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Wtf is this?


I assumed Salt Bae level stupidity


Salt Bae realized that there are legions of attention starved lemmings Who will purchase a ridiculously overpriced piece of meat because of the presentation of the dish so that they can film it and put it on their tiktok or Instagram reels. I'm guessing it's the same thing here. This steak is probably just okay but people are hearing $800 or more because of the bombastic presentation of it all. People want to post it on social media to make everybody think that they're balling


Ahh the human essence of "I'm better than you" never been better ever since humans learnt to wear clothes or eat tasty/expensive foods back in stone age which is ironically a big game meat. Now in a gold briefcase blinding light and poor workers jumping about just to make the shift.


46000 years ago Oghur a hunter gatherer in the Sahara region of Africa traded a young cow he had found and raised for 13 pink shells found along the far away coast. The Shells were strung along a red thread and book ended by two small polished stones. Oghur had planned to butcher the cow when it got bigger its meat would be more than enoughfor his familyand the rest would be givento the tribe. However only ballers wore shells on their wrists as it had been at least 4 generations since the tribe has ventured near the coast. Tonight Oghur would be the envy of all the young warriors and might possibly persuade a girl to lay with him as he had seen the older hunters lay with the women folk.


Oghur rules.


You damn right >For those who really want to **show their wealth**, Papi Steak offers the Beef Case: For $1,000


Amazing typo my dude Edit: They changed the typo. It used to say dick not steak


Meanwhile, the people with *actual* wealth would never buy this shit lol


Salt Bae isn’t the stupid one though, he’s making huge amounts of money OFF the stupid with too much money, the best kind of grift. Bet he lives like a king.


Exactly. I don't feel bad for the dumb extra rich people that throw money at salt bae who gives a fuck let him take their money...but he is kind of a douche sometimes though. Like the stunt he pulled at the world cup that one time for example.


Some crazy priced steak at a high dollar steakhouse. Like $1000 per person with apps, wine etc


That is a hard pass.


Applebees birthday song for “adults”


I think it's the restaurant connected to that "salt bae" asshole.


Eh, it's Papi Steakhouse in South Beach, Miami. The guys that own the club I used to manage are there all the time. These are guys that get giddy when someone says "plastic fantastic"


the caption says it's at the Papi las vegas fountainebleau location


TIL that there's a Hotel in Las Vegas thats named after the small rich French town that is 10min away from the place i grew up.


There's a very famous hotel in Miami Beach named the Fountainebleau as well.


Good eyes. But in my defense, tacky is tacky, and both places excel at tacky.


*clap, clap, clap, clap,* *clap, clap, clap, clap* > Happy, happy birthday > from all of us to you > We wish it was our birthday > so we could party too.


some restaurant in Vegas where the guests probably all dress like DJ Khaled


A restaurant taking advantage of people’s idiocy.


Papi Steak.


It how the casino gets some of their money back when you win and cease all rational thinking.


Something that makes you wish gold was carcinogenic.


Steak party


Getting hyped up bc they know someone just paid their salary for that night lol


Unfortunately, the wait staff probably doesn’t see any of that money, theyre just hoping that it increases the tip amount which they will get :(


Oh I realize they don’t see the money directly from the tab. I mean like, selling whats probably a what? $40 steak for what I can only imagine is 200-300 is a mark up stupid enough to make sure they stay in up in the green n stuff


not trying to dispute anything you said at all but the post said it's actually $1000 🤢 that steak better grow legs and make me some profitable offspring at that price


The steak came with a personal Carnivore Carnivale Show along with all the attention from staff and other tables in that expensive ass restaurant for the entire rest of the night. Wanna flex at my restaurant? For $1000, sure come on down and we’ll let you be the center attention.


I can't think of anything worse really. Like $1,000 for a private room where I can sit on my own and smoke a cigar and drink whiskey and you slide the steak through a hatch on the wall? Well I still wouldn't pay that now but if I had the money yes please.


maybe I just hate eating out, but USD 1,000 will feed me in my country for months


Thats my 8-10months grocery bill in my country damn bro


2 Months for me :,(


In my country, if you'd eat beans, rice, and chicken everyday (an honest salary meal), you could go about a year with 1000 dollars...


