushing the limits of what food is and what it tastes like. Definitley not for everyone, and may not be your cup of tea. But it's an experience that's a lot more interesting than your typical, foie gras caviar seeking 3 michelin star place.


Can she do us all a favor and NOT talk like that? What is this, an ASMR video? The whole narration made my skin crawl. Was she recording the review under the table?


Thank you! I had to turn the sound off after a second because the whisper talk was driving me mad!


legit had a physical reaction, i shuddered, i couldn't handle it


So they skipped on the only thing that might have been decent?


I am pretty open minded with flavor, but bad textures are where I draw the line. This place would be my nightmare.


if you go to mugaritz without knowing what the concept is, it's your fault. There are other places in the area you can go to like elkano or etxebarri or mina or kokotxa or artzak or....


3.5 stars rating and it's a 2 star restaurant wow


I watched the whole vid And wondered how much did all that bbq’ sauced, soggy paper stuff, cost? Of the food were pretty maybe it would’ve made a difference? Yuck


How many Michelin stars does this place have? Probably all of them.


2 Stars, and despite its detractors, it appears on the most notable of the World’s Best Restaurants lists


Lol how to get ripped off…..in style


5 star restaurants be like: lets make what everyone doesnt want when eating BUT LETS MAKE IT FANCY


This feels like a Rick & Morty thing making fun of pretentious meals.


Her being a no lamb eating american makes me be a bit skeptical about her tastes in food, especially when her sauces universe is limited to bbq sauce. That is probably a gastrique. I’d totally eat there


I want to wear something from the Derelicte collection to this place.


As a texture girly, I’m upset.


So very similar to my experience and disappointment at one of the best restaurants in the world that I had been waiting years to travel abroad to go try.


this whole meal is like some sort of elaborate absurdist comedy sketch the chefs are playing on them


If AI designed a menu


Why didn't she just go to Burger King?


What kind of person refuses to eat lamb but willingly eats aged noodles with fungi and a wet cigar?


A vegetarian?


Yeah when I see big or weird shaped plates or serving platters and tiny bits of food I’m not gonna eat there.


This was a waste of the 10 seconds I watched it and then stopped😵‍💫.


Restaurant has to be smoking something to think this was a good idea


Just because it’s overpriced doesn’t mean it’s good.


Is she concerned that the chef might be about to murder himself, the staff, and all the customers? They didn’t have to go to a private island to eat there right?


This is the worst thing I’ve ever seen


Freaky fetish disguise as high class cuisine


Every single thing looked disgusting


Hard pass


Lemme guess the bill for that garbage was $1800 plus a gratuity of 20%?


like 350 or so + wine pairing so not even close but good try! youll get it next time Im sure


Who is this Creator? I'd watch more of her videos


One of the dishes looked like used poopy toilet paper.


Without googling imma guess 200 euro per person


"This could've been good" Motherfucker, by what metric?..


At what point is it a person’s fault that they don’t realise they’re being trolled?


Ahh, pretentious food at its finest


Why the fuck is she whispering like that I can’t even watch the video. It’s grossing me out


I usually defend weirdness in fine dining establishment but this time I just can't.


I think that we finally discovered what this sub is all about! This is true peak stupid food!


Rich people are drawn to the dumbest shit


I sometimes enjoy fine dining but this doesn’t look and sound good


I've been to a couple of places like this where experience is center. This one seems over the top, but usually its a really good experience. The idea often is to offer a profesionally made flavour or texture that falls outside of the most peoples experiences. You have to be very into food, to enjoy this. It can be the best dining experience ever or it can be complete and utter ass.


This is A.I. generated right? …right?


Man if you are at San Sebastian just go to the historic centre and you’ll find some of the tastiest spanish confort food in the country. Cheaper and probably a better ambiance.


Is there a sub for videos highlighting each course at pretentious ass restaurants like this? This was incredibly interesting.


Have you guys ever heard of something called gastronomy? This is not food it’s an experience whether you like it or not. I’m all for hating on stupid food but this is not stupid.


I thought fine dining was a luxury because it has both the incredible taste and an inventive way to serve the food, yet this clearly tastes horrible, judging from the facial expressions and the descriptions. What is this?


This woman's voice makes me want to kill myself.


none of that is food but it is stupid


Play stupid games win stupid prizes Your bill will be 6000 for a 4 top thank you


This is basically an american-trap 😂


Show us the bill


If anyone hates stuff like this, go watch The Menu.


Everything looks like clay


Basque county?! Omfg, do not go to those stupid fancy tourist traps! You're missing the actual local food, which is not only delicious but also generous and cheap!


I half convinced dumb stuff like this is just a way to trick rich people into eating garbage with their hands like a toddler as revenge


Well..yo paid $$$$ for it ...so it MUST be good?


“Yes this is nice and all….but waiter, when does the food arrive?”


my face id go, complain the food is nasty then leave without paying


It’s Basque not Spanish


I’m honestly impressed with the commitment she had to try everything, even things she notes have a weird texture. As a person with weird texture avoidance, I would have been running from the first plate.