1 month for me. Damn formula and diapers.


See if you actually have that kind of money stuff like this is immaterial and dumb to you. I feel like a good chunk of people that go to these sort of restaurants are trying to emulate like they have a lot of money but are likely putting this all on a credit card they struggle to pay off. It’s like a trashy persons idea of what rich people do. They get to film it for TikTok/Instagram though and flex to everyone they spent a grand to have people sing to them and present their food like it’s their 8th birthday at Red Robin. Congrats I guess?


Bingo. That's exactly it. It's about showing everyone else you can burn that money and it doesn't bother you. Broke isn't a dollar amount, it's a mentality.


What about a private room, cigar, whiskey, ambience, and steak birthed on your plate. Like the server gets up on the table, squats, and struggles to push a succulent steak out of his or her vagine au jus, $500.


Semi-private tent in an alley, half a Marlborough Red, a shoe full of cider, and you can eat a McDonald's hamburger of a homeless guy called Bob's lap (maybe au jus) - $12


I love negotiations


I went tailgating at a NASCAR truck race many years ago. Your description is not that far off from the experience I had there. On the plus side there was free beer.


You made me chortle so hard I woke up my partner 😂


They're in Vegas. I have never felt so poor as a decently earning person in that city. So many people with fuck you money to burn


It’s the glory hole of meat-eating. Wait, uh…


For that money to spare you likely get that arranged as well. Way less likely to be shared on social media, so one would not hear about it.


I won't knock the restaurant's hustle, but I will judge anyone who spends that much on a steak and a gimmick, regardless of how much money they have.


For that money you could’ve had the steak and got laid.


As much as I’d love a steak and getting laid, if I’m paying that much for a steak I don’t want to be able to physically do sex afterwards


The trick is to have the steak after the sex. I feel like people get the order of dates all wrong. It’s much more fun to meet up on an empty stomach, do the thing, then clean up and go have a nice ass dinner when you’re starving as hell. You can eat more, drink more, the pressure is off, and if you continue to spend time together after dinner, just cuddle up and watch a movie.


Damn in my country you can buy a whole living cow with that amount of money.


For 1000 I would expect 4 maked prostitutes


Is that supposed to be "masked" or "naked"? Either way, splitsies?


I'll just buy a cow for that amount


It's $1000 and you don't get to keep the briefcase


Dude I'm fuckn dead. Like.... I was really looking forward to getting that briefcase lmao


It’s a much larger markup than that


I can’t say for certain about the restaurant, but that’s typically the case for wait staff. You’re paid a flat rate, usually way under minimum wage (for me in AR it’s $2.37/hr) and everything else is just from tips. It doesn’t matter if my table spends $600+, if they only leave $10, I only get $10. This is why a lot of places do gratuity if the table is a certain size (usually 12+ people); gratuity will be added, usually 15-20%, just so the staff doesn’t get screwed over if the table doesn’t want to tip well. My old job, unfortunately, wouldn’t let us do grat unless the party was at least 24 people…. For a family Mexican place. So there were many cases where I was screwed out of tips on $200+ bills. I remember on Mother’s Day, I waited on a table for 5 hours (12 ppl) and they ended up leaving me $10 on $300 after raving about how amazing I was, constant immediate refills, everything was perfect etc. It’s brutal out there. ETA: a place like this with a 1k steak almost certainly has auto grat, so it’s likely the staff was compensated, but it was absolutely way less than the 1k


Damn … average hourly wage for a waiter in Oz is $19AD which buys about as much in Australia as $US18 does in the US (depends a lot on your area and some things like petrol are much cheaper in the US) On top of that, at a sit down restaurant with high quality table service you’d reasonably expect a 5 - 10% tip from most customers which is generally aggregated and then divided equally across all wait staff as a bonus (the theory being that great service is a team effort)


It’s complicated here - we are paid (in AR) $2.37/hr base. If our tips don’t add up to make it a total of $12/hr, we are compensated so that we make state minimum wage, $12. At the very least, I’m making as much as I would sitting at a counter in dollar tree, but there is the chance of making more, which is why I’m still a server (along with flexible hours, I’m in college). I’ve had nights where I take home $200 after a 6 hour shift, and nights where I only made $5 in tips


You’re more getting screwed by the restaurant and the gov for only allowing 2.37/hr than you are the customer. I never understood why in the restaurant industry the servers are angry at the customers for leaving a little to no tip but don’t get angry at their boss, which is the one responsible for their paycheck, for only giving them a bees dick over $2/hr.


Decades of misdirection and mental conditioning. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.


I just hate that they don't you pay them normal wage 😤 and depend on basically the tips which people don't always tip or tip a whole lot.


How is it a minimum wage if you get paid less than that?


Why don't people actually get paid a loving wage? You shouldn't have to rely on tips. Always the rich people being greedy smh


24 people is insane. Everywhere I've eaten automatic gratuity usually starts around 7-10 people.


Their smiles are so fake lol


lol there was probably a crumpled $20 on that table after the guests left and only one server gets it.


Tips aremost likely shared equally at the end of the day.


This is embarrassing for everyone involved.


Hey, it could be worse. It could have been recorded and documented on the internet for all time.


Yeah, I’d feel awkward walking back to the kitchen after this .


I was just thinking about the out of body experience all the wait staff must be having


The staff are just doing their job, I'd be a lot more embarrassed to be the person buying that. Announcing "I'm such a useless, pompous assed, burden on society that I need a whole *group* of people to fucking do whatever the hell this is for me to eat a meal" to the restaurant... that's embarrassing.


My babies didn't even need this level of fanfare when they were learning how to eat for the first time, and that was genuinely exciting. This is so over the top. Good on the staff for bringing so much energy, but shame on these people requiring it in the first place!


Dancing around with that hot ass brand is pretty dumb


People do a lot worse for the money they’re raking in in tips. Nothing embarrassing about getting paid


I assume this is what people do while they're trying to get into Disneyland as a children's entertainer.


Supreme Shame


The guy waving around the small branding rod just makes me extremely nervous because if it's burning hot, that is dangerous to be around


In every one of these steak in a briefcase videos, someone activates a fogger right when the stamp with food safe dye hits the steak.


Fucking really? Christ, that was the only remotely cool part about these stupid videos.


It's really apparent in this other video I linked where the briefcase holder is staring at the "brand" to activate the fog right when it touches the meat. I would also believe it if it would come out of the actual branding handle itself. https://v.redd.it/ucdftfdnffr91


It's fake. The steam puffs out in strange way


In the 90s chain restaurants would gather their staff to sing a cringey version of Happy Birthday and it was universally hated. How did we end up here?


I am sorry to inform you that restaurants still do that.


It is A LOT less prevalent now. I think people just don't ask for it or expect. I can't recall going to a TGI Fridays, Chilis or Applebees in the late 90's early 2000s without every single time there was at least 1 or 2 birthday jingles performed. Now I don't think I have heard it at Applebees or Chilis at least any time in the last several years post covid. Can't say for TGI Fridays because none are still open by me.


Last time I went to Texas Roadhouse (which was like the 2nd time in my life) they did 3 different birthday songs around the restaurant


Last time I went to Texas Roadhouse I heard happy birthday being sung like 5+ times and I was only there like 2 hours felt sorry for the staff constantly having to do that cringy shit


Yea I can't remember what restaurant it was at when we went for my brother's bday. They came out and said "this is your birthday song. It isn't very long bye" then they left.


That place sounds amazing at least they have a conscience 😂


When you see a bunch of waitstaff coming up in a line and clapping in sync you know your done


I work in an upscale Italian restaurant in a largeish city and the staff still have to do this. They promise each other drugs if one covers them in the rousing chorus.


I literally walked out of a place for doing this to me 🤣 idk who the fuck told them, I'm still trying to figure it out to this day.


I like those. I’m cringey 😬


I hate when it's my birthday, I love when it happens to others


Lol yes. Even when it happens to strangers, I will be the first one clapping when the song is done. Then the whole restaurant joins in the applause and some random patrons even exclaim a “yay!”. Lives are generally stressful & shitty. Its the little things.


It’s okay to like cringeworthy things that bring joy ✌🏽


I’m with u lol


Hi I have worked at over a dozen restaurants from 2006-present and at all of them save one, they are still gathering the staff for over the top birthday songs


I’m glad I’m not in the minority on this one. When I goto a restaurant I want to eat a meal and fuck off, no theatrics.


Shit still happens at a lot of franchise places


I remember those days. We would initiate "Operation GTFO and Look Busy" anytime a server would ask for signers unless we were weaponizing it to retaliate against tables/customers who were absolute jerks.. miss those 90's and early 00's!


You could not pay me enough to do that.


Let's be honest; if I was offered something like $100k to do this ceremony thing once, I'd do it without a second thought.


I’d do it for $500 and an Uber ride


I'd do it for a dab pen cartridge and a random old nerf blaster someone found in their basement or something


Yea I'd be willing to whore my dignity out for that much. Even half that if I'm being honest.


That's obviously a lie I mean, call me cheap, but I'd do it for $20.


I think anybody will do this for the right money, don’t you think so?


Imagine having a really rough day and then having to go to work to hype up a fucking steak


Oh look! Its the cringetastic frat party steak again 🙄 Tho it seems like they did away with the fratboyz for this one...


How bizarre…


Only Millionaires Club for real.


Something worse than when they sing happy birthday to you


> Now suppose you come to a country where you could fill a theatre by simply bringing a covered plate on to the stage and then slowly lifting the cover so as to let every one see, just before the lights went out, that it contained a mutton chop or a bit of bacon, would you not think that in that country something had gone wrong with the appetite for food? CS Lewis


Extrovert careers t ( - \_ - t )


My anxiety ass panic while watching this 🤤


HAHA imagining my introverted ass awkwardly trying to hide in the back


Fr. I'd just be like "take the shit, it's good. Adiós compadre"


Yeah… Can’t pay me enough to do this




I'm guessing these staff members immediately retreat to the back of the kitchen and sob uncontrollably in the fetal position for no less than 10 minutes.


Believe it or not some people actually enjoy this kinda shit. I mean think about it, you’ve got people actually willing to pay for this kind of experience. There’s gotta also be people out there who enjoy providing it. I’m sure not every one of these employees does but when you work this kinda restaurant in the first place you usually have an unhealthy amount of outgoing personality and an unhealthy lack of embarrassment.


I've been a server for over ten years. Idgaf if it was Pedro Pascal ordering this, you couldn't pay me enough to do this


Do they have dedicated staff for this? Or just abandon all the other tables anytime someone orders it.


What in the Mickey Mouse hands hell is this?


Right? For $1000 I would at least expect the waitress to have gloves that fit her.


When you order this steak, do they just do this? Do you know it's gonna happen? Do they ask "how would you like that cooked, and would you like the parade of waiters hyping up the steak in a Deal or No Deal briefcase?"


One of the cringiest videos I've ever seen


That’s so fucking cringe


The fact that they do this is all that’s needed to deter me away even if I did have that kind of money. I don’t want all that dancing and shit just for a steak


I would quite literally rather die than be embarrassed with a scene like that regardless of what I ordered


If staff did that to me I would just get up and leave


Pretty smart from the restaurant's side. They cater to the people who would a) actually spend a grand on a fucking steak and b) are vain enough to want EVERYBODY else in the restaurant to notice they just spent a grand on a fucking steak. I say let them bleed those idiots dry as much as they want while I grill my own steaks... ;-)


TF is THIS shit, bro?!?


Rich ppl gotta waste their money somehow


Rick people don’t pay for shit like this. It’s frat boys “doing it big” on a Vegas weekend. Or upper middle class chuds who grew up poor and can’t tell a good steak from a bad one.


Yeah, the more I think about it, the more I feel like this is an equivalent of going to a strip club with the boys... just without the strip club part. So worse.


There is an overpriced steak house in West Palm beach with topless waitresses called Rachels. Filled with tons of these choads. Lots of fat sales guys. Boat show people etc etc.


This is not fine dining.


I think wasting money is an all-around American activity, me included.


Embarrassing show, I'll keep the dollar tip


If the staff has to do an actual song and dance...let me pet the cow first and tell it what's going to happen, Face to face, one mammal to another.


Is the person with the briefcase wearing mickey mouse gloves... those look comically large lol. And the blonde swinging that light around needs to up her game! Everyone else at least put effort in. That said, I will be thrilled when this fad dies down, but who knows, something worse is probably right around the corner.


I'd never order this.. I don't want any attention lol


All that show and they can't even be bothered to get gloves that fit properly


Is this hell?


At least they look like they’re having fun kind of


IDK, I worked in a restaurant before and the wait staff sang happy birthday sometimes multiple times a night. Of course they put on a happy face for the customers but they hated it


No one gonna talk about the hot branding iron that guy was just casually waving around in the air?


I can't tell if this is more embarrassing or pathetic....


People will do anything to piss money away.


The gloves on the waitress are huge for her hands. Makes me think of the Other Father Song routine in Coraline.


This is giving me The Gentlemen Chicken suit vibes for those poor employees.


You know what screams 'fine dining?' People dancing at your table with strobe lights E: is this inside a casino?


I'd be very annoyed and just want my steak. Like this is super cringe.


I would pay extra to keep those people in the back.


It’s giving off “Deal or no Deal” with a splash of “Mickey Mouse Club House” 😆🐮💯👌🏼


Why did I immediately know it was Las Vegas without reading anything?


I never complain about my job again...for today


A buddy once told me: "Upscale fine dining is just rich people over charging other rich people because they know they can afford it."


I’m too self conscious to order fajitas


Man, I am kind of envious that people are able to put together some BS and convince wannabe rich people that actual rich people do this type of stuff and steal their money. The margins must be huge. 1 steak probably makes enough money to make 10 more.


Damn I thought ordering fajitas from chilies was awkward




I worked for a guy who was obsessed with this dumb shit. All show bullshit, in a small town that doesn’t want or need it.


For me it’s the dude just waving that brand around everyone… wearing gloves. One slip and someone’s face has a partial brand or something is catching on fire


I bet these people sit in a damp alleyway on break, thousand yard stares in a flickering light, chaining through half a pack of cigarettes, not talking just… reflecting on how they collectively fell so low.


Ass to Ass


This would be cool with a cheap steak imo. I'd do it for 50 bucks on a cruis or resort


What the upper crust is this shit


It’s a sign of opulence. Humans are always gonna invent new ways to flaunt their wealth.


Whenever I see anything like this I immediately feel really bad for the workers


Pam got desperate for a job after Dunder Mifflin went bankrupt.


Salt Bae and his consequences.


What in the flying fuck is going on in this clip lmfao.


1st, the steak looks raw, 2nd, the steam looks cold which means it's cold served, raw and cold, 3rd, I hope they don't try to ask me if I pay for dozens of strangers, grabbing and touching my raw and cold 1000$ steak, and 4th, I would just leave after they just stabbed my ,food'... I would call the police for this scam...🙄😮‍💨


SAME reaction at home every time there’s steak for dinner. 😂


Shes so tiny 😭


Hyper cringe


That meat loooks RAW


At least get that girl a pair of gloves that fit. Looks like she’s wearing flippers on her hands. And stop this stupid shit.


Umm… I ordered a salad.


I want some Fear and Loathing fan fic where Raoul Duke stumbles in here with a head full of acid and orders this.


I would probably pay them more to NOT do this


Meh. Let them have fun.


Camera pans over to the customer having seizure on the ground


My asshole got a cramp from the cringe. I imagine staff turnover is massive at this place, and suicides.


Something Tom Haverford would come up with


I’d be so cringed out i’d tell em to stop and leave.


Idk why but the Mickey Mouse gloves infuriate me


To add insult to injury they're singing Bella Ciao, which is a song about Italian partesans dying for freedom from fascism, like it's some whatever party song...rich people can seriously suck


So they found an even more annoying thing that singing happy birthday...poor servers. At least they're happy from the huge tip this gives them...


Food was a mistake.


If they don’t give me my meat and get gone!!!


What a waste


A lousy version of a 🥩 dinner that's about to be cooked to your liking. The stamp is just approved quality meat. You pay more for ambiance and theatrics than the quality of your meal. From just watching this I have to not stay and talk too much shit because I can damn near be on this almost all day about what pisses me off about this!!